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Full text of "How to Study the Bible by R. A. Torrey"

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Sufi. Chic* f BiUi Institute. 

Amtktr «r "Htm It Bring Mtn It CkrUt," "Bt/tlsm With IJU Htlf 

Sfirit," tte. 

" The opening of thy words giveth light; it givtth under' 
standing unto the simple."— Pb. 119, 130, R. V. 

N*w York, Chicago, Toronto. 

PubUtktrt 4 EvnftUcml Lilrrttwrt. 

CopyrigkUd 1896 by 
Fleming H. Revell Company. 


This book has been written for two reasons: 
first, because it seemed to be needed; second, 
to save the writer time and labor. Letters are 
constantly coming in from all quarters asking 
how to study the Bible. It is impossible to 
refuse to answer a question so important as that, 
but it takes much time to answer it at all as it 
should be answered. This book is written as 
an answer to those who have asked the question, 
and to those who may wish to ask it. Nothing 
is more important for our own mental, moral 
and spiritual development, or for our increase in 
usefulness, than Bible study. But not all Bible 
study is equally profitable. Some Bible study is 
absolutely profitless. " How to study the Bible 
so as to get the largest profit from it," is a ques- 
tion of immeasurable importance. The answer 
to the question, found in this book, has been for 
the most part given in addresses by the author, 
at the Chicago Bible Institute, before the sum' 


mer gatherings of college students, at minis- 
terial conferences and Y. M. C. A. conventions. 
Many, especially ministers, who have heard 
these addresses have asked that they might be 
put in a permanent shape. I have promised for 
two years to comply with this request, but have 
never found time to do so until now. 


Part First. 
Methods of Profitable Bible Study. 

Chapter I. 


Introductory to Methods of Bible Study 


Chapter II. 

Study of Individual Books 


Chapter III. 

Topical Study - • • 


Chapter IV. 

Biographical Study 


Chapter' V. 

Study of Types .... 


Chapter VI. 
Study of the Books of the Bible in the Order Given 
in the Bible and in Their Chronological Order 85 

Chapter VII. 
The Study of the Bible for Practical Usefulness in 
Dealing With Men 88 


Part Second. 
Fundamental Conditions. 

Chapter I. 
Fundamental Conditions of the Most Profitable Bible 
Study ...... gj 

Chapter II. 
Final Suggestions • - - 116 






We shall consider the most profitable Methods 
of Bible Study before we consider the Funda- 
mental Conditions of Profitable Bible study. Many 
readers of this book will probably be frightened, 
at first, at the seeming elaborateness and difficulty 
of some of the methods of study suggested. But 
they are not as difficult as they appear. Their 
practicability and fruitfulness have been tested in 
the class-room, and that not with classes made up 
altogether of college graduates, but largely com- 
posed of persons of very moderate education; in 
some cases of almost no education. They do re- 
quire time and hard work. It must be remem- 
bered, however, that the Bible contains gold, and 
almost any one is willing to dig for gold, es- 
pecially if it is certain that he will find it. It is 
certain that one will find gold in the Bible, if he 


digs. As one uses the methods here recom- 
mended, he will find his ability to do the work 
rapidly increasing by exercise, until he can soon 
do more in fifteen minutes than at the outset he 
could do in an hour. 

The first method of study suggested will be 
found to be an exceptionally good mental train- 
ing. When one has pursued this method of study 
for a time, his powers of observation will have 
been so quickened, that he will see at a glance 
what, at first, he only saw upon much study and 
reflection. This method of study will also train 
the logical powers, cultivating habits of order, sys- 
tem and classification in one's intellectual pro- 
cesses. The power of clear, concise and strong 
expression will also be developed. No other 
book affords the opportunity for intellectual de- 
velopment by its study, that is to be found in the 
Bible. No other book, and no other subject, will 
so abundantly repay close and deep study. The 
Bible is much read, but comparatively little 
studied. It will probably be noticed by some 
that the first method of study suggested is practi- 
cally the method now pursued in the study of na- 
ture; first, careful analysis and ascertainment of 
facts; second, classification of facts. But the 
facts of revelation far transcend those of nature 
in sublimity, suggestiveness, helpfulness and prac- 
tical utility. They are also far more accessible. 


We cannot all be profound students of nature; 
we can all be profound students of Scripture. 
Many an otherwise illiterate person has a marvel- 
ous grasp of Bible truth. It was acquired by 
study. There are persons who have studied little 
else, who have studied the Scriptures, by the 
hour, daily, and their consequent wisdom is the 
astonishment and sometimes the dismay of schol- 
ars and theologians. 



The first method of Bible study that we shall 
consider is the study of the Bible by individual 
books. This method of study is the most thor- 
ough, the most difficult, and the one that yields 
the largest and most permanent results. We 
take it up first because in the author's opinion it 
should occupy the greater portion of our time. 

I. — The first work to do, is to select the book 
to study. This is a very important matter. If 
Ane makes an unfortunate selection he may be- 
come discouraged and give up a method of study 
that might have been most fruitful. 

A few points will be helpful to the beginner: 
I . For your first book-study, choose a short 
book. The choice of a long book to begin with, 
will lead to discouragement in any one but a 
person of rare perseverance. It will be so long 
before the final results, which far more than pay 
for all the labor expended, are reached, that the 
ordinary student will give it up. 



2. Choose a comparatively easy book. Some 
books of the Bible present grave difficulties not 
to be found in other books. One will wish to 
meet and overcome these later, but it is not the 
work for a beginner to set for himself. When 
his powers have become trained by reason of 
use, then he can do this successfully and satisfac- 
torily, but, if he attempts it, as so many rashly 
do, at the outset, he will soon find himself 
floundering. The First Epistle of Peter is an ex- 
ceedingly precious book, but a few of the most 
difficult passages in the Bible are in it. If it 
were not for these difficult passages, it would be 
a good book to recommend to the beginner, but 
in view of these difficulties it is not wise to 
undertake to make it a subject of exhaustive 
study until later. 

3. Choose a book that is rich enough in its 
teaching to illustrate the advantages of this 
method of study and thus give a keen appetite 
for further studies of the same kind. When one 
has gone through one reasonably large and full 
book by the method of study about to be de- 
scribed, he will have an eagerness for it, that will 
make it sure that he will somehow find time for 
further studies of the same sort. 

A book that meets all the conditions stated is 
the First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians. 
It is quite short, it has no great difficulties of 


interpretation, meaning or doctrine, and it is 
exceedingly rich in its teaching. It has the fur- 
ther advantage of being the first in point of time 
of the Pauline Epistles. The First Epistle of 
John is not in most respects a difficult book, and 
it is one of the richest books in the Bible. 

II. — The second work to do, is to master the 
general contents of the book. The method of 
doing this is very simple. It consists in merely 
reading the book through&without stopping and 
then reading it through again, and then again, 
say a dozen times in all, at a single sitting. To 
one who has never tried it, it does not seem as 
if that would amount to much, but any thought- 
ful man who has ever tried it will tell you quite 
differently. It is simply ^wonderful how a book 
takes on new meaning and beauty upon this sort 
of an acquaintance. It begins to open up. New 
relations between different parts of the book be- 
gin to disclose themselves. Fascinating lines of 
thought running through the book appear. The 
book is grasped as a whole, and the relation of 
the various parts to one another apprehended, 
and a foundation laid for an intelligent study of 
those parts in detail. Rev. James M. Gray of 
Boston, a great lover of the Bible and prominent 
teacher of it, says that for many years of his 
ministry he had " an inadequate and unsatisfac- 


tory knowledge of the English Bible." "The 
first practical idea which he received in the study 
of the English Bible was from a layman. The 
brother possessed an unusual serenity and joy in 
his Christian experience, which he attributed to 
his reading of the Epistle to the Ephesians. Mr. 
Gray asked him how he had read it, and he said 
he had taken a pocket copy of the Epistle into 
the woods one Sunday afternoon, and read it 
through at a single sitting, repeating the process 
as many as a dozen times before stopping, and 
when he arose he had gotten possession of the 
Epistle, or rather its wondrous truths had gotten 
possession of him. This was the secret, simple 
as it was, for which Mr. Gray had been waiting 
and praying." From this time on Mr. Gray 
studied his Bible through in this way, and it be- 
came to him a new book. 

Ill . — The third work is to prepare an intro- 
duction to the Book. Write down at the top of 
separate sheets of paper or cards the following 
questions: (i) Who wrote this book ? (2) 
To whom did he write ? (3) Where did he 
write it? (4) When did he write it? (5) 
What was the occasion of his writing? (6) 
What was the purpose for which he wrote ? (7) 
What were the circumstances of the author when 
he wrote ? (8) What were the circumstances 


of those to whom he wrote ? (9) What 
glimpses does the book give into the life and 
character of the author? (10) What are the 
leading ideas of the book? (n) What is the 
central truth of the book? (12) What are 
the characteristics of the book ? 

Having prepared your sheets of paper with 
these questions at the head, lay them side by 
side on your study table before you, and go 
through the book slowly, and, as you come to an 
answer to any one of these questions, write it 
down on the appropriate sheet of paper. It may 
be necessary to go through the book several 
times to do the work thoroughly and satisfacto- 
rily, but you will be amply repaid. When you 
have finished your own work in this line, and not 
until then, it will be well, if possible, to com- 
pare your results with those reached by others. 
A book that will serve as a good illustration of 
this introductory work is " The New Testament 
and Its Writers," Rev. J. A. McClymont. 

The introduction one prepares for himself will 
be worth many times.more to him than any that 
he can procure from others. The work itself is 
a rare education of the faculties of perception, 
comparison and reasoning. 

The answers to our questions will sometimes 
be found in some related book. For example, 
if we are studying one of the Pauline Epistles, the 
answer to our questions may be found in the Acts 


of the Apostles, or in the Epistle written to the 
place from which the one studied was written. Of 
course, all the questions given will not apply to 
every book in the Bible. 

If one is not willing to give the time and labor 
necessary, this introductory work can be omitted, 
but only at a great sacrifice. Single passages in 
an epistle can never be correctly understood un- 
less we know to whom they were written. Much 
false interpretation of the Bible arises from tak- 
ing some direction manifestly intended for local 
application to be of universal authority. So, 
also, oftentimes false interpretation arises from ap- 
plying to the unbeliever what was intended for the 
saint. Noting the occasion of writing, will clear 
up the meaning of a passage that would be other- 
wise obscure. Bearing in mind the circumstances 
of the author when he wrote, will frequently give 
new force to his words. When we remember 
that the jubilant epistle to the Philippians, with 
its oft-repeated " rejoice in the Lord " and its 
" in nothing be anxious; but in everything by 
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let 
your requests be made known unto God. And the 
peace of God, which passeth all understanding, 
shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in 
Christ Jesus," was written by a prisoner awaiting 
possible sentence of death, how much more 
meaningful it becomes. Bearing in mind the 


main purpose for which a book was written, will 
help to interpret its incidental exhortations in their 
proper relations. In fact, the answers to all the 
questions will be valuable in all the work that 
follows, as well as valuable in themselves. 

I V. — The fourth work is to divide the book into 
its proper sections. Thiswork is not indispensable, 
but still it is valuable. Go through the book and 
notice the principal divisions in the thought, and 
mark these. Then go through these divisions 
and find if there are any natural subdivisions and 
mark these. In this work of dividing the epistle, 
the Revised Version, which is not chopped up 
by a purely mechanical and irrational verse divis- 
ion, but divided according to a logical plan, will 
be of great help. Having discovered the divis- 
ions of the book, proceed to give to each section 
an appropriate caption. Make this caption as 
precise a statement of the general contents of the 
section as possible. Make it also as terse and 
striking as possible, so that it will fix itself in the 
mind. As far as possible let the captions of the 
subdivisions connect themselves with the general 
caption of the division. Do not attempt too elabo- 
rate a division at first. The following division of 
ist Peter, without many marked subdivisions, will 
serve as a simple illustration of what is meant: 
I. Chap, i: i, 2. Introduction and. saluta- 


tion to the pilgrims and sojourners in Pontus, 

2. Chap, i: 3-12. The Inheritance reserved 
in heaven and the Salvation ready to be revealed 
for those pilgrims who in the midst of manifold 
temptations are kept by the power of God 
through faith. 

3. Chap, i: 13-25. The pilgrim's conduct 
during the days of his pilgrimage. 

4. Chap, ii: 1-10. The high calling, posi- 
tion and destiny of the pilgrim people. 

5. Chap, ii: 11, 12. The pilgrim's conduct 
during the days of his pilgrimage. 

6. Chap, ii: 13-17. The pilgrim's duty to- 
ward the human governments under which he 

7. Chap, ii: 18: — iii: 7. The duty of various 
classes of pilgrims. 

a. Chap, ii: 18-25. The duty of servants to- 
ward their masters— enforced by an appeal to 
Christ's conduct under injustice and reviling. 

b. Chap, iii: 1-6. The duty of wives toward 

c. Chap, iii: 7. The duty of husbands to- 
ward their wives. 

8. Chap, iii: 8-12. The conduct of pilgrims 
toward one another. 

9. Chap, iii: 13-22. The pilgrim suffering for 
righteousness' sake. 


10. Chap, iv: 1-6. The pilgrim's separation 
from the practices of those among whom he 
spends the days of his pilgrimage. 

ix. Chap, iv: 7-1 1. The pilgrim's sojourning 
drawing to a close and his conduct during the 
last days. 

12. Chap, iv: 12-19. The pilgrim suffering for 
and with Christ. 

13. Chap, v: 1-4. The duty and reward of 

14. Chap, v: 5-1 1. The pilgrim's walk — hum- 
ble and trustful, watchful and steadfast — and a 

15. Chap, v: 12-14. Conclusion and benedic- 

V. — The fifth work is to take up each verse in 
order and study it. 

1 . The first thing to be done in this verse by 
verse study of the book is to get the exact mean- 
ing of the verse. How is this to be done ? There 
are three steps that lead into the meaning of a 

a. The first step is to get the exact meaning 
of the words used. There will be found two 
classes of words: those whose meaning is per- 
fectly apparent, those whose meaning is doubtful. 
It is quite possible to find the precise meaning of 
these doubtful words. This is not done by con- 
sulting a dictionary. That is an easy but danger- 


ous method of finding the scriptural significance 
of a word. The only safe and sure method is to 
study the usage of the word in the Bible itself, 
and especially in that particular Bible-writer, one 
of whose writings we are studying. To study the 
Bible usage of words one must have a Con- 
cordance. Altogether, the best Concordance is 
Strong's " Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible." 
The next best, Young's "Analytical Concordance." 
Cruden's Complete Concordance will do, if one 
cannot afford a better. But the student should, 
as soon as possible, procure Strong's " Ex- 
haustive Concordance." All the passages in 
which the word, whose meaning is being sought, 
occurs should be found and examined, and in this 
way the precise meaning of the word will be deter- 
mined. Many an important Bible doctrine turns 
upon the meaning of a word. Thus, for ex- 
ample, two schools of theology divide on the 
meaning of the word "justify." The critical 
question is, does the word " justify " mean " to 
make righteous," or does it mean " to count or 
declare righteous " ? The correct interpretation 
of many passages of Scripture turns upon the 
sense which we give to this word. Let one look 
up all the passages in the Bible in which the 
word is found, and there will be no doubt as to 
the Bible usage and meaning of the word. Deut. 
xxv: 1; Ex. xxiii: 7; Is. v: 23; Luke xvi: 15; 


Rom. ii: 13; iii: 23, 24; Luke xviii: 14; Rom. 
iv: 2-8, R. V., will serve to illustrate the Biblical 
usage. By the use of Strong's Concordance, or 
Young's, the student will see that the same word 
may be used in the English version as the trans- 
lation of several Greek or Hebrew words. Of 
course, in determining the Biblical usage, we 
should give especial weight to those passages in 
which the English word examined is the trans- 
lation of the same word in Greek or Hebrew. 
Either of the Concordances just mentioned will 
enable us to do this, even though we are not at 
all acquainted with Greek or Hebrew. It will 
be much easier to do it with Strong's Concord- 
ance than Young's. It is surprising how many 
knotty problems in the interpretation of scripture 
are solved by the simple examination of the Bib- 
lical usage of words. For example, one of the 
burning questions of to-day is the meaning of 
I Jno. i: 7. Does this verse teach that " the 
blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us" from all 
the guilt of sin; or does it teach us that "the 
blood of Jesus Christ " cleanseth us from the very 
presence of sin, so that by the blood of Christ, 
indwelling sin is itself eradicated? Many of 
those who read this question will answer it off- 
hand at once, one way or the other. But the 
off-hand way pf answering questions of this kind, 
is a very bad way. Take your concordance and 


look up every passage in the Bible in which the 
word " cleanse " is used in connection with 
blood, and the question will be answered con- 
clusively and forever. Never conclude that you 
have the right meaning of a verse until you have 
carefully determined the meaning of all doubtful 
words in it by an examination of Bible usuage. 
Even when you are pretty sure you know the 
meaning of the words, it is well not to be too 
sure until you have looked it up. 

b. The second step in ascertaining the mean- 
ing of a verse is to carefully notice the context 
(what goes before and what comes after). Many 
verses, if they stood alone, might be capable of 
several interpretations, but when what goes be- 
fore and what comes after is considered, all the 
interpretations but one are seen to be impossible. 
Take for example Jno. xiv: 18, "I will not leave 
you desolate: I come unto you." (R. V.) To 
what does Jesus refer when He says " I come 
unto you" ? One commentator says, He refers 
to His reappearance to His disciples after His res- 
urrection to comfort them. Another says that He 
refers to His second coming, as it is called. 
Another says He refers to His coming through the 
Holy Spirit's work to manifest Himself to His 
disciples and make His abode with them. Which 
does He mean ? When " doctors disagree, " can 
an ordinary layman decide? Yes, very often. 


Surely in this case. If any one will carefully 
note what Jesus is talking about in the verses 
immediately preceding (verses 15-17) and in the 
verses immediately following (verses 19-26). he 
will have no doubt as to what coming Jesus re- 
fers to in this passage. You can see this by try- 
ing it for yourself. 

A very large proportion of the vexed questions 
of Biblical interpretation, can be settled by this 
very simple method of noticing what goes before 
and what comes after. Many of the sermons one 
hears, become very absurd when one takes the 
trouble to notice the setting of the preacher's 
text and how utterly foreign the thought of the 
sermon is to the thought of the text, regarded in 
the light of the context. 

c. The third step in ascertaining the correct 
and precise meaning of a verse, is the examina- 
tion of parallel passages, *'. e., passages that 
treat the same subject — passages, for example, 
that give another account of the same address or 
event, or passages that are evidently intended as 
a commentary on the passage in hand. Very 
often, after having carefully studied the words 
used and the context, we will still be in doubt as 
to which of two or three possible interpretations 
of a verse is the one intended by the writer or 
speaker. In such a case there is always some- 
where else in the Bible a passage that will settle 


this question. Take for example, Jno. xiv: 3, 
" I come again and will receive you unto myself; 
that where I am, there ye may be also." (R. V.) 
A careful consideration of the words used in their 
relation to one another, will go far in determin- 
ing the meaning of this passage, but still we find 
among commentators whose opinion ought to 
have some weight, these four interpretations: 
First, the coming here referred to is Christ's 
coming at death to receive the believer unto 
himself, as in the case of Stephen. Second, the 
coming again at the resurrection. Third, the 
coming again through the Holy Spirit. Fourth, 
the coming again of Christ when He returns per- 
sonally and gloriously at the end of the age. 
Which of these four interpretations is the cor- 
rect one ? What has already been said about 
verse 18 might seem to settle the question, but it 
does not; for it is not at all clear that the coming 
in verse 3 is the same as in verse 1 8, for what is 
said in connection with the two comings is al- 
together different. In the one case it is a com- 
ing of Christ to " receive you unto myself, that 
where I am, there ye may be also "; in the other 
case it is a coming of Christ to manifest Himself 
unto us and make His abode with us. But for- 
tunately there is averse that settles the question, 
an inspired commentary on the Words of Jesus. 
This is found in I Thess. iv: 16, 17. This will 


be seen clearly if we arrange the two passages in 
parallel columns. 
Jno. xiv: J. 
I come again 

and will receive yon unto 

that where I am there ye 
may be also. 

/ TAess. iv: 16, 17. 
The Lord himself shall 

we . . . shall be caught up 
... to meet the Lord 

so shall we ever be with the 

The two passages manifestly match exactly in 
the three facts stated, and beyond a doubt refer 
to the same event. But if any one will look at 
all closely at I Thess., iv: 16, 17, there can be 
no doubt as to what coming of our Lord is re- 
ferred to there. " The Treasury of Scripture 
Knowledge " will be of great assistance in find- 
ing parallel passages. These are the three steps 
that lead us into the meaning of a verse. They 
require work, but it is work that any one can do, 
and when the meaning of a verse is thus settled 
we arrive at conclusions that are correct and 
fixed. After taking these steps it is well to con- 
sult commentaries, and see how our conclusions 
agree with those of others. Before we proceed 
to the next thing to be done with a verse after its 
meaning has been determined, let it be said, that 
God intended to convey some definite truth in 
each verse of scripture, and any one of from two 
to a dozen interpretations of a verse is not as 


good as another. With every verse of scripture 
we should ask, not What can this be made to 
teach? but What was this intended to teach? and 
we should not rest satisfied until we have settled 
that. Of course, it is admitted a verse may 
have a primary meaning and other more remote 
meanings. For example, a prophecy may have 
its primary fulfilment in some personage or event 
near at hand, e. g., Solomon, and a more remote 
and complete fulfilment in Christ. 

2. We are not through with a verse when we 
have determined its meaning. The next thing 
to do is to analyze the verse. This is most inter- 
esting and profitable work. It is also a rare 
education of the various faculties of the intellect. 
The way to do it is this: Look steadfastly at the 
verse and ask yourself, What does this verse 
teach? and then begin to write down: This verse 

teaches, ist, ; 2d, ; 3d, , etc. At 

the first glance very likely you will see but one 
or two things the verse teaches, but, as you look 
again and again, the teachings will begin to mul- 
tiply, and you will wonder how one verse could 
teach so much, and you will have an ever grow- 
ing sense of the divine authorship of the Book. 
It is related of the younger Prof. Agassiz that a 
young man came to him to study ichthyology. 
The Professor gave him a fish to study and told 
him to come back when he had mastered that 


fish and get another lesson. In time the young 
man came back and told Prof. A. what he had 
observed about the fish. When he had finished, 
to his surprise he was given the same fish again, 
and told to study it further. He came back 
again, having observed new facts, and, as he sup- 
posed, all the facts about the fish. But again he 
was given the same fish to study, and so it went 
on, lesson after lesson, until that student had 
been taught what his perceptive faculties were 
for, and also taught to do thorough work. In 
the same way ought we to study the Bible. We 
ought to come back to the same verse of the 
Bible again and again, until we have gotten, as 
far as it is possible to us, all that is in the verse. 
Then the probability is that when we come back to 
the same verse several months afterward we will 
find something we did not see before. It may 
be, that an illustration of this method of analysis 
will be helpful. Let us take I Pet. i: i, 2. 
(Here we have an instance in which the verse di- 
vision of our Authorized version is so manifestly 
illogical and absurd that in our analysis we can- 
not follow it, but must take the two verses to- 
gether. This will often be the case.) 

I Pet., i: 1, 2. These verses teach: 

(1.) This epistle is by Peter. 

(2.) The Peter who wrote this epistle was an 
apostle of Jesus Christ. 


(3.) Peter delighted to think and speak of 
himself as one sent of Jesus Christ. (Comp. 
II Pet., i: 1.) 

(Note — ApostU is Greek for Latin Mission- 

(4.) The name, Jesus Christ (used twice in 
these two verses). Significance: 

a. Saviour. 

b. Annointed One. 

c. Fulfiller of the Messianic predictions of 
the O. T. "Christ" has especially 
reference to the earthly reign of Christ 

(5.) This Epistle was written to the elect, es- 
pecially to the elect who are sojourners of the 
dispersion in Pontus, *. e., Paul's old field of 

(Note — Tie question whether speaking of the 
dispersion implies that the destination of this 
Epistle was to Jewish Christians will have been 
taken up and answered in the introduction to the 

(6.) Believers are: 

a, elect or chosen of God. 

b, foreknown of God. 

c, sanctified of the Spirit. 

d, sprinkled by the blood of Jesus Christ. 

e, sojourners or pilgrims on earth. 
/, subjects of multiplied grace. 

g, possessors of multiplied peace. 


(7.) Election. 
a . Who are the elect ? Believers. Comp. 

vs. 5. 
*. To what are they elect ? 

a, obedience. 

b, sprinkling of the blood of Jesus. 
According to what are they elect? The fore- 
knowledge of God. Comp. Rom. viii: 29, 30. 

In what are they elect? Sanctification of the 

The test of election: Obedience. Comp. II 
Pet. i: 10. 

The work of the three persons of the Trinity 
in election 

a. The Father foreknows. 

*. Jesus Christ cleanses from guilt by His 

c. The Spirit sanctifies. 

(8.) God is the Father of the elect. 

(9.) The humanity of Christ: seen in the men- 
tion of His blood. 

(10.) The reality of the body of Jesus Christ: 
seen in the mention of His blood. 

(11.) It is by His blood and not by His ex- 
ample that Jesus Christ delivers from sin. 

(12.) Peter's first and great wish and prayer 
for those to whom he wrote was that grace and 
peace might be multiplied. 


(13.) It is not enough to have grace and peace. 
One should have multiplied grace and peace. 

(14.) That men already have grace and peace 
is no reason to cease praying for them, but rather 
an incentive to prayer that they may have more 
grace and peace. 

(15.) Grace precedes peace. Comp. all pas- 
sages where these words are found together. 

This is simply an illustration of what is meant 
by analysing a verse. Tho whole book should 
be gone through in this way. 

There are three rules to be observed in this 
analytical work. 1st. Do not put anything into 
your analysis that is not clearly in the verse. 
One of the greatest faults in Bible study is read- 
ing into passages what God never put into them. 
Some men have their pet doctrines, and see them 
everywhere, and even where God does not see 
them. No matter how true, precious or scrip- 
tural a doctrine is, do not put it into your analysis 
where it is not in the verse. Considerable ex- 
perience with classes in this kind of study leads 
me to emphasize this rule. 2d. Find all that 
is in the verse. This rule can only be carried 
out relatively. Much will escape you, the verses 
of the Bible are such a great deep, but do not 
rest until you have dug, and dug, and dug, and 
there seems to be nothing more to find. 3d* 
State what you do find just as accurately and ex- 


actly as possible. Do not be content with put- 
ting into your analysis something like what is in 
the verse, but state in your analysis precisely 
what is in the verse. 

VI. — The sixth work in the study of the book is 
to classify the results obtained by the verse by 
verse analysis. By your verse by verse analysis 
you have discovered and recorded a great number 
of facts. The work now is to get these facts into 
an orderly shape. To do this, go carefully 
through your analysis and note the subjects 
treated of in the Epistle. Write these subjects 
down as fast as noted. Having made a complete 
list of the subjects treated in the book, write 
these subjects on separate cards or sheets of pa- 
per, and then, going through the analysis again, 
copy each point in the analysis upon its appro- 
priate sheet of paper, e. g., every point regarding 
God the Father upon the card at the top of 
which this subject is written. This general class- 
ification should be followed by a more thorough 
and minute subdivision. Suppose that we are 
studying the First Epistle of Peter. Having com- 
pleted our analysis of the Epistle, and gone over 
it carefully, we will find that the following sub- 
jects, at least, are treated in the Epistle: (i) 
God. (2) Jesus Christ. (3) The Holy Spirit. 
(4) The Believer. (5) Wives and Husbands. 


(6) Servants. (7) The New Birth. (8) The 
Word of God. (9) Old Testament Scripture. 
(10) The Prophets. (11) Prayer. (12) Angels. 
(13) The Devil. (14) Baptism. (15) The Gos- 
pel. (16) Salvation. (17) The World. (18) 
Gospel Preachers and Teachers. (19) Heaven. 
(20) Humility. (21) Love. 

These will serve for general headings. But 
after the material found in the analysis is ar- 
ranged under these headings, it will be found to 
subdivide itself naturally into numerous subdi- 
visions. For example, the material under the head 
God can be subdivided into these subdivisions: 
1. His names. (The material under this head is 
quite rich). 2. His Attributes. (This should be 
subdivided again: (1) His Holiness. (2) His 
Power. (3) His Foreknowledge. (4) His Faith- 
fulness. (5) His Long-suffering. (6) His Grace. 
There are twenty-five or more points on God's 
Grace in the Epistle. (7) His Mercy. (8) His Im- 
partiality. (9) His Severity.) 3. God's Judg- 
ments. 4. God's Will. 5. What is Acceptable to 
God. 6. What is Due to God. 7. God's Dwelling 
Place. 8. God's Dominion. 9. God's Work. 
What God does. 10. The Things of God, e. g., 
" The mighty hand of God," " the house of God," 
" the gospel of God," " the flock of God," " the 
people of God," " the bondservants of God," " the 
Word of God," " the Oracles of God," etc., etc. 


An illustration in full of the classified arrange- 
men ot the teaching of a book on one doctrine, 
will probably show better how to do this work 
thar any abstract statement, and it will also il- 
lustrate in part how fruitful is this method of 
study. We will take I Peter again — its teach- 
ing regarding the Believer. 

What the Epistle Teaches About the Be- 

I. — His Privileges. 

1. His Election. 

a, He is foreknown of the Father, i : 2. 

b, He is elect or chosen of God, i : i. 

c, He is chosen of God, according to His 

foreknowledge, i : 2. 

d, He is chosen unto obedience, 1 : 2. 

e, He is chosen unto the sprinkling of the 

blood of Jesus, 1 : 2. 
/, He is chosen in sanctification of the Spirit, 
1: 2. 

2. His Calling. 

a, By whom called: 
God, 1: 15. 

The God of all grace, 5: 10. 

b, To what called: 

The imitation of Christ in the patient tak- 
ing of suffering for well doing, 2: 20, 21. 


To render blessings for reviling, 3: 9. 

Out of darkness into God's marvellous 
light, 2: 9. 

To God's eternal glory, 5: 10. 
e, In whom called: 

In Christ, 5: 10. 
d. The purpose of his calling: 

That he may show forth the praises of 
Him who called, 2: 9. 

That he may inherit a blessing, 3: 9. 

His Regeneration. 

He has been begotten again 

a, of God, 1 : 3. 

b, unto a living hope, 1 : 3. 

c, unto an inheritance incorruptible, unde* 

filed, that fadeth not away, reserved in 
heaven, 1: 4. 

d, By the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1:3. 
t, Of incorruptible seed by the word of 

God that liveth, etc., 1: 23. 
His Redemption. 
He has been redeemed, 

a, not with corruptible things, as silver and 

gold,: 1 18. 

b, with precious blood, even the blood of 

Christ, 1: 19. 

c, from his vain manner of life, handed down 

from his fathers, 1: 18. 


d, His sins have been borne by Christ, in 
His own body, on the tree, 2: 24. 

5. His Sanctification. 

He is sanctified by the Spirit, 1 : 2. 

6. His Cleansing. 

He is cleansed by the blood, 1 ; 2. 

7. His Security. 

a, He is guarded by the power of God, 1:5. 

b, He is guarded unto a salvation ready, or 

prepared, to be revealed in the last 
time, 1:5. 

c, God careth for him, 5 : 7. 

d, He can cast all his anxiety upon God, 5: 

/, The God of all grace will perfect, stablish, 

strengthen him, after a brief trial of 

suffering, 5: 10. R. V. 
/, None can harm him if he is zealous of 

that which is good, 3: 13- 
g, He shall not be put to shame, 2: 6. 

8. His Joy. 

a, The character of his joy. 
(1) . His present joy. 

A great joy, 1: 8. R. V. 
An unspeakable joy, 1 : 8. 
A joy full of glory, 1: 8. 
(Note — This present joy cannot be hindered 


by being put to grief, because of mani- 
fold temptations, 1:6.) 
(2) His future joy: exceeding, 4: 1 3. 
b, In what he rejoices: 

(1) In the salvation prepared to be re- 
vealed in the last time, 1 : 6. 

(2) Because of his faith in the unseen 
Jesus Christ, 1:8. 

(3) In fellowship in Christ's sufferings, 

4= 13. 
e, In what he shall rejoice. 

(1) In the revelation of Christ's glory, 

4: 13- 
Note — Present joy in fellowship with the 

sufferings of Christ, is the condition of 

exceeding joy at the revelation of 

Christ's glory, 4: 1 3. 

His Hope. 

a, Its character. 

(1) A living hope, 1 : 3. 

(2) A reasonable hope, 3: 15. 

(3) An inward hope, " in you," 3: 15. 

b, In whom is his hope. 
(1) In God, 1: 21. 

c, The foundation of his hope. 

(1) The resurrection of Jesus Christ, 
1: 3-21. 


10. His Salvation. 

a, A past salvation. 

(i) Has been redeemed, i: 18-19. 

(2) Has been healed, 2: 24. 
Note — By baptism, after a true likeness, 
the Believer, as Noah by the flood, has 
passed out of the old life of nature into 
the new resurrection life of grace, 

b, A present salvation. 

(1) He is now receiving the salvation of 
his soul, 1 : 9. 

c, A growing salvation, through feeding on 

His word, 2: 2, R. V. 

d, A future salvation: ready or prepared to 

be revealed in the last time, 1:5. 

1 1 . The Believer's Possessions. 

a, God as his Father, 1: 17. 

b, Christ as his 

(1) Sin bearer, 2: 24. 

(2) Example, 2: 21. 

(3) Fellow sufferer, 4: 13. 

c, A living hope, 1 : 3. 

d, An incorruptible, undefiled, unfading in- 

heritance reserved in heaven, 1 : 4. 

e, Multiplied grace and peace, 1 : 2. 

f, Spiritual milk without guile for his food, 

2: 2. 


g, Gifts for service — each believer has, or 
may have, some gift, 4: 10. 

12. What Believers Are. 
a, An elect race, 2: 9. 

6, A royal priesthood, 2: 9. 

c, A holy priesthood, 2: 5. 

</, A holy nation, 2: 9. 

/, A people for God's own possession, 2 : 9, 
R. V. 

/, Living stones, 2: 5. 

g, The House of God, 4: 17. 

h, A spiritual House, 2: 5. 

»', The flock of God, 5 : 2. 

J, Children of obedience, 1 : 14, R. V. 

k, Partakers of, or partners in, Christ's suf- 
ferings, 4: 13. 

/, Partakers of, or partners in, the glory to 
be revealed, 5:1. 

m, Sojourners or strangers, 1:1. 

n, Foreigners on earth: he has no civil rights 
here: his Citizenship is in heaven, 2, n, 
com. Phil. 3: 20, R. V. 

o, A sojourner on his way to another coun- 
try, 2: 1. 

/, A Christian: representative of Christ, 4: 

13. The Believer's Possibilities, 
a. He may die unto sin, 2: 24. 


b, He may live unto righteousness, 2: 24. 
Note — We must die unto sin if we are to 

■ live unto righteousness, 2: 24. 

c, He may follow in Christ's steps, 2:21. 

d, He may cease from sin, 4: 1. 

e, He may cease from living to the lusts of 

men, 4: 2. 
/, He may live unto the will of God, 4:2. 

Note — // is through suffering in the flesh that 
he ceases from sin and living to the lusts 
of men, and lives to the will of God. 

14. What was for the Believer. 

a. The ministry of the Prophets was in his 

behalf, 1: 12. 

b. The preciousness of Jesus is for him, 2: 7, 

R. V. 
1$. Unclassified. 

a, Has the gospel preached to him in the 

Holy Ghost, 1:12. 

b, Grace is to be brought unto him at the 

revelation of Jesus Christ, 1:3, com. 
Eph. 3: 7. 

c, Has tasted that the Lord is gracious, 2:3. 

II. — The Believer's Trial and Sufferings. 

1. The fact of the Believer's sufferings and 
trials, 1: 6. 


The nature of the Believer's sufferings and 

a, He endures griefs, suffering wrongfully, 

2: 19. 

b, He suffers for righteousness' sake, 3: 14. 

c, He suffers for well doing, 3: 17; 2: 20. 

d, He suffers as a Christian, 4: 16. 

e, He is subjected to manifold temptations, 


/, He is put to grief in manifold temptations, 

g. He is spoken against as an evil doer, 
2: 12. 

h, His good manner of life is reviled, 3: 16. 

1, He is spoken evil of because of his sepa- 
rated life, 4: 4. 

j, He is reproached for the name of Christ, 

4, 14. 
*, He is subjected to fiery trials, 4: 12. 

Encouragements for believers undergoing 
fiery trials and suffering. 

a, It is better to suffer for well doing than 

for evil doing, 3: 17. 

b. Judgment must begin at the House of 

God, and the present judgment of be- 
lievers through trial, is not comparable 
to the future end of those who obey not 
the gospel, 4: 17. 


c, Blessed is the believer who does suffer for 

righteousness' sake, 3: 14, comp. Matt. 
5: 10-12. 

d, Blessed is the believer who is reproached 

for the name of Christ, 4: 14. 

t, The Spirit of Glory and the Spirit of 
God rests upon the believer who is re- 
proached for the name of Christ, 4: 14. 

/, The believer's grief is for a little while, 1 : 
6, R. V. 

g, The believer's suffering is for a little 
while, 5: 10, R. V. 

h, Suffering for a little while will be followed 
by God's glory in Christ, which is eter- 
nal, 5: 10. 

1, The suffering endured for a little while is 
for the testing of faith, 1 : 7. 

j, The fiery trial is for a test, 4:12. 

k, The faith thus proved is more precious 
than gold, 1 : 7. 

/, Faith proven by manifold temptations will 
be found unto praise, and honor, and 
glory, at the revelation of Jesus Christ, 
1: 7- 

m, It is that his proved faith may be found 
unto praise and glory and honor at the 
revelation of Jesus Christ, that the be- 
liever is for a little while subjected to 
manifold temptations, 1 : 7. 


n, It is pleasing to God when a believer, for 
conscience toward God, endures grief, 
suffering wrongfully, 2: 19, R. V. 

o. It is pleasing to God when a believer 
takes it patiently, when he does well 
and suffers for it, 2: 20. 

/, Through suffering in the flesh we cease 
from sin, 4: 1. 

q. Those who speak evil of us shall give 
account to God, 4: 5. 
' r, Sufferings are being shared by fellow be- 
lievers, 5: 9. 

s, Christ suffered for us, 2: 21. 

/, Christ suffered for sins once (or once for 
all), the righteous for the unrighteous, 
that He might bring us to God, being 
put to death in the flesh, but quick- 
ened in the spirit, 3: 18. 

u, Christ left the believer an example that 
he should follow in His steps, 2 : 21. 

v. In our fiery trials we are made partakers 
of, or partakers in, Christ's sufferings, 

4: 13- 
v>, When His glory is revealed we shall be 
glad also with exceeding joy, 4: 13. 
4. How the believer should meet his trial and 
a, The believer should not regard his fiery 
trial as a strange thing, 4: 12. 


i, The believer should should expect fiery 
trial, 4: 12. 

c, When the believer suffers as a Christian 

let him not be ashamed, 4: 16. 

d, When the believer suffers as a Christian 

let him glorify God in this name, 4: 16. 

e, When the believer suffers fiery trials he 

should rejoice, insomuch as he is made 
partaker of Christ's suffering, 4: 13, 
R. V. 

/, When the believer suffers, let him not 
return reviling with reviling, or suffer- 
ing with threatening; but commit him- 
self to Him that judgeth righteously, 
2: 23. 

g, When the believer suffers, he should in 
well-doing commit the keeping of his 
soul unto God, as unto a faithful Cre- 
ator, 4: 19. 

III. — The Believer's Dangers. 

t. The believer may fall into fleshly lusts 
that war against the soul, 2: 11. 

2. The belieyer may sin, 2: 20, R. V. 

3. The believer may fall into sins of the 
gravest character, 4: 15. (Note in this 
verse the awful possibilities that lie dor- 


tnant in the heart of at least a sincere pro- 
fessed believer.) 

4. The believer's prayers may be hindered, 

3- 7- 

5. The believer is in danger that his high 
calling and destiny tempt him to despise 
human laws and authority, 2: 13. 

6. The believer is in danger that his high 
calling lead him to lose sight of his lowly 
obligations to human masters, 2:18. 

7. Young believers are in danger of disregard- 
ing the will and authority of older believ- 
ers. 5:15. 

IV. — The Believer's Responsibility. 

1. Each believer has an individual responsi- 
■ bility, 4: 10, R. V. 

2. Each believer's responsibility is for the gift 
he has received, 4; 10. 

V. — The Believer's Duties. 

1. What the believer should be. 

a, Be holy in all manner of living. 

(1) Because God is holy,' 1:15. 

(2) Because it is written " ye shall be 

holy," 1: 16. R. V. 

b, Be like Him who called him, 1: 15-16. 


c. Be sober, (or of a calm, collected, 

thoughtful spirit,) i: 13; 4: 7; 5: 8. 

d. Be sober, or of a calm, etc. , unto prayer, 


e. Be of a sound mind : because the end of 

all things is approaching, 4: 7. 
/. Be watchful, 5: 8. 
g. Be steadfast in the faith, 5 : 9. 
h. Be subject to every ordinance of man. 

(1) For the Lord's sake, 2:13. 

(2) To the King, as supreme, 2: 13. 

(3) To governors, as sent by the King for 
the punishment of evil doers, and for 
praise to them that do well, 2: 14. 

(4) Because this is God's will, 2: 15. 
i. Be like minded, 3: 8. 

j. Be sympathetic, 3:8. 
k. Be tenderhearted, 3: 8. 
/. Be humble minded, 3 : 8. 
m. Be ready. 

(1) Always. 

(2) To give an answer to every man that 

asketh a reason of the hope that 
is in him. 

(3) With meekness and fear. 

(4) In order to put to shame those who 

revile their good manner of life in 
Christ, 3: 1 6. 
n, Should not be troubled, 3: 14. 


What the Believer should not do. 

a, The believer should not fashion himself 

according to the lusts of the old life of 
ignorance, i: 14. 

b, The believer should not render evil for 

evil. 3: 9. 

c, The believer should not render reviling 

for reviling, 3: 9. 

d, The believer should not fear the world's 

fear, 3: 14. 

e, The believer should not live his remain- 

ing time in the flesh to the lusts of 
men, 4: 2. 
What the Believer should do. 

a, He should live as a child of obedience, 1 : 


b, Pass the time of his sojourning here in 

fear, 1: 17. 

c, Abstain from fleshly lusts that war against 

the soul, 2:11. 

d, Observe God's will as the absolute law of 

life, 2: 15. 
»', Let his conscience be governed by the 
thought of God and not by the conduct 
of men, 2: 19. 

f, Sanctify Christ in his heart as Lord, 3: 

15. R. V. Comp. Is. 8: 13. 

g, Live his remaining time in the flesh to the 

will of God, 4: 2. 


h, Put away 

(i) All malice, 2 : I. 

(2) All guile, 2:1. 

(3) Hypocrisies, 2:1, 

(4) Envies, 2: 1. 

(5) AH evil speaking, 2:1. 

i. Come unto the Lord as unto a living stone, 

/', Show forth the excellencies of him who 

called him out of darkness into His mar- 
vellous light, 2:9. 
k, Arm himself with the mind of Christ : 1. e. 

to suffer in the flesh, 4:1. 
/, Cast all his care upon God because he 

careth for him, 5 : 7. 
m, Stand fast in the true grace of God, 5 : 

n, Withstand the devil, 5: 9. 
0, Humble himself under the mighty hand of 

God, S : 5- 

(1) Because God resisteth the proud and 

giveth grace unto the humble, 5 : 


(2) That God may exalt him in due time, 

S :6. 

/, Glorify God when he suffers as a Christ- 
ian, 4 : 16. 

q. See to it that he does not suffer as a thief 
or as an evil doer or as a meddler in 
other men's matters, 4:15. 


r, Rejoice in fiery trial, 4:13. 
s,. Toward various persons. 

(1) Toward God* — fear, 2 : 17. 

(2) Toward the King — honor, 2 : 17. 

(3) Toward Masters — be in subjection 

with all fear (not only to the good 
and gentle, but to the forward) 2 : 

(4) Toward the Brotherhood, 
Love, 2: 17; 1: 22; 4: 8. 

Love from the heart, 1: 22, R. V. 

Love fervently — intensely, 1: 22; 

Gird themselves with humility as 
with a slave's apron unto one an- 
other, i. e., 

1st, Be one another's slaves. 
2nd. Wear humility as a token 
of their readiness to serve one 
another, 5:5, com. Jno. 13:4-5. 

Minister the gift he has received from 
God among the brethren as a good 
steward of the manifold grace of 
God, 4: 10. 

Use hospitality one to another with- 
out murmuring, 4: 9. 
• Salute one another with a holy kiss, 
5: 14- 


(5) Toward his revilers. 

Render blessing for reviling, 3 : 9. 

(6) Toward the Gentiles. 

Have his behavior seemly among the 
Gentiles, 2: 12. 

Notes — 1st. The reason why he should 
have his behavior seemly among the 
Gentiles; that the Gentiles might glo- 
rify God in the day of visitation, 2: 12: 
2nd. This seemly behavior should con- 
sist in good works which the Gentiles 
could behold, 2.- 12. 

(7) Toward foolish men. 

By well doing put to silence their 
ignorance, 2: 15. 

(8) Toward all men — honor, 2: 17. 

Note — The especial duties of believing hus- 
bands and wives, toward one another, 
comes under a special classification. 

t, Long for the sincere milk of the word, 

2: 2. 
u. Gird up the loins of his mind, 1:13. 
v, Grow, 2: 2. 
w, Set his hope perfectly on the grace to be 

brought unto him at the revelation of 

Jesus Christ, 1: 13, R. V. 


VI. — The Believer's Characteristics. 

i. His faith and hope is in God, i: 21. 

2. Believes in God through Jesus Christ, i : 

3. Calls on God as Father, 1: 17. 

4. Believes in Christ, though he has never 
seen Him, 1 : 8. 

5. Loves Christ though he has never seen 
Him, 1: 8. 

6. Is returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop 
of his soul, 2: 25. 

7. Has purified his soul in obedience to the 
truth, 1: 22. 

8. Has unfeigned love for the Brethren, 

1: 22. 

9. Has a good manner of life, 3: 16. 

10. Does not run with the Gentiles among 
whom he lives, to the same excess of 
riot, (lives a separated life), 4: 4. 

11. Refrains his tongue from evil. 3: 10. 
Refrains his lips that they speak no 
guile, 3-. 10. 

12. Turns away from evil, 3: 11. 

13. Does good, 3: 11. 

14. Seeks peace, 3: 11. 

15. Pursues peace, 3: 11. 

Note — From 11 to 14 would very properly 
come under duties. 


VII. — The Believer's Warfare. 

The believer has a warfare before him, 4: 1. 
The mind of Christ is the proper armament 

for this warfare, 4: 1. 
The warfare is with the devil, 5 : 8-9. 
Victory is possible for the believer, 5 : 9. 
Victory is won through steadfastness in the 

faith, 5: 9. 

V 1 1. — We come now to the seventh and last 
work. This is simply to meditate upon, and so 
digest, the results obtained. At first thought it 
might seem that when we had completed our 
classification of results our work was finished, but 
this is not so. These results are for use: first, 
for personal enjoyment and appropriation, and 
afterward to give out to others. The appropria- 
tion of results is effected by meditation upon 
them. We are no more through with a book 
when we have carefully and fully classified its 
contents than we are through with a meal when 
we have it arranged in an orderly way upon the 
table. It is there to eat, digest and assimilate. 
One of the great failures in much of the Bible 
study of the day is just at this point. There is ob- 
servation, analysis, classification, but no medita- 
tion. There is perhaps nothing so important in 
Bible study as meditation. (See Josh, i: 8; Ps. 


i: 2, 3.) Take your classified teachings and go 
slowly over them, and ponder them, point by 
point, until these wonderful truths live before 
you and sink into your soul, and live in you, and 
become part of your life. Do this again and 
again. Nothing will go further than meditation 
to make one great and fresh and original as a 
thinker and speaker. Very few people in this 
world think. 

The method of study outlined in this chapter 
can be shortened to suit the time and industry of 
of the student. For example, one can omit the 
Fifth work (V.), and proceed at once to go through 
the Book as a whole and note down its teachings 
on different doctrines. This will greatly shorten 
and lighten the work. It will also greatly detract 
from the richness of the results, it will not be as 
thorough, as accurate or as scholarly, and will 
not be nearly so good a mental discipline. But 
many people are lazy, and everybody is in a 
hurry. So if you will not follow out the fuller 
plan the shorter is suggested. But any man can 
be, if he will, a scholar at least in the most im- 
portant line — that of Biblical study. 

A still briefer plan of Book Study and yet very 
profitable, if one has no time for anything better, 
is to do the Second work (II.) and then go through 
the Epistle verse by verse looking up all the ref- 
erences given in " The Treasury of Scripture 


Knowledge." But we urge every reader to try 
the full method described in this chapter with at 
least one short book in the Bible. 



A second method of Bible study is the Topical 
Method. This consists in searching through the 
Bible to find out what its teaching is on various 
topics. It is perhaps the most fascinating 
method of Bible study. It yields the largest 
immediate results, though not the largest ulti- 
mate results. It has advantages. The only 
way to master any topic, is to go through the 
Bible, and find what it has to teach on that topic. 
Almost any great subject will take a remarkable 
hold upon the heart of a Christian man, if he 
will take time to go through the Bible, from 
Genesis to Revelation, and note what it has to 
say on that topic. He will have a more full and 
more correct understanding of that topic than he 
ever had before. It is said of Mr. Moody, that 
many years ago he took up the study of " Grace " 
in this way. Day after day he went through the 
Bible, studying what it had to say about u grace." 
As the Bible doctrine unfolded before his mind his 
heart began to burn, until at last, full of the sub- 



ject and on fire with the subject, he ran out on to 
the street, and, taking hold of the first man he 
met, he said: " Do you know grace ? " " Grace 
who ? " was the reply. " The grace of God that 
bringeth salvation." Then he just poured out 
his soul on that subject. If any child of God 
will study " Grace," or " Love," or " Faith," or 
" Prayer," or any other great Bible doctrine, in 
that way, his soul too will become full of it. 
Jesus evidently studied the Old Testament script- 
ures in this way, for we read that " beginning at 
Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto 
them in all the scriptures the things concerning 
Himself." (Luke, xxiv: 27.) This method of 
study made the hearts of the two who walked 
with Him to burn within them. (Luke xxiv: 32.) 
Paul seems to have followed his Master in this 
method of study and teaching. (Acts xvii: 2, 3.) 
But the method has its dangers. Its very fas- 
cination is a danger. Many are drawn by the 
fascination of this method of study to give up 
all other methods of study, and this is a great 
misfortune. A well-rounded, thorough-going 
knowledge of the Bible is not possible by this 
method of study. No one method of study 
will answer, if one desires to be a well-rounded 
and well-balanced Bible student. But the great- 
est danger lies in this, that every man is almost 
certain to have some b'ne of topics in which he 


is especially interested, and if he studies his 
Bible topically, unless he is warned, he is more 
than likely to go over certain topics again and 
again, and be very strong in this line of truth, but 
other topics of equal importance he neglects, and 
thus becomes a one-sided man. We never know 
one truth correctly until we know it in its proper 
relations to other truths. I know of people, for 
example, who are interested in the great doc- 
trine of the Lord's Second Coming, and pretty 
much all their Bible studies are on that line. 
Now this is a precious doctrine, but there are other 
doctrines in the Bible which a man needs to 
know, and it is folly to study this doctrine alone. 
I know others whose whole interest and study 
seems to center in the subject of " Divine Heal- 
ing." It is related of one man that he confided 
to a friend that he had devoted his time for 
years to the study of the number " seven " in 
the Bible. This last is doubtless an extreme 
case, but it illustrates the danger in Topical 
Study. It is certain that we will never master 
the whole range of Bible truth if we pursue the 
Topical Method alone. A few rules concerning 
topical study will probably be helpful to most of 
the readers of this book. 

I. — Be systematic. Do not follow your fancy 
in the choice of topics. Do not take up any 
topic that happens to suggest itself. Make a list 


of all the subjects that you can think of that are 
touched upon in the Bible. Make it as compre- 
hensive and complete as possible. Then take 
these topics up one by one in logical order. The 
following list of subjects is given as a suggestion. 
Each one can add to the list for himself and sub- 
divide the general subjects into proper sub-divi- 

List of Topics. 

God as a Spirit. 

The Unity of God- 

The Eternity of God. 

The Omnipresence of God. 

The Personality of God. 

The Omnipotence of God. 

The Omniscience of God. 

The Holiness of God. 

The Love of God. 

The Righteousness of God. 

The Mercy or Loving Kindness of God. 

The Faithfulness of God. 

The Grace of God. 
Jesus Christ. 

The Divinity of Christ. 

The Subordination of Jesus Christ to the 

The Human Nature of Jesus Christ. 


The Character of Jesus Christ. 

His Holiness. 

His Love to God. 

His Love to Man. 

His Love for Souls. 

His Compassion. 

His Prayerf ulness. 

His Meekness and Humility. 
The Death of Jesus Christ. 

The Purpose of Christ's Death; 

Why did Christ die ? 

For Whom did Christ Die ? 

The Results of Christ's Death. 
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

The Fact of the Resurrection. 

The Results of the Resurrection. 

The Importance of the Resurrection. 

The Manner of the Resurrection. 
The Ascension and Exaltation of Jesus 

The Return or Coming Again of Jesus 


The Fact of His Coming Again. 

The Manner of His Coming Again. 

The Purpose of His Coming Again. 

The Results of His Coming Again. 

The Time of His Coming Again. 
The Reign cf Jesus Christ. 

62 how to stuty the bible 

The Holy Spirit. 

Personality of the Holy Spirit. 

Deity of the Holy Spirit. 

Distinction of the Holy Spirit from God 
the Father, and the Son, Jesus Christ. 

The Subordination of the Holy Spirit to the 
Father and to the Son. 

Names of the Holy Spirit. 

The work of the Holy Spirit: 
In the Universe. 
In Man in General. 
In the Believer. 
In the Prophet and Apostle. 
In Jesus Christ 

His Original Condition. 

His Fall. 

The Present Standing before God and Pres- 
ent Condition of Man outside of the Re- 
demption that is in Jesus Christ. 

The Future Destiny of those who Reject the 
Redemption that is in Jesus Christ. 


The New Birth. 


The Believer's Assurance of Salvation. 

The Flesh. 











Love to God. 

Love to Jesus Christ. 

Love to Man. 

The Future Destiny of Believers. 

Their Nature and Position. 

Their Number. 

Their Abode. 

Their Character. 

Their Work. 

Their Destiny. 
Satan or the Devil. 

His Existence. 

His Nature and Position. 

His Abode. 

His Work. 

Our Duty Regarding Him. 

His Destiny. 

Their Existence. 


Their Nature. 

Their Work. 

Their Destiny. 
For a student who has the perseverance to 
carry it through, it might be recommended, to 
begin with the first topic on a list like this, and 
go right through it to the end, searching for every- 
thing the Bible has to say on these topics. This 
the author of this book has done, and, thereby, 
gained a fuller knowledge of truth along these 
lines, and an immeasurably more vital grasp of 
the truth, than he ever obtained by somewhat 
extended studies in systematic Theology. Many, 
however, will stagger at the seeming immensity of 
the undertaking. To such it is recommended to 
begin by selecting those topics that seem more 
important. But sooner or later settle down to a 
thorough study of what the Bible has to teach 
about God and Man. The " Abstract of Sub- 
jects, Doctrinal and Practical," in the back of 
" The Bible Text Cyclopedia " is very suggestive. 

II. — Be thorough. Whenever you are study- 
ing any topic, do not be content with examining 
some of the passages in the Bible that bear upon 
the subject, but find, as far as possible, every 
passage in the Bible that bears on this subject. 
As long as there is a single passage in the Bible 
on any subject that you have not considered, 


you have not yet gotten a thoroughly true knowl- 
edge of that subject. How can we find all the 
passages in the Bible that bear on any subject ? 
1 St. By the use of the Concordance. Look up 
every passage that has the word in it. Then 
look up every passage that has synonymous 
words in it. If, for example, you are studying 
the subject of prayer, look up every passage 
that has the word " pray" and its derivatives in it, 
and also every passage that has such words as 
"cry," "call," "ask," "supplication,'.' "inter- 
cession," etc., in it. 2nd. By the use of a Bible 
text book. A text book arranges the passages 
of Scripture, not by the words used, but by 
the subjects treated, and there is many a verse, 
for example on prayer, that does not have the 
word " prayer " or any synonymous word in it. 
Incomparably the best Bible text book is Inglis' 
"The Bible Text Cyclopedia." 3rd. Passages not 
discovered by the use of either concordance or 
text book will come to light as we study by 
books, or as we read the Bible through in course, 
and so our treatment of topics will be ever 

III. — Be exact. Get the exact meaning of each 
passage considered. Study each passage in its 
connection, and find its meaning in the way sug- 
gested in the chapter on " Study of Individual 


Books." Topical study is frequently carried 
on in a very slip-shod fashion. Passages, torn 
from their connection, are strung or huddled 
together because of some superficial connec- 
tion with one another, and without much 
regard to their real sense and teaching, and 
this is called "topical study." This has 
brought the whole method of topical study 
into disrepute. But is possible to be as exact 
and scholarly in topical study as in any other 
method, and when we are the results will be in- 
structive and gratifying, and not misleading. 
But the results are sure to be misleading and un- 
satisfactory if the work is done in a careless, in- 
exact way. 

IV. — Classify and write down your results. In 
the study of any large subject one will get together 
a great mass of matter. Having gotten it, it 
must now be gotten into shape. As you look it 
over carefully, you will soon see the facts that 
belong together. Arrange them together in a 
logical order. An illustrative topical study is 
given below. What the Bible teaches concern- 
ing the Deity of Jesus Christ. 

topical study 67 

Jesus Christ: His Deity. 

Divine names. 

a. Luke, 22: 70. 

" The Son of God. " This name is given 
to Christ forty times. Besides this the 
synonymous expression " His son," " My 
son," are of frequent occurrence. That 
this name as used of Christ is a distinctly 
Divine name appears from Jno. 5: 18. 

b. Jno. 1: 18. 

"The only begotten Son." This occurs 
five times. It is evident that the statement, 
that " Jesus Christ is the Son of God only 
in the same sense that all men are sons of 
God" is not true. Compare Mark xii: 6. 
Here Jesus Himself, having spoken of all 
the prophets as servants of God, speaks 
of Himself as " one," " a beloved Son." 

e. Rev. i: 17. 

" The first and the last. " Comp. Is. xli:4; 
xliv: 6. In these latter passages it is 
"Jehovah," "Jehovah of hosts," who is 
"the first and the last." 

d. Rev. xxii: 12, 13, 16. 

First, " the Alpha and Omega." 
Second, " the beginning and the ending." 
In Rev. i: 8, R. V. It is the Lord God 
who is the Alpha and Omega. 


/. Acts Hi: 14. 
" The Holy One." In Hosea xi: 9, and 
many other passages, it is God who is 
"the Holy One." 

/ Mai. iii: 1; Lukeii: 11; Acts ix: 17; Jno. 
xx: 28; Heb. i: 11. 

" The Lord. " This name or title is used 
of Jesus several hundred times. The 
word translated M Lord " is used in the 
New Testament in speaking of men nine 
times, e. g., Acts 16: 30, Eph. iv: 1, Jno. 
xii: 21, but not at all in the way in which 
it used of Christ. He is spoken of as 
" the Lord " just as God is, cf. Acts iv: 26 
with iv: 33. Note also Matt, xxii: 43-45, 
Phil, ii: 2 1 , Eph. iv: 5. If any one doubts 
the attitude of the Apostles of Jesus to- 
ward Him as Divine, they would do well 
to read one after another the passages 
which speak of Him as Lord. 

g. Acts x: 36. 
"Lord of all." 

k. I Cor. ii: 8. 

" The Lord of Glory. " In Ps. xxiv: 8-10, 
it is " the Lord of Hosts " who is the 
King of Glory. 

*'. Is. ix: 6. * 

(1) " Wonderful " (cf. Judges xiii: 18, R. 



(2) "Mighty God." 

(3) "Father of Eternity." See R. V. 


j. Heb. i: 8. 

"God." In Jno. xx: 28, Thomas calls 
Jesus " my God," and is gently rebuked 
for not believing it before. 

k. Matt, i: 23. 
"God with us." 

/, Tit. 2: 13, R. V. 
"Our great God." 

m, Rom. 9: 5. 

" God blessed forever." 

Proposition: Sixteen names clearly imply- 
ing Deity are used of Christ in the Bible, 
some of them over and over again, the 
total number of passages reaching far into 
the hundreds. 
Divine Attributes. 

a, Omnipotence. 

(1) Luke 4: 39. Jesus has power over 

disease, it is subject to His word. 

(2) Luke 7: 14-15; 8: S4-5S;Jno. 5:25. 
The Son of God has power over 

death, it is subject to His word. 

(3) Matt: 8: 26-27. 

Jesus has power over the winds and 
sea, they are subject to His word. 

(4) Matt 8: 16; Luke 4: 35, 36, 41. 


Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, has 
power over demons, they are sub- 
ject to His word. 

(5) Eph. i : 20-23. 

Christ is far above all principality and 
power and might, and dominion 
and every name that is named, not 
only in this world, but also in that 
which is to come. All things are 
in subjection (R. V.), under His 
feet. All the hierarchies of the 
angelic world are under Him. 

(6) Heb. 1 : 3. 

The Son of God upholds all things by 
the word of His power. 
Proposition. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, 

is omnipotent. 
b. Omniscience. 

(1) Jno. 4: 16-19. 

Jesus knows men's lives, even their 
secret history. 

(2) Mark 2: 8; Luke 5: 22; Jno. 2: 24- 

25; (Acts 1: 24.) 
Jesus knows the secret thoughts of 
men. He knew all men. He knew 
what was in man. (cf. 2 Chron. 
6:3o;Jer. 17:9. »<>• Herewesee 
that God " only knoweth the hearts 
of the children of men.") 


(3) Jno. 6: 64. 

Jesus knew from the beginning that 
Judas would betray Him. Not only 
men's present thoughts but their 
future choices were known to Him. 

(4) Jno. 1 : 48. 

Jesus knew what men were doing at 
a distance. 

(5) Luke 22: 10, 12; Jno. 13: 1; Luke 

5: 4-6- 
Jesus knew the future regarding not 
only God's acts, but regarding the 
minute specific acts of men, and 
even the fishes of the sea. 

Note — Many, if not all, of these items of 
knowledge up to this point could possibly, 
if they stood alone, be accounted for by 
saying that the Omniscient God revealed 
these specific things to Jesus. 

(6) Jno. 21: 17; 16: 30; Col. 2: 3. 
Jesus knew all things, in Him are hid 

all the treasures of wisdom and 
Proposition. Jesus Christ is omniscient. 

Note — There was, as we shall see when we 
study the Humanity of Christ, a voluntary 
veiling and abnegation of the exercise of 


His inherent Divine omniscience. (Mark 
n: 12-14; Phil. 2: 7.) 

c, Omnipresence. 

(1) Matt. 18: 20. 

Jesus Christ is present in every place 
where two or three are gathered 
together in His name. 

(2) Matt. 28: 20. 

Jesus Christ is present with every 
one who goes forth into any part 
of the world to make disciples, etc. 

(3) Jno. 3: 13. 

The Son of man was* in heaven while 
He was here on earth. 

Note — This text is doubtful. (See R. V. 
and the Variorum Bible.) 

(4) Jno. 14: 20; II. Cor. 13: 5. 
Jesus Christ is in each believer. 

(5) Eph. 1:23. 

Jesus Christ filleth all in all. 
Proposition. Jesus Christ is omnipresent. 

d. Eternity. 

Jno. 1: 1; Mic. 5: 2; Col. 1: 17; Is. 

9: 6; Jno. 17: s (Jno. 6: 62; Jno. 

8: 58; I Jno. 1: 1, 27); Heb. 13: 8. 

Proposition. The Son of God was from all 



e. Immutability. 

Heb. 13: 8; 1: 12. Jesus Christ is 
unchangeable. He not only always 
is, but always is the same. 

f. Phil. 2: 6. 

Jesus Christ before His incarnation was 
in the form of God. 

NOTE — " Morpke" translated u form" means 
" the form by which a person or thing 
strikes the vision; the external appear- 
ance." {Thayer, Grk-Eng. Lexicon of 
theN. T.) 

g. Col. 2: 9. 

In Christ dwelleth all the fulness of the 
Godhead in a bodily way. 
Proposition. Five or more distinctively di- 
vine attributes are ascribed to Jesus 
Christ, and all the fulness of the 
Godhead is said to dwell in Him. 

3. Divine Offices. 

a. Creation. 

Heb. 1: 10; Jno. I: 3; Col. 1: 16. 

The Son of God, the eternal Word, the 

Lord, is creator of all created things. 

b, Preservation. 

Heb. 1:3. The Son of God is the pre- 
server of all things. 


c. The forgiveness of sin. 

Mark 2: 5-10; Luke 7: 48-50. 

Jesus Christ had power on earth to forgive 


Note — He taught that sins were sins 
against Himself. Luke j: 40-47, both 
Simon and the woman as sinners were 
debtors to Him, but in Ps. 51: 4 sin is 
seen to be against God and God only.) 

d. Raising of the dead. 
Jno. 6: 39-44; 5: 28-29. 

It is Jesus Christ who raises the dead. 
Ques. Did not Elijah and Elisha raise the 
dead? No; God raised the dead in an- 
swer to their prayer, but Jesus Christ will 
raise the dead by His own word. Dur- 
ing the days of His humiliation it was 
by prayer that Christ raised the dead. 
Jno. 11: 41. 

e. Transformation of bodies. Phil. 3: 21, 
R. V. 

Jesus Christ shall fashion anew the body of 
our humiliation into the likeness of His own 
glorious body. • 
/.Judgment. II Tim. 4: 1, R. V. 

Christ Jesus shall judge the quick and the 


Horn— Jesus Himself emphasized the Divine 
character of this office. {Jno. 5/ 22-23.") 

g, The bestowal of eternal life. 

Jno. 10: 28; 17, 2. 

Jesus Christ is the bestower of eternal life. 
Proposition. Seven distinctively Divine of- 
fices are predicated of Jesus Christ. 
Statements which in the O. T. are made dis- 
tinctly of Jehovah God taken in the N. T. to 
refer to Jesus Christ, 
a, Ps. 102: 24-27, comp. Heb. 1: 10-12. 
*, Is. 40, 3-4, comp. Matt. 3: 3, Luke 1: 68, 

69, 76. 

c, Jer. 11: 20; 17, 10, comp. Rev. 11: 23. 

d, Is. 60: 19 (Zech. 2: 5) comp. Luke 2: 32. 

e, Is. 6: 1; 3: 10, comp. Jno. 12: 37-41. 
/, Is. 8: 13-14, comp. 1 Pet. 2: 7-8. 

g, Is. 8: 12-13, comp. 1 Pet. 3: 14-15, R. V. 

h, Num. 21: 6-7, comp. 1 Cor. io, 9. (See 
R. V.) 

1, Ps. 23: 1 ; Is. 40: 10-1 1, comp. Jno. 10: 1 1. 

j, Ez. 34: 11; 12: 16, comp. Luke 19: 10. 

i, Lord in the O. T. always refers to God 
except when the. context clearly indicates 
otherwise: Lord in the N. T. always re- 
fers to Jesus Christ except where the con- 
text clearly indicates otherwise. 
Proposition. Many statements which in the 


O. T. are made distinctly of Jehovah God 
are taken in the N. T. to refer to Jesus 
Christ, s. e., in N. T. thought and doctrine 
Jesus Christ occupies the place that Jeho- 
vah occupies in O. T. thought and doc- 

5. The way in which the name of God the 
Father and Jesus Christ the Son are cou- 
pled together. 
II Cor. 13: 14. 
Matt. 28: 19. 
I Thess. 3: ii. 

1 Cor. 12: 4-6. 

Tit. 3: 4,5, comp. Tit. 2:13. 

Rom. 1 : 7. Many instances of this sort (see 

all the Pauline Epistles). 
Jas. 1: 1. 
Jno. 14:23, u we," i.e., God the Father and I. 

2 Pet. 1: 1. (Comp. R. V.) 
Col. 2: 2. (See R. V.) 
Jno. 17: 3. 

Jno. 14: 1, comp. Jer. 17: 5-7. 

Rev. 7: 10. 

Rev. 5:13; comp. Jno. 5: 23. 

Prop. The name of Jesus Christ is coupled 
with that of God the Father in numerous 
passages in a way in which it would be 
impossible to couple the name of any 
finite being with that of the Deity. 


6. Divine Worship to be given to Jesus Christ. 

a. Matt. 28: 9; Luke 24: 32; Matt. 14: 33, 
comp. Acts 10: 25-26; Rev. 22: 8-9; 
Matt. 4: 9-10. 

Jesus Christ accepted without hesitation a 
worship which good men and angels de- 
clined with fear (horror). 

Ques. Is not the verb translated worship in 
these passages used of reverence paid to 
men in high position? Yes; but not in 
this way by worshippers of Jehovah, as is 
seen by the way in which Peter and the 
angel drew back with horror when such 
worship was offered to them. 

b. 1 Cor. 1: 2; 2 Cor. 12: 8, 9; Acts 7: 59. 
(R. V.) 

Prayer is to be made to Christ. 

e, Ps. 45: 11; Jno. 5: 23; comp. Rev. 5: 8, 

9. 12, 13. 
It is God the Father's will that all men pay 

the same divine honor to the Son as to 

d, Heb. 1: 6; Phil, 2: 10, 11. (Comp. Is. 

4S: 21, 23.) 
The Son of God, Jesus, is to be worshiped 

as God by angels and men. 
Proposition. Jesus Christ is a person to be 
worshiped by angels and men even as 
God the Father is worshiped. 


General Proposition. By the use of numer- 
ous Divine names, by the ascription of all 
the distinctively divine attributes, by the 
predication of several divine offices, by 
referring statements which in the O. T. 
distinctly name Jehovah God as their 
subject to Jesus Christ in the N. T., 
by coupling the name of Jesus Christ 
with that of God the Father in a way in 
which it would be impossible to couple 
that of any finite being with that of the 
Deity, and by the clear teaching that 
Jesus Christ should be worshiped even as 
God the Father is worshiped — in all 
these unmistakable ways, God in His 
word distinctly proclaims that Jesus 
Christ is a Divine Being, is God. 
One suggestion remains to be made in regard 

to topical study. Get further topics for topical 

study from your book studies. 



A third method of study is the Biographical. 
This needs no definition. It consists in taking 
up the various persons mentioned in Scripture 
and studying their life, work and character. It 
is really a special form of Topical Study. It 
can be made very interesting and instructive. 
It is especially useful to the minister with a view 
to sermon building, but is profitable for all Christ- 
ians. The following suggestions will help those 
who are not already experienced in this line of 

1. Collect all the passages in tte Bible in 
which the person to be studied is mentioned. 
This is readily done by turning in Strong's Con- 
cordance to the person's name, and you will find 
every passage in which he is mentioned given. 

2. Analyze the character of the person. This 
will require a repeated reading of the passages 
in which he is mentioned. This should be done 
with pencil in hand, that any characteristic may 
be noted down at once. 


3. Note the elements of power and success. 

4. Note the elements of weakness and failure. 

5. Note the difficulties overcome. 

6. Note the helps to success. 

7. Note the privileges abused. 

8. Note the opportunities neglected. 

9. Note the opportunities improved. 

10. Note the mistakes made. 

11. Note the perils avoided. 

1 2. Make a sketch of the life in hand. Make 
it as vivid, living and realistic as possible. Try 
to reproduce the subject as a real, living man. 
Note the place and surroundings of the dif- 
ferent events, e. g., Paul in Athens. Corinth, 
Philippi. Note the time relations of the different 
events. Very few people in reading the Acts of 
the Apostles, for example, take notice of the rapid 
passage of time, and so regard events separated 
by years as following one another in close 
sequence. In this connection note the age or 
approximate age of the subject at the time of the 
events recorded of him. 

1 3. Summarize the lessons we should learn 
from the story of this person's life. 

14. Note the person in hand in his relations 
to Jesus, e. g., as a type of Christ (Joseph, 
David, Solomon and others), forerunner of 
Christ, believer in Christ, enemy of Christ, 


servant of Christ, brother of Christ (James and 
Jade), friend, etc., etc. 

It will be well to begin with some person who 
does not occupy too much space in the Bible, as, 
/. g., Enoch or Stephen. Of course many of 
the points mentioned above cannot be taken up 
with some characters. 

Suggestive books in character studies are 
Stalker's Lives of Christ and Paul, and 
Stalker's "Imago Christi"; Rev. F. B. Meyer's 
" Elijah," and also other O. T. characters; Mr. 
Moody's " Bible Characters." 



A fourth method of study is the Study of Types. 
We have illustrations of this in the Bible itself, 
as for example in the Epistle to the Hebrews. 
It is both an interesting and instructive method 
of study. It shows us the most precious truths 
buried away in what once seemed to us a very 
dry and meaningless portion of the Bible. It 
need scarcely be said that this method of study 
is greatly abused and overdone in some quarters. 
But that is no reason why we should neglect it 
altogether, especially when we remember that 
not only Paul but Jesus were fond of this method 
of study. The following may serve as principles 
to govern us in this method of study: 

I. Be sure you have Bible warrant for your 
supposed type. If one gives free rein to his 
fancy in this matter, he can imagine types every- 
where, even in places that neither the human or 
divine author of the book had any intention of a 
typical sense. Never say this is a type unless 
you can point to some clear passage of Scripture 



where the truth said to be typified is definitely 

2. Begin with the more simple and evident 
types, eg., the Passover (comp. Ex. 12 with I 
Cor. 5: 7 etc.), the High Priest, the Tabernacle. 

3. Be on your guard against the fanciful and 
overstrained. Fancy is almost sure to run 
away with any man who is blessed with any 
imagination and quickness of typical discernment, 
unless he holds it in check. Our typical sensi- 
tiveness and sensibleness will become both 
quickened and chastened by careful and circum- 
spect exercise. 

4. In studying any passage of possible typical 
suggestion, look up all the Scripture references. 
The best collection of references is that given in 
" The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. " 

5. Study carefully the meaning of the nanus 
of persons and places mentioned. Bible names 
often have a very deep and far reaching suggest- 
iveness. Thus, for example, -Hebron, which 
means " joining together," u union " or " fellow- 
ship," is deeply significant when taken in con- 
nection with its history, as are all the names of 
the Cities of Refuge, and indeed very many 
Scripture names. Was it accidential that Beth- 
lehem, the name of the place where the Bread 
of Life was born, means " House of bread " ? 


C. H. M. 's notes on Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, 
Numbers and Deuteronomy are suggestive to one 
who has had little experience in the study of 



A fifth method of Bible study is the old- 
fashioned method of the study of the Bible in 
course, beginning at Genesis and going right on 
until Revelation is finished. This method of 
study is ridiculed a good deal in these days, but 
it has some advantages which no other method 
of study possesses. It is sometimes said, you 
might as well begin at the top shelf of your library 
and read right through, as to begin at the beginning 
of this library of sixty-six books and read right 
through. To this it is a sufficient answer, If you 
had a library that it was important to master as 
a whole, that you might understand the separate 
books in it, and that was as well arranged as the 
Bible is, then this method of going through your 
library would be excellent. The advantages of 
studying in the Bible in course are: First, It is the 
only method by which you will get an idea of the 
Book as a whole. The more we know of the 


Bible as a whole, the better prepared we are for 
the understanding of any individual portion of it. 
Second, It is the only method by which you are 
likely to cover the whole Book, and so take in the 
entire scope of God's revelation. It will be many a 
long year before any man covers the whole Bible 
by Book studies, or even by Topical studies. Every 
part of God's word is precious, and there are 
gems of truth hidden away in most unexpected 
places, e. g., I Chron, iv: 10, we hit upon these 
priceless gems by studying the Bible in course. 
Third, It is the best method to enable one to get 
hold of the unity of the Bible and its organic 
character. Fourth, It is a great corrective to 
one-sidedness and crankiness. The Bible is a 
many sided book, it is Calvinistic and Arminian, 
it is Trinitarian and Unitarian, it clearly teaches 
the Deity of Christ and insists on His real 
Humanity, it exalts faith and demands works, it 
urges to victory through conflict and asserts most 
vigorously that victory is won by faith, etc, etc. 
If we become too much taken up with any one 
line of truth in our Book or Topical studies, and 
we are more than likely to, the daily study of the 
Bible in course will soon bring us to some con- 
trasted line of truth, and bring us back to our 
proper balance. Some people go insane through 
becoming too much occupied with a single line of 
truth. The thoughtful study of the whole Bible 


is a great corrective to this tendency. It would 
be well to have three methods of study in progress 
at the same time: first, the study of some book; 
second, the study of topics (perhaps topics sug- 
gested by the book studies); third, the study of 
the Bible in course. Every other method of 
study should be supplemented by studying the 
Bible in course. Some years ago I determined 
to read the A. V. through every year, the R. V. 
through every year, and the N. T. in Greek 
through every year. It has proved exceedingly 
profitable, and I would not willingly give it up. 

A sixth method of study is closely related to 
the fifth method and has advantages of its own 
that will appear as soon as the method is de- 
scribed. It is studying the various portions of 
the Bible in their Chronological Order. In this 
way the Psalms are read in their historical set- 
tings, as are prophecies, epistles, etc. The 
whole Bible has been excellently arranged for 
Chronological study in Miss Petrie's Clews to Holy 
Writ. (American Tract Society.) The course 
as outlined by Miss Petrie covers three years, and 
there are questions given for study and examina- 



The seventh and last method of study is the 
Study of the Bible for Practiced Usefulness in 
Dealing with Men. 

To study the Bible in this way, make as com- 
plete a classification as possible of all the classes 
of men that one will meet. Write the names of 
the various classes at the head of separate sheets 
of paper or cards. Then begin the Bible and 
read it through slowly, and when you come to a 
passage that seems likely to prove useful in deal- 
ing with any class write it down upon its appro- 
priate sheet. Go through the Bible in this way. 
It would be well to have a special Bible for this 
purpose, and have different colored inks, or differ- 
ent letters or symbols, to represent the different 
classes, and underscore the texts with the proper 
colored ink, or mark it with the appropriate 
symbol. The results of the labors of others in 
this line can be found in a number of books, such 
as Munhall's Furnishing for Workers, Alexander 


Paterson's Bible Manual for Christian Workers, 
Drury's Hand-Book for Workers, and the Author's 
Vest Pocket Companion for Christian Workers 
and his book " How to Bring Men to Christ. " 
But the best book is the one you get up yourself. 
The books mentioned will give you suggestions 
how to do it. As a suggestion for beginning in the 
work we give a list of classes of men, to which 
you can add for yourself. 
The careless and indifferent. 
Those who wish to be saved but do not know 

Those who know how to be saved but have diffi- 

" I am too great a sinner." 
" My heart is too hard." 
" I must become better before I become a 

Christian. " 
" I am afraid I can't hold out." 
" I am too weak. " 
" I have tried before and failed." 
" I can not give up my evil ways." 
" I will be persecuted if I become a 

" It will hurt my business. " 
" There is too much to give up." 
" The Christian life is too hard. " 
" I am afraid of ridicule. " 
" I will lose my friends. " 


" I have no feeling. " 

" I have been seeking Christ, but can not 

find Him." 
" I have sinned away the day of grace. " 
" God won't receive me. " 
" I have committed the unpardonable sin." 
"It is too late." 

" Christians are so inconsistent." 
" God seems to me unjust and cruel. " 
" There are so many things in the Bible 

which I can't understand." 
" There is some one I can't forgive." 
Those who are cherishing false hopes. 
The Hope of being saved by a righteous 

The Hope that " God is too good to damn 

The Hope of being saved by " trying to be a 

The Hope of being saved, because " I feel 

saved," or " I feel I am going to heaven." 
The Hope of being saved by a profession of 

religion, or church membership, or a 

faith, that does not save from sin. 
Those who lack assurance. 


Those who wish to put off the decision. 

Roman Catholics. 


Christian Scientists. 

Secret Disciples. 

The Sorrowing. 

The Persecuted. 

The Discouraged. 

The Despondent. 

The Morbid. 

Worldly Christians. 

The Stingy. 

The results of this work will be of incalculable 
value. In the first place, you will get a new view 
of how perfectly the Bible is adapted to every 
man's need. In the second place, familiar pas- 
sages of the Bible will get a new meaning as you 
see their relation to the needs of men. The 
Bible will become a very living book. In the 
third place, in seeking food for others you will be 
fed yourself. And in the fourth place, you will 
get a vast amount of material to use in sermons, 
Bible-readings, prayer meeting talks and personal 
work. You will acquire a rare working knowl- 
edge of the Bible. 





We have considered seven profitable methods 
of Bible study. There is something, however, 
in Bible study more important than the best 
methods, that is, The Fundamental Conditions of 
Profitable Study. The one who meets these con- 
ditions will get more out of the Bible, while pur- 
suing the poorest method, than the one who does 
not meet them will, while pursuing the best 
method. Many a one who is eagerly asking, 
" What method shall I pursue in my Bible study ?" 
needs something that goes far deeper than a new 
and better method. 

i . The first of the fundamental conditions of the 
most profitable Bible study is the student must be 
born again. The Bible is a spiritual book, it 
" combines spiritual things with spiritual words " 
(I Cor. ii: 13, R. V. Am. Ap.), and only a spir- 
itual man can understand its deepest and most 
characteristic and most precious teachings. " The 
natural man receiveth not the things of the 



Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto 
him; and he cannot know them, because they 
are spiritually judged." (I Cor. ii: 14. R. V.) 
Spiritual discernment can be obtained in but 
one way, by being born again. " Except a man 
be born anew he cannot see the kingdom of 
God." (John iii: 3, R. V.) No mere knowl- 
edge of the human languages in which the 
Bible was written, however extensive and accur- 
ate it may be, will qualify one to understand and 
appreciate the Bible. One must understand the 
divine language in which it was written as well, 
the language of the Holy Spirit. A person who 
understands the language of the Holy Spirit, but 
who does not understand a word of Greek or 
Hebrew or Aramiac, will get more out of the 
Bible, than one, who knows all about Greek and 
Hebrew and cognate languages, but is not born 
again, and, consequently, does not understand 
the language of the Holy Spirit. It is a well 
demonstrated fact that many plain men and wo- 
men who are entirely innocent of any knowledge 
of the original tongues in which the Bible was 
written, have a knowledge of the real contents 
of the Bible, its actual teaching, in its depth 
and fulness and beauty, that surpasses that of 
many learned professors in theological facul- 
ties. One of the greatest follies of the day, 
is to set unregenerate men to teaching the Bible, 


because of their rare knowledge of the human 
forms of speech in which the book was written. 
It would be as reasonable to set a man to teach 
art because he had an accurate technical knowl- 
edge of paints. It requires aesthetic sense to 
make a man a competent teacher of art. It re- 
quires spiritual sense to make a man a competent 
teacher of the Bible. The man who had aesthetic 
discernment, but little or no technical knowl- 
edge of paint, would be a far more competent 
critic of works of art, than a man, who had a great 
technical knowledge of paint, but no aesthetic 
discernment; and so the man who has no techni- 
cal knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, but who 
has spiritual discernment, is a far more compe- 
tent critic of the Bible than the one who has a 
rare technical knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, 
but no spiritual discernment. It is exceedingly 
unfortunate that, in some quarters, more emphasis 
is laid upon a knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, 
in training for the ministry, than is laid upon spir- 
itual life and its consequent spiritual discernment. 
Unregenerate men should not be forbidden to 
study the Bible; for the Word of God is the in- 
strument the Holy Spirit uses in the New Birth 
(I Pet. i: 23; James i: 18): but it should be 
distinctly understood, that, while there are teach- 
ings in the Bible that the natural man can un- 
derstand, and beauties which he can see, its 


most distinctive and characteristic teachings are 
beyond his grasp, and its highest beauties belong 
to a world in which he has no vision. The first 
fundamental condition of the most profitable 
Bible study, is, then, " Ye must be born again." 
You cannot study the Bible to the greatest profit 
if yon have not been born again. Its best treas- 
ures are sealed to you. 

2. The second condition of the most profitable 
study is a love for the Bible. A man who eats 
with an appetite, will get far more good out of 
his meal than a man who eats from a sense of 
duty. It is well when a student of the Bible can 
say with Job, " I have treasured up the words of 
his mouth more than my necessary food," (Job, 
23: 12 R. V.) or with Jeremiah, "Thy words 
were found and I did eat them; and thy words 
were onto me a joy and the rejoicing of mine 
heart; for I am called by thy name, O, Lord God 
of hosts." (Jer., 15: 16, R.V.) Many come to the 
table God has spread in His word with no appe- 
tite for spiritual food, and go mincing here and 
there and grumbling about everything. Spiritual 
indigestion lies at the bottom of much modern 
criticism of the Bible. But how can one get a 
love for the Bible ? First of all by being born 
again. Where there is life there is likely to be 
appetite. A dead man never hungers. This 
brings us back to the first condition. But going 


beyond this, the more there is of vitality the more 
there is of hunger. Abounding life means abound- 
ing hunger for the Word. ' Study of the Word 
stimulates love for the Word. The author can 
well remember the time when he had more appe- 
tite for books about the Bible than he had for 
the Bible itself, but with increasing study there 
has come increasing love for the Book. Bearing 
in mind who the author 'Of the Book is, what its 
purpose is, what its pow«r is, what the riches of 
its contents are, will go far toward stimulating 
a love and appetite for the Book. 

3. The third condition is a willingness to do 
hard work. Solomon has given a graphic pic- 
ture of the Bible student who gets the most 
profit out of his study, " My son, if thou wilt 
receive my words, and lay up my commandments 
with thee; so that thou incline thine ear unto 
wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; 
yea, if thou cry after discernment, and lift up 
thy voice for understanding; if thou seek her as 
silver, and search for her as for hid treasures; 
then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord 
and find the knowledge of God." (Prov. ii: i- 
5, R. V.) Now, seeking for silver and searching 
for hid treasures, means hard work, and the one 
who wishes to get not only the silver but the 
gold as well out of the Bible, and find its " hid 
treasures, " must make up his mind to dig. It is 


not glancing at the word, or reading the word, but 
studying the word, meditating upon the word, 
pondering the word, that brings the richest yields. 
The reason why many get so little out of their 
Bible reading is simply because they are not 
willing to think. Intellectual laziness lies at the 
bottom of a large per cent, of fruitless Bible 
reading. People are constantly crying for 
new methods of Bible study, but what 
many of them wish is simply some method of 
Bible study by which they can get all the good 
out of the Bible withbut work. If some one 
could tell lazy Christians some method of Bible 
study whereby they could put the sleepiest ten 
minutes of the day, just before they go to bed, 
into Bible study, and get the profit out of it that 
God intends His children shall get out of the 
study of His Word, that would be just what they 
desire. But it can't be done. Men must be 
willing to work and work hard, if they wish to dig 
out the treasures of infinite wisdom and knowl- 
edge and blessing which He has stored up in 
His Word. A business friend once asked me in 
a hurried call to tell him "in a word " how to 
study his Bible. I replied, " Think." The Psalm- 
ist pronounces that man " blessed " who " medi- 
tates in the law of the Lord, day and night." 
(Ps. i: 2.) The Lord commanded Joshua to 
•' meditate therein day and night" and assured 


him that as a result of this meditation " then 
thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then 
thou shalt have good success." (Josh, i: 8.) 
Of Mary, the mother of Jesus, we read, " Mary 
kept all these sayings, pondering them in her 
heart." (Luke ii: 19, R* V.) In this way alone 
can one study the Bible to the greatest profit. 
One pound of beef well chewed and digested 
and assimilated, will give more strength than tons 
of beef merely glanced at; and one verse of script- 
ure chewed and digested and assimilated, will 
give more strength than whole chapters simply 
skimmed. Weigh every word you read in the 
Bible. Look at it. Turn it over and over. The 
most familiar passages get a new meaning in this 
way. Spend fifteen minutes on each word in Ps. 
xxiii: i, or Phil, iv: 19, and see if it is not so. 

4. The fourth condition is a will wholly sur- 
rendered to God. Jesus said, " If any man will- 
eth to do his will he shall know of the teaching." 
(Jno. vii: 17, R. V.)-*A surrendered will gives 
that clearness of spiritual vision which is neces- 
sary to understand God's book. Many of the 
difficulties and obscurities of the Bible rise wholly 
from the fact that the will of the student is not 
surrendered to the will of the author of the book. 
It is remarkable how clear and simple and beau- 
tiful passages, that once puzzled us, become when 
we are brought to that place where we say to 


God, " I surrender my will unconditionally to 
Thine. I have no will- but Thine. Teach me 
Thy will. " A surrendered will will do more to 
make the Bible an open book than a university 
education. It is simply impossible to get the 
largest profit out of your Bible study until you 
do surrender your will to God. You must be 
very definite about this. There are many who 
say, " Oh, yes, my will, I think, is surrendered 
to God," and yet it is not. They have never 
gone alone with God and said intelligently and 
definitely to him, " O God, I here and now 
give myself up to Thee; for Thee to command me, 
and lead me, and shape me, and send me. and do 
with me, absolutely as Thou wilt." Such an act 
is a wonderful key to unlock the treasure house 
of God's Word. The Bible becomes a new book 
when a man does thati Doing that wrought a 
complete transformation in the author's theology 
and life and ministry. 

5. The fifth condition is very closely related 
to the fourth. The student of the Bible who would 
get the greatest profit out of his studies must be 
obedient to its teachings as soon as he sees them. 
It was good advice James gave to early Christians, 
and to us, " Be ye doers of the word, and not 
hearers only, deceiving your ownselves. " There 
are a good many, who consider themselves Bible 
students, who are deceiving themselves in this 


way to-day. They see- what the Bible teaches, 
but they do not do it, and they soon lose their 
power to see it. Truth obeyed leads to mQre 
truth. Truth disobeyed destroys the capacity 
for discovering truth. There must be not only a 
general surrender of the will, but specific practi- 
cal obedience to each 'new word of God discov- 
ered. There is no place where the law, " unto 
every one that hath shall be given, and he shall 
have abundance; but? from him that hath not 
shall be taken away even that which he bath," 
is more joyously certain on the one hand and 
more sternly inexorable'.on the other, than in the 
matter of using or refusing the truth revealed in 
the Bible. Use, and you get more; refuse, and 
you lose all. Do not study the Bible for the 
mere gratification of intellectual curiosity, but to 
find out how to live and to please God. What- 
ever duty you find commanded in the Bible, do 
it at once. Whatever good you see in any Bible 
character, imitate it immediately. Whatever mis- 
take you note in the actions of Bible men and 
women, scrutinize your own life to see if you are 
making the same mistake, and if you find you 
are, correct it forthwith. James compares the 
Bible to a looking glass. (Jas. i: 23, 24). The 
chief good of a looking glass, is to show you if 
there is anything out of fix about you, and, if you 
find there is, you can set it right Use the Bible in 


that way. Obeying the truth you already see, 
will solve the enigmas in't he verses you do not 
as yet understand. Disobeying the truth you see, 
darkens the whole world of truth. This is the 
secret of much of the scepticism and error of the 
day. Men saw the truth, but did not do it, now 
it is gone. I knew a bright and promising young 
minister. He made rttpid advancement in the 
truth. He took very advanced ground upon one 
point especially, and the storm came. One day 
he said to his wife, " It' is Very nice to believe 
this, but we need not ' speak so much about it." 
They began, or he, at least, to hide their testi- 
mony. The wife died and he'drifted. The Bible 
became to him a ' sealed book. Faith reeled. 
He publicly renounced his faith in some of the 
fundamental truths of the Bible. He seemed to 
lose his grip even on the doctrine of immortality. 
What was the cause of it all? Truth not lived 
and stood for, flees. That man is much admired 
and applauded by some to-day, but daylight has 
given place to darkness in his soul. 

6. The sixth condition is a child-like mind. 
God reveals His deepest truths to babes. No age 
needs more than our own to lay to heart the 
words of Jesus, " I thank thee, O Father, Lord of 
Heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these 
things from the wise and prudent, and has re- 
vealed them unto babes." (Matt, xi: 25.) Where- 


in must we be babes if God is 'to reveal His truth 
unto us, and we?are to understand His Word? 
A child is not full of its own wisdom. It recog- 
nizes its ignorance and isready to' be taught. It 
does not oppose its own notions and ideas to those 
of its teachers. It is in ; that spirit we should 
come to the Bible, if we areto get the most profit 
out of our study. Do not come to the Bible full 
of your own ideas, and seelring from it a confirma- 
tion of them. Come rather to find out what are 
God's ideas as He has revealed them there. Come 
not to find a confirmation* of your own opinion, 
but to be taught what* God may be pleased to 
teach. If a man comes to the Bible just to find 
his notions taught there, he will find them; but if 
he comes, recognizing his- own ignorance, just as 
a little child, to be taught;- he will find something 
infinitely better than his ! own notions, even the 
mind of God. We see why it is that many per- 
sons cannot see things which are plainly taught 
in the Bible. The doctrine taught is not then- 
notion, of which they are so full that there is no 
room left for that which the Bible actually 
teaches. We have an illustration of this in the 
apostles themselves at one stage in their training. > 
In Mark ix: 31 we read " he taught his disciples, 
and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered 
into the hands of men, and they shall kill Him; 
and after that he is killed, be shall rise the 


third day. " Now, that is as plain and definite as 
language can make it, but it' was utterly contrary 
to the notions of the apostles as to what was to 
happen to the Christ. < So we read in the next " they understood not that saying." Is not 
that wonderful ? But is it any more wonderful 
than our own inability to comprehend plain state- 
ments in the Bible when they run counter to 
our preconceived notions? ' What trouble many 
Christians find with portions of the Sermon on 
the Mount, that would be plain enough, if we just 
came to Christ like a child to be taught what to 
believe and do, rather ratherthan coming as full 
grown men, who already know it all, and who must 
find some interpretations of Christ's words that 
will fit into our mature and infallible philosophy. 
Many a man is so full of an unbiblical the- 
ology he has been taught, - that it takes him 
a lifetime to get rid 'of it, and understand the 
clear teaching of the Bible. " Oh, what can 
this verse mean?" many a bewildered man 
cries. Why, it means' what it plainly says; but 
what you are after is not the meaning God has 
manifestly put into it, but the meaning you can by 
some ingenious trick of exegesis twist out of it, 
and make it fit into your scheme. Don't come 
to the Bible to find out what you can make it 
mean, but to find out what God intended it to 
mean. Men often miss the real truth of a verse 


by saying, "But that can be < interpreted this 
way." Oh, yes, so it can^t but' is that the way 
God intended it to be' interpreted ? We all need 
to pray often, if we would get- the most profit out 
of our Bible study, M OhrGod, make me a little 
child. Empty me of my own notions. Teach 
me thine own mind. Make me ready like a little 
child to receive all that thou hast to say, no mat- 
ter how contrary it is towhatM have thought 
hitherto." How the Bible opens up to one who 
approaches it in that way! How it closes up to 
the wise fool, who thinks he knows everything, 
and imagines he can give- points to Peter and 
Paul, and even to Jesus Ghrist and to God Him- 
self! Some one has well- said the best method of 
Bible study is " the baby method." I was once 
talking with a ministerial friend about what 
seemed to be the clear teaching of a certain pas- 
sage. " Yes, " he replied, ** but that doesn't agree 
with my philosophy." Alas! But this man was 
sincere, yet he did not have the child-like spirit, 
which is an essential condition of the most profit- 
able Bible study. But there are many who ap- 
proach the Bible in the same way. It is a great 
point gained in Bible study when we are brought 
to realize that an infinite God knows more than 
we, that indeed our highest wisdom is less than 
the knowledge of the most ignorant babe com- 
pared with His, and when we come to Him as 


babes, just to be taught by Him, and not to argue 
with Him. But we so^ easily and so constantly 
forget this, that every timewe open our Bibles we 
would do well to get down humbly before God 
and say, " Father, 'lam but a child, teach me." 

This leads to the seventh condition. 

7. The seventh' condition- of studying the 
Bible to the greatest profit is, that we study it as 
the word of God. The Apostle Paul, in writing 
to the Church of the Thessaronians, thanked God 
without ceasing that when they received the word 
of God they " accepted it notas the word of men, 
but as it is in truth the word of God. " (I Thess. 
ii: 13, R. V.) Well might he thank God for that, 
and well may we thank God when we get to the 
place where we receive the word of God as the 
word of God. Not that the one who does not be- 
lieve the Bible is the word of God should be dis- 
couraged from studying it. 'Indeed, one of the 
best things that one who does not believe 
that the Bible is' the word of God can do, 
if he is honest, is to study it. The author 
of this book once doubted utterly that the 
Bible was the word of God, and the firm 
confidence that he has to-day that the Bible is 
the Word of God, has come more from the study 
of the book itself than from anything else. Those 
who doubt it are more usually those who study 
about the book, than those who dig into the actual 


teachings of the book itself. But while the best 
book of Christian evidences is the Bible, and 
while the most utter sceptic should be encouraged 
to study it, we will not- get thes largest measure 
of profit out of that study until we reach the 
point where we become convinced that the Bible 
is God's Word, and when we study it as such. 
There is a great difference between believing 
theoretically that the Bible- is God's Word and 
studying it as God's Word;--. Thousands would 
tell you that they believed the- Bible is God's 
Word, who do not study- it as God's Word. 
Studying the Bible as tne Word of God involves 
four things. (1) First, it involves the unques- 
tioning acceptance of its teachings when definitely 
ascertained, even when they may appear unreason- 
able or impossible. Reason demands that we 
submit our judgment and reasonings to the state- 
ments of infinite wisdom. There is nothing more 
irrational than rationalism, which makes the finite 
wisdom the test of infinite wisdom-, and submits the 
teachings of God's omniscience to the approval 
of man's judgment. It is the sublimest and 
absurdest conceit that says, " This cannot be 
true, though God says it, for it does not approve 
itself to my reason." " Nay, but, O man, who 
art thou that repliest against God ? " (Rom. 
ix: 20.) Real human wisdom, when it finds 
infinite wisdom, bows before it and says, 


"Speak what thou wilt and I will believe." 
When we have once became convinced that the 
Bible is God's Word r its- teachings must be the 
end of all controversy and discussion. A " thus 
saith the Lord " will settle every question. Yet 
there are many who profess^ to- believe that the 
Bible is the Word of God, and: if you show them 
what the Bible clearly teaches on some disputed 
point, they will shake their- heads and say, " Yes, 

but I think so and so,." or "sDoctor , or 

Prof, this, or oux-<churchb.don't teach that 
way." There is little profifeirt .that sort of Bible 
study. (2) Studying -the- bible as the word of 
God involves, in the tsecond place, absolute reli- 
ance upon all its promises ia all their length and 
breadth. The man who studies the Bible as 
the word of God, will not discount any one of its 
promises one iota. >>The one; -who studies the 
Bible as the word of God will say, " God who 
cannot lie has promised,": and will not try to 
make God a liar by trying ta make one of his 
promises mean less than it says. The one who 
studies the Bible as the word of God, will be on 
the lookout for promises, and as soon as he finds 
one he will seek to ascertain just what it means, 
and, as soon as he discovers, he will step right 
out upon that promise, and risk everything upon 
its full import. That is one of the secrets of 
profitable Bible study. Be hunting for promises 


and appropriate them as fast as you find them — 
this is done by meeting the conditions and risking 
all upon them. That is the way, .to make your 
own all the fulness of blessing, God has for you. 
This is the key to all the treasures pf God's grace. 
Happy is the man who has so. learned to study 
the Bible as God's word^.that,, ready to 
claim for himself every new, , prpmise as it ap- 
pears, and to risk everything uppa H, (3) Study-' 
ing the Bible as the, Word of God. involves, in 
the third place, obediences-prompt, ,exact obedi- 
ence, without asking any .questions— rto its every 
precept. Obedience may,, seem,,. hard, it may 
seem impossible, but, God has,, bidden it and I 
have nothing to do but to obey, and leave the 
results with God. If yqu, would, get the very 
most profit out of your Bible. study resolve that : 
from this time you will qlaim. every clear prom- 
ise and obey every plain command, and that as 
to the promises and commands whose import is 
not yet clear you will try to get: their meaning 
made clear. (4) Studying the - Bible as the 
word of God involves, in the fourth place, study- 
ing it as in God's presence. When you read a 
verse of scripture hear the voice of the living 
God speaking directly to you in these written 
words. There is new power and attract- 
iveness in the Bible when you have learned to 
hear a living, present person, God, our Father, 


Himself talking directly to you in these 
words. One of the most fascinating and inspir- 
ing statements in the Bible is " Enoch walked 
with God." (Gen. v: 24.) We can have God's 
glorious companionship any moment we please, 
by simply opening His Word and letting the living 
and ever present God speak to us through it 
With what holy awe and strange and unutterable 
joy one studies the Bible if he studies it in this 
way! It is heaven come down to earth. 

8. The eighth and last condition of the most 
profitable Bible study is Prayerfulness. The 
Psalmist prayed " Open thou mine eyes, that I 
may behold wondrous things out of thy law." 
(Ps. cxix: 18.) Every one who desires to get the 
greatest profit out of his Bible study, needs to 
offer that or a similar prayer every time he un- 
dertakes the study of the word. Few keys open 
so many caskets that contain hidden treasure as 
prayer. Few clews unravel so many difficulties. • 
Few microscopes will disclose so many beauties 
hidden from the eye of the ordinary observer. 
What new light often shines from an old familiar 
text as you bend over it in prayer! I believe in 
studying the Bible a good deal on your knees. 
When one reads an entire book through upon his 
knees — and this is easily done — that book has a 
new meaning and becomes a new book. One 
ought never to open the Bible to read it without 


at least lifting the heart to God in silent prayer 
that He will interpret it, illumine its pages by the 
light of His Spirit. It is a rare privilege to study 
any book under the immediate guidance and in- 
struction of its author, and this is the privilege 
of us all in studying the Bible. When one comes 
to a passage that is difficult to understand or 
difficult to interpret, instead of giving it up, or 
rushing to some learned friend, or to some com- 
mentary, he should lay that passage before God, 
and ask Him to explain it to him, pleading God's 
promise, " if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask 
of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and 
upraideth not, and it shall be given him. But 
let him ask in faith, nothing doubting." (J as. i: 
5, 6, R. V.) It is simply wonderful how the 
seemingly most difficult passages become plain 
by this treatment. Harry Morehouse, one of the 
most remarkable Bible scholars among unlearned 
men, used to say, that whenever he came to a 
passage in the Bible which he could not under- 
stand, he would search through the Bible for 
some other passage that threw light upon it, and 
lay it before God in prayer, and that he had 
never found a passage that did not yield to this 
treatment. The author of this book has had a 
quite similar experience. Some years ago I was 
making with a friend a tour afoot of the 
Franconian Switzerland, and visiting some of 


the more famous zooiithic caves. One 
day the country letter-carrier stopped us, 
and asked if we would not like to see a cave of 
rare beauty and interest,, away from the beaten 
tracks of travel. Of courses we said, yes. He 
led us through the woods and underbrush to the 
mouth of the cave, and we entered. All was dark 
and uncanny. He expatiated greatly on the 
beauty of the cave, telling us of altars and fan- 
tastic formations, but Ave could see absolutely 
nothing. Now and then be. uttered a note to 
warn us to have a care, as near our feet lay a 
gulf the bottom of which had never been dis- 
covered. We began to have a fear that we 
might be the first discoverers of the bottom. 
There was nothing pleasant about the whole 
affair. But as soon as a magnesian taper was 
lighted, all became different. There were the 
stalagmites rising from the floor to meet the 
stalactites as they came down from the ceiling. 
There was the great altar of nature, that peasant 
fancy ascribed to the skill of ancient worshipers, 
there were the beautiful and fantastic formations 
on every hand, and all glistening in fairy-like 
beauty in the brilliant light. So I have often 
thought it was with many a passage of Scripture. 
Others tell you of its beauty, but you cannot see 
it. It looks dark and intricate and forbidding 
and dangerous, but when God's own light is 


kindled there by prayer, how different all be- 
comes in an instant. f You- seca beauty that 
language cannot express, and that those alone can 
appreciate who have stood^ there in the same 
light. He who would understand and love his 
Bible must be much in prayer.«»< Prayer will do 
more than a college education to make the Bible 
an open and a glorious book. '"Perhaps the best 
lesson I learned in a German university, where I 
had the privilege of receiving the instruction of 
one of the most noted > and most gifted Bible 
teachers of any age, was that which came through 
the statement of the famulus of this professor, 
that Professor Delitzsch worked out much of his 
teaching upon his knees. • 

V-Ott' St.- r*. 

chapter' I i.' 

• ■:;■; - .',,-vtfVrwj. i 

There are some suggestions > that remain to be 
given before we close, this book. 

I. Study the Bible daily. Regularity counts 
for more in Bible study than most people fancy. 
The spasmodic student, who at certain seasons 
gives a great deal of time to the study of the 
Word, and at other seasons quite neglects it, even 
for days at a time, does not achieve the results 
that he does who plods on regularly day by day. 
The Bereans were wise as well as " noble " in 
that they " searched the scriptures daily." (Acts, 
xvii: ii; see also R. V.) A man who is well 
known among the Christian college students of 
America, once remarked at a student convention, 
that he had been at many conventions and had 
received great blessings from them, but the 
greatest blessing he had ever received was from 
a convention where there were only four persons 
gathered together. The blessing had come to 
him in this way. These four had covenanted 
together to spend a certain portion of every day 


in Bible study. Since that day much of his 
time had been spent on the cars or in hotels and 
at conventions, but he had tried to keep that 
covenant, and the greatest blessing that had 
come to him in his Christian life had come 
through this daily study of the Word. No one 
who has not tried it realizes how much can be 
accomplished by setting apart a fixed portion of 
each day, (it may not be more than fifteen or 
thirty minutes, but it surely Should be an hour) 
for Bible study, and keeping if sacredly for that 
purpose under all circumstances. Many will say 
I cannot spare the time. It will be time saved. 
Lord Cairnes, one of the busiest as well as 
most eminent men of his day, before his death 
testified, that the first two hours of every day 
were given to the study of the Bible and prayer, 
and he attributed the great achievements of his 
life to that fact. It will not do to study the 
Bible only when we feel like it. It will not do to 
study the Bible only when we have leisure. We 
must have fixed principles and habits in this 
matter, if we are to study the Bible to the greatest 
profit. Nothing that we do will be more import- 
ant than our Bible study, and it cannot give way 
to other less important things. What regularity in 
eating is to physical life, regularity in Bible study 
is to spiritual life. Fix upon some time, even if 
it is no more than fifteen minutes to start with. 


and hold to it until you are ready to set a longer 
period. "" • 

2. Select for your Bible study the best portion 
of the day that you can give to it. Do not put 
your Bible study off until nearly bed-time, when 
the mind is drowsy. It is well to take a parting 
verse for the day when one retires for the night, 
but this is not the time for study. No study de- 
mands all that there is in a man as Bible study 
does. Do not take the time immediately after a 
heavy meal. The mind is more or less torpid 
after a heavy meal, and it is unwise to put it on 
the stretch then. It is almost the unanimous 
opinion of those who have given this subject 
careful attention, that the early hours of the day 
are the best for Bible study, if they can be 
secured free from interruption. It is well, 
wherever possible, to lock yourself in and lock 
the world out, when you are about to give your- 
self up to the study of the Bible. 

3. In all your Bible study look for Christ in 
the passage under examination. We read of 
Jesus that " beginning at Moses and all the 
prophets, he expounded unto them in all the 
Scriptures the things concerning Himself." 
(Luke xxiv: 27.) Jesus Christ is the subject of 
the whole Bible and the subject pervades the 
book. Some of the seemingly driest portions of 
the Bible became instinct with a new life when 


we learn to see Christ in them. I remember in 
my early reading of the Bible what a stupid book 
Leviticus seemed, but it all became different 
when I learned to see Jesus in the various offer- 
ings and sacrifices, in the high-priest and his 
garments, in the tabernacle and its furniture, 
indeed everywhere. Look for Christ in every 
verse you study, and even the genealogies and 
catalogues of the names of towns will begin to 
have beauty and power. 

4. Memorize Scripture. The Psalmist said, 
" Thy word have I laid up in mine heart, that I 
might not sin against thee. " (Ps. cxix: 1 1 , R. V.) 
There is nothing better to keep one from sin- 
ning than this. By the word of God laid up in 
His heart Jesus overcame the tempter. (Matt, 
iv: 4, 7, 10.) But the word of God laid up in 
the heart is good for other purposes than victory 
over sin. It is good to meet and expose error; it 
is good to enable one " to speak a word in season 
to him that is weary," (Is. 1: 4.) It is good for 
manifold uses, even " that the man of God may 
be complete, furnished completely unto every 
good work." (II Tim. iii: 17, R. V.) Memorize 
scripture, by chapter and verse. It is quite as 
easy as merely memorizing the words, and it is 
immeasurably more useful for practical purposes. 
Memorize the scripture in systematic form. Do 
not have a chaotic heap of texts in the mind, but 


pigeon-hole under appropriate titles the scripture 
you store in memory. Then you can bring it out 
when you need it, without racking your brains. 
There are many men who can stand up without 
a moment's warning, and talk coherently and 
cogently and scripturally, on any vital theme; 
because they have a vast fund of wisdom in the 
form of scripture texts stored away in their mind 
in systematic form. 

5. Finally, utilize spare moments in the study 
of the Bible. In most men's lives there is a vast 
amount of wasted time. Time spent in traveling 
on the street cars and railroads; time spent in 
waiting for persons with whom they have engage- 
ments; time spent in waiting for meals, etc., 
etc. Most of this can be utilized in Bible study, 
if one carries with him a pocket Bible or pocket 
Testament. Or one can utilize it in meditation 
upon texts stored away in memory. Many of 
the author's sermons and addresses are worked 
out in that way. It is said that Henry Ward 
Beecher read one of the larger histories of 
England through while waiting day after day for 
his meals to be brought on to the table. How 
many books of the Bible could be studied in the 
same time ? A friend once told me that the man 
who had, in some respects, the most extraordi- 
nary knowledge of the Bible of any man he 
knew, was a junk dealer in a Canadian city. This 

Final suggestions 121 

man had a Bible open on- his shelves and in in- 
tervals of business he was pondering the Book of 
God. The book became very black by handling 
in such surroundings, but I have little doubt his 
soul became correspondingly white. There is no 
economy that pays as does economy of time, 
but there is no way of economizing time so thriftily 
as putting the moments that are' going to waste 
into the study of or meditation upon the word of 

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20 seconds for Fellow Christians - Dear Lord, 

Thank you that this PDF Ebook 

has been released so that we are able 

to learn more about you and wiser versions. 

Please help it to have wide circulation 

Please help the people responsible for 

making this Ebook available. 

Please help them to be able to have more 

resources available to help others. 

Please help them to have all the resources, 

the funds, the strength and the time that they 

need and ask for in order to be able 

to keep working for You. 

I pray that you would encourage them and 

that you protect them physically and 

spiritually, and the work & ministry that 

they are engaged in. 

I pray that you would protect them from the 
Spiritual or other Forces that could harm them 
or their work and projects, or slow them down. 

Please help them to find Godly friends who 

are able to help. Provide helpful transportation 

for their consistent use. 

Remind me to pray for them often as this 

will help and encourage them. 

Please give them your wisdom and 
understanding so they can better follow you, 
and I ask you to do 
these things in the name of Jesus, Amen, 

Concerning Christians and Christianity 

1. Christians are those who follow the teachings 
of Jesus Christ. 

2. The Teachings of Jesus Christ are explained in the 
book called the Gospel (Injil) or the New Testament. 

3. The New Testament is the First Place to find and record 

the teachings of Jesus Christ, by those who actually knew Him. 

4. The New Testament has never been disproved 
archeologically or historically. It has and remains accurate. 

5. The New Testament Predicts that certain events will happen in the 

7. The Reliability of the Old Testament and the New Testa menta re 
clear indications of the accuracy of the New Testament, 

8. Jesus Christ did Notfail in His mission on Earth, 

9. Jesus Christ Pre-existed, This means that He existed BEFORE 
the Creation of the World, 

10. When C hristians worship J esus C hrist, they are NOT worshiping 
another Human being, 

11. J esus Christ did not become God by performing good works, 

12. Christians cannot perform good works in order to go to Heaven. Those 
who want to find God must admit they are notable to be Perfect or Holy, 
and that they need the help of God to help them get rid of their Sins, 

14, More than 500 Million Christians around the world today are NOT 
Roman Catholic, The Vatican does NOT speak for Christianity in many 

Concerning Christians and Christianity (2) 

1 5. Judas did NOT die in the place of Jesus Christ on 
the cross. 

16. Jesus Christ had no motive to escape his fate. Jesus Christ 
was born to communicate His message of Hope and 
Redemption for mankind. 

1 7. Without the Blood of Jesus, it would be impossible for those 
who believe in Jesus Christ to be saved, to have Eternal Life. 

18. Christians worship ONE God, NOT three Gods, 

19. In True Christianity, Historically, the Trinity is = 

a) God the Father 

b) God the Son 

c) God the Holy Spirit 

20, The worship of Angels orCreated Beings, orCreatures oranything 
exceptGod (God the Father, God the Son [Jesus Christ], 

and God the Holy Spirit, is forbidden. 

21. The Trinity IS NOT = Mary, J oseph and J esus 

22. The Trinity is NOT = J esus, J oseph and God the Father 

23, Gabriel is NOT another name for J esus Christ. 

24. Anyone can become a Christian if they want to, 

25. Christianity IS not something that can be done EXTERNALLY, 
A person is a Christian because of what they believe in their Heart, 
inside of them, Their own sincerity before God is the true test, 

26. Those who acceptan electronic mark [666] forthe purchase of goods, 
in their right hand orforehead are NOT able to become Christians, 

Concerning Christians and Christianity (3) 

People are innocent if they do not know and have no way of knowing that 
they are doing wrong. The Christian God places the knowledge of good 
and bad in the hearts of each and every individual. 

NooneexceptGod is Holy. 

It is wrong to murder innocent people. 

It is wrong to kill Christians who have notactively harmed anyone. 

People are NOT Christians simply because their family is "Christian". 

People are NOT Christian because they are born INTO a "Christian"family. 

A person cannot become a Christian "AUTOMATICALLY". 

No one can be BORN a Christian, but becoming a true Christian will guarantee 
Eternal Life, in Heaven and with God. 

The Presumption thata person is a Christian simply because they are 
going into a Church and sitting there is False. 

Churches have people inside of them thatare NOT Christian, but they 
wantto learn more aboutGod. 

A Church, or a Church Official CANNOT MAKE anyone a Christian. 

Christians do NOT convertanyone by Force, because this action is a 
violation of the CHOICES thatGOD alone is able to make. To force others would 
suggestthatGod is weak, and cannot do this by Himself. The Christian God has 
much Strength but uses it to show love and help in this life, notunkindness. 

Only God could FORCE someone to do something against their will, and 
the C reator of the Universe does NOT behave in thatmanner. 

The Choice of what to believe or not to believe is up to Each individual, 
who must make up their own mind, of their free will. 

There is no way to impose Christianity on anyone by Force. 

Conversions by Force to Islam are NOT recognized by GOD or Christians. 

Concerning Christians and Christianity (4) 

Those who are converted from Christianity to Islam by Force 
or coercion, are Still Christian, AND STILL considered Christian. 

Once a person is recognized by God as a genuine Christian, they are 
"sealed" permanently. There is no way for any Human to change this. 

Forcing any Christian to say that they convert or accept Islam simply 
makes that Christian to state something which is FALSE. There is 
no such thing as Genuine conversion that God can recognize 
OUT of Christianity, if that person was a Christian. 

To suggest that Christians could be converted by Force, actually 
means (signifies) that there are actions that humans can take that can 
FORCE God somehow to UNDO or ALTER what He has done. This is 
not the case. Actions that Humans Force other Humans to take are 
not recognized by God as a true Change of Mind, ora Change of Heart 

Once a person becomes a Christian, All of their sins (past, present, 
and future) are forgiven. They are reconciled to God for Eternity, and 
nothing can change this. Forced Conversions to Islam are not considered 
Valid either by God or Christians. No one can undo in the Heart of 
a person, what God can do. The link between a Christian and God 
is a link that Cannot be broken. Saying anything to the contrary 
will not alter or change this. 

Christians do not Depend on their sanctuaries or Church buildings 
in order to meet with God. Harming a building against the God who made 
the Universe is not a genuine sign of success or progress. Christians 
simply make use of any buildings. Christians are able to meet and 
pray and talk to God by themselves, wit a Church building and 
without a Priest or Pastor. God is always with them. 

Harming a Church building simply proves that some people are afraid 
of Church Buildings. That is all. The Earliest Christians did not have 
Churches or Buildings for Hundreds of Years. 

Harming a Church Building does not harm God, and it does not harm 
Christians. It simply makes them go and use a different building, or 
to meet without one. 

Concerning Christians and Christianity (5) 

Some people have not examined churches very much. MANY are 
very simple and do NOT have decorations or much inside of them. 
In Christianity, this is intentional. This symbolism is on purpose, 
intending to signify that the INNER LIFE of the Christian, is what is 
important to God, and NOT the building in which people worship. 

Man looks on the external and outward appearance. GOD looks on 
the inner heart of each individual. 

There would be no reason for anyone to become upset, if they did 
not think that Christianity was making progress. Those who are upset 
are upset because Christianity has answers, reasons and arguments 
that do not seem to be defeated. God is big enough to defend himself. 

If Christianity is false, it should be possible to explain to Christians 
why and how Christianity is false. Killing or harming Christians is only 
an excuse, a method of hiding from the reality that intellectual 
conversation and explanations of those who are violent do NOT have 
the answers to defend with kindness or reason what they believe. 

Christians believe that almost all violence is a waste of time. It does 
not accomplish what it is "supposed" to accomplish. Those who 
have arguments are able to advance those and explain them to others 
Those who do not use violence instead. This method does not 
convince Christians or others to adopt methods of violence. 

People become like the God they serve. If the God they serve is 
unkind and unmerciful, that is what the followers become. If the God 
being worshiped is cruel and mean to women and children, then that 
is what the followers of that God usually will become. 
Jesus Christ is love. Christians try to be loving. 

People have the option of accepting to believe in the Teachings of 
Jesus Christ in the New Testament or rejecting those teaching. The 
choice in this life is up to each person. God is the one who makes 
His own rules. Thankfully, the God of this world decided to use 
Love and kindness to explain Himself so that all of us would have 
a chance to learn and to experience the unconditional love of Jesus 
Christ, (books are listed in this Ebook. Those who want to refute 
Christianity may want to start by refuting the books listed in this PDF) 

Concerning Christians and Christianity (6) 

True Christians are NOT afraid to have conversations with those who are not 
Christians. Christians are NOT afraid to have conversations with those who are 
islamic or from any other faith. 

Christians are NOT afraid to talk about the weakness of Christianity, if that is atopic 
someone else wants to discuss. 

Christians will not stone you or harm you because you disagree with them. 

Christian will not make you slave IF you do NOT convert to Christianity. 

Those who truly believe in the TRUTH of what they claim to believe are NOT afraid 
to discuss the content of what they believe with other people. 

Christians may share with you thatyou are not 100% perfectand Holy, and Christians 
will Admitand acknowledge thatTHEY are NOT perfect or Holy. 

Christians admit that they need a savior, that they cannot be good enough on their 
own.andthattheycannotperform ENOUGH good and HOLY actions to please God. 
Thatis the starting pointforanyonetobecomea Christian. 

Those who engage Christians in discussions about religion should be willing to look 
atthe history, the archeology, the science and all of the aspects of religion and the 
books that they use or defend. Thatis simply being honest. And those who seek 
spiritual truth are NOT afraid to discuss honestly issues of religion. 

IF GOD is GOD, then GOD will STILL be GOD after a conversation takes place. 
Those who follow God should be willing to think and use the mind that God gave to 
them. IF God gave people a mind, HE expects them to use it. Discussions are part 
of the use of the mind. 

There is a lot of history about OTHER religions that can be found in the West. In 
other nations, FEAR of being wrong induces and provokes censorship. But history 
can be proven and demonstrated. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947-48. 
Those scrolls contained the J ewish Old Testament. They were dated scientifically 
to be 200 years OLDER than the time of J esus Christ. The J ewish Old Testament 
has NOT been changed or altered. This is simply a scientific and historic Fact. 

God Preserves His Word. His word is the Old and New Testament. IF you are 
seeking truth, what do you have to fear from Truth ? 

Concerning History and the Early Church 

Christians do NOT pray to MARY. The Bible never teaches to Pray 
to Mary. Mary was born a human sinner, and became a Christ-follower. 

Prayers to ANY Human (Except Jesus Christ, who was God 
who became Human for a short time) is IDOLATRY 

Christians do not pray To Statues, which is IDOLATRY 

Christians do not pray To Icons, which is a Graven Image, 
which is ALSO IDOLATRY. 

The Early Church and the Early Christians did NOT pray to Mary. 

The Early Church and the Early Christians did NOT pray to Saints, 
as this would be blasphemy, and taking worship and adoration 
away from God. 

It is the Mediation of Jesus Christ alone which serves to 
communicate between God and Man, and NOT any other Human. 

Christians know which books of the Bible are part of the Bible and 
belong in the Bible. There is a great deal of evidence and 
documentation over the whole world for the conclusion, about 
which books belong in the Bible. 

Some books mav help to clarify or explain (these are Free Books): 

For those who read English: 

1) The Seventh General Council (held 787 AD) in which the 
Worship of Images was established, by John Mendham - 1850 

2) Image worship in the Church of Rome by James Endell Tyler 

3) Primitive Christian Worship by James Endell Tyler 

4) The worship of Mary [proven to be Unbiblical] 
by James Endell Tyler 


Concerning History and the Early Church 

We recommend, for your potential consideration, 
the following books: 

1) The Seventh General Council (held 787 AD) in which the 
Worship of Images was established, with copious notes 
from the Caroline books compiled by order of 
Charlemagne by Rev John Mendham - 1850 

2) Image worship in the Church of Rome by James Endell Tyler 

The image-worship of the Church of Rome : proved to be contrary 
to Holy Scripture and the faith and discipline of the primitive church 
and to involve contradictory and irreconcilable doctrines within the 
Church of Rome itself (1847) 

3) Primitive Christian Worship by James Endell Tyler 

Primitive christian worship, or, The evidence of Holy Scripture and 
the church, concerning the invocation of saints and angels, and the 
blessed Virgin Mary (1840) 

4) The worship of Mary by James Endell Tyler 

5) The Pope of Rome and the popes of the Oriental Orthodox 

by Caesarious Tondini (1875) also makes for interesting reading, 
even though it is a Roman Catholic work which was approved 
with the Nihil Obstat (not indexed by the inquisition) notice. 


Concerning History and the Roman Catholic Church 

Historic Information on the Roman Catholic Church 
can be found - in online searches - under the words: 

papal roman catholic, papist, popish, 
romanist, Vatican, popery, romish, 

There are many free Ebooks available 
online and at Google that cover these topics. 

There is of course the standard 

works on the proven history of the Vatican: 

The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop, which uses 
more than 200 ancient Latin and Greek sources. 

The Roman Schism illustrated from the Records 

of the Earlv Roman Catholic Church 

by Rev. Perceval. 

Those who have trouble with Vatican documents concerning 
early Church Councils should conduct their own research 
into a document called the " Donation of Constantine ", 
which was the false land grant from the Roman Emperors 
to the Vatican. 

Saved - How To become a 


how to be saved 

A Christian is someone 

who believes the 


Steps to Take in order to become a 

true Christian, to be Saved & Have a 

real relationship & genuine 

experience with the real God 

Read, understand, accept and 

believe the following verses from 

the Bible: 

1. All men are sinners and fall short 
of God's perfect standard 

Romans 3: 23 states that 

For all have sinned, and come short of 

the glory of God; 

2. Sin - which is imperfection in our 
lives - denies us eternal life with 
God. But God sent his son Jesus 
Christ as a gift to give us freely 
Eternal Life by believing on Jesus 

Romans 6: 23 states 
For the wages of sin is death; but the 
gift of God is eternal life through Jesus 
Christ our Lord. 

3. You can be saved, and you are 
saved by Faith in Jesus Christ. You 
cannot be saved by your good 
works, because they are not "good 
enough". But God's good work of 
sending Jesus Christ to save us, 
and our response of believing - of 
having faith - in Jesus Christ, that is 
what saves each of us. 

Ephesians 2: 8-9 states 

8 For by grace are ye saved through 
faith; and that not of yourselves: it is 
the gift of God: 

9 Not of works, lest any man should 

4. God did not wait for us to become 
perfect in order to accept or 
unconditionally love us. He sent 
Jesus Christ to save us, even 
though we are sinners. So Jesus 
Christ died to save us from our sins, 
and to save us from eternal 
separation from God. 

Romans 5:8 states 

But God commendeth his love toward 
us, in that, while we were yet sinners, 
Christ died for us. 

5. God loved the world so much that 
He sent his one and only Son to die, 
so that by believing in Jesus Christ, 
we obtain Eternal Life. 

John 3: 16 states 

For God so loved the world, that he 
gave his only begotten Son, that 
whosoever believeth in him should not 
perish, but have everlasting life. 

6. If you believe in Jesus Christ, and 
in what he did on the Cross for us, 
by dying there for us, you know for a 

fact that you have been given 
Eternal Life. 

I John 5: 13 states 
These things have I written unto you 
that believe on the name of the Son of 
God; that ye may know that ye have 
eternal life, and that ye may believe on 
the name of the Son of God. 

7. If you confess your sins to God, 
he hears you take this step, and you 
can know for sure that He does hear 
you, and his response to you is to 
forgive you of those sins, so that 
they are not remembered against 
you, and not attributed to you ever 

I John 1 : 9 states 

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and 

just to forgive us our sins, and to 

cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

If you believe these verses, or want 

to believe these verses, pray the 


" Lord Jesus, I need you. Thank you 

for dying on the cross for my sins. I 

open the door of my life and ask you 

to save me from my sins and give 
me eternal life. Thank you for 
forgiving me of my sins and giving 
me eternal life. I receive you as my 
Savior and Lord. Please take control 
of the throne of my life. Make me the 
kind of person you want me to be. 
Help me to understand you, and to 
know you and to learn how to follow 
you. Free me from all of the things in 
my life that prevent me from 
following you. In the name of the 
one and only and true Jesus Christ I 
ask all these things now, Amen". 

Does this prayer express your desire to 
know God and to want to know His love 
? If you are sincere in praying this 
prayer, Jesus Christ comes into your 
heart and your life, just as He said he 

It often takes courage to decide to 
become a Christian. It is the right 
decision to make, but It is difficult to 
fight against part of ourselves that 
wants to hang on, or to find against 
that part of our selves that has 
trouble changing. The good news is 

that you do not need to change 
yourself. Just Cry out to God, pray 
and he will begin to change you. 
God does not expect you to become 
perfect before you come to Him. Not 
at all. ..this is why He sent Jesus. 
that we would not have to become 
perfect before being able to know 

Steps to take once you have asked 
Jesus to come into your life 

Find the following passages in the 
Bible and begin to read them: 

1. Read Psalm 23 (in the middle of 
the Old Testament - the 1st half of 
the Bible) 

2. Read Psalm 91 

3. Read the Books in the New 
Testament (in the Bible) of John, 
Romans & I John 

4. Tell someone of your prayer and 
your seeking God. Share that with 
someone close to you. 

5. Obtain some of the books on the 
list of books, and begin to read 

them, so that you can understand 
more about God and how He works. 

6. Pray, that is - just talk to and with 
God, thank Him for saving you, and 
tell him your 

fears and concerns, and ask him for 
help and guidance. 

7. email or tell someone about the 
great decision you have made today 

Does the "being saved" 
process only work for those 
who believe ? 

For the person who is not yet 
saved, their understanding of 
1) their state of sin and 2) God's 
personal love and care for 
them, and His desire and 
ability to save what 
enables anyone to become 

So yes, the "being saved" 
process works only for those 

who believe in J esus Christ 
and Him only, and place their 
faith in Him and in His work 
done on the Cross. 

...and if so , then how does 
believing save a person? 

Believing saves a person because of 
what it allows God to do in the Heart 
and Soul of that person. 

But it is not simply the fact of a 
"belief". The issue is not having 
"belief" but rather what we have a 
belief about. 

IF a person believes in Salvation by 
Faith Alone in Jesus Christ (ask us 
by email if this is not clear), then 
That belief saves them. Why ? 
because they are magical ? 
No, because of the sovereignty of 
God, because of what God does to 
them, when they ask him into their 
heart & life. When a person decides 
to place their faith in Jesus Christ 
and ask Him to forgive them of 

their sins and invite Jesus Christ 
into their life & heart, this is what 
saves them - because of what God 
does for them at that moment in 

At that moment in time when they 
sincerely believe and ask God to 
save them (as described above), 
God takes the life of that person, 
and in accordance with the will of 
that human, having requested God 
to save them from their sins through 
Jesus Christ - God takes that 
person's life and sins [all sins past, 
present and future], and allocates 
them to the category: of "one of 
those people who Accepted the Free 
Gift of Eternal Salvation that God 

From that point forward, their sins 
are no longer counted against them, 
because that is an account that is 
paid by the shed blood of Jesus 
Christ. And there is no person that 
could ever sin so much, that God's 
love would not be good enough for 
them, or that would somehow not be 
able to be covered by the penalty of 

death that Jesus Christ paid the 
price for. (otherwise, sin would be 
more powerful than Jesus Christ - 
which is not true). 

Sometimes, People have trouble 
believing in Jesus Christ because of 
two extremes: 

First the extreme that they are not 
sinners (usually, this means that a 
person has not committed a "serious" 
sin, such as "murder", but God says that 
all sins separates us from God, even 
supposedly-small sins. We - as humans 
- tend to evaluate sin into more serious 
and less serious categories, because we 
do not understand just how serious 
"small" sin is). 

Since we are all sinners, we all have 
a need for God, in order to have 
eternal salvation. 

Second the extreme that they are 
not good enough for Jesus Christ to 
save them. This is basically done by 
those who reject the Free offer of 
Salvation by Christ Jesus because 
those people are -literally - unwilling 

to believe. After death, they will 
believe, but they can only chose 
Eternal Life BEFORE they die. 
The fact is that all of us, are not 
good enough for Jesus Christ to 
save them. That is why Paul wrote in 
the Bible "For all have sinned, and 
come short of the glory of God" 
(Romans 3:23). 

Thankfully, that is not the end of the 
story, because he also wrote " For the 
wages of sin is death; but the gift of God 
is eternal life through Jesus Christ our 
Lord. "(Romans 6: 23) 

That Free offer of salvation is 
clarified in the following passage: 

John 3: 16 For God so loved the 
world, that he gave his only 
begotten Son, that whosoever 
believeth in him should not perish, 
but have everlasting life. 
17 For God sent not his Son into the 
world to condemn the world; but 
that the world through him might be 

Prayers that count 

The prayers that God hears 

We don't make the rules any more 
than you do. We just want to help 
others know how to reach God, and 
know that God cares about them 

The only prayers that make it to 
Heaven where God dwells are those 
prayers that are prayed directly to 
Him " through Jesus Christ " or "in 
the name of Jesus Christ' . 

God hears our prayers because we 
obey the method that God has 
established for us to be able to 
reach him. If we want Him to hear 
us, then we must use the methods 
that He has given us to 
communicate with Him. 

And he explains - in the New 
Testament - what that method is: 
talking to God (praying) in 
accordance with God's will - and 
coming to Him in the name of Jesus 
Christ . Here are some examples of 
that from the New Testament: 

(Acts 3:6) Then Peter said, Silver and 
gold have I none; but such as I have give 
I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of 
Nazareth rise up and walk. 

(Acts 16:18) And this did she many days. 
But Paul, being grieved, turned and said 
to the spirit, I command thee in the 
name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. 
And he came out the same hour. 

(Acts 9:27) But Barnabas took him, and 
brought him to the apostles, and 
declared unto them how he had seen the 
Lord in the way, and that he had spoken 
to him, and how he had preached boldly 
at Damascus in the name of Jesus. 

(2 Cor 3:4) And such trust have we 
through Christ to God-ward: (i.e. 
toward God) 

(Gal 4:7) Wherefore thou art no more a 
servant, but a son; and if a son, then an 
heir of God through Christ . 
(Eph 2:7) That in the ages to come he 
might show the exceeding [spiritual] 
riches of his grace in his kindness toward 
us through Christ Jesus . 

(Phil 4:7) And the peace of God, which 
passeth all understanding, shall keep 
your hearts and minds through Christ 

(Acts 4:2) Being grieved that they taught 
the people, and preached through Jesus 
the resurrection from the dead. 

(Rom 1:8) First, I thank my God 
through Jesus Christ for you all, that 
your faith is spoken of throughout the 
whole world. 

(Rom 6:11) Likewise reckon ye also 
yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, 

but alive unto God through Jesus Christ 
our Lord. 

(Rom 6:23) For the wages of sin is death; 
but the gift of God is eternal life through 
Jesus Christ our Lord. 

(Rom 15:17) I have therefore whereof I 
may glory through Jesus Christ in those 
things which pertain to God. 

(Rom 16:27) To God only wise, be glory 
through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen. 

(1 Pet 4:11) ...if any man minister, let 
him do it as of the ability which God 
giveth: that God in all things may be 
glorified through Jesus Christ , to whom 
be praise and dominion for ever and 
ever. Amen. 

(Gal 3:14) That the blessing of Abraham 
might come on the Gentiles through 
Jesus Christ ; that we might receive the 
promise of the [Holy] Spirit through 

(Titus 3:6) Which he shed on us 
abundantly through Jesus Christ our 

(Heb 13:21) Make you perfect in every 
good work to do his will, working in you 
that which is wellpleasing in his sight, 
through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory 
for ever and ever. Amen. 

Anyone who has questions is encouraged to contact us by 
email, with the address that is posted on our website. 

Note for Foreign Language and 
International Readers & Users 

Foreign Language Versions of the 
Introduction and Postcript/Afterword 
will be included (hopefully) in future 

IF a person wanted to become a Christian, what would they pray ? 

God, I am praying this to you so that you will help me. Please help 
me to want to know you better. Please help me to become a Christian. 

God I admit that I am not perfect. I understand that you cannot allow 
anyone into Heaven who is not perfect and Holy. I understand that 
if I believe in Jesus Christ and in what He did, that God you will 
see my life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and that this will 
allow me to have eternal life and know that I am going to Heaven. 

God, I admit that I have sin and things in my life that are not perfect. 
I know I have sinned in my life. Please forgive me of my sins. 
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He came to Earth 
to save those who ask Him, and that He died to pay the penalty for 
all of my sins. 

I understand that Jesus physically died and physically arose from the 
dead, and that God can forgive me because of the death and 
resurrection of Jesus Christ. I thank you for dying for me, and for 
paying the price for my sins. I accept to believe in you, and I thank 
you Lord God from all of my heart for your help and for sending 
your Son to die and raise from the Dead. 

I pray that you would help me to read your word the Bible. I 
renounce anything in my life, my thoughts and my actions that is 
not from you, and I do this in the name of Jesus Christ. Help me 
to not be spiritually deceived. Help me to grow and learn how to have 
a strong Christian walk for you, and to be a good example, with your 
help. Help me to have and develop a love of your word the Bible, and 
please bring to my life, people and situations that will help me to 
understand how to live my life as your servant. Help me to learn 
how to share the good news with those who may be willing to learn 
or to know. I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, and 
I thank you for what you have done for me, Amen. 

Please Remember: Christianity is NEVER forced. No one can 

force anyone to become a Christian. God does NOT recognize 

any desire for Him, unless it is genuine and motivated from 

the inside of each of us. 

Prayers for help to God 


For YOU, for US, for your Family 

Dear God, 

Thank you that this New Testament has been released so 

that we are able to learn more about you. 

Please help the people responsible for making this 
Electronic book available. Please help them to be able to 
work fast, and make more Electronic books available 
Please help them to have all the resources, the money, the 
strength and the time that they need in order to be able to 
keep working for You. 

Please help those that are part of the team that help them on 
an everyday basis. Please give them the strength to continue 
and give each of them the spiritual understanding for the 
work that you want them to do. Please help each of them to 
not have fear and to remember that you are the God who 
answers prayer and who is in charge of everything. 

I pray that you would encourage them, 

and that you protect them, and the work & ministry that they 

are engaged in. I pray that you would protect them from 
the Spiritual Forces or other obstacles that could harm them 
or slow them down. 

Please help me when I use this New Testament to also think 
of the people who have made this edition available, so that I 
can pray for them and so they can continue to help more 

I pray that you would give me a love of your 
Holy Word (the New Testament), and that you would give 
me spiritual wisdom and discernment to know you better 
and to understand the period of time that we are living in. 
Please help me to know how to deal with the difficulties that 
I am confronted with every day. Lord God, Help me to want 
to know you Better and to want to help other Christians in 
my area and around the world. 

I pray that you would give the Electronic book team and 
those who work on the website and those who help them 
your wisdom. 

I pray that you would help the individual members of their 
family (and my family) to not be spiritually deceived, but 
to understand you and to want to accept and follow you in 
every way. and I ask you to do these things 
in the name of Jesus, 


5 minutos a ayudar excepto otros - diferencie eterno 

Dios querido, 

gracias que se ha lanzado este nuevo testamento 

de modo que poder aprender mas sobre usted. 

Ayude por favor a la gente responsable de hacer este Ebook disponible. 

Ayudele por favor a poder trabajar rapidamente, y haga que 

mas Ebooks disponible por favor le ayuda a tener todos los recursos, 

los fondos, la fuerza y el tiempo que necesitan 

para poder guardar el trabajar para usted. 

Ayude por favor a los que sean parte del equipo que 

les ayuda sobre una base diaria. Por favor deles la fuerza para continuar 

y para dar a cada uno de ellos la comprension espiritual para el trabajo 
que usted quisiera que hicieran. Ayude por favor a cada uno de 
ellos a no tener miedo y a no recordar que usted es el dios que contesta 

a rezo y que esta a cargo de todo. 

Ruego que usted los animara, y que usted los proteja, 

y el trabajo y el ministerio que estan contratados adentro. 

Ruego que usted los protegiera contra las fuerzas espirituales 

que podrian danarlas o retardarlas abajo. Ayudeme por favor cuando 

utilizo este nuevo testamento tambien para pensar en ellas de modo 

que pueda rogar para ellas y asi que pueden continuar ayudando a mas 
gente Ruego que usted me diera un amor de su palabra santa, 
y que usted me daria la sabiduria y el discernimiento espirituales 

para conocerle mejor y para entender los tiempos que estamos 
adentro y como ocuparse de las dificultades que me enfrentan con cada dia. 
Senor God, me ayuda a desear conocerle mejor y desear ayudar 
a otros cristianos en mi area y alrededor del mundo. Ruego que usted 
diera el Web site y los de Ebook el equipo y los que trabajan en 

que les ayudan su sabiduria. Ruego que usted ayudara a los miembros 
individuales de su familia (y de mi familia) espiritual a no ser engahado, 

pero entenderle y desear aceptarle y seguir de cada manera. 
y pido que usted haga estas cosas en el nombre de Jesus, amen, i 

(por que lo hacemos tradujeron esto a muchas idiomas? 

Porque necesitamos a tanto rezo como sea posible, 

y a tanta gente que ruega para nosotros y el este ministerio 

tan a menudo como sea posible. Gracias por su ayuda. 

El rezo es una de las mejores maneras que usted puede ayudarnos mas) 


Hungary, Hungarian, Hungary Hungarian Maygar Prayer J ezus Krisztus 

Imadsag hoz Isten Hogyan viselkedni Imadkozik hoz tud hall az en m 

viselkedni kerdez ad segitszamomra 

Hungarian - Prayer Requests (praying / Talking) to God 
- explained in Hungarian Language 

Beszelo -hoz Isten , a Alkoto -bol Vilagegyetem , a Lord : 

1. amit on akar ad szamomra a batorsag -hoz imadkozik a 
dolog amit Vennem kell imadkozik 

2. amit on akar ad szamomra a batorsag -hoz hisz on es 
elfogad amit akrsz fgy csinalni eletemmel , helyett en 
felemel az en -m sajat akarat ( szandek ) fenti one. 

3. amit on akar add nekem segit -hoz nem enged az en -m 
fel -bol ismeretlen -hoz valik a kifogas , vagy a alap ertem 
nem -hoz szolgal you. 

4. amit on akar add nekem segit -hoz lat es -hoz megtanul 
hogyan viselkedni volna a szellemi ero Sziiksegem van ( 
atmeno -a szo a Biblia ) egy ) reszere a esemeny elore es b 
betii ) reszere az en -m sajat szemelyes szellemi utazas. 

5. Amit on Isten akar add nekem segit -hoz akar -hoz szolgal 
On tobb 

6. Amit on akar emlekeztet en -hoz -val beszel on 
prayerwhen ) En csalodott vagy -ban nehezseg , helyett 
kiprobalas -hoz hatarozat dolog en magam egyetlen atmeno 
az en -m emberi ero. 

7. Amit on akar add nekem Bolcsesseg es egy sziv toltott - 
val Bibliai Bolcsesseg azert EN akar szolgal on tobb 

8. Amit on akar adjon nekem egy -t vagy -hoz dolgozoszoba 
-a szo , a Biblia ,( a Uj Vegrendelet Evangelium -bol Budi ), 
-ra egy szemelyes alap 

9. amit on akar ad segitseg szamomra azert En kepes -hoz 
eszrevesz dolog -ban Biblia ( -a szo ) melyik EN tud 
szemelyesen elmond -hoz , es amit akarat segitsen nekem ert 
amit akrsz en -hoz csinal eletemben. 

10. Amit on akar add nekem nagy itelokepesseg , -hoz ert 
hogyan viselkedni megmagyaraz -hoz masikak ki on , es 
amit EN akar kepesnek lenni megtenni megtanul hogyan 
viselkedni megtanul es tud hogyan viselkedni kiall mellett 
on es en -a szo ( a Biblia ) 

1 1 . Amit on akar hoz emberek ( vagy websites ) eletemben 
ki akar -hoz tud on es en , ki van eros -ban -uk pontos 
megertes -bol on ( Isten ); es Amit on akar hoz emberek ( 
vagy websites ) eletemben ki lesz kepes -hoz batorit en -hoz 
pontosan megtanul hogyan viselkedni feloszt a Biblia a szo - 
bol igazsag (2 Komocsin 215:). 

12. Amit on akar segitsen nekem -hoz megtanul -hoz volna 
nagy megertes korulbelul melyik Biblia valtozat van legjobb 
, melyik van a leg— bb pontos , es melyik birtokol a leg— bb 
szellemi ero & ero , es melyik valtozat egyeztet -val a 
eredeti kezirat amit on ihletett a froi hivatas -bol Uj 
Vegrendelet -hoz fr. 

13. Amit on akar ad segit szamomra -hoz hasznal idom -ban 
egy jo ut , es nem -hoz elpusztit idom -ra Hamis vagy vires 
modszer kozelebb keriilni -hoz Isten ( de amit van nem 

hiisegesen Bibliai ), es hoi azok modszer termel nem hosszu 
ideje vagy tartos szellemi gyiimolcs. 

14. Amit on akar ad segitseg szamomra -hoz ert mit tenni 
keres -ban egy templom vagy egy istentisztelet helye , mi 
fajta -bol kerdes -hoz kerdez , es amit on akar segitsen 
nekem -hoz talal hivok vagy egy lelkesz -val nagy szellemi 
bolcsesseg helyett konnyii vagy hamis valaszol. 

15. amit on akar okoz en -hoz emlekszik -hoz memorizal -a 
szo a Biblia ( mint Romaiak 8), azert EN tud volna ez 
szivemben es volna az en -m torodik elokeszitett , es lenni 
kesz ad egy valaszol -hoz masikak -bol remel amit Nekem 
van koriilbeliil on. 

16. Amit on akar hoz segit szamomra azert az en -m sajat 
teologia es tetelek -hoz egyeterteni -a szo , a Biblia es amit 
on akar folytatodik segiteni neki en tud hogyan az en -m 
megertes -bol doktrina lehet kozmiivesitett azert az en -m 
sajat elet , eletmod es megertes folytatodik -hoz lenni zaro - 
hoz amit akrsz ez -hoz lenni ertem. 

17. Amit on akar nyit az en -m szellemi bepillantas ( 
kovetkeztetes ) tobb es tobb , es amit hoi az en -m megertes 
vagy eszrevetel -bol on van nem pontos , amit on akar 
segitsen nekem -hoz megtanul ki Jezus Krisztus hiisegesen 

18. Amit on akar ad segit szamomra azert EN akar kepesnek 
lenni megtenni szetvalaszt akarmi hamis ritusok melyik 
Nekem van fiigges -ra , -bol -a tiszta tamtas -ban Biblia , ha 
akarmi mibol En alabbiak van nem -bol Isten , vagy van 
ellenkezo -hoz amit akrsz -hoz tanit minket koriilbeliil 
alabbiak on. 

19. Amit akarmi kenyszerit -bol rossz akar nem eltesz 
akarmi szellemi megertes melyik Nekem van , de elegge 
amit EN akar megtart a tudas -bol hogyan viselkedni tud on 
es en nem -hoz lenni tevedesben lenni ezekben a napokban - 
bol szellemi csalas. 

20. Amit on akar hoz szellemi ero es segit szamomra azert 
EN akarat nem -hoz lenni resze a Nagy Eses El vagy -bol 
akarmi mozgalom melyik akar lenni lelkileg utanzott -hoz 
on es en -hoz -a Szent Szo 

21. Amit ha van akarmi amit Nekem van megtett eletemben 
, vagy barmilyen modon amit Nekem van nem alperes -hoz 
on ahogy ettem kellet volna volna es ez minden 
megakadalyozas en -bol egyik gyaloglas veled , vagy 
birtoklas megertes , amit on akar hoz azok dolog / valasz / 
esemeny vissza bele az en -m torodik , azert EN akar 
lemond oket neveben Jezus Krisztus , es mind az osszes -uk 
hat es kovetkezmeny , es amit on akar helyettesit akarmi 
uresseg , sadness vagy ketsegbeeses eletemben -val a Orom - 
bol Lord , es amit EN akar lenni tobb fokuszalva tanulas - 
hoz kovet on mellett olvaso -a szo , a Biblia 

22. Amit on akar nyit az en -m szemek azert EN akar 
kepesnek lenni megtenni vilagosan lat es felismer ha van 
egy Nagy Csalas korulbelul Szellemi tema , hogyan 
viselkedni ert ez jelenseg ( vagy ezek esemeny ) -bol egy 
Bibliai perspektiva , es amit on akar add nekem bolcsesseg - 
hoz tud es lgy amit EN akarat megtanul hogyan viselkedni 
segit barataim es szeretett egyek ( rokon ) nem lenni resze it. 

23. Amit on akar biztosit amit egyszer az en -m szemek van 
kinyitott es az en -m torodik ert a szellemi jelentoseg -bol 
idoszerii esemeny bevetel hely a vilagon , amit on akar 
elokeszit szivem elfogadtatni magam -a igazsag , es amit on 
akar segitsen nekem ert hogyan viselkedni talal batorsag es 

ero atmeno -a Szent Szo , a Biblia. Neveben Jezus Krisztus , 
En kerdezek mindezekert igazol kivansagom -hoz lenni -ban 
megallapodas -a akarat , es En kerdezes reszere -a 
bolcsesseg es kocsit berelni szerelem -bol Igazsag Amen 

Tobb alul -bol Oldal 
Hogyan viselkedni volna Orokelet 

Vagyunk boldog ha ez oldalra dol ( -bol imadsag kereslet - 
hoz Isten ) van kepes -hoz tamogat on. Mi ert ez majus nem 
lenni a legjobb vagy a leg— bb hatasos forditas. Mi ert amit 
vannak sok kiilonbozo ways -bol kifejezheto gondolkodas es 
szoveg. Ha onnek van egy javaslat reszere egy jobb forditas 
, vagy ha tetszene neked -hoz fog egy kicsi osszeg -bol idod 
-hoz kiild javaslatok hozzank , lesz lenni eteladag ezer -bol 
mas emberek is , ki akarat akkor olvas a kozmiivesitett 
forditas. Mi gyakran volna egy Uj Vegrendelet elerheto -ban 
-a nyelv vagy -ban nyelvek amit van ritka vagy regi. Ha on 
latszo reszere egy Uj Vegrendelet -ban egy kulonleges nyelv 
, legyen szives fr hozzank. Is , akarunk hogy biztosak 
legyiink es megprobal -hoz kommunikal amit neha , 
megtessziik felajanl konyv amit van nem Szabad es amit 
csinal ar penz. De ha on nem tud ad nehanyuk elektronikus 
konyv , mi tud gyakran csinal egy cserel -bol elektronikus 
konyv reszere segit -val forditas vagy forditas dolgozik. 
Csinalsz nem kell lenni profi munkas , csak keves szabalyos 
szemely akit erdekel eteladag. Onnek kellene volna egy 
szamitogep vagy onnek kellene volna belepes -hoz egy 
szamitogep -on -a helyi konyvtar vagy kollegium vagy 
egyetem , ota azok altalaban volna jobb kapcsolatok -hoz 

Tudod is altalaban alapft -a sajat szemelyes SZABAD 
elektronikus posta szamla mellett halado 

Legyen szfves fog egy pillanat -hoz talal a elektronikus 
posta cim elhelyezett alul vagy a veg ebbol oldal. Mi remel 
lesz kiild elektronikus posta hozzank , ha ez -bol segit vagy 
batoritas. Mi is batorit on -hoz kapcsolat minket 
vonatkozolag Elektronikus Konyv hogy tudunk felajanl amit 
van nelkiil ar , es szabad. 

MegtessziAk volna sok konyv -ban kiAlfoldi nyelvek , de 
megtesszuk nem mindig hely oket -hoz kap elektronikusan ( 
letolt ) mert mi egyetlen csinal elerheto a konyv vagy a tema 
amit van a leg— bb kereslet. Mi batorit on -hoz folytatodik - 
hoz imadkozik -hoz Isten es -hoz folytatodik -hoz megtanul 
rola mellett olvaso a Uj Vegrendelet. Mi szivesen lat -a 
kerdes es magyarazat mellett elektronikus posta. 



Italian- Prayer Requests (praying / Talking) to God - 
explained in Italian Language 

italian prayer jesus Cristo Preghiera come pregare al del dio il dio puo 
sentirsi preghiera come chiedere dio di dare allaiuto me 

Parlando al dio, il creatore dell'universo, il signore: 

1. che dareste me al coraggio pregare le cose di che ho 
bisogno per pregare 

2. che dareste me al coraggio crederli ed accettare che cosa 
desiderate fare con la mia vita, anziche me che exalting il 
miei propri volonta (intenzione) sopra il vostro. 

3. che mi dareste l'aiuto per non lasciare i miei timori dello 
sconosciuto transformarsi in nelle giustificazioni, o la base 
per me per non servirlo. 

4. che mi dareste l'aiuto per vedere ed imparare come avere 
la resistenza spiritosa io abbia bisogno (con la vostra parola 
bibbia) di a) per gli eventi avanti e b) per il mio proprio 
viaggio spiritoso personale. 

5. Che dio mi dareste l'aiuto per desiderare servirli di piu 

6. Che mi ricordereste comunicare con voi (prayer)when io 
sono frustrati o in difficolta, invece di provare a risolvere le 
cose io stesso soltanto con la mia resistenza umana. 

7. Che mi dareste la saggezza e un cuore si e riempito di 
saggezza biblica in modo che li servissi piu efficacemente. 

8. Che mi dareste un desiderio studiare la vostra parola, la 
bibbia, (il nuovo gospel del Testamento di John), a titolo 

9. che dareste ad assistenza me in modo che possa notare le 
cose nella bibbia (la vostra parola) a cui posso riferire 
personalmente ed a che lo aiutera a capire che cosa lo 
desiderate fare nella mia vita. 

10. Che mi dareste il discernment grande, per capire come 
spiegare ad altri che siate e che potrei imparare come 
imparare e sapere levarsi in piedi in su per voi e la vostra 
parola (bibbia) 

1 1 . Che portereste la gente (o i Web site) nella mia vita che 
desidera conoscerla e che e forte nella loro comprensione 
esatta di voi (dio); e quello portereste la gente (o i Web site) 
nella mia vita che potra consigliarmi imparare esattamente 
come dividere la bibbia la parola della verita (2 coda di todo 

12. Che lo aiutereste ad imparare avere comprensione 
grande circa quale versione della bibbia e la cosa migliore, 
che e la piu esatta e che ha la resistenza & l'alimentazione 
piu spiritose e che la versione accosente con i manoscritti 
originali che avete ispirato gli autori di nuovo Testamento 

13. Che dareste l'aiuto me per usare il mio tempo in un buon 
senso e per non sprecare il mio tempo sui metodi falsi o 
vuoti di ottenere piu vicino al dio (ma a quello non sia 
allineare biblico) e dove quei metodi non producono frutta 
spiritosa di lunga durata o durevole. 

14. Che dareste l'assistenza me capire che cosa cercare in 
una chiesa o in un posto di culto, che generi di domande da 
chiedere e che lo aiutereste a trovare i believers o un pastor 
con saggezza spiritosa grande anziche le risposte facili o 

15. di che lo indurreste a ricordarsi per memorizzare la 
vostra parola la bibbia (quale Romans 8), di modo che posso 
averlo nel mio cuore e fare la mia prepararsi mente ed e 

aspetti per dare una risposta ad altre della speranza che ho 
circa voi. 

16. Che portereste l'aiuto me in modo che la mie proprie 
teologia e dottrine per accosentire con la vostra parola, la 
bibbia e che continuereste a aiutarli a sapere la mia 
comprensione della dottrina puo essere migliorata in modo 
che la miei propri vita, lifestyle e capire continui ad essere 
piu vicino a che cosa lo desiderate essere per me. 

17. Che aprireste la mia comprensione spiritosa 
(conclusioni) di piu e piu e che dove la mia comprensione o 
percezione di voi non e esatta, che lo aiutereste ad imparare 
chi Jesus Christ allineare e. 

18. Che dareste l'aiuto me in modo che possa separare tutti i 
rituali falsi da cui ho dipeso, dai vostri insegnamenti liberi 
nella bibbia, se c'e ne di che cosa sono seguente non e del 
dio, o e contrari a che cosa desiderate per insegnarli - circa 
quanto segue. 

19. Che alcune forze della malvagita non toglierebbero la 
comprensione affatto spiritosa che abbia, ma piuttosto che 
mantennrei la conoscenza di come conoscerli e non essere 
ingannato dentro attualmente di inganno spiritoso. 

20. Che portereste la resistenza spiritosa ed aiutereste a me 
in modo che non faccia parte del ritirarsi grande o di alcun 
movimento che sarebbe spiritual falsificato a voi ed alia 
vostra parola santa. 

21. Quello se ci e qualche cosa che faccia nella mia vita, o 
qualsiasi senso che non ho risposto a voi come dovrei avere 
e quello sta impedendomi di camminare con voi, o avere 
capire, che portereste quei things/responses/events 
nuovamente dentro la mia mente, di modo che rinuncerei 

loro in nome di Jesus Christ e tutte i loro effetti e 
conseguenze e che sostituireste tutta la emptiness, tristezza o 
disperazione nella mia vita con la gioia del signore e che di 
piu sarei messo a fuoco suH'imparare seguirli leggendo la 
vostra parola, bibbia. 

22. Che aprireste i miei occhi in modo che possa vedere e 
riconoscere chiaramente se ci e un inganno grande circa i 
soggetti spiritosi, come capire questo fenomeno (o questi 
eventi) da una prospettiva biblica e che mi dareste la 
saggezza per sapere ed in modo che impari come aiutare i 
miei amici ed amavo ones (parenti) per non fare parte di 

23. Che vi accertereste che i miei occhi siano aperti una 
volta e la mia mente capisce l'importanza spiritosa degli 
eventi correnti che avvengono nel mondo, che abbiate 
preparato il mio cuore per accettare la vostra verita e che lo 
aiutereste a capire come trovare il coraggio e la resistenza 
con la vostra parola santa, la bibbia. In nome di Jesus Christ, 
chiedo queste cose che confermano il mio desiderio essere 
nell'accordo la vostra volonta e sto chiedendo la vostra 
saggezza ed avere un amore della verita, Amen. 

Piu in calce alia pagina 
come avere vita Eterna 

Siamo felici se questa lista (delle richieste di preghiera al 
dio) puo aiutarli. Capiamo che questa non puo essere la 
traduzione migliore o piu efficace. Capiamo che ci sono 
molti sensi differenti di esprimere i pensieri e le parole. Se 
avete un suggerimento per una traduzione migliore, o se 

voleste occorrere una piccola quantita di vostro tempo di 
trasmettere i suggerimenti noi, aiuterete i migliaia della 
gente inoltre, che allora leggera la traduzione migliorata. 
Abbiamo spesso un nuovo Testamento disponibile in vostra 
lingua o nelle lingue che sono rare o vecchie. 

Se state cercando un nuovo Testamento in una lingua 
specifica, scriva prego noi. Inoltre, desideriamo essere sicuri 
e proviamo a comunicare a volte quello, offriamo i libri che 
non sono liberi e che costano i soldi. Ma se non potete 
permettersi alcuni di quei libri elettronici, possiamo fare 
spesso uno scambio di libri elettronici per aiuto con la 
traduzione o il lavoro di traduzione. 

Non dovete essere un operaio professionista, solo una 
persona normale che e interessata nell'assistenza. Dovreste 
avere un calcolatore o dovreste avere accesso ad un 
calcolatore alia vostra biblioteca o universita o universita 
locale, poiche quelli hanno solitamente collegamenti 
migliori al Internet. Potete anche stabilire solitamente il 
vostro proprio cliente LIBERO personale della posta 
elettronica andando al ### di prego 
occorrete un momento per trovare l'indirizzo della posta 
elettronica situato alia parte inferiore o all'estremita di 
questa pagina. Speriamo che trasmettiate la posta elettronica 
noi, se questa e di aiuto o di incoraggiamento. Inoltre vi 
consigliamo metterseli in contatto con riguardo ai libri 
elettronici che offriamo quello siamo senza costo e 

che libero abbiamo molti libri nelle lingue straniere, ma 
non le disponiamo sempre per ricevere elettronicamente 
(trasferimento dal sistema centrale verso i satelliti) perche 
rendiamo soltanto disponibile i libri o i soggetti che sono 
chiesti. Vi consigliamo continuare a pregare al dio ed a 
continuare ad imparare circa lui leggendo il nuovo 

Testamento. Accogliamo favorevolmente le vostre domande 
ed osservazioni da posta elettronica 

Preghiera al dio Caro Dio, Grazie che questo gospel o 
questo nuovo Testamento e stato liberato in modo che 
possiamo impararvi piu circa. Aiuti prego la gente 
responsabile del rendere questo litaro elettronico disponibile. 
Conoscete che chi sono e potete aiutarle. 

Aiutile prego a potere funzionare velocemente e renda i libri 
piu elettronici disponibili Aiutili prego ad avere tutte le 
risorse, i soldi, la resistenza ed il tempo di che hanno 
bisogno per potere continuare a funzionare per voi. 
Aiuti prego quelli che fanno parte della squadra che le aiuta 
su una base giornaliere. Prego dia loro la resistenza per 
continuare e dare ciascuno di loro la comprensione spiritosa 
per il lavoro che li desiderate fare. Aiuti loro prego ciascuno 
a non avere timore ed a non ricordarsi di che siete il dio che 
risponde alia preghiera e che e incaricato di tutto. Prego che 
consigliereste loro e che li proteggete ed il lavoro & il 
ministero che sono agganciati dentro. 

Prego che li proteggereste dalle forze spiritose o da altri 
ostacoli che potrebbero nuoc o ritardarli giu. Aiutilo prego 
quando uso questo nuovo Testamento anche per pensare alia 
gente che ha reso questa edizione disponibile, di modo che 
posso pregare per loro ed in modo da puo continuare a 
aiutare piu gente. 

Prego che mi dareste un amore della vostra parola santa (il 
nuovo Testamento) e che mi dareste la saggezza ed il 
discernment spiritosi per conoscerli meglio e per capire il 

periodo di tempo ou stiamo vivendo. Aiutilo prego a sapere 
risolvere le difficolta che sono confrontato con ogni giorno. 
II signore God, lo aiuta a desiderare conoscerli piu meglio e 
desiderare aiutare altri cristiani nella mia zona ed intorno al 

Prego che dareste la squadra elettronica e coloro del libro 
che le aiuta la vostra saggezza. 

Prego che aiutereste i diversi membri della loro famiglia (e 
della mia famiglia) spiritual a non essere ingannati, ma 
capirli e desiderare accettarli e seguire in ogni senso. Inoltre 
diaci la comodita ed il consiglio in questi periodi ed io vi 
chiedono di fare queste cose in nome di Jesus, amen, 



Portuguese PrayerCristo Pedidoa DeusComoorara Deus 
podemouvirmy pedido perguntar Deus darajuda a me 
Portuguese - Prayer Requests (praying / Talking) to God 
- explained in Portugues (Portugues) Language 

Falando ao deus, o criador do universo, senhor: 

1 . que voce daria a mim a coragem pray as coisas que eu 
necessito pray 

2. que voce daria a mim a coragem o acreditar e aceitar o 
que voce quer fazer com minha vida, em vez de mim que 
exalting meus proprios vontade (intencao) acima de seu. 

3. que voce me daria a ajuda para nao deixar meus medos do 
desconhecido se transformar as desculpas, ou a base para 
mim para nao lhe servir. 

4. que voce me daria a ajuda para ver e aprender como ter a 
forca espiritual mim necessite (com sua palavra o bible) a) 
para os eventos adiante e b) para minha propria viagem 
espiritual pessoal. 

5. Que voce deus me daria a ajuda para querer lhe servir 

6. Que voce me lembraria falar com voce (prayer)when me 
sao frustrados ou na dificuldade, em vez de tentar resolver 
coisas eu mesmo somente com minha forca humana. 

7. Que voce me daria a sabedoria e um coracao encheu-se 
com a sabedoria biblical de modo que eu lhe servisse mais 

8. Que voce me daria um desejo estudar sua palavra, o bible, 
(o gospel do testament novo de John), em uma base pessoal, 

9. que voce daria a auxflio a mim de modo que eu pudesse 
observar coisas no bible (sua palavra) a que eu posso 
pessoalmente se relacionar, e a que me ajudara compreender 
o que voce me quer fazer em minha vida. 

10. Que voce me daria o discernment grande, para 
compreender como explicar a outro que voce e, e que eu 

poderia aprender como aprender e saber estar acima para 
voce e sua palavra (o bible) 

1 1 . Que voce traria os povos (ou os Web site) em minha 
vida que querem o conhecer, e que sao fortes em sua 
compreensao exata de voce (deus); e isso voce traria povos 
(ou Web site) em minha vida que podera me incentivar 
aprender exatamente como dividir o bible a palavra da 
verdade (2 timothy 2: 15). 

12. Que voce me ajudaria aprender ter a compreensao 
grande sobre que versao do bible e a mais melhor, que sao a 
mais exata, e que tern a forca & o poder os mais espirituais, 
e que a versao concorda com os manuscritos originais que 
voce inspirou os autores do testament novo escrever. 

13. Que voce me daria a ajuda para usar meu tempo em uma 
maneira boa, e para nao desperdicar minha hora em metodos 
falsos ou vazios de comecar mais perto do deus (mas 
daquele nao seja verdadeiramente biblical), e onde aqueles 
metodos nao produzem nenhuma fruta espiritual a longo 
prazo ou duravel. 

14. Que voce me daria o auxflio compreender o que 
procurar em uma igreja ou em um lugar da adoracao, que 
tipos das perguntas a pedir, e que voce me ajudaria 
encontrar believers ou um pastor com sabedoria espiritual 
grande em vez das respostas faceis ou falsas. 15. que voce 
faria com que eu recordasse memorizar sua palavra o bible 
(tal como Romans 8), de modo que eu pudesse o ter em meu 
coracao e ter minha mente preparada, e estivessem pronto 
para dar uma resposta a outra da esperanca que eu tenho 
sobre voce. 

16. Que voce me traria a ajuda de modo que meus proprios 
theology e doutrinas para concordar com sua palavra, o 

bible e que voce continuaria a me ajudar saber minha 
compreensao da doutrina pode ser melhorada de modo que 
meus proprios vida, lifestyle e compreensao continuem a ser 
mais perto de o que voce a quer ser para mim. 

17. Que voce abriria minha introspeccao espiritual 
(conclusoes) mais e mais, e que onde minha compreensao 
ou percepcao de voce nao sao exata, que voce me ajudaria 
aprender quem Jesus Christ e verdadeiramente. 

18. Que voce me daria a ajuda de modo que eu possa 
separar todos os rituals falsos de que eu depender, de seus 
ensinos desobstruidos no bible, se alguma de o que eu sou 
seguinte nao sao do deus, nem sao contrarias a o que voce 
quer nos ensinar - sobre o seguir. 

19. Que nenhumas forcas do evil nao removeriam a 
compreensao espiritual que eu tenho, mas rather que eu 
reteria o conhecimento de como o conhecer e nao ser iludido 
nestes dias do deception espiritual. 

20. Que voce traria a forca espiritual e me ajudaria de modo 
que eu nao seja parte da queda grande afastado ou de 
nenhum movimento que fosse espiritual forjado a voce e a 
sua palavra holy. 

21. Isso se houver qualquer coisa que eu fiz em minha vida, 
ou alguma maneira que eu nao lhe respondi como eu devo 
ter e aquela esta impedindo que eu ande com voce, ou ter a 
compreensao, que voce traria aqueles 
things/responses/events para tras em minha mente, de modo 
que eu os renunciasse no nome de Jesus Christ, e em todas 
seus efeitos e consequencias, e que voce substituiria todo o 
emptiness, sadness ou desespero em minha vida com a 
alegria do senhor, e que eu estaria focalizado mais na 
aprendizagem o seguir lendo sua palavra, o bible. 

22. Que voce abriria meus olhos de modo que eu possa ver e 
reconhecer claramente se houver um deception grande sobre 
topicos espirituais, como compreender este fenomeno (ou 
estes eventos) de um perspective biblical, e que voce me 
daria a sabedoria para saber e de modo que eu aprenderei 
como ajudar a meus amigos e amei (parentes) nao ser parte 

23. Que voce se asseguraria de que meus olhos estejam 
abertos uma vez e minha mente compreende o significado 
espiritual dos eventos atuais que ocorrem no mundo, que 
voce prepararia meu coracao para aceitar sua verdade, e que 
voce me ajudaria compreender como encontrar a coragem e 
a forca com sua palavra holy, o bible. No nome de Jesus 
Christ, eu peco estas coisas que confirmam meu desejo ser 
no acordo sua vontade, e eu estou pedindo sua sabedoria e 
para ter um amor da verdade, Amen. 

Mais no fundo da pagina 
como ter a vida eternal 

Nos estamos contentes se esta lista (de pedidos do prayer ao 
deus) puder lhe ajudar. Nos compreendemos que esta nao 
pode ser a mais melhor ou traducao a mais eficaz. Nos 
compreendemos que ha muitas maneiras diferentes de 
expressar pensamentos e palavras. Se voce tiver uma 
sugestao para uma traducao melhor, ou se voce gostar de 
fazer exame de um pouco de seu tempo nos emitir 
sugestoes, voce estara ajudando a milhares dos povos 
tambem, que lerao entao a traducao melhorada. Nos temos 
frequentemente um testament novo disponivel em sua lingua 
ou nas linguas que sao raras ou velhas. Se voce estiver 
procurando um testament novo em uma lingua especifica, 
escreva-nos por favor. 

Tambem, nos queremos ser certos e tentamos comunicar as 
vezes isso, nos oferecemos os livros que nao estao livres e 
que custam o dinheiro. Mas se voce nao puder ter recursos 
para alguns daqueles livros eletronicos, nos podemos 
frequentemente fazer uma troca de livros eletronicos para a 
ajuda com traducao ou trabalho da traducao. Voce nao tem 
que ser um trabalhador profissional, only uma pessoa 
regular que esteja interessada na ajuda. 

Voce deve ter um computador ou voce deve ter o acesso a 
um computador em sua biblioteca ou faculdade ou 
universidade local, desde que aqueles tem geralmente 
conexoes melhores ao Internet. 

Voce pode tambem geralmente estabelecer seu proprio 
cliente LIVRE pessoal do correio eletronico indo ao ### de faz exame por favor de um momento para 
encontrar o endereco do correio eletronico ficado situado no 
fundo ou na extremidade desta pagina. Nos esperamos que 
voce nos emita o correio eletronico, se este for da ajuda ou 
do incentivo. Nos incentivamo-lo tambem contatar-nos a 
respeito dos livros eletronicos que nos oferecemos a isso 
somos sem custo, e 

que livre nos temos muitos livros em linguas extrangeiras, 
mas nos nao as colocamos sempre para receber 
eletronicamente (download) porque nos fazemos somente 
disponivel os livros ou os topicos que sao os mais pedidos. 
Nos incentivamo-lo continuar a pray ao deus e a continuar a 
aprender sobre ele lendo o testament novo. Nos damos boas- 
vindas a seus perguntas e comentarios pelo correio 


Estimado Dios , Gracias aquel esto Nuevo Testamento has 
estado disparador a fin de que nosotros estamos capaz a 
aprender mas acerca de usted. Por favor ayudeme la gente 
responsable por haciendo esto Electronica litaro disponible. 
Por favor ayudeme esten capaz de obra ayuna , y hacer mas 
Electronica libros mayor disponible Por favor ayudeme 
esten haber todo el recursos , el dinero , el potencia y el 
tiempo aquel ellos necesidad para poder guardar laboral para 
ti. Por favor ayudeme esos aquel esta parte de la equipo 
aquel ayuda ellas en un corriente base. 

Por favor dar ellas el potencia a continuar y dar cada de ellas 
el espiritual comprension por lo obra aquel usted necesidad 
esten hacer. Por favor ayudeme cada de esten no haber 
miedo y a acordarse de aquel usted esta el Dios quien 
respuestas oration y quien es el encargado de todo. 
Oro aquel usted haria animar ellas , y aquel usted amparar 
ellas , y los trabajadores & ministerio aquel son ocupado en. 
Oro aquel usted haria amparar ellas desde el Espiritual 
Fuerzas o otro obstaculos aquel puedes dano ellas o lento 
ellas down. 

Por favor ayudeme cuando YO uso esto Nuevo Testamento 
a tambien creer de la personas quien haber hecho esto 
edition disponible , a fin de que YO lata orar por ellas y asi 
ellos lata continuar a ayuda mas personas Oro aquel usted 
haria deme un amor de su Santo Palabra ( el Nuevo 
Testamento ), y aquel usted haria deme espiritual juicio y 
discernimientos saber usted mejor y a comprender el tiempo 
aquel nosotros estamos viviente en. 

Por favor ayudeme saber como a tratar con el dificultades 
aquel Estoy confrontar con todos los dias. Senor Dios , 
Ayiidame querer saber usted Mejor y querer a ayuda otro 
Cristianos en mi area y alrededor del mundo. Oro aquel 
usted haria dar el Electronica libro equipo y esos quien obra 
en la telas y esos quien ayuda ellas su juicio. 

Oro aquel usted haria ayuda el individuo miembros de su 
familia ( y mi familia ) a no estar espiritualmente enganado , 
pero a comprender usted y querer a aceptar y seguir usted en 
todos los dias camino. y YO preguntar usted hacer estos 
cosas en nombre de Jesus , Amen , 


Kjsere God , Takk skal du ha det denne Ny Testamentet 

er blitt befridd i den grad at vi er dugelig a h0re Here om du. 
Behage hjelpe folket ansvarlig for gj0r denne Elektronisk 
bestille anvendelig. Behage hjelpe seg a bli kj0pedyktig 
arbeide rask , og lage flere Elektronisk b0ker anvendelig 
Behage hjelpe seg a ha alle ressursene , pengene , det styrke 
og klokken det de n0d for at vsere i stand til oppbevare 
arbeider til deres. 

Behage hjelpe dem det er del av teamet det hjelpe seg opp 
pa en hverdags basis. Behage gir seg det styrke a fortsette og 
gir hver av seg det sprit forstaelse for det arbeide det du 
0nske seg a gj0re. 

Behage hjelpe hver av seg a ikke ha rank og a erindre det du 
er det God hvem svar b0nn og hvem er i ledelsen av alt. JEG 
be det du ville oppmuntre seg , og det du beskytte seg , og 
det arbeide & ministerium det de er forlovet inne. JEG be 
det du ville beskytte seg fra det Sprit Presser eller annet 
obstacles det kunne skade seg eller langsom seg ned. 

Behage hjelpe meg nar JEG bruk denne Ny Testamentet a 
likeledes tenke pa folket hvem ha fremstilt denne opplag 
anvendelig , i den grad at JEG kanne be for seg hvorfor de 
kanne fortsette a hjelpe flere folk JEG be det du ville gir 
meg en kjserlighet til din Hellig Ord ( det Ny Testamentet ), 
og det du ville gir meg sprit klokskap og discernment a vite 
du bedre og a oppfatte perioden det vi lever inne. 
Behage hjelpe meg a vite hvor a beskjeftige seg med 
problemene det JEG er stilt overfor hver dag. Lord God , 
Hjelpe meg a vil gjerne vite du Bedre og a vil gjerne hjelpe 
annet Kristen inne meg omrade og i nserheten verden. 
JEG be det du ville gir det Elektronisk bestille lag og dem 
hvem arbeide med det website og dem hvem hjelpe seg din 
klokskap. JEG be det du ville hjelpe individet medlemmer 
av deres slekt ( og meg slekt ) a ikke vsere spiritually narret , 
bortsett fra a oppfatte du og a vil gjerne godkjenne og f0lge 
etter etter du inne enhver vei. og JEG anmode du a gj0re 
disse saker inne navnet av Jesus , Samarbeidsvillig , 



Swedish - Prayer Requests (praying / Talking) to God - 
explained in Swedish Language 

Swedish Prayer Bon till Gud Jesus Hur till Be Hur kanna 
hora min Hur till fraga Gud till ger hjalp finna ande Ledning 
Talande till Gud , skaparen om Universum , den Var Herre 
och Fralsare : 

1 . sa pass du skulle ger till jag tapperheten till be sakerna sa 
pass Jag nod till be 

2. sa pass du skulle ger till jag tapperheten till tro pa du och 
accept vad du vilja till gor med min liv , i stallet for jag 
upphoja min aga vilja ( avsikt ) over din. 

3. sa pass du skulle ge mig hjalp till inte lata min radsla om 
okand till bli den ursakta , eller basisten for jag inte till tjana 

4. sa pass du skulle ge mig hjalp till se och till lara sig hur 
till har den ande styrka Jag nod ( igenom din uttrycka bibeln 
) en ) for handelsen fore och b ) for min aga personlig ande 

5. Sa pass du Gud skulle ge mig hjalp till vilja till tjana Du 

6. Sa pass du skulle paminna jag till samtal med du 
prayerwhen ) JAG er frustrerat eller i svarigheten , i stallet 
for forsokande till besluta sakerna mig sjalv bara igenom 
min mansklig styrka. 

7. Sa pass du skulle ge mig Visdom och en hjartan fyllt med 
Biblisk Visdom sa fakta at JAG skulle tjana du mer 
effektivt. 8. Sa pass du skulle ge mig en onska till studera 
din uttrycka , bibeln , ( den Ny Testamente Evangelium av 
John ), pa en personlig basis 9. sa pass du skulle ger hjalp 

till jag sa fakta at JAG er kopa duktig marka sakerna inne 
om Bibel ( din uttrycka ) vilken JAG kanna personlig beratta 
till , och den dar vill hjalpa mig forsta vad du vilja jag till 
gor i min liv. 

10. Sa pass du skulle ge mig stor discernment , till forsta hur 
till forklara till sjalvaste vem du er , och sa pass JAG skulle 
kunde lara sig hur till lara sig och veta hur till lopa upp for 
du och mig din uttrycka ( bibeln ) 

1 1. Sa pass du skulle komma med folk ( eller websites ) i 
min liv vem vilja till veta du och mig , vem de/vi/du/ni ar 
stark i deras exakt forstandet av du ( Gud ); och Sa pass du 
skulle komma med folk ( eller websites ) i min liv vem vilja 
kunde uppmuntra jag till ackurat lara sig hur till fordela 
bibeln orden av sanning Timothy 215:). 

12. Sa pass du skulle hjalpa mig till lara sig till har stor 
forstandet om vilken Bibel version ar bast , vilken ar mest 
exakt , och vilken har mest ande styrka & formaga , och 
vilken version samtycke med det original manuskripten sa 
pass du inspirerat forfattarna om Ny Testamente till skriva. 

13. Sa pass du skulle ger hjalp till jag till anvanda min tid i 
en god vag , och inte till slosa min tid pa Falsk eller torn 
metoderna till komma narmare till Gud ( utom sa pass 
blandar inte sant Biblisk ), och var den har metoderna 
produkter ingen for lange siden tid eller varande ande frukt. 

14. Sa pass du skulle ger hjalp till jag till forsta vad till blick 
for i en kyrka eller en stalle av dyrkan , vad slagen av 
sporsmalen till fraga , och sa pass du skulle hjalpa mig till 
finna tro pa eller en pastor med stor ande visdom i stallet for 
latt eller falsk svar. 

15. sa pass du skulle orsak jag till minas till minnesmarke 
din uttrycka bibeln ( sadan som Romersk 8), sa fakta at JAG 
kanna har den i min hjartan och har min sinne beredd , och 
vara rede till a ger en svar till sjalvaste om hoppa pa att Jag 
har omkring du. 

16. Sa pass du skulle komma med hjalp till jag sa fakta at 
min aga theology och doktrin till samtycke med din uttrycka 
, bibeln och sa pass du skulle fortsatta till hjalpa mig veta 
hur min forstandet av doktrin kanna bli forbattrat sa fakta at 
min aga liv , livsform och forstandet fortsatt till vara nojer 
till vad slut du vilja den till vara for jag. 

17. Sa pass du skulle oppen min ande inblicken ( 
sluttningarna ) mer och mer , och sa pass var min forstandet 
eller uppfattningen av du ar inte exakt , sa pass du skulle 
hjalpa mig till lara sig vem Jesus Christ sant ar. 

18. Sa pass du skulle ger hjalp till jag sa fakta at JAG skulle 
kunde skild fran nagon falsk ritual vilken Jag har bero pa , 
fran din klar undervisning inne om Bibel , eventuell om vad 
JAG foljer ar inte av Gud , eller ar i strid mot vad du vilja 
till undervisa oss omkring foljande du. 

19. Sa pass nagon pressar av onda skulle inte ta bort nagon 
ande forstandet vilken Jag har , utom hellre sa pass JAG 
skulle halla kvar kunskap om hur till veta du och mig inte 
till bli lurat i den har dagen av ande bedrageri. 

20. Sa pass du skulle komma med ande styrka och hjalp till 
jag sa fakta at Jag vill inte till bli del om den Stor Stjarnfall 
Bort eller av nagon rorelse vilken skulle bli spiritually 
forfalskad till du och mig till din Helig Uttrycka 

21. Sa pass om dar er nagot sa pass Jag har gjort det min liv 
, eller nagon vag sa pass Jag har inte reagerat till du sa JAG 

skulle har och den dar er forhindrande jag fran endera 
vandrande med du , eller har forstandet , sa pass du skulle 
komma med den har sakerna / svaren / handelsen rygg in i 
min sinne , sa fakta at JAG skulle avsaga sig dem inne om 
Namn av Jesus Christ , och all av deras verkningen och 
konsekvenserna , och sa pass du skulle satta tillbaka nagon 
tomhet , sadness eller fortvivlan i min liv med det Gladje om 
Var Herre och Fralsare , och sa pass JAG skulle bli mer 
focusen pa inlarningen till folja du vid lasande din uttrycka , 
den Bibel 

22. Sa pass du skulle oppen min oga sa fakta at JAG skulle 
kunde klar se och recognize om dar er en Stor Bedrageri 
omkring Ande amnena , hur till forsta den har phenomenon 
( eller de har handelsen ) fran en Biblisk perspektiv , och sa 
pass du skulle ge mig visdom till veta och sa sa pass Jag vill 
lara sig hur till hjalp min vannerna och alskat en ( slaktingen 
) inte bli del om it. 

23. Sa pass du skulle tillforsakra sa pass en gang min oga 
de/vi/du/ni ar oppnat och min sinne forstar den ande mening 
av strom handelsen tagande stalle pa jorden , sa pass du 
skulle forbereda min hjartan till accept din sanning , och sa 
pass du skulle hjalpa mig forsta hur till finna mod och styrka 
igenom din Helig Uttrycka , bibeln. Inne om namn av Jesus 
Christ , JAG fraga om de har sakerna bekraftande min onska 
till vara i folje avtalen din vilja , och JAG fragar till deras 
visdom och till har en karlek om den Sanning 

Mer pa botten av Sida 
Hur till har Oandlig Liv 

Vi er glad om den har lista over ( bon anmoder till Gud ) ar 
duglig till hjalpa du. Vi forsta den har Maj inte bli den bast 
eller mest effektiv oversattning. Vi forsta det dar de/vi/du/ni 
ar manga olik vag av yttranden tanken och orden. Om du har 
en forslagen for en battre oversattning , eller om du skulle 
lik till ta en liten belopp av din tid till sanda forslag till oss , 
du vill bli hjalpande tusenden av annan folk ocksa , vem 
vilja da lasa den forbattrat oversattning. Vi ofta har en Ny 
Testamente tillganglig i din sprak eller i spraken sa pass 
de/vi/du/ni ar sallsynt eller gammal. Om du er sett for en Ny 
Testamente i en bestamd sprak , behaga skriva till oss. 
Ocksa , vi behov till vara saker och forsok till meddela sa 
pass ibland , vi gor erbjudande bokna sa pass blandar inte 
Fri och sa pass gor kostnad pengar. Utom om du kan icke 
har rad med det nagot om den har elektronisk bokna , vi 
kanna ofta gor en byta av elektronisk bokna for hjalp med 
oversattning eller oversattning verk. 

Du hade inte till vara en professionell arbetaren , enda et par 
regelbunden person vem er han intresserad i hjalpande. Du 
borde har en computern eller du borde ha ingang till en 
computern pa din lokal bibliotek eller college eller 
universitet , sedan dess den har vanligtvis har battre 
forbindelserna till Internet. Du kanna ocksa vanligtvis 
grunda din aga personlig FRI elektronisk sanda med posten 
redovisa vid gar till 

### Behaga ta en stund till finna den elektronisk sanda med 
posten adress lokaliserat nederst eller sluten av den har sida. 
Vi hoppas du vill sanda elektronisk sanda med posten till 
oss , om den har er av hjalp eller uppmuntran. Vi ocksa 
uppmuntra du till komma i kontakt med oss angaande 
Elektronisk Bokna sa pass vi erbjudande sa pass de/vi/du/ni 
ar utan kostnad , och fri. 

Vi gor har manga bokna i utlandsk spraken , utom vi inte 
alltid stalle dem till ta emot elektronisk ( data overfor ) 
emedan vi bara gora tillganglig bokna eller amnena sa pass 
de/vi/du/ni ar mest begaret. Vi uppmuntra du till fortsatta till 
be till Gud och till fortsatta till lara sig omkring Honom vid 
lasande den Ny Testamente. Vi valkomnande din 
sporsmalen och kommentarerna vid elektronisk sanda med 


Anwylyd Celi , Ddiolch 'ch a hon 'n Grai 
Destament gollyngwyd fel a allwn at ddysg hychwaneg 
amdanat. Blesio chyfnertha 'r boblogi 'n atebol achos yn 
gwneud hon Electronic llyfr ar gael. 

Blesio chyfnertha 'u at all gweithia ymprydia , a gwna 
hychwaneg Electronic llyfrau ar gael Blesio chyfnertha 'u at 
ca pawb 'r adnoddau , 'r arian , 'r chryfder a 'r amsera a hwy 
angen er all cadw yn gweithio atat. Blesio chyfnertha hynny 
sy barthu chan 'r heigia a chyfnertha 'u acha an everyday 

Blesio anrhega 'u 'r chryfder at arhosa a anrhega pob un 
chanddyn 'r 'n ysbrydol yn deall achos 'r gweithia a 'ch 
angen 'u at gwna. 

Blesio chyfnertha pob un chanddyn at mo ca arswyda a at 
atgofia a ach 'r Celi a atebiadau arawd a sy i mewn 
chyhudda chan bopeth. Archa a anogech 'u , a a achlesi 'u , a 
'r gweithia & gweinidogaeth a ]n cyflogedig i mewn. Archa 

a achlesech 'u chan 'r 'n Ysbrydol Grymoedd ai arall 
rhwystrau a could amhara 'u ai arafa 'u i lawr. 
Blesio chyfnertha 'm pryd Arfera hon 'n Grai Destament at 
hefyd dybied chan 'r boblogi a wedi gwneud hon argraffiad 
ar gael , fel a Alia gweddi'o am 'u a fel allan arhosa at 
chyfnertha hychwaneg boblogi Archa a anrhegech 'm 
anwylaeth chan 'ch 'n gysegr-lan Eiria ( 'r 'n Grai Destament 
), a a anrhegech 'm 'n ysbrydol callineb a ddirnadaeth at 
adnabod gwellhawch a at ddeall 'r atalnod chan amsera a ]m 
yn bucheddu i mewn. Blesio chyfnertha 'm at adnabod fel at 
ymdrin 'r afrwyddinebau a Dwi wynebedig ag ddiwedydd. 
Arglwydd Celi , Chyfnertha 'm at angen at adnabod 
gwellhawch a at angen at chyfnertha arall Cristnogion i 
mewn 'm arwynebedd a am 'r byd. Archa a anrhegech 'r 
Electronic llyfr heigia a hynny a gweithia acha 'r website a 
hynny a chyfnertha 'u 'ch callineb. Archa a chyfnerthech 'r 
hunigol aelodau chan 'n hwy deulu ( a 'm deulu ) at mo bod 
'n ysbrydol dwylledig , namyn at ddeall 'ch a at angen at 
chymer a canlyn 'ch i mewn 'n bob ffordd. a Archa 'ch at 
gwna hyn bethau i mewn 'r enwa chan Iesu , Amen , 


Iceland -\ Icelandic 


Icelandic Icelandic - Prayer Requests (praying / Talking) 

to God - explained in Icelandic Language 

Prayer Isceland Icelandic Jesus Kristur Baen til Guo 
Hvernig til Bioja Hvernig geta spyrja gefa hjalpa andlegur 

Tal til Gu5 the Skapari af the Alheimur the Herra : 

1 . pessi pu vildi gefa til mig the hugrekki til biSja the hlutur 
pessi EG porf til bi9ja 

2. pessi pu vildi gefa til mig the hugrekki til trua pu og 
piggja hvaQa pu vilja til komast af me5 minn Iff , 1 staSinn af 
mig upphefja minn eiga vilja ( asetningur ) yfir pinn. 

3. pessi pu vildi gefa mig hjalpa til ekki lata minn ogurlegur 
af the opekktur til verSa the afsokun , e5a the undirstaQa 
fyrir mig ekki til bera fram you. 4. pessi pu vildi gefa mig 
hjalpa til sja og til lsera hvernig til hafa the andlegur styrkur 
EG porf ( l gegnum pinn or5 the Biblia a ) fyrir the atburSur 
a undan ) og b ) fyrir minn eiga personulegur andlegur fer5. 

5. E>essi J)u Gu5 vildi gefa mig hjalpa til vilja til bera fram 
M fleiri 6. f>essi J)u vildi minna a mig til tala me5 f)u 
prayerwhen ) EG er svekktur e5a l vandi , l staQinn af 
erfiSur til asetningur hlutur eg sjalfur eini l gegnum minn 
mannlegur styrkur. 

7. E>essi J)u vildi gefa mig Viska og a hjarta fiskflak me5 
Bibliulegur Viska svo bessi EG vildi bera fram J)u fleiri a 
ahrifarfkan hatt. 

8. f>essi J)u vildi gefa mig a longun til nema J)inn or5 the 
Biblia the Nyja testamentiS GuQspjall af Klosett ), a a 
personulegur undirstaQa 

9. J)essi J)u vildi gefa a5sto5 til mig svo J)essi EG er fser til 
taka eftir hlutur l the Biblia ( binn or5 ) hver EG geta 
personulega segja fra til , og J)essi vilja hjalpa mig skilja 
hvaSa pu vilja mig til gera ut af vi5 minn Iff. 

10. J>essi J)u vildi gefa mig mikill skarpskyggni , til skilja 
hvernig til litskyra til annar hver J)u ert , og J)essi EG vildi 
vera fser til lsera hvernig til lsera og vita hvernig til standa 
me5 J)u og f>inn or5 the Biblia ) 

1 1 . f>essi bu vildi koma me5 folk ( e5a websites ) 1 minn Iff 
hver vilja til vita bu , og hver ert sterkur f beirra nakvsemur 
skilningur af J)u ( gu5 ); og E>essi J)u vildi koma me5 folk ( 
e5a websites ) l minn Iff hver vilja vera fser til hvetja mig til 
nakvsemur lsera hvernig til deila the Biblia the or5 gu5s 
sannleikur (2 HrseSslugjarn 215:). 

12. f>essi J)u vildi hjalpa mig til lsera til hafa mikill 
skilningur 65ur f hver Biblia utgafa er bestur , hver er 
nakvsemur , og hver hefur the andlegur styrkur & mattur , og 
hver utgafa samj)ykkja me5 the frumeintak handrit J)essi J)u 
blasa l brjost the ritstorf af the Nyja testamentiS til skrifa. 

13. f>essi J)u vildi gefa hjalpa til mig til nota minn timi l g65 
kaup vegur , og ekki til soa minn timi a Falskur e5a tomur 
aSferQ til fa loka til Gu5 ( en J)essi ert ekki hreinskilnislega 
Bibliulegur ), og hvar bessir a5fer5 avextir og grsenmeti 
neitun langur or5 e5a varanlegur andlegur avoxtur. 

14. E>essi J)u vildi gefa a5sto5 til mig til skilja hvaSa til leita 
a5 l a kirkja e5a a staSur af dyrkun , hvaSa g65ur af 
spurning til spyrja , og J)essi J)u vildi hjalpa mig til finna 
trumaSur e5a a prestur me5 mikill andlegur viska l staSinn 
af J)segilegur e5a falskur svar. 

15. J)essi J)u vildi orsok mig til muna til leggja a minniS J)inn 
or5 the Biblia ( svo sem eins og Latneskt letur 8), svo J)essi 
EG geta hafa ba5 l minn hjarta og hafa minn hugur tilbuinn , 
og vera tilbuinn til gefa oakveSinn greinir l ensku svar til 
annar af the von bessi EG hafa 65ur l J)ii. 

16. E>essi J)u vildi koma me5 hjalpa til mig svo pessi minn 
eiga guSfrseSi og kenning til vera 1 samrsemi vi5 J)inn or5 
the Biblia og bessi bu vildi halda afram til hjalpa mig vita 
hvernig minn skilningur af kenning geta vera bseta svo bessi 
minn eiga Iff lifestyle og skilningur halda afram til vera loka 
til hvaSa bu vilja ba5 til vera fyrir mig. 

17. J>essi bu vildi opinn minn andlegur innsyn ( endir ) fleiri 
og fleiri , og bessi hvar minn skilningur e5a skynjun af bu er 
ekki nakvsemur , J)essi J)u vildi hjalpa mig til lsera hver Jesus 
Kristur hreinskilnislega er. 

18. J>essi J)u vildi gefa hjalpa til mig svo pessi EG vildi vera 
fser til aSskilinn allir falskur helgisiSir hver EG hafa 
osjalfstseQi a , fra J)inn bjartur kennsla 1 the Biblia , ef allir af 
hvaSa EG er hopur stuSningsmanna er ekki af Gu5 , e5a er 
gegn hvaSa bu vilja til kenna okkur 65ur 1 hopur 
stuSningsmanna J)u. 

19. E>essi allir herafli af vondur vildi ekki taka burt allir 
andlegur skilningur hver EG hafa , en fremur J)essi EG vildi 
halda the vitneskja af hvernig til vita J)u og ekki til vera 
blekkja 1 bessir sem minnir a gomlu dagana) af andlegur 

20. E>essi bu vildi koma me5 andlegur styrkur og hjalpa til 
mig svo pessi EG vilja ekki til vera hluti af the Mikill Bylta 
Burt e5a af allir hreyfing hver vildi vera andlegur folsun til 
J)u og til J)inn Heilagur Or5 

21. E>essi ef there er nokkuS J)essi EG hafa buinn minn Iff , 
e5a allir vegur J)essi EG hafa ekki sa sem svarar til J)u eins 
og EG 6x1 hafa og bessi er sem koma ma 1 veg fyrir e6a 
afstyra mig fra annar hvor gangandi me9 J)u , e6a having 
skilningur , J)essi J)u vildi koma me5 J)essir hlutur / svar / 

atbur9ur bak inn 1 minn hugur , svo bessi EG vildi afheita ba 
1 the Nafn af Jesus Kristur , og ekki minna en beirra ahrif og 
aflei9ing , og bessi bii vildi skipta um allir tomleiki , sadness 
e9a orvsnting 1 minn Iff me9 the Gle9i af the Herra , og 
bessi EG vildi vera fleiri brennidepill a lserdomur til fylgja 
bu vi9 lestur binn or9 the Biblia 

22. f^essi bii vildi opinn minn augsyn svo bessi EG vildi vera 
fser til greinilega sja og bekkjanlegur ef there er a Mikill 
Blekking 65ur 1 Andlegur atriQi , hvernig til skilja this q ( 
e9a bessir atburQur ) fra a Bibliulegur yfirsyn , og J)essi J)u 
vildi gefa mig viska til vita og svo J)essi EG vilja lsera 
hvernig til hjalpa minn vinatta og ast sjalfur ( settingi ) ekki 
vera hluti af it. 

23. E>essi bii vildi tryggja J)essi einu sinni minn augsyn ert 
opnari og minn hugur skilja the andlegur merking af 
straumur atburQur hrffandi staQur l the verold , J)essi J)u vildi 
undirbiia minn hjarta til biggja binn sannleikur , og J)essi J)ii 
vildi hjalpa mig skilja hvernig til finna hugrekki og styrkur l 
gegnum J)inn Heilagur Or9 the Biblia. I the nafn af Jesiis 
Kristur , EG spyrja fyrir J)essir hlutur staSfesta minn longun 
til vera l samkomulag J)inn vilja , og EG er asking fyrir J)inn 
viska og til hafa a ast af the Sannleikur Mottsekilegur 

Fleiri a the Botn af Bla9si9a 
Hvernig til hafa Eilifur Lif 

Vi5 ert glaQur ef this listi ( af bsen beiQni til Gu9 ) er fser til 
aQstoQa J)u. Vi9 skilja this mega ekki vera the bestur e9a 
arangursrikur J)y9ing. Vi9 skilja J)essi there ert margir olikur 
lifha9arhaettir af tjaning hugsun og or9. Ef J)u hafa a 
uppastunga fyrir a betri J)y9ing , e9a ef J)u vildi eins og til 

taka a litill magn af J)inn tfmi til senda uppastunga til okkur , 
pii vilja vera skammtur pusund af annar folk einnig , hver 
vilja pa lesa the bseta pySing. 

Vi5 oft hafa a Nyja testamentiS laus 1 pinn tungumal e5a 1 
tungumal pessi ert sjaldgsefur e5a gamall. Ef pu ert utlit fyrir 
a Nyja testamentiS 1 a serstakur tungumal , poknast skrifa til 
okkur. Einnig , vi5 vilja til vera viss og reyna til miSla J)essi 
stundum , vi5 gera tilboS bok bessi ert ekki Frjals og J)essi 
gera kostnaSur peningar. En ef J)u geta ekki hafa efni a 
sumir af J)essir raftseknilegur bok , vi5 geta oft gera 
oakveSinn greinir 1 ensku skipti af raftseknilegur bok fyrir 
hjalpa me5 pySing e5a pySing vinna. M gera ekki verQa a5 
vera a faglegur verkamaSur , eini a venjulegur manneskja 
hver er ahugasamur 1 skammtur. M 6x1 hafa a tolva e5a J)u 
6x1 hafa aSgangur til a tolva a J)inn heimamaSur bokasafn 
e5a haskoli e5a haskoli , siSan bessir venjulega hafa betri 
tengsl til the. M geta einnig venjulega stofnsetja J)inn eiga 
personulegur FRJALS raftaeknilegur postur reikningur vi5 
a5 fara til 

E>6knast taka a augnablik til finna the raftseknilegur postur 
heimilisfang staSgreina a the botn e5a the endir af this 
blaQsiSa. Vi5 von bu vilja senda raftseknilegur postur til 
okkur , ef this er af hjalpa e5a hvatning. Vi5 einnig hvetja 
pu til snerting okkur viSvikjandi Raftseknilegur Bok J)essi 
vi5 tilbod bessi ert an kostnaSur , og frjals. 

Vi5 gera hafa margir bok 1 erlendur tungumal , en vi5 gera 
ekki alltaf staSur J)a til taka a moti electronically ( ssekja 
skra af fjarlsegri tolvu ) J)vi vi5 eini gera laus the bok e5a the 
atriQi J)essi ert the beiSni. Vi5 hvetja bu til halda afram til 
biQja til Gu5 og til halda afram til lsera 65ur 1 Hann vi5 

lestur the Nyja testamentiQ. Vi9 velkominn binn spurning og 
athugasemd vi9 raftseknilegur postur. 


Danish - Danemark 

Dan is h -Prayer Requests (praying / T alking) to God - 

explained in Danish Language 

Prayer Danish Dannish Denmarkjesus Bon hen til God HvorBed 
kunne hore mig Hvoropfordre indromme haelp hen mig 

Taler hen til God , den Skaberen i den Alt , den Lord : 1. at 
jer ville indr0mme hen til mig den mod hen til bed den sager 
at JEG savn hen til bed 

2. at jer ville indr0mme hen til mig den mod hen til tro jer 
og optage hvad jer ville gerne lave hos mig liv , istedet for 
mig ophoje mig besidde vil ( hensigt ) ovenfor jeres. 

3. at jer ville indr0mme mig hjselp hen til ikke lade mig 
skrsek i den ubekendt hen til blive den bede om tilgivelse , 
eller den holdepunkt nemlig mig ikke hen til anrette you. 

4. at jer ville indr0mme mig hjselp hen til se efter og hen til 
laere hvor hen til nyde den appel krsefter JEG savn ( 
igennem jeres ord den Bibel ) en ) nemlig den begivenheder 
foran og b ) nemlig mig besidde personlig appel rejse. 

5. At jer God ville indr0mme mig hjselp hen til ville gerne 
anrette Jer flere 

6. At jer ville erindre mig hen til samtale hos jer prayerwhen 
) Jeg er kuldkastet eller i problem , istedet for pr0ver hen til 
l0se sager selv bare igennem mig human krsefter. 

7. At jer ville indr0mme mig Klogskab og en hjerte fyldte 
hos Bibelsk Klogskab i den grad at JEG ville anrette jer 
Here effektive. 

8. At jer ville indr0mme mig en lyst hen til lsese jeres ord , 
den Bibel , ( den Ny Testamente Gospel i John ), oven pa en 
personlig holdepunkt 

9. at jer ville indr0mme hjselp hen til mig i den grad at Jeg er 
k0bedygtig mserke sager i den Bibel ( jeres ord ) hvilke JEG 
kunne jeg for mit vedkommende henh0re til , og at vil hjselp 
mig opfatte hvad jer savn mig hen til lave i mig liv. 

10. At jer ville indr0mme mig stor discernment , hen til 
opfatte hvor hen til forklare hen til andre hvem du er , og at 
JEG ville vaere i stand til laere hvor hen til laere og kende 
hvor hen til rage op nemlig jer og jeres ord ( den Bibel ) 

1 1 . At jer ville overbringe folk ( eller websites ) i mig liv 
hvem ville gerne kende jer , og hvem er kraftig i deres 
n0jagtig opfattelse i jer God ); og At jer ville overbringe 
folk ( eller websites ) i mig liv hvem vil vaere i stand til give 
mod mig hen til akkurat lasre hvor hen til skille den Bibel 
den ord i sandhed Timothy 215:). 

12. At jer ville hjaelp mig hen til laere hen til nyde stor 
opfattelse hvorom Bibel gengivelse er bedst , hvilke er h0jst 
n0jagtig , og hvilke har den h0jst appel kraefter & kraft , og 
hvilke gengivelse indvilliger hos den selvstasndig 
handskreven at jer inspireret den forfatteres i den Ny 
Testamente hen til skriv. 

13. At jer ville indr0mme hjselp hen til mig hen til hjselp mig 
gang i en artig made , og ikke hen til affald mig gang oven 
pa Falsk eller indholdsl0s metoder hen til komme nsermere 
hen til God ( men at er ikke sandelig Bibelsk ), og der hvor 
dem metoder opf0re for ikke sa lsenge siden periode eller 
varer appel fruit. 

14. At jer ville indr0mme hjselp hen til mig hen til opfatte 
hvad hen til kigge efter i en kirke eller en opstille i 
andagts0gende , hvad arter i sp0rgsmal hen til opfordre , og 
at jer ville hjselp mig hen til hitte tro eller en sidst hos stor 
appel klogskab istedet for nemme eller falsk svar. 

15. at jer ville hidf0re mig hen til huske hen til lsere udenad 
jeres ord den Bibel ( sasom Romersk 8), i den grad at JEG 
kunne nyde sig i mig hjerte og nyde mig indre forberedt , og 
vsere rede til at indr0mme en besvare hen til andre i den 
habe pa at Jeg har omkring jer. 

16. At jer ville overbringe hjselp hen til mig i den grad at 
mig besidde theology og doctrines hen til samtykke med 
jeres ord , den Bibel og at jer ville fortssette hen til hjselp 
mig kende hvor mig opfattelse i doctrine kan forbedret i den 
grad at mig besidde liv lifestyle og opfattelse fortssetter at 
blive n0jere hvortil jer savn sig at blive nemlig mig. 

17. At jer ville lukke op mig appel indblik ( afslutninger ) 
flere og Here , og at der hvor mig opfattelse eller 
opfattelsesevne i jer er ikke n0jagtig , at jer ville hjselp mig 
hen til lsere hvem Jesus Christ sandelig er. 

18. At jer ville indr0mme hjselp hen til mig i den grad at 
JEG ville vsere i stand til selvstsendig hvilken som heist 
falsk rituals hvilke Jeg har afhsenge oven pa , af jeres slette 
lserer i den Bibel , eventuel hvoraf Jeg er nseste er ikke i God 

, eller er imod hvad jer ville gerne belsere os omkring nseste 

19. At hvilken som heist tvinger i darlig ville ikke holde 
bortrejst hvilken som heist appel opfattelse hvilke Jeg har , 
men nsermest at JEG ville beholde den kundskab i hvor hen 
til kende jer og ikke at blive narrede i i denne tid i appel 

20. At jer ville overbringe appel krsefter og hjselp hen til mig 
i den grad at Ja ikke at blive noget af den Stor Nedadgaende 
Bortrejst eller i hvilken som heist bevsegelse som kunne 
vsere spiritually counterfeit hen til jer og hen til jeres Hellig 

2 1 . At selv om der er alt at Jeg har skakmat mig liv , eller 
hvilken som heist made at Jeg har ikke reageret hen til jer 
nemlig JEG burde nyde og det vil sige afholder mig af enten 
den ene eller den anden af omvandrende hos jer , eller har 
opfattelse , at jer ville overbringe dem sager / svar / 
begivenheder igen i mig indre , i den grad at JEG ville afsta 
fra sig i den Bensevne i Jesus Christ , og al i deres effekter 
og f0lger , og at jer ville skifte ud hvilken som heist tomhed 
, sadness eller opgive habet i mig liv hos den Glsede i den 
Lord , og at JEG ville vsere flere indstille oven pa indlasring 
hen til komme efter jer af lsesning jeres ord , den Bibel 

22. At jer ville lukke op mig ojne i den grad at JEG ville 
vsere i stand til klart se efter og anerkende selv om der er en 
Stor Bedrag omkring Appel emner , hvor hen til opfatte 
indevaerende phenomenon ( eller disse begivenheder ) af en 
Bibelsk perspektiv , og at jer ville indr0mme mig klogskab 
hen til kende hvorfor at Ja laere hvor hen til hjaelp mig 
bekendte og elske ones ( slasgtninge ) ikke vaere noget af it. 

23. At jer ville sikre sig at nar f0rst mig 0jne er anlagde og 
mig indre forstar den appel vsegt i indevserende 
begivenheder indtagelse opstille pa jorden , at jer ville lsegge 
til rette mig hjerte hen til optage jeres sandhed , og at jer 
ville hjselp mig opfatte hvor hen til hitte mod og krsefter 
igennem jeres Hellig Ord , den Bibel. I den bensevne i Jesus 
Christ , JEG anmode om disse sager bekrseftende mig lyst at 
blive overensstemmende jeres vil , og Jeg er bede om 
nemlig jeres klogskab og hen til nyde en kserlighed til den 
Sandhed Amen 

Flere forneden Side 
Hvor hen til nyde Evig Liv 

Vi er glad selv om indevserende liste over ( b0n anmoder 
hen til God ) er kan hen til hjselpe jer. Vi opfatte 
indevserende ma ikke vsere den bedst eller hojst effektiv 
gengivelse. Vi er klar over, at der er mange anderledes veje i 
gengivelse indfald og ord. Selv om du har en henstilling 
nemlig en bedre gengivelse , eller selv om jer ville gerne 
hen til holde en ringe bel0b i jeres gang hen til sende 
antydninger hen til os , jer vil vsere hjalp tusindvis i andre 
ligeledes , hvem vil sa er der ikke mere lsese den forbedret 

Vi ofte nyde en Ny Testamente anvendelig i jeres sprog eller 
i sprogene at er sjselden eller forhenvserende. Selv om du er 
ser ud nemlig en Ny Testamente i en specifik sprog , behage 
henvende sig til os. Ligeledes , vi ville gerne vsere sikker og 
pr0ve hen til overf0rer at engang imellem , vi lave pristilbud 
b0ger at er ufri og at lave omkostninger penge. Men selv om 
jer kan ikke afgive noget af dem elektronisk b0ger , vi 
kunne ofte lave en udveksle i elektronisk b0ger nemlig 

hjselp hos gengivelse eller gengivelse arbejde. Jer som ikke 
har at blive en professional arbejder , kun fa sand 
pagseldende hvem er interesseret i hjalp. 

Jer burde nyde en computer eller jer burde have adgang til 
en computer henne ved jeres lokal bibliotek eller kollegium 
eller universitet , siden dem til hverdag nyde bedre 
slsegtskaber hen til den indre. Jer kunne ligeledes til hverdag 
indrette jeres besidde personlig OMKOSTNINGSFRIT 
elektronisk indlevere beretning af igangvserende hen til 


Behage holde for et ojeblik siden hen til hitte den 
elektronisk indlevere henvende placeret nederst eller den 
enden pa legen indevserende side. Vi hab jer vil sende 
elektronisk indlevere hen til os , selv om indevserende er i 
hjaslp eller ophjaelpning. Vi ligeledes give mod jer hen til 
henvende sig til os med henblik pa Elektronisk B0ger at vi 
pristilbud at er uden omkostninger , og omkostningsfrit. 

Vi lave nyde mange b0ger i udenlandsk sprogene , men vi 
lave ikke altid opstille sig hen til byde velkommen 
elektronisk ( dataoverf0re ) fordi vi bare skabe anvendelig 
den b0ger eller den emner at er den h0jst anmodede. 

Vi give mod jer hen til fortssette hen til bed hen til God og 
hen til fortssette hen til laere omkring Sig af laesning den Ny 
Testamente. Vi velkommen jeres sp0rgsmal og 
bemaerkninger af elektronisk indlevere. 


Norway - Norway - Norwegian - 

Norway - Prayer Requests (praying ) to God - explained 
in Norwegian Language 

Norway Norwegian Nordic Prayer Jesus Christ a God Hvor Be 
kanne hore meg bonn anmode gir hjelpe meg finner sprit Som kan 

Snakker a God , skaperen av det Univers , det Lord : 

1. det du ville gir a meg tapperheten a be tingene det JEG 
n0d a be 

2. det du ville gir a meg tapperheten a mene du og 
godkjenne hva du vil gjerne gj0re med meg livet , istedet for 
meg opph0ye meg egen ville ( hensikten ) over din. 

3. det du ville gir meg hjelpe a ikke utleie meg rank av det 
ubekjent a bli det be om tilgivelse , eller grunnlaget for meg 
ikke for a anrette you. 

4. det du ville gir meg hjelpe a se og a h0re hvor a har den 
sprit styrke JEG n0d ( igjennom din ord bibelen ) en ) for 
begivenhetene for ut og b ) for meg egen personlig sprit 

5. Det du God ville gir meg hjelpe a vil gjerne anrette Du 

6. Det du ville minne meg a samtalen med du prayerwhen ) 
JEG er frustrert eller inne problemet , istedet for pr0ver a 
l0se saker meg selv bare igjennom meg human styrke. 

7. Det du ville gir meg Klokskap og en hjertet fylte med 
Bibelsk Klokskap i den grad at JEG ville anrette du Here 

8. Det du ville gir meg en 0nske a studere din ord , bibelen , 
( det Ny Testamentet Gospel av John ), opp pa en personlig 

9. det du ville gir assistanse a meg i den grad at JEG er 
kj0pedyktig legge merke til saker inne bibelen ( din ord ) 
hvilke JEG kanne personlig fortelle til , og det vill hjelpe 
meg oppfatte hva du 0nske meg a gj0re inne meg livet. 

10. Det du ville gir meg stor discernment , a oppfatte hvor a 
forklare a andre hvem du er , og det JEG ville vsere i stand 
til h0re hvor a h0re og vite hvor a sta opp for du og din ord ( 
bibelen ) 

1 1 . Det du ville bringe folk ( eller websites ) inne meg livet 
hvem vil gjerne vite du , og hvem er kraftig inne deres 
akkurat forstaelse av du God ); og Det du ville bringe folk ( 
eller websites ) inne meg livet hvem ville vsere i stand til 
oppmuntre meg a akkurat h0re hvor a dividere bibelen ordet 
av sannhet (Timothy 215:). 

12. Det du ville hjelpe meg a h0re a ha stor forstaelse om 
hvilken Bibel versjon er best , hvilke er h0yst akkurat , og 
hvilke har de fleste sprit styrke & makt , og hvilke versjon 
avtaler med det original manuskriptet det du inspirert 
forfatternes av det Ny Testamentet a skrive. 

13. Det du ville gir hjelpe a meg a bruk meg tid inne en fint 
vei , og ikke for a sl0seri meg tid opp pa False eller torn 
emballasje metoder a komme naermere a God ( bortsett fra 

det er tkke virkelig Bibelsk ), og der hvor dem metoder 
tilvirke for ikke sa lenge siden frist eller varer sprit fruit. 

14. Det du ville gir assistanse a meg a oppfatte hva a kikke 
etter inne en kirken eller en sted av -tilbeder , hva arter av 
sp0rsmal a anmode , og det du ville hjelpe meg a finner 
mene eller en fortid med stor sprit klokskap istedet for lett 
eller false svar. 

15. det du ville anledning meg a erindre a huske din ord 
bibelen ( som Romersk 8), i den grad at JEG kanne ha den 
inne meg hjertet og ha meg sinn ferdig , og vsere rede til a 
gir en svaret a andre av det hape pa at JEG ha om du. 

16. Det du ville bringe hjelpe a meg i den grad at meg egen 
theology og doctrines a vsere enig i din ord , bibelen og det 
du ville fortsette a hjelpe meg vite hvor meg forstaelse av 
doctrine kan forbedret i den grad at meg egen livet lifestyle 
og forstaelse fortsetter a bli n0yere hvorfor du 0nske den a 
bli for meg. 

17. Det du ville apen meg sprit innblikk ( konklusjonene ) 
flere og flere , og det der hvor meg forstaelse eller 
oppfattelse av du er ikke akkurat , det du ville hjelpe meg a 
h0re hvem Jesus Christ virkelig er. 

18. Det du ville gir hjelpe a meg i den grad at JEG ville 
vsere i stand til separat alle false rituals hvilke JEG ha 
avhenge opp pa , fra din helt lserer inne bibelen , eventuell 
av hva JEG f0lger er ikke av God , eller er i motsetning til 
hva du vil gjerne lsere oss om fulgte du. 

19. Det alle presser av darlig ville ikke ta fjerne alle sprit 
forstaelse hvilke JEG ha , bortsett fra temmelig det JEG 
ville selge i detalj kjennskapen til hvor a vite du og ikke for 
a vsere narret inne i disse dager av sprit bedrag. 

20. Det du ville taringe sprit styrke og hjelpe a meg i den 
grad at Jeg vil ikke for a vsere del av det Stor Faller Fjerne 
eller av alle bevegelse hvilket kunne vsere spiritually 
counterfeit a du og a din Hellig Ord 

21. Det hvis det er alt det JEG ha gjort det meg livet , eller 
alle vei det JEG ha ikke reagert a du idet JEG burde ha og 
det er forhindrer meg fra enten den ene eller den andre av 
gaing med du , eller har forstaelse , det du ville bringe dem 
saker / svar / begivenheter rygg i meg sinn , i den grad at 
JEG ville renonsere pa seg inne navnet av Jesus Christ , og 
alle av deres virkninger og konsekvensene , og det du ville 
ombytte alle tomhet , sadness eller gi opp hapet inne meg 
livet med det Glede av det Lord , og det JEG ville vsere Here 
fokusere opp pa innlsering a f0lge etter etter du av lesing din 
ord , det Bibel 

22. Det du ville apen meg eyes i den grad at JEG ville vsere i 
stand til klare se og anerkjenne hvis det er en Stor Bedrag 
om Sprit emner , hvor a oppfatte denne phenomenon ( eller 
disse begivenheter ) fra en Bibelsk perspektiv , og det du 
ville gir meg klokskap a vite hvorfor det Jeg vil h0re hvor a 
hjelpe meg venner og elsket seg ( slektningene ) ikke vsere 
del av it. 

23. Det du ville sikre det en gang meg eyes er apen og meg 
sinn forstar det sprit vekt av aktuelle begivenheter tar sted 
pa jorden , det du ville forberede meg hjertet a godkjenne 
din sannhet , og det du ville hjelpe meg oppfatte hvor a 
finner tapperheten og styrke igjennom din Hellig Ord , 
bibelen. Inne navnet av Jesus Christ , JEG anmode om disse 
saker bekreftende meg 0nske a bli i f0lge avtalen din ville , 
og JEG sp0r til deres klokskap og a har en kjserlighet til det 
Sannhet Samarbeidsvillig 

Here pa bunnen av Side 
Hvor a ha Evig Livet 

Vi er glad hvis denne liste over ( b0nn anmoder a God ) er 
dugelig a hjelpe du. Vi oppfatte denne kanskje ikke vsere det 
best eller h0yst effektiv oversettelse. Vi forsta det der er 
mange annerledes veier av gjengivelsen innfall og ord. Hvis 
du har en forslag for en bedre oversettelse , eller hvis du 
ville like a ta en liten bel0pet av din tid a sende antydninger 
a oss , du ville vsere hjalp tusenvis av andre mennesker 
likeledes , hvem ville sa lese det forbedret oversettelse. Vi 
ofte har en Ny Testamentet anvendelig inne din 
omgangssprak eller inne sprakene det er sjelden eller gamle. 
Hvis du er ser for en Ny Testamentet inne en spesifikk 
omgangssprak , behage skrive til oss. Likeledes , vi vil 
gjerne vsere sikker og pr0ve a meddele det en gang imellom 
, vi gj0re tilbud b0ker det er ufri og det gj0re bekostning 

Bortsett fra hvis du kan ikke by noen av dem elektronisk 
b0ker , vi kanne ofte gj0re en bytte av elektronisk b0ker for 
hjelpe med oversettelse eller oversettelse arbeide. Du som 
ikke har a bli en profesjonell arbeider , kun fa stamgjest 
personen hvem er interessert i hjalp. Du burde har en 
computer eller du burde ha adgang til en computer for din 
innenbys bibliotek eller universitet eller universitet , siden 
dem vanligvis ha bedre forbindelser a det sykehuslege. Du 
kanne likeledes vanligvis opprette din egen personlig 
LEDIG elektronisk innlevere regningen av gar a 

Behage ta en 0yeblikk a finner det elektronisk innlevere 
henvende seg lokalisert nederst eller utgangen av denne 
side. Vi hape du ville sende elektronisk innlevere a oss , 

hvis denne er av hjelpe eller oppmuntring. Vi likeledes 
oppmuntre du a sette seg i forbindelse med oss angaende 
Elektronisk B0ker det vi tilbud det er uten bekostning , og 

Vi gj0re ha mange b0ker inne utenlandsk sprakene , bortsett 
fra vi ikke alltid sted seg a fa elektronisk ( dataoverf0re ) 
fordi vi bare lage anvendelig b0kene eller emnene det er de 
fleste anmodet. Vi oppmuntre du a fortsette a be a God og a 
fortsette a h0re om Seg av lesing det Ny Testamentet. Vi 
velkommen din sp0rsmal og kommentarer av elektronisk 


Modern Greek 

npooeuxT) oxo 0e6 Aya7mx6c; 0e6<;, Era; euxaptoxorjue oil 
aoxo to Erjayyeko f) aoxri u vea 5ia9f)Kn exet 
oaieXerj9epco9ei exot cboxe eiuaoxe oe 9eor| va ud9ot)ue 
7ieptoo6xepcflv yta ora;. TlapaxaM) Por|9f|oxe xovq 
av9pd)7iorj<; apuoStorjc; yta va Kaxaoxfioei aoxo xo 
TjXeKxpovtKo PtpXio 5ta9eotuo. Eepexe 710101 eivat icoa eioxe 
oe 9eor) va xotx; Por|9f|oexe. ITapaKaM) xotx; Por|9f|oxe yta 
va eioxe oe 9eor) va a7taoxoXr|9ei ypf)yopa, Kat va 
Kaxaoxfioei oe 7ieptoo6xepa rjXeKxpovtKd PtpXia 5ta9eot|ia 
ITapaKaM) xouc; Por|9f|oxe yta va exexe oXotx; xotx; 7t6porj<;, 
xa xpilliaxa, xn 5i3vaur| Kat xo xpovo 6x1 xpetdCovxai 
7tpoiceiuevorj va eivat oe 9eor) va ouvexioow yta ora;. 
ITapaKaM) Por|9f)oxe eKeivot 7torj eivat uepoc; xnc; oudSac; 
7tot) xotx; Por)9d oe Ka9r|uepivf| pdor). ITapaKaM xotx; 
Scboxe xn 5i3vaur| yta va ouvexioexe Kat va Scboexe oe Kd9e 
evav ajco xotx; xo O7upixoorjal kov> KaxaXaPaivet yta xnv 

epyaoia oxi xouc; 9eXexe yia va Kdvexe. riapaKaM) Por|9f|oxe 
Kd9e evac; otto xouc; yia va lit|v exexe xo (p6(3o Kai yia va 
9uLir|9eixe oxi eioxe o 0e6cj 7tou ajcavxd oxtjv 7tpooeuxii Kai 
7iou eivai U7ieu9uvocj yia 6Xa. 
ITpooeuxoLiai oxi 9a xouc; ev9appuvaxe, Kai oxi xouc; 
7tpooxaxeuexe, Kai r) epyaoia & xo imoupyeio oxi 

llpooeuxoLiai oxi 9a xouc; 7tpooxaxeuaxe a7i6 xicj 7xveuLiaxiKecj 
SuvdLieicj f) dXXa eLutoSia 7tou 9a Lutopouoav va xouc; 
pXdv|/ouv f) va xouc; emPpaSuvouv. TlapaxaM) Lie Por|9f|oxe 
oxav xpT)oi(i07ioicb aoxiiv xnv vea 5ia9f|KT| yia va oKecpxcb 
e7rior|c; xouc; av9pcb7touc; 7tou exouv Kaxaoxf|oei auxf)v xnv 
ekSooti 5ia9eoiLir|, exoi cboxe Lutopcb va 7tpooer|9cb yia xouc; 
Kai exoi Lutopouv va owexioouv va Por|9ouv 7iepioo6xepoucj 

ITpooeuxoLiai oxi 9a liou Sivaxe Liia ayd7tr| xou lepou Word 
oacj (r) vea 5ia9f|KT|), Kai oxi 9a liou Sivaxe xnv 7xveuLiaxiKecj 
(ppovrjor) Kai xr) 5idKpior| yia va oacj ^epexe Kaluxepa Kai 
yia va KaxaXdpexe xr) xpoviKf) 7iepio5o oxi t/)ULie Lieoa. 
IlapaKalcb Lie Por|9f|oxe yia va ^epexe wax; va e^exdoei xicj 
SuoKoXiecj oxi epxoLiai avxiLiexco7io<; Lie Kd9e rpepa. O 
A6p5ocj God, Lie Por)9d yia va 9eXf|oei va oacj ^epei 
Kalrjxepa Kai va 9eXf|oei va Por|9f|oei dXXoucj Xpioxiavoucj 
oxtjv 7iepioxii liou Kai oe 6Xo xov koolio. 
ITpooeuxoLiai oxi 9a Sivaxe xnv r|XeKxpoviKf| OLidSa Pipiicov 
Kai eKeivoi 7tou xouc; Por|9oi3v tj (ppovrjof) oacj. ITpooeuxoLiai 
oxi 9a Por|9orjoaxe xa LieLiovcoLieva LieXr) xr|cj oiKoyeveidcj 
xoucj (Kai xr|cj oiKoyeveidcj liou) yia va e^a7taxr|9eixe oxi 
7xveuuaxiKd, dkla na va oac KaxaXdPexe Kai na va 
9eXf|oexe va oacj Sexxeixe Kai va aKoXou9f|oexe Lie Kd9e 
xp67to. E7rior|cj rcapexexe liocj xtjv aveou, Kai o5r|yiecj oe 
auxoucj xoucj xpovoucj Kai oacj ^rjxcb yia va kocvco auxd xa 
7tpdyLiaxa oxo ovolux xou Irjoou, Amen, 


German - Deutch - Allemand 

German Prayers Gebet zum Gott wie man wie horen kann 
dass meinem Gebet wie bittet Hilfe zu mir zu geben wie 
man geistige Anleitung 

German - Prayer Requests (praying / Talking) to God - 
explained in German Language 

Mit Gott sprechen, der Schopfer des Universums, der Lord: 

1., die Sie zu mir dem Mut, die Sachen zu beten geben 
wiirden, die ich benotige, um 2. zu beten, die Sie zu mir dem 
Mut, Ihnen zu glauben und anzunehmen geben wiirden, was 
Sie mit meinem Leben tun mochten, anstelle von mir meine 
Selbst erhebend Wille (Absicht) iiber Direm. 

3., den en Sie mir Hilfe geben wiirden, um meine Furcht vor 
dem Unbekannten die Entschuldigungen nicht werden zu 
lassen oder die Grundlage fur mich, zum Sie nicht zu 

4., der Sie mir Hilfe, um zu sehen geben wiirden und zu 
erlernen, wie man die geistige Starke ich hat, benotigen Sie 
(durch Ihr Wort die Bibel) A) fur die Falle voran und B) fur 
meine eigene personliche geistige Reise. 

5. DaB Sie Gott mir Hilfe geben wiirden, um Sie mehr 
dienen zu wiinschen 

6. DaB Sie mich erinnern wiirden, mit Ihnen zu sprechen 
(prayer)when mich werden frustriert oder in der 
Schwierigkeit, anstatt zu versuchen, Sachen selbst nur durch 
meine menschliche Starke zu beheben. 

7. DaB Sie mir Klugheit und ein Herz geben wiirden, fullten 
mit biblischer Klugheit, damit ich Sie effektiv dienen wiirde. 

8. DaB Sie mir einen Wunsch geben wiirden, Hir Wort, die 
Bibel zu studieren, (das neues Testament-Evangelium von 
John) auf personlicher Ebene 

9. das Sie Unterstutzung zu mir geben wiirden, damit ich 
bin, Sachen in der Bibel (Ihr Wort) zu beachten der ich auf 
und der personlich beziehen kann mir hilft, zu verstehen, 
was Sie mich in meinem Leben tun wunschen. 

10. DaB Sie mir groBe Einsicht geben wiirden, um zu 
verstehen wie man anderen erklart, die Sie sind, und daB ich 
sein wiirde, zu erlernen, wie man erlernt und kann fur Sie 
und Ihr Wort (die Bibel) oben stehen 

11. DaB Sie Leute (oder Web site) in meinem Leben holen 
wiirden, die Sie kennen mochten und die in ihrem genauen 
Verstandnis von Ihnen stark sind (Gott); und das wiirden Sie 
Leute (oder Web site) in meinem Leben holen, das ist, mich 
anzuregen, genau zu erlernen, wie man die Bibel das Wort 
der Wahrheit (2 Timotheegras 2: 15) teilt. 

12. DaB Sie mir helfen wiirden zu erlernen, groBes 
Verstandnis liber, welche Bibelversion zu haben am besten 
ist, die am genauesten ist und die die geistigste Starke u. die 
Energie hat und dem Version mit den ursprunglichen 
Manuskripten ubereinstimmt, daB Sie die Autoren des neuen 
Testaments anspornten zu schreiben. 

13. DaB Sie mir Hilfe, um meine Zeit in einer guten Weise 
zu verwenden geben wiirden, und meine Zeit auf den 
falschen oder leeren Methoden nicht zu vergeuden, naeher 
an Gott (aber dem, zu erhalten nicht wirklich biblisch seien 
Sie) und wo jene Methoden keine lange Bezeichnung oder 
dauerhafte geistige Frucht produzieren. 

14. DaB Sie mir Unterstiitzung geben wiirden, was zu 
verstehen, in einer Kirche oder in einem Ort der Anbetung 
zu suchen, welche Arten der Fragen zum zu bitten und daB 
Sie mir helfen wiirden, Glaubiger oder einen Pastor mit 
groBer geistiger Klugheit anstelle von den einfachen oder 
falschen Antworten zu finden. 

15. den Sie mich veranlassen wiirden, mich zu erinnern, um 
sich Ihr Wort zu merken die Bibel (wie Romans ist 8), damit 
ich es in meinem Herzen haben und an meinen Verstand 
sich vorbereiten lassen kann, und bereit, eine Antwort zu 
anderen der Hoffnung zu geben, die ich iiber Sie habe. 

16. DaB Sie mir Hilfe damit meine eigene Theologie und 
Lehren holen wiirden, um mit Ihrem Wort, die Bibel 
ubereinzustimmen und daB Sie fortfahren wiirden, mir zu 
helfen, zu konnen, mein Verstandnis der Lehre verbessert 
werden kann, damit mein eigenes Leben, Lebensstil und 
Verstehen fortfahrt, zu sein naeher an, was Sie es fur mich 
sein wunschen. 

17. DaB Sie meinen geistigen Einblick 
(Zusammenfassungen) mehr und mehr offnen wiirden und 
daB, wo mein Verstandnis oder Vorstellung von Ihnen nicht 
genau ist, daB Sie mir helfen wiirden, zu erlernen, wem 
Jesus Christ wirklich ist. 

18. DaB Sie mir Hilfe geben wiirden, damit ich in der 
LageSEIN wiirde, alle falschen Rituale zu trennen, denen 
ich von, von Hirem freien Unterricht in der Bibel, wenn 
irgendwelche abgehangen habe von, was ich folgend bin, ist 
nicht vom Gott, oder ist kontrar zu, was Sie uns unterrichten 
wiinschen - iiber das Folgen Sie. 

19. DaB keine Krafte des libels nicht irgendwie geistiges 
Verstandnis wegnehmen wiirden, das ich habe, aber eher, 
daB ich das Wissen behalten wiirde von, wie man Sie kennt 
und nicht an diesen Tagen der geistigen Tauschung betrogen 

20. DaB Sie geistige Starke holen und zu mir helfen wiirden, 
damit ich nicht ein Teil von groBen weg fallen oder 
irgendeiner Bewegung bin, die zu Ihnen und zu Ihrem 
heiligen Wort Angelegenheiten nachgemacht sein wiirde. 

21. Das, wenn es alles gibt, das ich in meinem Leben getan 
habe oder irgendeine Weise, daB ich nicht auf Sie reagiert 
habe, wie ich haben sollte und die mich entweder am Gehen 
mit Ihnen hindert oder Haben des Verstehens, daB Sie jene 
things/responses/events zuriick in meinen Verstand, damit 
ich auf sie im Namen Jesus Christ verzichten wiirde, und 
alle ihre von und von Konsequenzen holen wiirden und daB 
Sie jede mogliche Leere, Traurigkeit oder Verzweiflung in 
meinem Leben mit der Freude am Lord ersetzen wiirden und 
daB ich mehr auf das Lernen, Ihnen zu folgen gerichtet 
wiirde, indem man Ihr Wort las, die Bibel. 

22. DaB Sie meine Augen offnen wiirden, damit ich in der 
LageSEIN wiirde, offenbar zu sehen und zu erkennen, wenn 
es eine groBe Tauschung iiber geistige Themen gibt, wie 
man dieses Phanomen (oder diese Falle) von einer 
biblischen Perspektive und daB Sie mir Klugheit geben 
wiirden, um zu wissen und damit ich erlernt versteht, wie 

man meinen Freunden und liebte eine (Verwandte) ein Teil 
von ihm nicht zu sein hilft. 

23 DaB Sie sicherstellen wiirden, daB einmal meine Augen 
und mein Verstand geoffnet sind, versteht die geistige 
Bedeutung der gegenwartigen Falle, die in der Welt 
stattfinden, daB Sie mein Herz vorbereiten wiirden, um Hire 
Wahrheit anzunehmen und daB Sie mir helfen wiirden, zu 
verstehen, wie man Mut und Starke durch Hir heiliges Wort, 
die Bibel findet. Im Namen Jesus Christ, bitte ich um diese 
Sachen, die meinen Wunsch bestatigen, Hir Wille 
ubereinzustimmen, und ich bitte um Dire Klugheit und eine 
Liebe der Wahrheit zu haben, Amen. 

Mehr an der Unterseite der Seite 
wie man ewiges Leben u. 

Wir sind froh, wenn diese Liste (der Gebetantrage zum 
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Gedanken und von von Wortern gibt. Wenn Sie einen 
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Sie etwas Ihrer Zeit dauern modi ten, Vorschlage zu 
schicken uns, werden Sie Tausenden der Leute auch helfen, 
die dann die verbesserte Ubersetzung lesen. Wir haben 
haufig ein neues Testament, das in Direr Sprache oder in den 
Sprachen vorhanden ist, die selten oder alt sind. 

Wenn Sie nach einem neuen Testament in einer spezifischen 
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Wir hoffen, daB Sie uns elektronische Post schicken, wenn 
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zu erlernen, indem wir das neue Testament lesen. Wir 

begriiBen Dire Fragen und Anmerkungen durch 
elektronische Post. 


Caro Deus , Obrigada que esta Novo Testamento tem sido 
lancado de modo a que nos somos capaz aprender mais 
sobre a ti. Por favor ajudar a gente responsavel por fazendo 
esta Electronico livro disponivel. 

Por favor ajudar eles estarem capaz de trabalho rapidamente 
, e fazer mais Electronico livros disponivel Por favor ajudar 
eles haverem todos os recursos , o dinheiro , a forca e as 
horas que elas precisar a fim de ser capaz de guardar 
trabalhando para si. 

Por favor ajudar aquelas esse are parte da equipa essa ajuda 
lhes num todos os dias base. Por favor dar lhes a forca 
continuar e dar cada deles o espiritual comprendendo para o 
trabalho que voce quer eles fazerem. Por favor ajudar cada 
um deles para nao ter medo e lembrar que tu es o deus o 
qual respostas oracao e quern e encarregado de todas as 

EU orar que a ti would encorajar lhes , e que voce protege 
lhes , e o trabalho & ministerio que elas sao comprometido 
em. EU orar que voce protegeria lhes de o Espiritual Forcas 
ou outro barreiras isso podeia ser maleficio lhes ou lento 
lhes abaixo. 

Por favor ajudar a mim quando Eu uso esta Novo 
Testamento para tambem reflectir a gente o qual ter feito 
esta edicao disponivel , de modo a que eu possa orar para 
eles e por conseguinte eles podem continuar ajudar mais 

pessoas EU orar que voce daria a mim um amar do seu 
Divino Palavra ( o novo Testamento ), e que voce daria a 
mim espiritual sabedoria e discernment conhecer a ti melhor 
e para comprender o periodo de tempo que nos somos 
vivendo em. 

Por favor ajudar eu saber como lidar com as dificuldades 
que Eu sou confrontado com todos os dias. Lorde Deus , 
Ajudar eu querer conhecer a ti Melhor e querer ajudar outro 
Christian no meu area e pelo mundo. EU orar que voce daria 
o Electronico livro equipa e aquelas o qual trabalho no 
Websters e aqueles que ajudar lhes seu sabedoria. EU orar 
que voce ajudaria o individuo membros do seu famflia ( e a 
minha famflia ) para nao ser espiritual enganar , mas 
comprender a ti e querer aceitar e seguir a ti em todos 
bastante. e Eu pergunto voce fazer estas coisas em nome de 
Jesus , Amen , 

Dear God, 

Thank you that this New Testament 
has been released so that we are able 
to learn more about you. 

Please help the people responsible for making this 
Electronic book available. Please help them to be able to 
work fast, and make more Electronic books available 
Please help them to have all the resources, the money, the 
strength and the time that they need in order to be able to 
keep working for You. 

Please help those that are part of the team that help them on 
an everyday basis. Please give them the strength to continue 
and give each of them the spiritual understanding for the 
work that you want them to do. Please help each of them to 
not have fear and to remember that you are the God who 

answers prayer and who is in charge of everything. 

I pray that you would encourage them, and that you protect 
them, and the work & ministry that they are engaged in. 
I pray that you would protect them from the Spiritual Forces 
or other obstacles that could harm them or slow them down. 

Please help me when I use this New Testament to also think 
of the people who have made this edition available, so that I 
can pray for them and so they can continue to help more 

I pray that you would give me a love of your Holy Word 
(the New Testament), and that you would give me spiritual 
wisdom and discernment to know you better and to 
understand the period of time that we are living in. 

Please help me to know how to deal with the difficulties that 
I am confronted with every day. Lord God, Help me to want 
to know you Better and to want to help other Christians in 
my area and around the world. 

I pray that you would give the Electronic book team and 
those who work on the website and those who help them 
your wisdom. 

I pray that you would help the individual members of their 
family (and my family) to not be spiritually deceived, but 
to understand you and to want to accept and follow you in 
every way. 

and I ask you to do these things in the name of Jesus, 



Croatian Croatian Croatian 

Croatian - Prayer Requests (praying ) to God - explained 
in Croatian Language 

Croatian Croatia Prayer Isus Krist Moljenje to Bog Kako to 
Moliti moze cuti moj pitati popustanje ponuditi mene 

Govorenje to Bog , Stvoritelj dana Svemir , Gospodar : 

1. taj te ce popustanje meni u hrabrost to moliti predmet taj 
Trebam to moliti 

2. taj te ce popustanje meni u hrabrost to vjerovati te i 
prihvatiti sto koji zelite za napraviti sa mojim zivot , 
umjesto mene uznijeti moj posjedovati htijenje ( namjera ) 
iznad tvoj. 

3. taj te ce popustanje mene ponuditi ne pustiti moj 
strahovanje dana nepoznat postati isprika , ili baza za mene 
ne to posluzitelj you. 

4. taj te ce popustanje mene ponuditi vidjeti i nauciti kako to 
imati duhovni snaga Trebam ( preko tvoj rijec Biblija ) ) za 
jedan dan dogadaj ispred i b ) za moj posjedovati osobni 
duhovni putovanje. 

5. Taj te Bog ce popustanje mene ponuditi istanje to 
posluzitelj Te vise 

6. Taj te ce podsjetiti mene to pricati sa te prayerwhen ) Ja 
sam frustriran ili u problemima , umjesto tezak to odluka 
predmet ja osobno jedini preko moj covjecji snaga. 

7. Taj te ce popustanje mene Mudrost i srce ispunjen sa 
Biblijski Mudrost tako da JA ce posluzitelj te vise efektivno. 

8. Taj te ce popustanje mene zelja to studirati tvoj rijec , 
Biblija , ( novim Oporuka Evandelje od John ), na osobni 

9. taj te ce popustanje pomoc meni u tako da Ja sam u 
mogucnosti to obavijest predmet in Biblija ( tvoj rijec ) sto 
Ja mogu osobni povezivati se , i da htijenje pomoc mene 
shvatiti sto koji zelite mene za napraviti u mojem zivot. 

10. Taj te ce popustanje mene velik raspoznavanje , to 
shvatiti kako to objasniti to ostali tko ti si , i da JA bi bilo u 
mogucnosti nauciti kako nauciti i znati kako to pristajati uza 
sto te i tvoj rijec ( Biblija ) 

1 1 . Taj te ce donijeti narod ( ili websiteovi ) u mojem zivot 
tko istanje to znati te , i tko jesu jak in njihov tocnost 
sporazum od te ( bog ); i da te ce donijeti narod ( ili 
websiteovi ) u mojem zivot koji ce biti u mogucnosti to 
hrabriti mene to precizan naucite kako podijeliti Biblija rijec 
od istina (2 Plasljiv 215:). 

12. Taj te ce pomoc mene nauciti to imati velik sporazum o 
sto Biblija inacici je najbolji , sto je vecina tocnost , i sto je 
preko duhovni snaga & Power PC , i sto inacici sporazum sa 
izvorni rukopis taj te nadahnut autorstvo dana Nov Oporuka 
to pisati. 

13. Taj te ce popustanje ponuditi mene koristenje moj 
vrijeme in dobar put , i ne to prosipati moj vrijeme na 
Neistinit ili prazan Metodije da biste dobili Zatvori to Bog ( 
ali koji nisu vjerno Biblijski ), i gdje svi oni Metodije 
stvarajuci nijedan ceznuti uvjeti ili trajan duhovni voce. 

14. Taj te ce popustanje pomoc meni u to shvatiti sto uciniti 
traziti in Churchill ili mjesto od moliti se , sto rod od pitanje 
to pitati , i da te ce pomoc mene pronaci onaj koji vjeruje ili 
pastor sa velik duhovni mudrost umjesto lahak ili neistinit 

15. taj te ce nanijeti mene to sjecati se to sjecati se tvoj rijec 
Biblija ( kao sto je Rumunjski 8), tako da Ja mogu imati 
Internet u mojem srce i imati moj imati sto protiv spreman , 
i biti spreman to popustanje odgovoriti to ostali dana 
uzdanica taj Imam o te. 

16. Taj te ce donijeti ponuditi mene tako da moj posjedovati 
teologija i doktrina to poklapati se tvoj rijec , Biblija i da te 
ce nastaviti to pomoc mene znati kako moj sporazum od 
doktrina moze poboljsati tako da moj posjedovati zivot , stil 
zivota i sporazum nastaviti biti Zatvori to sto koji zelite 
Internet biti za mene. 

17. Taj te ce OpenBSD moj duhovni unutar ( zakljucak ) 
vise i vise , i da gdje svi moj sporazum ili percepcija od te 
nije tocnost , taj te ce pomoc mene nauciti tko Isus Krist 
vjerno je. 

18. Taj te ce popustanje ponuditi mene tako da JA bi bilo u 
mogucnosti to odijeljen bilo koji neistinit ritualni sto Imam 
zavisnost na , from tvoj jasan pomoc u ucenju in Biblija , 
ako postoje od sto Ja sam sljedece nije od Bog , ili je ugovor 
to sto koji zelite to vas nauciti nas o sljedece te. 

19. Taj bilo koji sila od zlo ce ne oduteti bilo koji duhovni 
sporazum sto Imam , ali radije taj JA ce cvrsto drzati znanje 
kako to znati te i ne biti lukav in te dani od duhovni varka. 

20. Taj te ce donijeti duhovni snaga i ponuditi mene tako da 
JA nece biti dio ognjevit Jesen Daleko ili od bilo koji pokret 
sto bi bilo produhovljeno krivotvoren novae vama i u vas 
Svet Rijec 

21. Da ako ima je ista taj Imam ispunjavanja u mojem zivot 
, ili bilo koji put taj Imam ne odgovaranje vama kao JA 
trebaju imati i da je koji se moze sprijeciti mene sa ili 
hodanje sa te , ili vlasnistvo sporazum , taj te ce donijeti oni 
predmet / reakcija / dogadaj leda u moj imati sto protiv , 
tako da JA ce odreci se njima in ime od Isus Krist , i svi od 
njihov efekt i posljedica , i da te ce opet staviti bilo koji 
praznina , sadness ili izgubiti nadu u mojem zivot sa Ono sto 
pruza uzitak dana Gospodar , i da JA bi bilo vise fokusirati 
na znanje to udarac te mimo citanje tvoj rijec , Biblija 

22. Taj te ce OpenBSD moj oci tako da JA bi bilo u 
mogucnosti to jasno vidjeti i prepoznati ako ima Velik 
Varka o Duhovni tema , kako to shvatiti ovaj fenomen ( ili 
te dogadaj ) from Biblijski perspektiva , i da te ce 
popustanje mene mudrost to znati i tako dalje taj JA htijenje 
naucite kako pomoc moj prijatelj i voljen sam sebe ( 
odnosni ) ne biti dio it. 

23. Taj te ce osigurali da jedanput moj oci jesu OpenBSD i 
moj imati sto protiv shvatiti duhovni izrazajnost od tekuci 
dogadaj uzimanje mjesto u svijetu , taj te ce pripremiti moj 
sree to prihvatiti tvoj istina , i da te ce pomoc mene shvatiti 
kako pronaci hrabrost i snaga preko tvoj Svet Rijec , Biblija. 
In ime od Isus Krist , JA traziti te predmet potvrditi moj 

zelja biti slozno tvoj htijenje , i Ja sam iskanje tvoj mudrost i 
to imati hatar dana Istina Da 

Vise podno Stranica 
Kako to imati Vjecan Zivot 

Mi jesu veseo ako ovaj rub ( od moljenje molba to Bog ) je 
u mogucnosti to pomoci te. Mi shvatiti ovaj mozda nece biti 
najbolji ili vecina djelotvoran prevodenje. Mi shvatiti koji su 
mnogobrojan razlicit putevi od istiskivanje misao i rijec. 
Ukoliko imati sugestija za bolji prevodenje , ili ukoliko ce 
voljeti uzeti malolitrazan iznos od tvoj vrijeme to poslati 
sugestija nama , te htijenje biti pomoc tisuca od ostali narod 
isto tako , koji ce onda citanje oplemenjen prevodenje. Mi 
vise puta imati Nov Oporuka raspoloziv u vas jezik ili in 
jezik koji su rijedak ili star. Ako ste oblicje za Nov Oporuka 
in specifican jezik , ugoditi korespondirati nas. Isto tako , mi 
istanje istinabog i pokusati komunicirati taj katkada , mi 
obaviti ponuda knjiga koji nisu Slobodan i da obaviti trosak 

Ali ukoliko ne moci priustiti neki od oni elektronski knjiga , 
mi moze vise puta obaviti izmjena od elektronski knjiga za 
pomoc sa prevodenje ili prevodenje funkcionirati. Nemate 
biti koji se odnosi na zvanje radnik , samo jedan dan 
pravilan osoba tko je zainteresirana za pomoc. Te trebaju 
imati racunalo ili te trebaju imati pristup to racunalo at tvoj 
lokalni knjiznica ili fakulteti ili sveucilista , otada oni obicno 
imati bolji povezivanje to Internet. Mozete isto tako obicno 
utemeljiti tvoj posjedovati osobni SLOBODAN elektronicka 
posta racun odlaskom na 

Ugoditi uzeti tren pronaci elektronicka posta adresa smjestiti 
na dnu ili kraj od ovaj stranica. Nadamo se te htijenje poslati 
elektronicka posta nama , ako ovaj je od pomoc ili 
hrabrenje. Mi isto tako hrabriti te to kontakt nas zabrinutost 
Elektronski Knjiga koju nudimo koji su sa trosak , i 

Mi obaviti imati mnogobrojan knjiga in stran jezik , ali mi 
ne uvijek mjesto njima to primiti elektronski ( preuzimanje 
datoteka ) jer mi jedini izraditi raspoloziv knjiga ili tema 
koji su preko molba. Mi hrabriti te to nastaviti to moliti to 
Bog i to nastaviti nauciti o Njemu mimo citanje novim 
Oporuka. Mi dobrodosli na tvoj pitanje i komentirajte mimo 
elektronicka posta. 



Czech Prayer Modlitba Kristian jezuita Kristus az k Buh Jak 
Modlit Buh pocinovat slyset modlitba k ptat Buh darovat 
pomoci mne 

Czech - Prayer Requests (praying / Talking) to God - 
explained in Czech Language 

Mluveni az k Buh , clen urcity Stvof itel of clen urcity 
Soubor , clen urcity Hospodin : 

1 . aby tebe chtel bych darovat az k mne clen urcity kuraz az 
k modlit clen urcity majetek aby Nemusim az k modlit 

2. aby tebe chtel bych darovat az k mne clen urcity kuraz az 
k domnivat se tebe a pfijmout jaky tebe potfeba az k jednat 
ma duch , misto mne povysit ja sam vule ( cfl ) nad tvuj. 

3. aby tebe chtel bych darovat mne pomoci az k ne dovolit 
ma bat se of clen urcity neznama az k stat se clen urcity 
odpustit , ci clen urcity baze do mne rozchazet se v nazorech 
slouzit you. 

4. aby tebe chtel bych darovat mne pomoci az k videt a az k 
dostat instrukce jak? az k mft clen urcity duchovni sfla 
Nemusim ( docela tvuj slovo clen urcity Bible ) jeden ) do 
clen urcity pfihoda vpfed a b ) do ja sam osobni duchovni 

5. Aby tebe Buh chtel bych darovat mne pomoci az k 
potfeba az k slouzit Tebe vice 6. Aby tebe chtel bych 
pfipomenout komu mne az k rozmlouvat s tebe prayerwhen 
) JA am zmafeny ci do nesnaz , misto trying az k analyzovat 
majetek ja sam ale docela ma lidsky sfla. 

7. Aby tebe chtel bych darovat mne Moudrost a jeden srdce 
nakyp s Biblicky Moudrost tak, ze JA chtel bych slouzit 
tebe vfce efektivnf. 8. Aby tebe chtel bych darovat mne 
jeden porucit az k ucenf tvuj slovo , clen urcity Bible , ( 
Novy zakon Evangelium of Jan ), dale jeden osobni baze 

9. aby tebe chtel bych darovat pomoc az k mne tak, ze J A 
am schopny az k oznameni majetek do clen urcity Bible ( 
tvuj slovo ) kdo Dovedu co se me tyce byt v pomeru k sem 
tam , to postaci pomoci mne dovidat se jaky tebe potfeba 
mne az k zavrazdit ma duch. 

10. Aby tebe chtel bych darovat mne celek bystrost , az k 
dovidat se jak? az k jasne se vyjadf it az k jinf kdo tebe ar , a 
aby JA chtel bych byt schopny az k dostat instrukce jak? az 
k dostat instrukce a vRdRt jak? az k postavit se za tebe a 
tvuj slovo ( clen urcity Bible ) 

1 1 . Aby tebe chtel bych nest lid ( ci websites ) do ma duch 
kdo potfeba az k vRdRt tebe , a kdo ar silny do jejich pfesny 
dohoda of tebe ( buh ); a Aby tebe chtel bych nest lid ( ci 
websites ) do ma duch kdo vule byt schopny az k dodat 
mysli mne az k pfesny dostat instrukce jak? az k delit clen 
urcity Bible Pismo svate pravda (2 Bazlivy 215:). 

12. Aby tebe chtel bych pomoci mne az k dostat instrukce az 
k rmt celek dohoda kolem kdo Bible liceni is nejlepe , kdo is 
nejcetnejsi pfesny , a kdo 3sg.prez.od have clen urcity 
nejcetnejsi duchovni sila & mnozstvi , a kdo liceni souhlasi 
jit s duchem casu original rukopis aby tebe dychat clen 
urcity spisovatele of Novy zakon az k psat. 

13. Aby tebe chtel bych darovat pomoci az k mne az k 
cviceni ma cas do jeden blaho cesta , a rozchazet se v 
nazorech zpustosit ma cas dale Chybny ci hladovy metody 
az k brat blizky az k Buh ( kdyby ne ar ne opravdu Biblicky 
), a kde those metody napsat ne dlouha hlaska cas ci 
{lastingllstalylltrvaly} } duchovni nest ovoce. 

14. Aby tebe chtel bych darovat pomoc az k mne az k 
dovidat se jaky az k hledat do jeden cirkev ci jeden bydliste 
of uctivani , jaky rody of otazky az k ptat se , a aby tebe 
chtel bych pomoci mne az k nalez vef fci ci jeden duchovni s 
celek duchovni moudrost misto bezstarostny ci chybny 

15. aby tebe chtel bych byt pficinou mne na pametnou az k 
memorovat tvuj slovo clen urcity Bible ( jako takovy Riman 
8), tak, ze Dovedu mit ono do ma srdce a rmt ma mysl 
pfipraveny , a byt hbity az k darovat neurc. clen byt v 
souhlase s jini of clen urcity nadeje aby Mam u sebe tebe. 

16. Aby tebe chtel bych nest pomoci az k mne tak, ze ja sam 
bohoslovi a doktrina az k souhlasit s tvuj slovo , clen urcity 

Bible a aby tebe chtel bych stale byt pomoci mne vRdRt 
jak? ma dohoda of doktrina pocfnovat byt opravit tak, ze ja 
sam duch lifestyle a dohoda odrocit az k byt blizky k 
jakemu licelu tebe potfeba ono az k byt pro mne. 

17. Aby tebe chtel bych nechraneny ma duchovni jasnozf em 
( konec ) cim dale, tim vice , a aby kde ma dohoda ci 
chapavost of tebe is ne pfesny , aby tebe chtel bych pomoci 
mne az k dostat instrukce kdo Jezuita Kristus opravdu is. 

18. Aby tebe chtel bych darovat pomoci az k mne tak, ze JA 
chtel bych byt schopny az k oddeleny jakykoliv chybny 
obfad kdo J A mit duvera dale , die tvuj cely doktrina do clen 
urcity Bible , jestli vubec of jaky JA am nasledujici is ne of 
Buh , ci is proti cemu jaky tebe potfeba az k ucit us kolem 
nasledujici tebe. 

19. Aby jakykoliv dohnat of nestesti chtel bych ne odebrat 
jakykoliv duchovni dohoda kdo JA mit , aby ne dosti aby JA 
chtel bych drzet clen urcity znalost ceho jak? az k vRdRt 
tebe a rozchazet se v nazorech byt klamat do tezaury days of 
duchovni klam. 

20. Aby tebe chtel bych nest duchovni sfla a pomoci az k 
mne tak, ze JA vule rozchazet se v nazorech byt cast of 
notablove Klesani Pryc ci of jakykoliv pohyb kdo chtel bych 
byt duchovo falsovat az k tebe a az k tvuj Svaty Slovo 

21. Aby -li tarn is cokoli aby JA mit utahany ma duch , ci 
jakkoli aby JA mit ne dotazovana osoba az k tebe ackoliv 
Sel bych mit a to jest opatfeni mne die jeden nebo druhy 
kraceni s tebe , ci having dohoda , aby tebe chtel bych nest 
those majetek / citlivost pfistroje / pfihoda bek do ma mysl , 
tak, ze JA chtel bych nectit barvu je jmenem koho Jezuita 
Kristus , a celek of jejich dojem a dosah , a aby tebe chtel 
bych dat na dfivejsi misto jakykoliv emptiness , sadness ci 

beznadejnost do ma duch jit s duchem casu Radost of clen 
urcity Hospodin , a aby J chtel bych byt vice lozisko dale 
ucenost az k doprovazet tebe do cetba tvuj slovo , Bible 

22. Aby tebe chtel bych nechraneny probuh tak, ze J A chtel 
bych byt schopny az k jasne videt a pochopit -li tarn is jeden 
Celek Klam kolem Duchovni namet , jak? az k dovidat se 
tato pfechodny ( ci tezaury pfihoda ) die jeden Biblicky 
perspektiva , a aby tebe chtel bych darovat mne moudrost az 
k vRdRt a tak, ze JA vule dostat instrukce jak? poslouzit 
jidlem ma druh a Amor sam ( pfibuzni ) ne byt cast of it. 

23. Aby tebe chtel bych pojistit aby druhdy probuh ar 
nechraneny a ma mysl dovidat se clen urcity duchovni 
vyznam of beh pfihoda dobyti bydliste do clen urcity svet , 
aby tebe chtel bych chystat se ma srdce az k pfijmout tvuj 
pravda , a aby tebe chtel bych pomoci mne dovidat se jak? 
az k nalez kuraz a sfla docela tvuj Svaty Slovo , clen urcity 
Bible. Jmenem koho Jezuita Kristus , JA tazat se na tezaury 
majetek bifmovat ma porucit az k bjH; doma souhlas tvuj 
vule , a JA am ptani se do tvuj moudrost a az k mit jeden 
laska ke komu clen urcity Pravda Amen 

Vice v clen urcity Dno of Blok 
Jak? az k mit Nekonecny Duch 

My ar rad -li tato barevny pruh of modlitba dotaz az k Buh 
is schopny az k pomahat tebe. My dovidat se tato moci ne 
byt clen urcity nejlepe ci nejcetnejsi efektivni desifrovani. 
My dovidat se tamhleten ar mnoho neobvykly cesty of 
interpretace domneni a slova. -li tebe mit jeden navrh do 
jeden lepe desifrovani , ci -li tebe chtel bych do teze mfry az 

k brat jeden maly cinit of tvuj cas az k poslat navrhy az k us 
, tebe vule byt porce jidla tisic of druhy lid rovnez , kdo vule 
nekdy cist clen urcity opravit desifrovani. My casto mit 
jeden Novy Posledni vule pfistupny do tvuj jazyk ci do 
jazyk aby ar nedovafeny ci davny. -li tebe ar hledet do jeden 
Novy Posledni vule do jeden specificky jazyk , byt pfijemny 
psat az k us. Rovnez , my potfeba az k jiste a namahat az k 
byt ve styku aby nekdy , my cinit nabidka blok aby ar ne 
Drzy a aby cinit cena penize. 

Aby ne -li tebe delostfelectvo pfitok nejaky of those 
elektronicky blok , my pocinovat casto cinit neurc. clen 
burza of elektronicky blok do pomoci s desifrovani ci 
desifrovani prace. Tebe cinit ne mit az k bjH; jeden odborny 
delnik , ale jeden pofadny osoba kdo is obchod do porce 
jidla. Tebe pozadovat mit jeden pocitac ci tebe pozadovat 
mit pfistup az k jeden pocitac v tvuj lokalka knihovna ci 
akademie ci univerzita , od te doby those obvykly mit lepe 
klientela az k clen urcity internovana osoba. Tebe pocinovat 
rovnez obvykly upevnit tvuj drahy osobni DRZY 
elektronicka posta licet do existujici az k 

BjH; pfijemny brat jeden dulezitost az k nalez clen urcity 
elektronicka posta adresovat nalezt v clen urcity dno ci clen 
urcity cfl of tato blok. My nadeje tebe vule poslat 
elektronicka posta az k us , -li tato is of pomoci ci podpora. 
My rovnez dodat mysli tebe az k dotyk us pokud jde o 
Elektronicky Blok aby my nabidka aby ar bez cena , a drzy. 

My cinit mit mnoho blok do cizi jazyk , aby ne my cinit 
nekdy bydliste je az k dostat electronically ( zavadeni ) 
ponevadz my ale delat pfistupny clen urcity blok ci clen 
urcity namet aby ar clen urcity nejcetnejsi dotaz. My dodat 
mysli tebe az k stale byt modlit az k Buh a az k stale byt 

dostat instrukce kolem Jemu do cetba Novy zakon. My vftat 
tvuj otazky a poznamky do elektronicka posta. 


Drogi Bog , Dziekuje 6w ten Nowy Testament 

ma byl zwolniony byle tylko jestesmy able wobec nauczyc 
si§ liczniejszy okolo ty. Prosz§ mi pomoc ludzie 
odpowiedzialny pod katem wykonaniem ten Elektroniczny 
ksiazka rozporzadzalny. 

Prosz§ mi pomoc im zostac wyplacalny praca umocowany , 
i zrobic liczniejszy Elektroniczny ksiazki rozporzadzalny 
Prosz§ mi pomoc im wobec miec wszystko ten zasoby , ten 
pieniadze , ten sila i ten czas 6w oni potrzebowac w klasa 
zostac wyplacalny utrzymywac dzialanie pod k^tem Ty. 
Prosz§ mi pomoc 6w 6w jestescie obowi^zek od ten druzyna 
6w wspolpracownik im u an codzienny podstawa. 

Podobac si§ dawac im ten sila wobec kontynuowac i dawac 
kazdy od im ten duchowy zgoda pod katem ten praca 6w ty 
potrzeba im wobec czynic. Prosz§ mi pomoc kazdy od im 
wobec nie miec strach i wobec zapamietac 6w jestes ten 
Bog ktory odpowiedzi modlitwa i ktory jest w koszt od 
wszystko. JA blagac 6w ty bylby zach^cac im , i 6w ty 
ochraniac im , i ten praca & ministerstwo 6w oni sa^ zaj^ty. 
J A blagac 6w ty bylby ochraniac im z ten Duchowy Sily 
zbrojne albo inny przeszkody 6w kulisy szkoda im albo 
powolny im w dol. Prosz§ mi pomoc podczas JA uzywac 
ten Nowy Testament wobec takze pomyslec od ludzie ktory 
miec wykonane ten wydanie rozporzadzalny , byle tylko JA 

puszka metalowa modlic si§ za im i tak oni puszka 
metalowa robic w dalszym ciaj>u wspolpracownik 

liczniejszy spoleczeristwo JA blagac 6w ty bylby dawac mi 
pewien milosc od two] Swi^ty Wyraz ( ten Nowy Testament 
), i 6w ty bylby dawac mi duchowy madrosc i orientacja 
wobec znac ty polepszyc i wobec rozumiec ten okres 6w 
jestesmy zyjacy w. Prosz§ mi pomoc wobec znac jak wobec 
zawierac z transakcj^ ten trudnosci 6w JA jestem 
skonfrontowany rezygnowac codziennie. 

Lord Bog , Wspolpracownik mi wobec potrzeba wobec znac 
ty Polepszyc i wobec potrzeba wobec wspolpracownik inny 
Chrzescijanie w mqj powierzchnia i wokolo ten swiat. 
JA blagac 6w ty bylby dawac ten Elektroniczny ksiazka 
druzyna i 6w ktory praca od pajeczyny i 6w ktory 
wspolpracownik im twqj madrosc. JA blagac 6w ty bylby 
wspolpracownik ten indywidualny czlonki od ich rodzina ( i 
mqj rodzina ) wobec nie bye duchowo zwodzil , oprocz 
wobec rozumiec ty i ja wobec potrzeba wobec uznawac i 
nastepowac po ty w na wszelki sposob. i JA zapytac ty 
wobec czynic tych rzeczy na Boga Jezus , Amen , 




Slovenian - Prayer Requests (praying / Talking) to God - 
explained in Slovenian Language 

Slovenian prayer jezuit Kristus molitev Bog kako prositi kako moci 
slisati svoj zaprositi podati ponuditi komu kaj mi 

pri aparatu imeti se za boga , tvorec od vsemirje , bog : 

1 . to vi hoteti izrociti mi pogum prositi stvari to rabim 

2. to vi hoteti izrociti mi pogum v vernik vi ter uvazevati 
kaksen hoces vzdrzati svoj zivljenje , namesto mi 
navdusenje svoj lasten hoteti ( namen ) zgoraj vas. 

3. to vi hoteti izrociti mi ponuditi komu kaj ne pustiti svoj 
grozen od neznano v postati opravicilo , ali osnova navzlic 
ne streci you. 

4. to vi hoteti izrociti mi ponuditi komu kaj zagledati ter 
zvedeti kako imeti bozji zakon cvrstost rabim ( skozi vas 
izraziti z besedami biblija ) a ) zakaj pripetljaj spredaj ter b ) 
zakaj svoj lasten oseben netelesen potovanje. 

5. to vi Bog hoteti izrociti mi ponuditi komu kaj biti brez 
streci vi vec 

6. to vi hoteti spomniti se mi pogovarjati se vi prayerwhen ) 
jaz sem unicen ali v tezava , namesto tezaven odlociti stvari 
sebi sele skozi svoj cloveski cvrstost. 

7. to vi hoteti izrociti mi modrost ter a srcika poln Biblical 
modrost tako da jaz hoteti zacetni udarec z zogo vi vec 

8. to vi hoteti izrociti mi a zahteva studirati vas izraziti z 
besedami , biblija , ( novi testament evangelij od John ), 
naprej a oseben osnova 

9. to vi hoteti izrociti pomoc mi tako da morem opaziti 
stvari v biblija ( vas izraziti z besedami ) kateri morem 
osebno tikati se cesa , ter to zadostuje pomoc mi razumeti 
kaksen vi biti brez mi uganjati v svoj zivljenje. 

10. to vi hoteti izrociti mi velik bistroumnost , v razumeti 
kako razlagati drugim kdo vi ste , ter to jaz domisljavec 
zmozen zvedeti kako zvedeti ter znanje kako stati pokoncu 
zakaj vi ter vas izraziti z besedami ( biblija ) 

1 1. to vi hoteti privleci narod ( ali websites ) v svoj zivljenje 
kdo biti brez znati vi , ter kdo ste krepek v svoj natancen 
razumeven od vi ( Bog ); ter to vi hoteti privleci narod ( ali 
websites ) v svoj zivljenje kdo hoteti obstati zmozen v 
podzigati mi v natancen zvedeti kako razpreti biblija izraziti 
z besedami od resnica (2 plasljiv 215:). 

12. to vi hoteti pomoc mi zvedeti imeti velik razumeven 
priblizno kateri biblija prevod je najprimernejsi , kateri je 
najvec natancen , ter kateri has najvec netelesen cvrstost & 
sila , ter kateri prevod strinjati se s samorasel rokopis to vi 
vdihniti pisec od novi testament pisati. 

13. to vi hoteti izrociti ponuditi komu kaj mi rabiti svoj cas 
v a dober izuriti za hojo ali jezo po cesti , ter ne v 
razsipavati svoj cas naprej napacen ali puhel metoda 
zadobiti sklepnik v Bog ( ce ze ne ste ne resnicno Biblical ), 
ter kraj oni metoda predelki ne dolg pogoj ali trajen 
netelesen sadje. 

14. to vi hoteti izrociti pomoc mi v razumeti kaksen iskati v 
a cerkvica ali a mesto od castiti , kaksen milosten od 
vprasanje zaprositi , ter to vi hoteti pomoc mi najti vernik ali 
a pastor s velik netelesen modrost namesto neprisiljen ali 
napacen odgovor. 

15. to vi hoteti vzrok mi spomniti se nauciti se na pamet vas 
izraziti z besedami biblija ( kot na primer retoromanski 8), 
tako da morem zivljati to v svoj srcika ter zivljati svoj srce 

pripravljen , ter obstati radovoljen podati odgovor drugim 
od upanje to imam priblizno vi. 

16. to vi hoteti privleci ponuditi komu kaj mi tako da svoj 
lasten teologija ter nauk ujemati se s vas izraziti z besedami 
, biblija ter to vi hoteti vzdrznost v pomoc mi znanje kako 
svoj razumeven od nauk moci obstati izpopolniti tako da 
svoj lasten zivljenje lifestyle ter razumeven vzdrznost to live 
at warefare with s.o. sklepnik eemu vi biti brez to v obstati 

17. to vi hoteti plan svoj netelesen vpogled ( sklep ) bolj in 
bolj , ter to kraj svoj razumeven ali zaznavanje od vi ni 
natancen , to vi hoteti pomoc mi zvedeti kdo jezuit Kristus 
resnicno je. 

18. to vi hoteti izrociti ponuditi komu kaj mi tako da jaz 
domisljavec zmozen razstati se poljuben napacen cerkveni 
obredi kateri imam odvisnost naprej , s vas veder 
poucevanje v biblija , ce sploh kateri od kaksen jaz sem 
sledec ni od Bog , ali je nasprotno eemu kaksen hoces uciti 
nas priblizno sledec vi. 

19. to poljuben vojna sila od zlo hoteti ne odvzeti poljuben 
netelesen razumeven kateri imam , sele precej to jaz hoteti 
obdrzati znanost od kako znati vi ter ne v obstati goljufati 
dandanes od netelesen prevara. 

20. to vi hoteti privleci netelesen cvrstost ter ponuditi komu 
kaj mi tako da nocem v obstati del od velika gospoda 
padanje stran ali od poljuben tok kateri domisljavec 
netelesen ponarejen vam na uslugo ter v vas svet izraziti z 

21. to ce je nic to imam velja v svoj zivljenje , ali vsekakor 
to imam ne odgovor vam na uslugo kot jaz should zivljati 
ter to je preprecljiv mi s vsak izmed obeh pesacenje z vami , 
ali imetje razumeven , to vi hoteti privleci oni stvari / 
odgovor / pripetljaj prislon v svoj srce , tako da jaz hoteti 
odreci se jih v imenu ljudstva, usmiljenja itd. jezuit Kristus , 
ter prav do svoj vrednostni papirji ter posledica , ter to vi 
hoteti nadomestiti poljuben puhlost , sadness ali obup v svoj 

zivljenje s veselje od bog , ter to jaz domisljavec vec zarisce 
naprej ucenje slediti vi z citanje vas izraziti z besedami , 

22. to vi hoteti plan svoj oci tako da jaz domisljavec zmozen 
v jasno zagledati ter pred sodiscem se pismeno obvezati ce 
je a velik prevara priblizno netelesen predmet , kako v 
razumeti to fenomen ( ali od this pripetljaj ) s a Biblical 
perspektiven , ter to vi hoteti izrociti mi modrost znati ter 
tako da bom se ucil kako v pomoc svoj prijateljstvo ter 
ljubezen sam sebe, sebi, se ( zlahta ) ne obstati del od it. 

23. to vi hoteti zavarovati to nekoc svoj oci ste odpirac ter 
svoj srce razumeti bozji zakon pomen od tok pripetljaj 
taking mesto na svetu , to vi hoteti pripraviti se svoj srcika 
vzeti vas resnica , ter to vi hoteti pomoc mi razumeti kako 
najti pogum ter cvrstost skozi vas svet izraziti z besedami , 
biblija. v imenu ljudstva, usmiljenja itd. jezuit Kristus , jaz 
prositi od this stvari potrditi svoj zahteva v biti znotraj 
pogodba vas hoteti , ter vprasam zakaj vas modrost ter imeti 
a ljubezen od resnica Amen. 

vec pravzaprav od stran 
kako imeti vecen zivljenje 

mi smo vesel ce to zapisati v seznam ( od molitev prosnja v 
Bog ) je zmozen pomagati vi. mi razumeti to maj ne obstati 
najboljsi ali najvec uspesen prevod. mi razumeti to so veliko 
razlicen ways od iztisljiv mnenje ter izraziti z besedami. ce 
vi zivljati a nasvet zakaj a rajsi prevod , ali ce vi hoteti vsec 
biti zavzeti a tesen znesek od vas cas posiljati nasvet v nas , 
bos pomaganje tisoc od drugi narod tudi , kdo hoteti torej 
citanje izpopolniti prevod. mi pogosto zivljati a nova zaveza 

pri roki v vas jezik ali v jezik to ste redek ali star, ce isces a 
nova zaveza v a poseben jezik , prosim napisati rabiti. tudi , 
mi biti brez v obstati varen ter zaceti v biti obhajan to vcasih 
, mi delati oferirati knjiga to ste ne prost ter to delati strosek 

sele ce vi ne morem privosciti si nekaj tega oni elektronski 
knjiga , mi moci pogosto delati mena od elektronski knjiga 
zakaj pomoc s prevod ali prevod opus, vi nikar ne zivljati to 
live at warefare with s.o. a poklicen delavec , sele a reden 
oseba kdo je zavzet v pomaganje. vi should zivljati a 
racunalo ali vi should zivljati postranski v a racunalo v vas 
tukajsnji knjiznica ali visja gimnazija ali univerza , odkar 
oni navadno zivljati rajsi vez v stazist v bolnisnici. vi moci 
tudi navadno ustanoviti vas lasten oseben prost elektronski 
verizna srajca racun z tekoc v 

prosim zalotiti a vaznost za odkriti elektronski verizna srajca 
ogovor poiskati pravzaprav ali prenehati od to stran. mi 
upanje bos poslal elektronski verizna srajca v nas , ce to je 
od pomoc ali encouragement, mi tudi podzigati vi v zveza 
nas zadeven elektronski knjiga to mi oferirati to ste ce ne 
strosek , ter prost. 

mi delati zivljati veliko knjiga v tuji jeziki , sele mi nikar ne 
zmeraj mesto jih sprejeti electronically ( travnato gricevje ) 
zato ker mi sele izdelovanje pri roki knjiga ali predmet to ste 
najvec prosnja. mi podzigati vi v vzdrznost prositi v Bog ter 
v vzdrznost zvedeti priblizno njega z citanje novi testament, 
mi izreci dobrodoslico vas vprasanje ter razloziti z 
elektronski verizna srajca. 


srckan Bog , the same to to nova 
zaveza has been izpusttakodamismo 

zmozen zvedeti vec priblizno vi. prosim pomoc preprosti 
ljudje odgovoren zakaj izdelava to elektronski knjiga pri 

prosim pomoc jih premoci opus nagel , ter izdelovanje vec 
elektronski knjiga pri roki prosim pomoc jih imeti vsi 
sredstvo , penez , cvrstost ter cas to oni potreba zato da 
obstati zmozen vzdrzevati ki dela zakaj vi. 
prosim pomoc oni to ste del od skupina to pomoc jih naprej 
vsakdanji osnova. prosim izrociti jih cvrstost v vzdrznost ter 
izrociti vsakteri od jih bozji zakon razumeven zakaj opus to 
vi biti brez jih uganjati. prosim pomoc vsakteri od jih v ne 
zivljati strah ter spomniti se to vi ste Bog kdo odgovor 
molitev ter kdo je v ukaz od vse. 

jaz predlagati da vi hoteti podzigati jih , ter to vi zavarovati 
jih , ter opus & ministrstvo to oni so zaposlen s cim. jaz 
predlagati da vi hoteti zavarovati jih s netelesen vojna sila 
ali drugi zapreka to strjena lava skoda jih ali pocasi vozite 
jih niz. prosim pomoc mi cas jaz raba to nova zaveza v tudi 
pretehtati od preprosti ljudje kdo zivljati narejen to naklada 
pri roki , 

tako da morem prositi za jih ter tudi oni moci vzdrznost v 
pomoc vec narod jaz predlagati da vi hoteti izrociti mi a 
ljubezen od vas svet izraziti z besedami ( novi testament ), 
ter to vi hoteti izrociti mi netelesen modrost ter bistroumnost 

znati vi rajsi ter v razumeti epoha od cas to mi smo zivljenje 

prosim pomoc mi znati kako v obravnavati tezek to jaz sem 
soociti s vsak dan. lord Bog , pomoc mi hoteti znanje vi rajsi 
ter hoteti pomoc drugi krscanski v svoj area ter po svetu. 
jaz predlagati da vi hoteti izrociti elektronski knjiga skupina 
ter oni kdo opus naprej tkalec ter oni kdo pomoc jih vas 
modrost. jaz predlagati da vi hoteti pomoc poedinec 
clanstvo od svoj rodbina ( ter svoj rodbina ) v ne obstati 
netelesen goljufati , sele v razumeti vi ter hoteti uvazevati 
ter slediti vi v sleherni izuriti za hojo ali jezo po cesti. ter jaz 
zaprositi vi uganjati od this stvari v imenu ljudstva, 
usmiljenja itd. jezuit , Amen , 


llltlhal diyOS , pasalamatan ka atipan ng pawid ito 
bago testamento may been pakawalan pagayon atipan ng 
pawid tayo ay able sa mag-aral laling marami buongpaligid 
ka. masiyahan tumulong ang mga tao may pananagutan 
dahil sa making ito Electronic book makukuha. masiyahan 
tumulong kanila sa maaari able sa gumawa ayuno , at gawin 
laling marami Electronic books makukuha masiyahan 
tumulong kanila sa may lahat ang mapamaraan , ang salapi , 
ang lakas at ang takdaan ng oras atipan ng pawid sila 
mangilangan di iutos sa maaari able sa tago gumawa dahil 

masiyahan tumulong those atipan ng pawid ay mahati ng 
ang itambal atipan ng pawid tumulong kanila sa isa pang- 
araw-araw batayan. masiyahan bigyan kanila ang lakas sa 
mapatuloy at bigyan bawa't isa ng kanila ang tangayin pang- 
unawa dahil sa ang gumawa atipan ng pawid ka magkulang 

kanila sa gumawa. masiyahan tumulong bawa't isa ng kanila 
sa hindi may katakutan at sa gunitain atipan ng pawid ka ay 
ang diyos sino sumagot dasal at sino ay di pagbintangan ng 
lahat ng bagay. 

ako magdasal atipan ng pawid ka would palakasin ang loob 
kanila , at atipan ng pawid ka ipagsanggalang kanila , at ang 
gumawa & magkalinga atipan ng pawid sila ay kumuha di. 
ako magdasal atipan ng pawid ka would ipagsanggalang 
kanila sa ang tangayin pilitin o iba sagwil atipan ng pawid 
could saktan kanila o slow kanila itumba. 
masiyahan tumulong ako kailan ako gumamit ito bago 
testamento sa din isipin ng ang mga tao sino may made ito 
edisyon makukuha , pagayon atipan ng pawid ako maaari 
magdasal dahil sa kanila at pagayon sila maaari mapatuloy 
sa tumulong laling marami mga tao ako magdasal atipan ng 
pawid ka would bigyan ako a ibigin ng mo banal salita ( ang 
bago testamento ), at atipan ng pawid ka would bigyan ako 
tangayin dunong at discernment sa malaman ka lalong 
mapabuti at sa maintindihan ang tukdok ng takdaan ng oras 
atipan ng pawid tayo ay ikinabubuhay di. 
masiyahan tumulong ako sa malaman paano sa makitungo 
kumuha ang mahirap hindi madali atipan ng pawid ako ay 
confronted kumuha bawa't araw. panginoon diyos , 
tumulong ako sa magkulang sa malaman ka lalong mapabuti 
at sa magkulang sa tumulong iba binyagan di akin malawak 
at sa tabi-tabi ang daigdig. ako magdasal atipan ng pawid ka 
would bigyan ang Electronic book itambal at those sino 
gumawa sa ang website at those sino tumulong kanila mo 

ako magdasal atipan ng pawid ka would tumulong ang isang 
tao pagkakasapi ng kanila mag-anak ( at akin mag-anak ) sa 
hindi maaari spiritually dayain , datapuwa't sa maintindihan 
ka at sa magkulang sa tanggapin at sundan ka di bawa't 
daan. at ako humingi ka sa gumawa tesis bagay di ang 
pangalanan ng heswita , susugan , 


Armas Jumala , Kiittaa te etta nyt kuluva 
Veres Jalkisaados has esittamislupa joten etta me 
aari eteva jotta kuulla enemman jokseenkin te. 

Haluta auttaa ihmiset edesvastuullinen ajaksi ansaitseva nyt 
kuluva Elektroninen kirjanpidollinen saatavana. Haluta 
auttaa heidat jotta olla eteva jotta aikaansaada paastota , ja 
ehtia enemman Elektroninen luettelossa saatavana Haluta 
auttaa heidat jotta hankkia aivan varat , raha , kesto ja aika 
etta he kaivata kotona aste jotta olla eteva jotta elatus 
tyoskentely ajaksi Te. 

Haluta auttaa ne etta aari erita -lta joukkue etta auttaa heidat 
model after by jokapaivainen kivijalka. Haluta kimmoisuus 
heidat kesto jotta jatkaa ja kimmoisuus joka -lta heidat 
henki- ymmartavainen ajaksi aikaansaada etta te haluta 
heidat jotta ajaa. 

Haluta auttaa joka -lta heidat jotta ei hankkia pelata ja jotta 
muistaa etta te aari Jumala joka tottelee nimea hartaushetki 
ja joka on kotona hinta -lta kaikki. I-KIRJAIN pyytaa 
hartaasti etta te edistaa heidat , ja etta te suojata heidat , ja 
aikaansaada & ministerikausi etta he aari varattu kotona. I- 
KIRJAIN pyytaa hartaasti etta te suojata heidat polveutua 
Henki- Joukko eli toinen este etta haitta heidat eli hitaasti 
heidat heittaa. Haluta auttaa we jahka I-KIRJAIN apu nyt 
kuluva Veres Jalkisaados jotta kin ajatella -lta ihmiset joka 
hankkia kokoonpantu nyt kuluva painos saatavana , joten 
etta I-KIRJAIN kanisteri pyytaa hartaasti ajaksi heidat ja 

joten he kanisteri jatkaa jotta auttaa enemman ihmiset I- 
KIRJAIN pyytaa hartaasti etta te kimmoisuus we lempia -lta 
sinun Pyha Sana ( Veres Jalkisaados ), ja etta te kimmoisuus 
we henki- viisaus ja arvostelukyky jotta osata te vedonlyoja 
ja jotta kasittaa aika -lta aika etta me aari asuen kotona. 
Haluta auttaa we jotta osata kuinka jotta antaa avulla 
hankala etta I-KIRJAIN olen asettaa vastakkain avulla joka 
aika. Haltija Jumala , Auttaa we jotta haluta jotta osata te 
Vedonlyoja ja jotta haluta jotta auttaa toinen Kristitty kotona 
minun kohta ja liepeilla maailma. 

I-KIRJAIN pyytaa hartaasti etta te kimmoisuus Elektroninen 
kirjanpidollinen joukkue ja ne joka aikaansaada model after 
kudos ja ne joka auttaa heidat sinun viisaus. I-KIRJAIN 
pyytaa hartaasti etta te auttaa yksilo jasenmaara -lta heidan 
heimo ( ja minun heimo ) jotta ei olla henkisesti eksyttaa , 
ainoastaan jotta kasittaa te ja jotta haluta jotta hyvaksya ja 
harjoittaa te kotona joka elamantapa. ja I-KIRJAIN anoa te 
jotta ajaa nama tavarat kotona maine -lta Jeesus , 
Vastuunalainen , 


Raring Gud , Tack sjalv sa pass den har Ny 

Testamente er blitt befriaren sa fakta at vi er 
duglig till lara sig mer omkring du. Behag hjalpamig 
folk ansvarig for tillverkningen den har Elektronisk bok 

Behag hjalpa mig dem till vara kopa duktig verk fort , och 
gora mer Elektronisk bokna tillganglig Behag hjalpa mig 
dem till har alia resurserna , pengarna , den styrka och tiden 
sa pass de behov for att kunde halla arbetande till deras. 
Behag hjalpa mig den har sa pass de/vi/du/ni ar del om 
spannen sa pass hjalp dem pa en daglig basis. Behaga ger 
dem den styrka till fortsatta och ger var av dem den ande 
forstandet for den verk sa pass du vilja dem till gor. Behag 
hjalpa mig var av dem till inte har radsla och till minas sa 
pass du er den Gud vem svar bon och vem er han i lidelse av 

JAG be sa pass du skulle uppmuntra dem , och sa pass du 
skydda dem , och den verk & ministaren sa pass de er 
forlovad i. 

JAG be sa pass du skulle skydda dem fran den Ande Pressar 
eller annan hinder sa pass kunde skada dem eller langsam 
dem ned. Behag hjalpa mig nar JAG anvanda den har Ny 
Testamente till ocksa tanka om folk vem har gjord den har 
upplagan tillganglig , sa fakta at JAG kanna be for dem och 
sa de kanna fortsatta till hjalp mer folk JAG be sa pass du 
skulle ge mig en karlek om din Helig Uttrycka ( den Ny 
Testamente ), och sa pass du skulle ge mig ande visdom och 
discernment till veta du battre och till forsta den period av 
tid sa pass vi er levande i. 

Behag hjalpa mig till veta hur till ha att gora med 
svarigheten sa pass JAG er stillt overfor var dag. Var Herre 
och Fralsare Gud , Hjalpa mig till vilja till veta du Battre 
och till vilja till hjalp annan Kristen i min areal och i 
omkrets det varld. JAG be sa pass du skulle ger den 
Elektronisk bok sla sig ihop och den har vem arbeta pa den 
spindelvav och den har vem hjalp dem din visdom. 
JAG be sa pass du skulle hjalp individuellt medlemmen av 
deras familj ( och min familj ) till inte bli spiritually lurat , 
utom till forsta du och mig till vilja till accept och folja du i 
varje vag. och JAG fraga du till gor de har sakerna inne om 
namn av Jesus , Samarbetsvillig , 


Allerkserest God , Tak for Ian at indevaerende Ny 
Testamente er blevet l0st i den grad at vi er kan hen til laere 
flere omkring jer. Behage hjaelp den folk ansvarlig nemlig 
g0r indevaerende Elektronisk skrift anvendelig. Behage 
hjselp sig at blive k0bedygtig arbejde holdbar , og skabe 
flere Elektronisk b0ger anvendelig Behage hjaslp sig hen til 
nyde en hel ressourcer , den penge , den krasfter og den gang 
at de savn for at vaere i stand til opbevare i orden nemlig Jer. 

Behage hjaelp dem at er noget af den hold at hjaslp sig oven 
pa en hverdags holdepunkt. Behage indr0mme sig den 
krasfter hen til fortsastte og indr0mme hver i sig den appel 
opfattelse nemlig den arbejde at jer savn sig hen til lave. 
Behage hjaslp hver i sig hen til ikke nyde skrask og hen til 
huske at du er den God hvem svar b0n og hvem star for 
arrangementet i alt. 

JEG bed at jer ville give mod sig , og at jer sikre sig , og 
den arbejde & ministerium at de er forlovet i. JEG bed at jer 
ville sikre sig af den Appel Tvinger eller anden hindring at 
kunne afbrask sig eller sen sig nede. 

Behage hjaslp mig hvor JEG hjaslp indevaerende Ny 
Testamente hen til ligeledes hitte pa den folk hvem nyde 
skabt indevaerende oplag anvendelig , i den grad at JEG 
kunne bed nemlig sig hvorfor de kunne fortsaette hen til 
hjaelp flere folk JEG bed at jer ville indr0mme mig en 

kserlighed til jeres Hellig Ord ( den Ny Testamente ), og at 
jer ville indr0mme mig appel klogskab og discernment hen 
til kende jer bedre og hen til opfatte den periode at vi er 
nulevende i. 

Behage hjselp mig hen til kende hvor hen til omhandle den 
problemer at Jeg er stillet over for hver dag. Lord God , 
Hjselp mig hen til ville gerne kende jer Bedre og hen til ville 
gerne hjselp anden Christians i mig omrade og omkring den 

JEG bed at jer ville indr0mme den Elektronisk skrift hold og 
dem hvem arbejde med den website og dem hvem hjselp sig 
jeres klogskab. JEG bed at jer ville hjselp den individ 
medlemmer i deres slsegt ( og mig slsegt ) hen til ikke vsere 
spiritually narrede , men hen til opfatte jer og hen til ville 
gerne optage og komme efter jer i al mulig made, og JEG 
opfordre jer hen til lave disse sager i den bensevne i Jesus , 
Amen , 


MojiHTBa k 6ory ,3,oporoii Eor, Bm hto Swjih 
BbinymeHbi oto Gospel hjih stot hobmh testament Taic, 
^rro mm 6yAeM BbiyHHTb 6ojibiiie o Bac. nxracajiyHCTa 
noMorHTe jhoasm OTBercTBeHHbiM ajih /jenaTb 3ry 
3jieKTpoHHyio KHHry HMeiomeiica. Bbi 3HaeTe ohh h bm 
M05KeTe noMOHb hm. no5KajiyiiCTa noMorHTe hm MOHb 
pa6oTaTb 6mctpo, h cjienawre 6onee sneKTpoHHbie khhth 
HMeiomeiica no5KajiyiiCTa noMorHTe hm HMerb Bee 

pecypcbi, AeHbr, npoHHOCTb h BpeMa Koropbie ohh ajih roro 
^rroGbi MOHb #ep>KaTb pa6oTaTb ajih Bac. ITroKajryHCTa 
noMorHTe tcm oy/ryT nacrbio KOMaH/rbi noMoraeT hm Ha 
e5KeAHeBHoe ocHOBainie. nroKajiyHcra jiawre hm npoHHOCTb 
jxm roro MTo6bi npoAOJDKaTb h ^aBaTb icaawMy H3 hx 
AyxoBHoe BHHKaHne jxm pa6oTbi mto bm xothtc hx 
c^ejiaTb. Ilo5KajiyHCTa noMorHTe icaawMy H3 hx He HMeTb 
crpax h He BcnoMHHaTb mto bm dynere 6oroM OTBenaiOT 
MOJiHTBe h in charge of Bee. if mojuo mto bm o6oaphjih hx, 
h mto bm 3amHmaeTe hx, h pa6crra & MHHHCTepcTBO mto 



Apyrnx npenoH CMorjiH noBpe^HTb hm hjih 3aMeAJnrn> hm 
bhh3. rio5KajryHCTa noMorHTe MHe Kor/ia a Hcnojib3yio stot 
hobmh testament raidce jxm roro mto6m /ryMaTb jnoAen 
AenajiH stot BapnaHT HMeiomeHca, TaK, mto a CMory 
noMOJiHTb jxm hx h no3TOMy hx CMorHTe npoAOJDKaTb 
noMOHb 6ojibHie jnoAen. 

JI Momo mto bm ^ajiH MHe Bjno6jieHHOCTb Baniero 
CBaTeHHiero cnoBa (HoBbina 3aBeT), h mto bm /iaJiH MHe 
/ryxoBHbie npeMy/rpocTb h pacno3HaHHe ajm Toro mto6m 
3HaTb Bac 6onee jryHine h noiurrb nepHO^o BpeMeHH 
kotopom mm 5KHBeM b. ITroKajryHCTa noMorHTe MHe cyMerb 
KaK o6maTbca c 3arpyAHeHHHMH mto a confronted c 
KaayiMM /THeM. JlopA Bor, noMoraeT MHe xoTerb 3HaTb Bac 
6onee jryHHie h xoTeTb noMOHb ^pyniM xpHcraaHicaM b 
Moen o6nacTH h BOicpyr MHpa. 

if Momo mto bm ^ajiH 3jieKTpoHHyio KOMaH/ry h Te KHHrn 
noMoraiOT hm Bania npeMy/rpocTb. if mojuo mto bm 
noMorjiH HH^HBH/ryajibHMM HjieHaM hx ceMbH (h Moen 
ceMbn) /ryxoBHOCT 6biTb o6MaHyTMM, ho noiurrb Bac h 
xoTeTb npHHaTb h nocjie/tOBaTb 3a Bac b KaayiOH /jopore. 
TaK5Ke Aanre HaM komiJiopt h WBejieime b sth BpeMeHa h a 

cnpaniHBaeM, mto bm ^enaeTe 3th Benin in the name of 
CbfflOK 6ora, jesus christ, aMHm>, 


,3,par Bor , EjiaroaapH th to3h to3h Hob 
3aBemaHne has p.p. ot be ocBoSoacaaBaivi TaKa 
to3h Hne CTe cnocoSeH kbm yna ce noBene 
HaoKOJio th. XapecBaM noMaraM onpeaejiHTejieH hjich 
xopa OTroBopeH 3a npHroTBaHe to3h Electronic KHHra 

XapecBaM noMaraM Tax ki>m 6i>Aa cnoco6eH kt>m pa6oTa 
nocra , h npaBa noBene Electronic KHiDKapHHHa HajHrneH 
XapecBaM noMaraM Tax ki>m HMaM nan onpeAeinrrejieH 
HjieH cpe/tCTBO , orrpeaejiHTeneH hjich napn , 
onpeAejiHTeneH hjich ycTOHHHBOCT h onpeAejnrrejieH hjich 
BpeMe to3h Te wyama in pe# ki>m 6i>Aa cnoco6eH ki>m 
/rbp5Ka /TBH5KeHHe 3a Th. XapecBaM noMaraM ot that T03H 
ere nacT Ha onpeAejiHTeneH HjieH Birpar T03H noMaraM Tax 
Ha an BceKH^HeBeH 6a3a. 

XapecBaM ^aBaM Tax onpeAejnrreneH HjieH yctohhhboct 
ki>m npoAtiDKaBaM h /laBaM BceKH Ha Tax onpeAejnrreneH 
HjieH /ryxoBeH cxBamaHe 3a onpeaejiHTejieH nneH pa6oTa 
TO3H th jnmca Tax ki>m npaBa. 

XapecBaM noMaraM BceKH Ha Tax ki>m He HMaM crpax h ki>m 
noMHa T03H th ere onpeAejiHTeneH hjich Bor koh OTroBop 
MOJiHTBa h koh e in m>jTHa Ha bchhko. A3 Mona to3h th yac 
HacbpnaBaM Tax , h to3h th 3aiHHraBaM Tax , h 

onpeAejiHTeneH hjich pa6oTa & mhhhctcpctbo to3h Te ere 
3am>iDKaBaM in. A3 mojih to3h th yac 3amHTaBaM Tax ot 
onpeAenHTeneH hjich flyxoBeH Quia hjih ^pyr npenKa to3h 
p.t. ot can Bpe^a Tax hjih 6aBeH Tax rono Bi>3BHHieHHe. 
XapecBaM noMaraM me Kora A3 ynoTpe6a to3h Hob 
3aBemaHne kt>m cbhio mhcjih Ha onpeAejnnejieH hjich xopa 
koh HMaM p.t. h p.p. ot make to3h wmsooie HajnmeH , TaKa 
TO3H A3 Mora mojih 3a Tax h TaKa Te Mora npoAtiracaBaM 
kt>m noMaraM noBene xopa A3 mojih to3h th yac /jaBaM me 
a jho6ob Ha your Cbot JfyMa ( onpeAejnrrejieH HjieH Hob 
3aBemaHHe ), h to3h th yac /jaBaM me /ryxoBeH Mt>/rpocT h 
pa3JiHHaBaHe ki>m 3Haa th no-Ao6i>p h ki>m pa36npaM 
onpeAejiHTeneH hjich nepnoA Ha BpeMe to3h HHe ere 5khb 
in. XapecBaM noMaraM me ki>m 3Haa icaic ki>m pa3AaBaM c 
onpeAejiHTeneH hjich MtneH to3h A3 cbm ronpaBaM npeA c 
BceKH Ren. 

JlopA Bor , IloMaraM me kt>m jnmca ki>m 3Haa th no-Ao6i>p 
h ki>m jnmca ki>m noMaraM #pyr Xphcthhhckh in my nnom 
h HaoKono onpeAejiHTeneH hjich cbot. 

A3 MOJiH to3h th yac ^aBaM onpeAejnrrejieH HjieH Electronic 
KHHra Bnpar h ot that koh pa6oTa Ha onpeAejnrrejieH HjieH 
website h ot that koh noMaraM Tax your Mi>/rpocT. A3 mojih 
to3h th y5K noMaraM onpeAejnrreneH HjieH jnmeH hjichctbo 
Ha TexeH ceMencTBO ( h my ceMencTBO ) ki>m He 6i>Aa 
/ryxoBeH H3MaMBaM , ho ki>m pa36npaM th h ki>m jnmca kt>m 
npneMaM h cjie^BaM th in BceKH m>T. h A3 mrraM th ki>m 
npaBa Te3H Hemo in onpeflejnrreneH hjich HMe Ha He3yHT , 
Amen , 


sevgili mabut , eyvallah adl. §u bu Incil bkz. 

have be serbest brrakmak taki biz are guclu -e dogru 
ogrenmek daha hakktnda sen. mutlu etmek yardim etmek 
belgili tanimlik insanlar -den sorumlu icin yapim bu 
elektronik kitap elde edilebilir. mutlu etmek yardim etmek 
onlan -e dogru muktedir i§ hizli , ve yapmak daha elektronik 
kitap elde edilebilir mutlu etmek yardim etmek onlan -e 
dogru -si olmak turn belgili tanimlik kaynak , belgili 
tanimlik para , belgili tanimlik giic ve belgili tanimlik zaman 

su onlar liizum icin muktedir almak calisma icin sen. mutlu 
etmek yardim etmek o adl. su are boliim -in belgili tanimlik 
takim adl. su yardim etmek onlan ustunde an her temel. 
mutlu etmek vermek onlan belgili tanimlik giic -e dogru 
devam etmek ve vermek her -in onlan belgili tanimlik 
ruhani basiret icin belgili tanimlik i§ adl. 
su sen istemek onlan -e dogru yapmak. mutlu etmek yardim 
etmek her -in onlan -e dogru degil -si olmak korkmak ve -e 
dogru ammsamak adl. su sen are belgili tanimlik mabut kim 
yanit dua ve kim bkz. be icinde fiyat istemek -in her sey. I 
dua etmek adl. su sen -cekti ylireklendirmek onlan , ve adl. 
su sen korumak onlan , ve belgili tanimlik i§ & bakanlik adl. 
su onlar are me§gul icinde. I dua etmek adl. su sen -cekti 
korumak onlan —dan belgili tanimlik ruhani giic ya da diger 
engel adl. 

su -ebil zarar onlan ya da yava§ onlan asagi. mutlu etmek 
yardim etmek beni ne zaman I kullanma bu Incil -e dogru da 
diisun belgili tanimlik insanlar kim -si olmak -den yapilmi§ 
bu baski elde edilebilir , taki I -ebilmek dua etmek icin 
onlan vesaire onlar -ebilmek devam etmek -e dogru yardim 

etmek daha insanlar I dua etmek adl. su sen -cekti vermek 
beni a ask -in senin kutsal kelime ( belgili tammlik incil ), 
ve adl. su sen -cekti vermek beni ruhani akillilik ve 
discernment -e dogru bilmek sen daha iyi ve -e dogru 
anlamak belgili tammlik dondiirmemem adl. su biz are canh 
iginde. mutlu etmek yardim etmek beni -e dogru bilmek 
nasil -e dogru dagitmak ile belgili tammlik muskulat adl. 
su I am kar§i koymak ile her gun. efendi mabut , yardim 
etmek beni -e dogru istemek -e dogru bilmek sen daha iyi ve 
-e dogru istemek -e dogru yardim etmek diger Hristiyan 
icinde benim alan ve cevrede belgili tammlik diinya. I dua 
etmek adl. su sen -cekti vermek belgili tammlik elektronik 
kitap takim ve o kim i§ iistiinde belgili tammlik website ve o 
kim yardim etmek onlari senin akillilik. 
I dua etmek adl. su sen -cekti yardim etmek belgili tammlik 
bireysel aza -in onlarin aile ( ve benim aile ) -e dogru degil 
var olmak ruhani aldatmak , ama -e dogru anlamak sen ve -e 
dogru istemek -e dogru almak ve izlemek sen icinde her yol. 
ve I sormak sen -e dogru yapmak bunlar e§ya adma Isa , 
amin , 


sevgili mabut , eyvallah adl. su bu Incil bkz. have be serbest 
brrakmak taki biz are gii^lii -e dogru ogrenmek daha 

hakkinda sen. mutlu etmek yardim etmek belgili tanimlik 
insanlar -den sorumlu icin yapim bu elektronik kitap elde 
edilebilir. mutlu etmek yardim etmek onlari -e dogru 
muktedir i§ hizli , ve yapmak daha elektronik kitap elde 
edilebilir mutlu etmek yardim etmek onlari -e dogru -si 
olmak turn belgili tanimlik kaynak , belgili tanimlik para , 
belgili tanimlik giic ve belgili tanimlik zaman adl. 
su onlar liizum icin muktedir almak calisma icin sen. mutlu 
etmek yardim etmek o adl. su are bolum -in belgili tanimlik 
takim adl. su yardim etmek onlari ustiinde an her temel. 
mutlu etmek vermek onlari belgili tanimlik giic -e dogru 
devam etmek ve vermek her -in onlari belgili tanimlik 
ruhani basiret icin belgili tanimlik i§ adl. 

su sen istemek onlari -e dogru yapmak. mutlu etmek yardim 
etmek her -in onlari -e dogru degil -si olmak korkmak ve -e 
dogru animsamak adl. su sen are belgili tanimlik mabut kim 
yanit dua ve kim bkz. be icinde fiyat istemek -in her sey. I 
dua etmek adl. su sen -cekti yureklendirmek onlari , ve adl. 
su sen korumak onlari , ve belgili tanimlik i§ & bakanlik adl. 
su onlar are me§gul icinde. I dua etmek adl. su sen -cekti 
korumak onlari —dan belgili tanimlik ruhani giic ya da diger 
engel adl. 

su -ebil zarar onlari ya da yava§ onlan asagi. mutlu etmek 
yardim etmek beni ne zaman I kullanma bu incil -e dogru da 
dusun belgili tanimlik insanlar kim -si olmak -den yapilmi§ 
bu baski elde edilebilir , taki I -ebilmek dua etmek icin 
onlan vesaire onlar -ebilmek devam etmek -e dogru yardim 
etmek daha insanlar I dua etmek adl. su sen -cekti vermek 
beni a ask -in senin kutsal kelime ( belgili tanimlik Incil ), 
ve adl. su sen -cekti vermek beni ruhani akillihk ve 
discernment -e dogru bilmek sen daha iyi ve -e dogru 
anlamak belgili tanimlik dondurmemem adl. su biz are canh 
icinde. mutlu etmek yardim etmek beni -e dogru bilmek 
nasil -e dogru dagitmak ile belgili tanimlik muskulat adl. 

su I am kar§i koymak ile her gun. efendi mabut , yardim 
etmek beni -e dogru istemek -e dogru bilmek sen daha iyi ve 
-e dogru istemek -e dogru yardim etmek diger Hristiyan 
icinde benim alan ve cevrede belgili tammlik diinya. I dua 
etmek adl. su sen -cekti vermek belgili tammlik elektronik 
kitap takim ve o kim i§ iistiinde belgili tammlik website ve o 
kim yardim etmek onlari senin akillilik. 
I dua etmek adl. su sen -cekti yardim etmek belgili tammlik 
bireysel aza -in onlarin aile ( ve benim aile ) -e dogru degil 
var olmak ruhani aldatmak , ama -e dogru anlamak sen ve -e 
dogru istemek -e dogru almak ve izlemek sen icinde her yol. 
ve I sormak sen -e dogru yapmak bunlar e§ya adina Isa , 
amin , 


Serbia - Servia - Serbian 

Serbia Serbian Servian Prayer Isus Krist Molitva Bog Kako 
Moliti moci cuti moj molitva za pitati davati ponuditi mene 
otkriti duhovni Vodstvo 

Serbia ■ Prayer Requests (praying ) to G od ■ explained in 
Serbian (Servian) Language 

Molitva za Bog ## Kako za Moliti za Bog 
Kako Bog moci cuti moj molitva 
Kako za pitati Bog za davati ponuditi mene 
Kako otkriti duhovni Vodstvo 

Kako za naci predaja iz urok Raspolozenje 

Kako za zasluga odredeni clan istinit Bog nad Nebo 

Kako otkriti odredeni clan Hriscanin Bog 
Kako za moliti za Bog droz Isus Krist 
JA imati nikada molitva pre nego 
Vazan za Bog 
Bog zeljan ljubavi svaki osoba osoba 

Isus Krist moci pomoc 
Se Bog Biti stalo moj zivot 
Molitva Trazenju 

stvar taj te moc oskudica za uzeti u obzir govorenje za Bog 
okolo Molitva Trazenju kod te , okolo te 

Govorenje za Bog , odredeni clan Kreator nad odredeni 
clan Svemir , odredeni clan Gospodar : 

1 . taj te davati za mene odredeni clan hrabrost za moliti 
odredeni clan stvar taj JA potreba za moliti 2. taj te davati za 
mene odredeni clan hrabrost za verovati te pa primiti sta te 
oskudica raditi s moj zivot , umjesto mene uznijeti moj 
vlastiti volja ( namera ) iznad vas. 

3. taj te davati mene ponuditi ne career moj bojazan nad 
odredeni clan nepoznat za postati odredeni clan isprika , 
inace odredeni clan osnovica umjesto mene ne za sluziti 

4. taj te davati mene ponuditi vidjeti pa uciti kako za imati 
odredeni clan duhovni sway JA potreba ( droz tvoj rijec 

Biblija ) jedan ) umjesto odredeni clan dogadaj ispred pa P ) 
umjesto moj vlastiti crew duhovni putovanje. 

5. Taj te Bog davati mene ponuditi oskudica za sluziti Te 

6. Taj te podsetiti mene za razgovarati sa te prayerwhen ) JA 
sam frustriran inace u problemima , umjesto tezak za odluka 
stvar ja sam jedini droz moj ljudsko bice sway. 

7. Taj te davati mene Mudrost pa jedan srce ispunjen s 
Biblijski Mudrost tako da JA sluziti te briny delotvorno. 

8. Taj te davati mene jedan zelja za ucenje tvoj rijec , Biblija 
, ( odredeni clan Novi Zavjet Evandelje nad Zahod ), na 
temelju jedan crew osnovica 9. taj te davati pomoc za mene 
tako da JA sam u mogucnosti za obavestenje stvar unutra 
Biblija ( tvoj rijec ) sta JA moci osobno vezati za , pa taj 
volja pomoc mene shvatiti sta te oskudica mene raditi unutra 
moj zivot. 

10. Taj te davati mene velik raspoznavanje , za shvatiti kako 
za objasniti za ostali tko te biti , pa taj JA moci uciti kako 
uciti pa knotkle kako za pristajati uza sto te pa tvoj rijec ( 
Biblija ) 

11. Taj te donijeti narod ( inace websites ) unutra moj zivot 
tko oskudica za knotkle te , pa tko biti jak unutra njihov 
precizan sporazum nad te ( Bog ); pa Taj te donijeti narod ( 
inace websites ) unutra moj zivot tko ce biti u mogucnosti za 
ohrabriti mene za tocno uciti kako za podeliti Biblija rec nad 
istina (2 Timotej 215:). 

12. Taj te pomoc mene uciti za imati velik sporazum okolo 
sta Biblija prikaz 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu najbolji , sta 
3. lice od TO BE u prezentu vecina precizan , pa sta je preko 

duhovni sway & snaga , pa sta prtkaz sloziti se s odredeni 
clan izvorni rukopis taj te nadahnut odredeni clan autorstvo 
nad odredeni clan Novi Zavjet za pisati. 

13. Taj te davati ponuditi mene za korist moj vrijeme unutra 
jedan dobar put , pa ne za uzaludnost moj vrijeme na 
temelju Neistinit inace prazan metod za dobiti zaglavni 
kamen za Bog ( ipak taj nisu vjerno Biblijski ), pa kuda tim 
metod proizvod nijedan dug rok inace trajan duhovni voce. 

14. Taj te davati pomoc za mene za shvatiti sta za traziti 
unutra jedan crkva inace jedan mjesto nad zasluga , sta rod 
nad sumnja za pitati , pa taj te pomoc mene za naci vernik 
inace jedan parson s velik duhovni mudrost umjesto lak 
inace neistinit odgovor. 

15. taj te uzrok mene za secati se za sjecati se tvoj rijec 
Biblija ( takav kao Latinluk 8), tako da JA moci imati pik na 
moj srce pa imati moj pamcenje spreman , pa biti spreman 
za davati dobro odgovarati ostali nad odredeni clan nadati se 
taj JA imati okolo te. 

16. Taj te donijeti ponuditi mene tako da moj vlastiti 
teologija pa doktrina za slagati tvoj rijec , Biblija pa taj te 
nastaviti za pomoc mene knotkle kako moj sporazum nad 
doktrina moci poboljsati tako da moj vlastiti zivot , stil 
zivota pa sporazum nastavlja da bude zaglavni kamen za sta 
te oskudica to da bude umjesto mene. 

17. Taj te otvoren moj duhovni uvid ( zakljucak ) sve vise , 
pa taj kuda moj sporazum inace percepcija nad te nije 
precizan , taj te pomoc mene uciti tko Isus Krist vjerno 3. 
lice od TO BE u prezentu. 

18. Taj te davati ponuditi mene tako da JA moci za odvojen 
iko neistinit obredni sta JA imati zavisnost na temelju , iz 

tvoj jasan poucavanje unutra Biblija , ako postoje nad sta JA 
sam sledece nije nad Bog , inace 3. lice od TO BE u 
prezentu u suprotnosti sa sta te oskudica za poucavati nama 
okolo sledece te. 

19. Taj iko sile nad urok ne oduteti iko duhovni sporazum 
sta JA imati , ipak radije taj JA zadrzati odredeni clan znanje 
nad kako za knotkle te pa ne da bude lukav unutra ovih dan 
nad duhovni varka. 

20. Taj te donijeti duhovni sway pa ponuditi mene tako da 
JA volja ne da bude dio nad odredeni clan Velik Koji pada 
Daleko inace nad iko pokret sta postojati produhovljeno 
krivotvoriti za te pa za tvoj Svet Rijec 

21. Taj da onde 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu bilo sto taj J A 
imati ispunjavanja unutra moj zivot , inace iko put taj JA ne 
imate odgovaranje za te ace JA treba imati pa taj 3. lice od 
TO BE u prezentu sprjecavanje mene iz oba hodanje s te , 
inace imajuci sporazum , taj te donijeti tim stvar / odgovor / 
dogadaj leda u moj pamcenje , tako da JA odreci se njima u 
ime Isus Krist , pa svi nad njihov vrijednosni papiri pa 
posledica , pa taj te opet staviti iko praznina , sadness inace 
ocajavati unutra moj zivot s odredeni clan Radost nad 
odredeni clan Gospodar , pa taj JA postojati briny 
usredotocen na temelju znanje za sledii te kod citanje tvoj 
rijec , odredeni clan Biblija 

22. Taj te otvoren moj oci tako da JA moci za jasno vidjeti 
pa prepoznati da onde 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu jedan 
Velik Varka okolo Duhovni tema , kako za shvatiti danasji 
fenomen ( inace ovih dogadaj ) iz jedan Biblijski 
perspektiva , pa taj te davati mene mudrost za knotkle i tako 
taj JA volja uciti kako za pomoc moj prijatelj pa voljen sam 
sebe ( rodbina ) ne postojati dio nad it. 

23. Taj te osigurati taj jednom moj oci biti otvoreni pa moj 
pamcenje shvatiti odredeni clan duhovni izrazajnost nad 
trenutni zbivanja uzimanje mjesto unutra odredeni clan svet 
, taj te pripremiti moj srce prihvatiti tvoj istina , pa taj te 
pomoc mene shvatiti kako za naci hrabrost pa sway droz 
tvoj Svet Rijec , Biblija. U ime Isus Krist , JA traziti ovih 
stvar potvrdujuci moj zelja da bude slozno tvoj volja , pa JA 
sam iskanje tvoj mudrost pa za imati jedan ljubav nad 
odredeni clan Istina Da 

Briny podno Stranica 
Kako za imati Vjecan Zivot 

Nama biti dearth da danasji foil ( nad molitva trazenju za 
Bog ) 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu u mogucnosti za pomoci 
te. Nama shvatiti danasji ne moze biti odredeni clan najbolji 
inace vecina delotvoran prevod. Nama shvatiti taj onde biti 
mnogobrojan razlicit putevi nad izraziv misao pa reci. Da te 
imati jedan sugestija umjesto jedan bolji prevod , inace da te 
slican za uzeti jedan malen kolicina nad tvoj vrijeme za 
poslati sugestija nama , te ce biti pomaganje hiljadu nad 
ostali narod isto , tko volja onda citanje odredeni clan 
poboljsan prevod. Nama cesto imati jedan Novi Zavjet 
raspoloziv unutra tvoj jezik inace unutra jezik taj biti redak 
inace star. 

Da te biti handsome umjesto jedan Novi Zavjet unutra jedan 
specifican jezik , ugoditi pisati nama. Isto , nama oskudica 
da bude siguran pa probati za komunicirati taj katkada , 
nama ciniti ponuda knjiga taj nisu Slobodan pa taj ciniti 
kostati novae. Ipak da te ne moci priustiti neki od tim 
elektronicki knjiga , nama moci cesto ciniti dobro razmena 

nad elektronicki knjiga umjesto pomoc s prevod inace 
prevod posao. 

Te ne morati postojati jedan strucan radnik , jedini jedan 
pravilan osoba tko 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu zainteresiran 
za pomaganje. Te treba imati jedan racunar inace te treba 
imati pristup za jedan racunar kod tvoj mestanin biblioteka 
inace univerzitet inace univerzitet , otada tim obicno imati 
bolji spoj za odredeni clan Internet. Te moci isto obicno 
utemeljiti tvoj vlastiti crew SLOBODAN elektronski posta 
racun kod lijeganje 

Ugoditi uzeti maloprije otkriti odredeni clan elektronski 
posta adresa smjesten podno inace odredeni clan kraj nad 
danasji stranica. Nama nadati se te volja poslati elektronski 
posta nama , da danasji 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu nad 
pomoc inace hrabrenje. Nama isto ohrahriti te za dodir nama 
u vezi sa Elektronicki Knjiga taj nama ponuda taj biti van 
kostati , pa Slobodan. 

Nama ciniti imati mnogobrojan knjiga unutra stran jezik , 
ipak nama ne uvijek mjesto njima za primiti elektronski ( 
skidati podatke ) zato nama jedini napraviti raspoloziv 
odredeni clan knjiga inace odredeni clan tema taj biti preko 
zatrazen. Nama ohrabriti te za nastaviti za moliti za Bog pa 
za nastaviti uciti okolo Njemu kod citanje odredeni clan 
Novi Zavjet. Nama dobrodosao tvoj sumnja pa primedba 
kod elektronski posta. 


Draga Dumnezeu , Multumesc that this Nou Testament 

has been released so that noi sintem capabil la spre learn 
mai mult despre tu. 

Te rog ajuta-ma oamenii responsible pentru making this 
Electronic carte folositor. Te rog ajuta-ma pe ei la spre a fi 
capabil la spre work rapid , §i a face mai mult Electronic 
carte folositor Te rog ajuta-ma pe ei la spre have tot 
resources , bani , strength §i timp that 
ei nevoie inauntru ordine la spre a fi capabil la spre a pastra 
working pentru Tu. 

Te rog ajuta-ma aceia that esti part de la team that ajutor pe 
ei on un fiecare basis. A face pe plac la a da pe ei 
strength la spre a continua §i a da each de pe ei spirit 
understanding pentru work that tu nevoie pe ei la 
spre a face. 

Te rog ajuta-ma each de pe ei la spre nu have fear sj la spre 
a-§i aminti that tu esti Dumnezeu cine answers 
prayer §i cine este el inauntru acuzatie de tot. I pray that tu la will encourage pe ei , §i that tu a proteja pe ei , §i work & ministru that ei sint ocupat inauntru. I pray 
that tu la will a proteja pe ei de la Spirit 
Forces sau alt obstacles that a putut harm pe ei sau lent pe ei 

Te rog ajuta-ma cind I folos this Nou Testament la spre de 
asemenea think de la oameni cine have made this a redacta 
folositor so that I a putea pray pentru pe ei §i so ei a putea a 

continua la spre ajutor mai mult oameni I pray that tu 
la will da-mi o dragoste de al tau Holy Cuvint ( Nou 
Testament ), §i that tu la will acorda-mi spirit 
wisdom §i discernment la spre know tu better §i la spre 
understand perioada de timp that noi sintem viu 

Te rog ajuta-ma la spre know cum la spre deal cu 
difficulties that I sint confronted cu fiecare zi. Lord 
Dumnezeu , Ajuta-ma help la spre nevoie la spre know tu 
Better §i la spre nevoie la spre ajutor alt Crestin inauntru 
meu arie §i around lume. I pray that tu la will 
a da 

Electronic carte team §i aceia cine work pe website §i aceia 
cine ajutor pe ei al tau wisdom. I pray that tu la will 
ajutor individual members de lor familie ( §i meu 
familie ) la spre nu a fi spiritually deceived , numai la spre 
understand tu §i eu la spre nevoie la spre accent §i a urma tu 
inauntru fiecare way. §i I a intreba tu la spre a face acestia 
things in nume de Jesus , Amen , 


Russian - Russe - Russie 

Russian Prayer Requests - 


6ora KaK noMOJiHTb k 

6ora KaK 6or McraceT ycjibmiaTb MoeMy 

MOJiHTBe KaK cnpocHTb, mto 6or Ran noMomb k MHe 

KaK HaiiTH jryxoBHoe naBejieime 

KaK Hairra deliverance ot 3Jieiniiero 

jryxoB KaK noicjiOHHTbca noncTHHe 6or 

paa KaK Hairra xpHcraaHCKoe 

6ora KaK noMOJiHTb k 6ory no 

jesus christ a mncoiTia He MOJinna nepeA 

BaacHbiM k Bino6jieHHOCTaM 6ora 

6ora Ka5KAoe HHAHBH/ryajibHoe 

jesus, kotop nepcoHbi christ McraceT noMOHb 

AenaeT BHHMaTenbHOCTb 6ora o mohx Bemax 


5KH3HH bm MorjiH xoTeTb jjjui paccMOTpeHiui noroBopHTb K 
6ory o 3anpocax mojihtbc 
BaMH, o mc 

roBopam k 6ory, co3/jaTejib BcejieHHoro, jiop/j: 
1. bbi /jajiii 6bi k MHe CMejiocTii noiviojiHTfc Benin a /jjih 


2. Bbi JjaJIH 6bl K MHe CMejIOCTH BepHTb BaM H npHHHMaTb 

bm xoTHTe CAejiaTb c Moeii >KH3Hbio, BMecTO MeHa exalting 
moh bojih (HaMepne) Han tbohm. 

3. bm jiaJiH 6m MHe noMomb jxm toto mtoGm He 
npenaTCTBOBaTb mohm crpaxaM HencBecTHa craTb 


cjry5KHTb bm. 4. bm jjajiH 6m MHe noMomb jxm roro mtoGm 

yBjmeTb h BbiyHHTb KaK HMeTb /ryxoBHyio npoHHOCTb a 
(nepe3 Banie cjiobo 6h6jihh) a) /via cnynaeB Bnepea h 6) 
jxm Moero co6cTBeHHoro jnmHoro /ryxoBHoro 

5. ^to bm 6or /jajiH MHe noMomb jxm toto hto6m xoTeTb 
cny5KHTb bm 6onbnie 

6. ^to bm remind, mto a pa3roBapHBan c BaMH (prayer)when 
a ce6a paccrpobre hjih b 3aTpy/nieHHH, bmccto m>rraTbca 
pa3peniHTb Benin TOJibKO nepe3 mok> jno/tCKyio npoHHOCTb. 

7. ^to bm Aajin MHe npeMy/rpocTb n cep/me 3anojiHnjio c 
6n6jiencKon npeMy/rpocTbio Taic HOI1 a cjryjKHji 6m bm 


8. ^to bm /lajin MHe 5KenaHne royHHTb Banie cjiobo, 
6h6jihk>, (HoBbina 3aBeT Gospel John), on a personal basis, 

9. bm flaJin 6m noMonjH k MHe TaK, mto a 6y/ry 3aMeTHTb 
Benin b 6h6jihh (BameM cnoBe) a Mory jihhho OTHecra k, h 
KOTopoH noM05KeT MHe noHaTb bm xoTHTe MeHa c^ejiaTb b 


10. ^to bm ^ajiH MHe 6ojibmoe pacno3HaHne, jxm roro 
MTo6bi noHaTb KaK o6i>acHHTb k ^pyrHM KOTopbie bm, h mto 
a Mor BbiyHHTb KaK BbiyHHTb h cyMeTb KaK croaTb BBepx 
AJia Bac h Bamero cnoBa (6h6jihh) 

1 1 . ^to bm npHHecjiH jnoAen (hjih websites) b Moen 5kh3hh 


BHHKaHHH Bac (6or); h to bm npHHecjiH 6m jhoach (hjih 
websites) b Moen 5kh3hh dyjier o6o/rpnTb MeHa tohho 
BbiyHHTb KaK pa3AejiHTb 6h6jihk> cjiobo npaB^M (2 timothy 

12. ^to Bbi noMorjiH MHe BbiyHHTb HMeTb 6onbnioe 
BHHKaHne o KOTopbiH BapnaHT 6h6jihh caMbie jryHiirae, 


AyxoBHbie npoHHOCTb & cnny, h KOTopaa BapnaHT 
cornaniaeTca c nepBOHanajibHO pyKonncaMH mto bm 
BOOAynieBHjiH aBTopbi HoBbina 3aBeT HanncaTb. 

13. ^to bm /jajiH noMomb k MHe jxm Hcnojib30BaHHH Moero 
BpeMeHH b xopomeH Aopore, h jxm Toro mtoGm He 

paCTOHHTejIbCTBOBaTb MOe BpeMfl Ha JITOKHblX hjih nycTbix 

MeTO^ax nonyHHTb closer to 6or (ho to He 6y;nyre 
noHCTHHe 6H6neHCK), h rae Te MeTO^bi He npoH3BO/iaT 



14. ^to bm ^ajiH noMomb k MHe noHHTb look for b nepicoB 


cnpocHTb, h mto bm noMorjiH MHe HaHTH Bepyioiinix HJIH 
pastor c 6ojibmoH /ryxoBHOH npeMy/rpocTbio bmccto jiencnx 



3anoMHHTb Bame cjiobo 6h6jihh (such as Romans 8), Taic, 
mto a CMory HMeTb ero b MoeM cep/rne n HMeTb moh pa3yM 
6biTb noAroTOBjieHHbiM, n totobo #aTb otbct k /ipyroMy H3 
ynoBaHna KOTopoe a HMeio o Bac. 

16. ^to bm npHHecjin noMonjb k MHe Taic HOI1 moh 
co6cTBeHHbie Teojioraa n ^OKTpnHbi jxm roro mto6h 
coraacHTbca c BamnM cjiobom, 6n6jinen n mto bm 
npoAOJDKajincb noMOHb MHe cyvieTb KaK Moe BHHKaHne 

AOKTpHHbl M05KH0 yjiyHHIHTb TaK, MTO MOH co6cTBeHHbie 

5KH3Hb, lifestyle h noHHMaTb 6y/ryT npoAOJDKaTbca 6biTb 
closer to Bbi xothtc hx 6biTb jxm mean. 

17. ^TO Bbl paCKpblJIH MOK) flyXOBHyK) npOHHIjaTejIbHOCTb 

(3atcjiK)HeHHJi) 6onbnie h 6onbnie, h mto rae moh BHHKainie 


BbiyHHTb jesus christ noncTHHe. 

18. ^to Bbi /jajiH noMomb k MHe Taic HOI1 a Mor 6m 
OT/iejiHTb ino6bie jiroKHbie pHTyanbi a 3aBHcen Ha, ot Baiirax 
acHbix npenoAaBaTenbCTB b 6h6jihh, ecnn jno6oe H3, to a 
following He 6ora, hjih npoTHBonoji05KHbi k bm xothtc jxm 
Toro MTo6bi HayHHTb HaM - o cneAOBaTb 3a BaMH. 

19. ^to jno6bie ycHjiHH 3na take away HHCKOJibKO /ryxoBHoe 

BHHKaHHe a HMeiO, HO AOBOJIbHO mto a coxpaHHji 3HaHHe 

KaK 3HaTb rac h 6biTb o6MaHyTbiM BHyrpH these days 
/ryxoBHoro o6MaHa. 

20. ^to bm npHHecjiH /ryxoBHyio npoHHOCTb h noMorjin k 
MHe TaK HOI! a He oy/ry nacTbio 6ojibiiiOH nanaTb nponb 
hjih jno6oro ABiDKeHHa 6bijio 6bi /ryxoBHOCT counterfeit k 
BaM h k BameMy CBaTeraiieMy cnoBy. 

21. To ecnn MTO-Hn6bmb, to a ^ejiaji b Moen 5kh3hh, hjih 
jno6aa ^opora mto a He OTBenaji k BaM no Mepe roro icaic a 
AOjraceH HMeTb h to npeAOTBpamaeT MeHa ot hjih ryjiaTb c 

BaMH, HJIH HMeTb nOHHMaTb, MTO Bbl npHHecjiH Te 

things/responses/events back into moh pa3yM, TaK HOI1 a 
OTpenbjica 6bi ot hx in the name of jesus christ, h Bee H3 hx 


emptiness, TOCKjiHBOCTb hjih despair b Moen 5kh3hh c 
yTexon jiopaa, h mto a 6ojibme 6mji c<J)OKyciipoBaH Ha 
yHHTb nocjie/tOBaTb 3a BaMH nyreM nnraTb rame cjiobo, 

22. ^to bm pacKpbijiH moh rjia3a TaK HOI! a Mor 6m acHO 
yBH/ieTb h y3HaTb ecjin 6y#eT 6ojibiiiOH o6MaH o /ryxoBHbix 
TeMax, to KaK noHaTb 3to aBjieHne (hjih 3th cjiynan) ot 

6H6neiiCKOH nepcneKTHBM, h mto bm mmvi MHe 
npeMy/rpocrb ajih roro hto6m 3HaTb h TaK HQTI a Bbiyny 


(poACTBeHHHKH) ajih roro MTo6bi He 6biTb HacTbio ee. 

23 ^to bm o6ecneHHjiH mto pa3 moh raa3a pacicpbiHbi h moh 
pa3yM noHHMaeT /ryxoBHoe 3HaneHHe TeKymne co6mthji 
npHHHMaa Mecro b Mnpe, mto bm ikwotobhjih Moe cep/me 
jxm roro MTo6bi npn3HaBaTb Bamy npaB/ry, h mto bm 
noMorjiH MHe noroiTb KaK Hairra CMenocTb h npoHHOCTb 
nepe3 Bame CBaTeraiiee cjiobo, 6h6jihio. In the name of 
jesus christ, a nponry 3th Benin no/rrBepjK/iaa Moe jKejiamie 
6biTb b cooTBeTCTBHH BaiiieH BOJien, h % nponry Bama 
npeMy/rpocTb h HMeTb Bjno6jieHHOCTb npaB/rbi, AMHHb. 

Bojibme Ha pps CTpaHHHbi 

KaK HMeTb BeHHaaa }KH3Hb 


6ory) M05KeT noMOHb BaM. Mbi noHHMaeM 3to He mtokct 
6biTb caMMH jryHiHHH hjih caMMH 3(J)(J)eKTHBHMH nepeBOA. 
Mbi noHHMaeM mto 6y/ryT MHoro no-pa3HOMy ^opor 
BbipaacaTb mmcjih h cnoBa. Ecjih bm HMeeTe npe/ijicwKeHHe 
jxm 6onee jryHiiiero nepeBOAa, hjih ecjin bm xotcji 6mjih 6m 
npHHHTb Manoe KOJiHHecTBO Baniero BpeMeHH nocnaTb 
npeAJi05KeHHa k HaM, to bm oy^eTe noMoraTb TbicjpiaM 
moAax TaioKe, KOTopbie nocne 3Toro npoHHraiOT 
yjryHmeHHMH nepeBO^. Mbi nacTO HMeeM hobmh testament 
HMeiomHHca b BanieM jbmkc hjih b a3bncax pe/pco hjih 
CTapo. Ecjih bm cmotphtc jxm HOBoro testament b 
cneijHiJiHHecKH a3bnce, to nwKajryHCTa HannniHTe k HaM. 

Taioice, mm xothm 6biTb yBepeHbi h nbiraeMca CB33MBaTb to 
HHor/ia, mm npe^JiaraeM KHHrn KOTopbie He cbo6oaho h 

KOTOpbie CTOHT ReHbT. Ho eCJIH Bbl He M05KeTe n03BOJIHTb 
HeKOTOpbie H3 Tex 3JieKTpOHHbIX KHHr, TO Mbl M05KCM MaCTO 

ZienaTb o6mch 3jieKrpoHHbix KHHr ajih noMOiini c 
nepeBO^OM hjih pa6oTOH nepeBO^a. Bbi He aojdkhm 6biTb 
npoiJieccHOHajibHbiM pa6oTHHKOM, TOJibKO peryjiapHO 
nepcoHa KOTopaa 3aHHTepecoBaHa b noMoraTb. 


AOCTyn k KOMnbiOTepy Ha Banrax mccthmx apxHBe hjih 
KOJiJie5Ke hjih yHHBepcHTeTe, b Bimy Toro mto Te oGhhho 
HMeiOT 6ojiee jryHiirae coe/niHeHiui k HHTepHeTy. 

Bbi M05KeTe TaK5Ke oGhhho ycTaHaBjiHBaTb Bam 
co6cTBeHHbiH jnpiHbiH CBOBO^HO yner ajieiopoHHaaa 
noHTa nyTeM h^th k no5KajryHCTa 
npHHHMaeTe momcht ajih Toro hto6m cnnraTb a/ipec nocjie 
Toro KaK 3jieKTpoHHaaa noHTa Bbi pacnojKraceHM Ha /me 


Mbi HaneeMca bm nonuieT ajieKipoHHaaa noHTa k HaM, ecjin 
3to noMomn hjih noompeHiui. Mm Taioice 060/nxaeM Bac 


npe^JiaraeM TOMy 6e3 ijeHM, h cbo6oaho, kotop mm HMeeM 


ycTaHaBjiHBaeM hx ajih Toro mto6m nojryHHTb 3jieKipoHHO 
(download) noTOMy mto mm TOJibKO ^eJiaeM HMeiomeca 
KHHrn hjih TeMM KOTopbie cnpaniHBaTb. Mbi o6oApaeM Bac 
npoAOJDKaTb noMOJiHTb k 6ory h npoAOJDKHTb BbiyHHTb o 
eM nyTeM nnraTb HoBbina 3aBeT. Mbi npHBeTCTByeM Baimi 
BonpocM h KOMMeHTapHH ajieKipoHHaaa noHTa. 





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Prayer to God 

Dear God, 

Thank you that this Gospel or this New Testament has 
been released so that we are able to learn more about 

Please help the people responsible for making this 
Electronic book available. You know who they are and 
you are able to help them. 

Please help them to be able to work fast, and make 
more Electronic books available 

Please help them to have all the resources, the 
money, the strength and the time that they need in 
order to be able to keep working for You. 

Please help those that are part of the team that help 
them on an everyday basis. Please give them the 
strength to continue and give each of them the spiritual 
understanding for the work that you want them to do. 

Please help each of them to not have fear and to 


that you are the God who answers prayer and who is 

in charge of everything. 

I pray that you would encourage them, and that you 
protect them, and the work & ministry that they are 
engaged in. 

I pray that you would protect them from the Spiritual 

Forces or other obstacles that could harm them or 
slow them down. 

Please help me when I use this New Testament to 
also think of the people who have made this edition 
available, so that I can pray for them and so they can 
continue to help more people. 

I pray that you would give me a love of your Holy Word 
(the New Testament), and that you would give me 
spiritual wisdom and discernment to know you better 
and to understand the period of time that we are living 

Please help me to know how to deal with the 
difficulties that I am confronted with every day. Lord 
God, Help me to want to know you Better and to want 
to help other Christians in my area and around the 

I pray that you would give the Electronic book team 
and those who help them your wisdom. God, help me 
to understand you better. Please help my family to 
understand you better also. 

I pray that you would help the individual members of 
their family (and my family) to not be spiritually 
deceived, but to understand you and to want to accept 
and follow you in every way. 

Also give us comfort and guidance in these times and I 
ask you to do these things in the name of Jesus , 





King James Version - The best and ideal would be the 
text of the 1611, [referring to the 66 books of the Old and 
New Testaments] as produced by the original 

Geneva Bible - Version of the Old Testament and New 
Testament produced starting around 1560. Produced 
with the help of T (Beza)., who also produced an 
accurate LATIN version of the New Testament, based on 
the Textus Receptus. 

The Geneva Bible (several Editions of it) are available - 
as of this writing at in PDF 

Bi ble of Jay Gre en - Jay Green was the Translator for 


Bible Society. His work is based on the 
Ancient Koine Greek Text (Textus Receptus) from 
which he translated directly. His work encompasses both 
Hebrew as well as Koine Greek (The Greek spoken at 
the time of Jesus Christ). 

The Translation of the New Testament [of Jay Green] 
can be found online in PDF for Free 

R-La grande charte d'Angleterre ; ouvrage precede d'un 
Precis - This is simply the MAGNA CHARTA, which 
recognizes liberty for everyone. 

Gallagher, Mason - Was the Apostle Peter ever at Rome 

Cannon of the Old Testament and the New Testament 
or Why the Bible is Complete without the Apocrypha and 
unwritten Traditions by Professor Archibald Alexander 
Princeton Theological Seminary 

1851 - Presbyterian Board of Publications, [available online 
Free ] 

Historical Evidences of the Truth of the Scripture Records 
Rawlinson - Lectures Delivered at Oxford University 
[available online Free ] 

The Apostolicity of Trinitarianism - by George Stanley 
Faber - 1 832 - 3 Vol / 3 Tomes [available online Free ] 

The image- worship of the Church of Rome : proved to be 

contrary to Holy Scripture and the faith and discipline of the 

primitive church ; and to involve contradictory and 

irreconcilable doctrines within the Church of Rome itself 


by James Endell Tyler, 1789-1851 

Calvin defended : a memoir of the life, character, and 
principles of John Calvin (1909) by Smyth, Thomas, 1808- 
1873 ; Publish: Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of 
Publication, [available online Free ] 

The Supreme Godhead of Christ, the Corner-stone of 
Christianity by W. Gordon - 1855 [available online Free ] 

A history of the work of redemption containing the outlines 

of a body of divinity ... 

Author: Edwards, Jonathan, 1703-1758. 

Publication Info: Philadelphia,: Presbyterian board of 

publication, [available online Free ] 

The origin of pagan idolatry ascertained from historical 

testimony and circumstantial evidence. - by George Stanley 
Faber - 1816 3 Vol. / 3 Tomes [available online Free ] 

The Seventh General Council, the Second of Nicaea, Held 
A.D. 787, in which the Worship of Images was established 
- based on early documents by Rev. John Mendham - 1850 
[documents how this far-reaching Council went away from 
early Christianity and the New Testament] 

Worship of Mary by James Endell Tyler [available online 
Free ] 

The Papal System from its origin to the present time 

A Historical Sketch of every doctrine, claim and practice of 

the Church of Rome by William Cathcart, DD 

1 872 - [available online Free ] 

The Protestant exiles of Zillerthal; their persecutions and 
expatriation from the Tyrol, on separating from the Romish 
church - [available online Free ] 

An essay on apostolical succession- being a defence of a 
genuine ministry - by Rev Thomas Powell - 1846 

An inquiry into the history and theology of the ancient 
Vallenses and Albigenses; as exhibiting, agreeably to the 
promises, the perpetuity of the sincere church of Christ 
Publish info London, Seeley and Burnside, - by George 
Stanley Faber - 1838 [available online Free ] 

The Israel of the Alps. A complete history of the Waldenses 
and their colonies (1875) by Alexis Muston (History of the 
Waldensians) - 2 Vol/ 2 Tome - Available in English and 
Separately ALSO in French [available online Free ] 

Encouragement for Women 

Amy Charmichael 

AMY CARMICHAEL - From Sunrise Land 
[available online Free ] 

AMY CARMICHAEL - Lotus buds (1910) 
[available online Free ] 

AMY CARMICHAEL - Overweights of joy (1906) 
[available online Free ] 

AMY CARMICHAEL -Walker of Tinnevelly (1916) 
[available online Free ] 

AMY CARMICHAEL -After Everest ; the experiences of a 
mountaineer and medical mission (1936) 
[available online Free ] 

AMY CARMICHAEL -The continuation of a story ([1914 

[available online Free ] 

AMY CARMICHAEL -Ragland, pioneer (1922) 
[available online Free] 


1 854 [available online Free ] 

Hungary and Kossuth-An Exposition of the Late Hungarian 

Revolution by Tefft 

1852 [available online Free ] 

Secret history of the Austrian government and of its ... 
persecutions of Protestants By Joseph Alfred Michiels - 
1859 [available online Free ] 

Sketches in Remembrance of the Hungarian Struggle for 
Independence and National Freedom Edited by Kastner 
(Circ. 1853) [available online Free ] 


La Bible Francaise de Calvin V 1 
[available online Free ] 

La Bible Francaise de Calvin V 2 
[available online Free ] 

VAUDOIS - A memoir of Felix Neff, pastor of the High 
Alps [available online Free ] 

La France Protestante - ou, Vies des protestants francais 
par Haag - 1 856 - 6 Tomes [available online Free ] 

Musee des protestans celebres 

Ftude sur les Academies Protestantes en France au xvie et 
au xviie siecle - Bourchenin - 1 882 [available online Free ] 

Les plus anciennes melodies de l'eglise protestante de 
Strasbourg et leurs auteurs [microform] (1928) [available 
online Free ] 

L'Israel des Alpes: Premiere histoire complete des Vaudois 

du Piemont et de leurs colonies 

Par Alexis Muston ; Publie par Marc Ducloux, 1 85 1 

(2 Tomes) [available online Free J 


Histoire ecclesiastique - 3 Tomes - by Theodore de Beze, 
[available online Free ] | 



BEZE-Sermons sur l'histoire de la resurrection de Notre- 
Seigneur Jesus-Christ [available online Free ] 

DE BEZE - Confession de la foy chrestienne [available 
online Free ] 

Vie de J. Calvin by Theodore de Beze, [available online 
Free ] 

Confession d'Augsbourg (francais). 1550-Melanchthon 
[available online Free ] 

La BIBLE-1'ed. de, Geneve-par F. Perrin, 1567 [available 
online Free ] 

Hobbes - Leviathan ou La matiere, la forme et la puissance 
d'un etat ecclesiastique et civil [available online Free ] 

L'Eglise et l'Etat a Geneve du vivant de Calvin 
Roget, Amedee (1825-1883). 
[available online Free ] 

LUTHER-Commentaire de l'epitre aux Galates [available 
online Free ] 

Petite chronique protestante de France [available online Free 

Histoire de la guerre des hussites et du Concile de Basle 
2 Tomes [recheck for accuracy] 

Les Vaudois et l'lnquisition-par Th. de Cauzons (1908) 
[available online Free ] 

Glossaire vaudois-par P.-M. Callet [available online Free ] 

Musee des protestans celebres ou Portraits et notices 
biographiques et litteraires des personnes les plus eminens 
dans l'histoire de la reformation et du protestantisme par une 
societe de gens de lettres [available online Free ] 

( publ. par Mr. G. T. Doin; Publication : Paris : Weyer : Treuttel et Wurtz : 
Scherff [et al.], 1821-1824 - 6 vol./6 Tomes : ill. ; in-8 
Doin, Guillaume-Tell (1794-1854). Editeur scientifique) 

Notions elementaires de grammaire comparee pour servir a 
l'etude des trois langues classiques [available online Free ] 

Thesaurus graecae linguae ab Henrico Stephano constructus. 
Tomus I : in quo praeter alia plurima quae primus praestitit 
vocabula in certas classes distribuit, multiplici derivatorum 

( Estienne, Henri (1528-1598). Auteur du texte Tomus I, II, III, IV : in quo 
praeter alia plurima quae primus praestitit vocabula in certas classes 
distribuit, multiplici derivatorum serie; Thesaurus graecae linguae ab 

Henrico Stephano constructus ) [available online Free ] 

La liberte chretienne; etude sur le principe de la piete chez 
Luther ; Strasbourg, Librairie Istra, 1922 - Will, Robert 
[available online Free ] 

Bible-N.T.(francais)-1523 - Lefevre d'Etaples [available 
online Free ] 

Calvin considere comme exegete - Par Auguste Vesson 
[available online Free ] 

Reuss, Rodolphe - Les eglises protestantes d' Alsace pendant 
la Revolution (1789-1802) [available online Free ] 

WEBBER-Ethique_protestante-L'ethique protestante et 
l'esprit du capitalisme (1904-1905) [available online Free ] 

French Protestantism, 1559-1562 (1918) 
Kelly, Caleb Guyer -[available online Free ] 

History of the French Protestant Refugees, from the 
Revocation of the Edict of Nantes 1 854 [available online 
Free ] 

The History of the French, Walloon, Dutch and Other 
Foreign Protestant Refugees Settled in 1846 [available 
online Free ] 


Italian and/or Spanish/Castillian/ etc 

Histo ria del Con cilio Tridentino (SAR PI) [available online 
Free ] [ 


Aldrete, Bernardo Jose de - Del origen, y principio de la 
lengua castellana 6 romace que oi se usa en Espana 

SAVANAROLA-Vindicias historicas por la inocencia de 
Fr. Geronimo Savonarola 

Biblia en lengua espanola traduzida palabra por palabra de 
la verdad hebrayca-FERRARA 

Biblia. Espanolll602-translaciones por Cypriano de Valera 
( misspelled occasionally as Cypriano de Varela ) [available 
online Free ] 

Reina Valera 1602 - New Testament Available at [available online Free ] 

La Biblia : que es, los sacros libros del Vieio y Nuevo 

Valera, Cipriano de, 1532-1625 
Los dos tratados del papa, i de la misa - escritos por 
Cipriano D. Valera ; i por el publicados primero el a. 1588, 
luego el a. 1599; i ahora fielmente reimpresos [Madrid], 
1 85 1 [available online Free ] 

Valera, Cipriano de, 15327-1625 

Aviso a los de la iglesia romana, sobre la indiccion de 

jubileo, por la bulla del papa Clemente octavo. 

English Title = An answere or admonition to those of the 

Church of Rome, touching the iubile, proclaimed by the 

bull, made and set foorth by Pope Clement the eyght, for the 

yeare of our Lord. 1600. Translated out of French [available 

online Free ] 

Spanish Protestants in the Sixteenth Century by Cornelius 
August Wilkens French [available online Free ] 

Historia de Los Protestantes Espanoles Y de Su Persecucion 
Por Felipe II - Adolfo de Castro - 1 85 1 (also Available in 
English) [available online Free ] 

The Spanish Protestants and Their Persecution by Philip II 

- 1851 - Adolfo de Castro [available online Free ] 

Institvcion de la religion Christiana; 
Institutio Christianae religionis. Spanish 
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564 

Instituzion religiosa escrita por Juan Calvino el ano 1536 y 
traduzida al castellano por Cipriano de Valera. 
Calvino, Juan. 

Catecismo que significa: forma de instrucion, que contiene 

los principios de la religion de dios, util y necessario para 

todo fiel Christiano : compuesto en manera de dialogo, 

donde pregunta el maestro, y responde el discipulo 

En casa de Ricardo del Campo, M.D.XCVI [1596] Calvino, 


Tratado para confirmar los pobres catiuos de Berueria en la 
catolica y antigua se, y religion Christiana: y para los 
consolar con la Palabra de Dios en las afliciones que 
padecen por el evangelio de Iesu Christo. [...] Al fin deste 
tratado hallareys un enxambre de los falsos milagros, y 
illusiones del Demonio con que Maria de la visitation priora 
de la Anunciada de Lisboa engano a muy muchos: y de 
como fue descubierta y condenada al fin del ano de .1588 
En casa de Pedro Shorto, Ano de. 1594 
Valera, Cipriano de, 

Biblia de Ferrara, corregida por Haham R. Samuel de 

The Protestant exiles of Madeira (c 1860) French [available 
online Free ] 


Part A - For your consideration 

For Christians who want a serious, detailed and 
historical account of the versions of the New Testament, 
and of the issues involved in the historic defense of 
authentic and true Christianity. 

John William Burgon [ Oxford] - 1 The traditional text of the 
Holy Gospels vindicated and established (1896) [available 
online Free ] 

John William Burgon [ Oxford] -2 The causes of the 
corruption of the traditional text of the Holy Gospel 
[available online Free ] 

John William Burgon [ Oxford] - The Revision Revised 
(A scholarly in-depth defense of Ancient Greek Text of the 
New Testament) [available online Free ] 

by GINSBURG-VOL 1 [available online Free ] 

by GINSBURG-VOL 2 [available online Free ] 

Horse Mosaicse; or, A view of the Mosaical records, with 
respect to their coincidence with profane antiquity; their 

internal credibility; and their connection with Christianity; 
comprehending the substance of eight lectures read before 
the University of Oxford, in the year 1801; pursuant to the 
will of the late Rev. John Bampton, A.M. / By George 
Stanley Faber -Oxford : The University press, 1801 
[Topic: defense of the authorship of Moses and the 
historical accuracy of the Old Testament] [available online 
Free ] 

TC The English Revisers' Greek Text-Shown to be 
Unauthorized, Except by Egyptian Copies Discarded 
[available online Free ] 

CANON of the Old and New Testament by Archibald 
Alexander [available online Free ] 

An inquiry into the integrity of the Greek Vulgate- or, 
Received text of the New Testament 1815 92mb [available 
online Free ] 

A vindication of 1 John, v. 7 from the objections of M. 
Griesbach [available online Free ] 

The Burning of the Bibles- Defence of the Protestant 
Version - Nathan Moore - 1 843 

A dictionarie of the French and English tongues 1611 
Cotgrave, Randle - [available online Free ] 

The Canon of the New Testament vindicated in answer to 
the objections of J.T. in his Amyntor, with several additions 
[available online Free ] 

the paramount authority of the Holy Scriptures vindicated 

Histoire du Canon des Saintes-ecritures Dans L'eglise 
Chretienne ; Reuss (1863) [available online Free ] 

Histoire de la Societe biblique protestante de Paris, 1818 a 
1 868 [available online Free ] 

L'academie protestante de Nimes et Samuel Petit 

Le manuel des Chretiens protestants : Simple exposition des 
croyances et des pratiques - Par Emilien Frossard - 1 866 

Jean-Frederic Osterwald, pasteur a Neuchatel 

David Martin 

The canon of the Holy Scriptures from the double point of 
view of science and of faith (1862) [available online Free ] 

H. Hoskier 


1914) 2 Vol [ 

Jniversity of M 

vailable online 7 ree ] 

chigan Scholar 

Part B - not Recommended 

Modern Versions of the New Testament, most of which 
were produced after 1910, are based upon a newly invented 
text, by modern professors, many of whom did not claim to 
believe in the New Testament, the Death and Physical 

Resurrection of Jesus Christ, or the necessity of Personal 
Repentance for Salvation. 

The Translations have been accomplished all around the 
world in many languages, starting with changeover from the 
older accurate Greek Text, to the modern invented one, 
starting between 1904 and 1910 depending on which 
edition, which translation team, and which publisher. 

We cannot recommend: the New Testament or Bible of 
Louis Segond. This man was probably well intentioned, but 
his translation are actually based on the 8 th Critical edition 
of Tischendorf, who opposed the Reformation, the 
Historicity of the Books of the Bible, and the Greek Text 
used by Christians for thousands of years. 

For additional information on versions, type on the Internet 
Search: "verses missing in the NIV" and you will find more 

We cannot recommend the english-language NKJV, even 
though it claims to depend on the Textus Receptus. That is 
not exactly accurate. The NKJV makes this claim based on 
the ecclectic [mixed and confused] greek text collated 
officially by Herman von Soden. The problem is that von 
Soden did not accomplish this by himself and used 40 
assistants, without recording who chose which text or the 
names of those students. Herman Hoskier [Scholar, 
University of Michigan] was accurate in demonstrating the 
links between Sinai ticus, Vaticanus, and the Greek Text of 
Von Soden. Thus what is explained as being "based on" the 
Textus Receptus actually was a departure from that very 

The Old Testaments of almost all modern language Bibles, 
in almost all languages is a CHANGED text. It does NOT 
conform to the historic Old Testament, and is based instead 
on the recent work of the German Kittel, who can be easily 
considered an Apostate by historic Lutheran standards, 
(more in a momentf). 

The Old Testament of the NKJV is based on the New 
Hebrew Translation of Kittel. [die Biblia Hebraica von 
Rudolf Kittel ] Kittel remains problematic for his own 
approach to translation. 

Kittel, the translator of the Old Testament [for almost all 
modern editions of the Bible]: 

1. Did not believe that the Pentateuch he translated was 

2. Did not believe that the Pentateuch he translated was the 
same as the original Pentateuch. 

3. Did not believe in the inspiration of the Old Testament or 
the New Testament. 

4. Did not believe in what Martin Luther would believe 
would constitute Salvation (salvation by Faith alone, in 
Christ Jesus alone). 

5. Considered the Old Testament to be a mixture compiled 
by tribes who were themselves confused about their own 

Most people today who are Christians would consider Kittel 
to be a Heretical Apostate since he denies the inspiration of 
the Bible and the accuracy of the words of Jesus in the New 
Testament. Kittel today would be refused to be allowed to 
be a Pastor or a translator. His translation work misleads 

and misguides people into error, whenever they read his 

The Evidence against Kittel is not small. It is simply the 
work of Kittel himself, and what he wrote. Much of the 
evidence can be found in: 

A history of the Hebrews (1895) by R Kittel - 2 Vol 

Essentially, Kittel proceeds from a number of directions to 
undermine the Old Testament and the history of the 
Hebrews, by pretending to take a scholarly approach. Kittel 
did not seem to like the Hebrews much, but he did seem to 
like ancient pagan and mystery religions, (see the Two 
Babylons by Hislop, or History of the Temple by 
Edersheim, and then compare). 

His son Gerhard Kittel, a "scholar" who worked for the 
German Bible Society in Germany in World War II, with 
full aproval of the State, ALSO was not a Christian and 
would ALSO be considered an apostate. Gerhard Kittel 
served as advisor to the leader of Germany in World War II. 
After the war, Gerhard Kittel was tried for War Crimes. 

On the basis of the Documentation, those who believe in the 
Bible and in Historic Christianity are compelled to find 
ALTERNATIVE texts to the Old Testament translated by 
Kittel or the New Testaments that depart from the historic 
Ancient Koine Greek. 

Both Kittel Sr and Kittel Jr appear to have been false 
Christians, and may continue to mislead many. People who 
cannot understand how this can happen may want to read a 
few books including : 

Seduction of Christianity by Dave Hunt. 

The Agony of Deceit by Horton 

Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by C. Cumbey 

The Battle for the Bible by Harold Lindsell (Editor of 

Christianity Today) 

Those who want more information about Kittel should 

1) Problems with Kittel - Short paper sometimes available 
online or at 

2) The Theological Faculty of the University of Jena during 
the Third .... in PDF [can be found online sometimes] 

by S. Heschel, Professor, Dartmouth College 

3) Theologians under .... : Gerhard Kittel, Paul Althaus, and 
Emanuel Hirsch / Robert P. Ericksen. 

Publish info New Haven : Yale University Press, 1985. 
(New Haven, 1987) 

4) Leonore Siegele - Wenschkewitz, Neutestamentliche 
Wissenschaft vor der Judenfrage: Gerhard Kittels 
theologische Arbeit im Wandel deutscher Geschichte 
(Miinchen: Kaiser, 1980). 

5) Rethinking the German Church Struggle 
by John S. Conway [online] 

6) Betrayal: German Churches and the Holocaust 

by Robert P. Ericksen (Editor), Susannah Heschel (Editor) 

Questions about (PDF) Ebooks: 

I notice that you have lists of Ebooks here. 

I understand that you may want others to know about 

the books, but why here ? 

There are several reasons why this was done. 

1) so that people who know nothing about Christianity have 
a place to start. There are now thousands of books about 
Christianity available. Knowing where to begin can be 
difficult. These books simply represent ideas and a 
potential starting place. 

2) so that people can learn what other Christians were like, 
who lived before. We live in a world that still 
concentrates on the tasks of the moment, but pays little 
attention to the past. Today, many people do not know 
HOW other Christians lived their daily lives, in centuries 
past. Some of these books are from the past. They offer 
the struggles and the methods of responding through their 
Christian faith, in their own daily lives, some from 
hundreds of years ago. In addition, many of those books 
are documented and have good sources. This seems to be 
a good way for Christians from the past to encourage 
those in the present. 

3) Histories of certain Christians DO belong to those who 
are those who are native to those churches, those 
geographic areas, or who speak those languages. 

But although that is true, many churches today have 
communities or denominations that have transcended 
and surpassed the local geographic areas from 
where they initially or originally arose. It is good for 
believers who are from OTHER geographic areas, to 
learn more about foreign languages and foreign cultures. 
Anything that can help to accomplish this, is movement 

in the right direction. 

4) It is normal for people to believe that if their church or 
their denomination is in one geographic location, that The 
history of that place is best expressed by those who are 
LOCAL historians. Unfortunately, today, this is often 
NOT accurate. 

The reason is that many places have suffered 
from wars and from local disasters. This is especially true 
in Africa and the Near and Middle East. The Local 
historic records and documents were destroyed. Those 
documents that have survived, has survived OUTSIDE 
of those Areas of conflict. Much of their earlier history 
of the Eastern portion of the Roman Empire, is mostly 
known because of the record keepers of the West, and 
because of the travelers from the areas of Western 
Christianity. In many ways, Western Christianity is often 
still the record keeper of those from the East. 

There is a great deal of historical records in the West, 
about the Near East. Those who live there today in the 
near East and Middle East know almost nothing about. 
We suggest some sources that may be of assistance. 

- So you want to bring people closer, and that is a good 
answer, but why include records or books from England 
or from French speaking authors ? 

1) Much of the material dealing with Eastern Orthodoxy OR 
dealing with the matters of Syria, The Byzantine Empire, 
Africa or Asia, were written about, in French. Please 
remember that until very recently, FRENCH was the language 
of the educated classes around the world, AND that it was the 
MAIN language for diplomats, consuls and ambassadors 
and envoys. As a result, there is value in helping those who 

have an interest in French ALSO know where to start, 
concerning matters of Faith and History. 

Some of the material listed in French simply gives people a 
starting point for learning about Christianity in Europe, from a 
non-English point of view. Other books are listed so that 
people can read some of those sources firsthand, for 
themselves and come to their own conclusions. 

English Christians should be happy that they have a great 
spiritual heritage and examples, and rejoice also that the 
French can say the same. The examples of the strong and good 
Christians that have come before belong to everyone to all 
Christians, to all those who aspire to have good examples. 

About the materials that deal with England, most of the world 
STILL does not realize that the records in England are usually 
MUCH older than the ecclesiastical records of OTHER areas 
of the world. England was divided up into geographic areas 
and Churches had great influence in the nation. That had not 
changed in England until the last few decades. Some of the 
records about Christianity in England 
Go back for more than one thousand years, in an 
UNBROKEN line. One can follow the changes to the diocese 
through the different languages, through the different or 
changing legal documents and through the 
Rights confirmed to the churches. 

Other areas of the world are claimed to be very ANCIENT in 
dealing with Christianity, but there is very little of actual 
documentation, of actual agreements, of actual legal 
descriptions, of actual records of local ceremonies, of actual 
local church councils, of the relationship between the secular 
State law, and the guidelines or rules of the Church. England 
was never invaded by those who posed a direct 
threat to its church institutions. The records were kept, so the 
records and documentation are in fact a much stronger 
Basis for the documenting of Christianity in earlier times. 

Most Christians from the East do not know about this, and it 
would be good for them to learn more. In addition, there are 
also records in the Nations and Provinces of Europe, that have 
been kept where Roman Catholic Records demonstrate the 
authenticity of earlier Christian groups that pre-date the 
authority of the Bishop of Rome, even in the Western half of 
the Roman Empire. Some of those sources are listed herein 

Finally, in the matter of suggesting books about Christianity 
and Other languages, please remember that each group likes to 
learn about its own past, and its own progress. 

The French should be humbly proud of those Christians who 
were in France and who were brave and wise and 
demonstrated courage and a strong faithfulness to God. The 
Germans should learn and know the same thing about their 
history, as should the Spaniards and the Germans, and each 
and every other Nation and People-group. No matter who we 
are or where we are from, we can find something positive and 
good to encourage us and be glad that there were some who 
came before us, to show us a better way to live, by their faith 
and their Godly examples. 

In closing it would be good perhaps to state what is 

This ebook is likely to travel far and wide. Feel free to post 
online and use and print. 

In many parts of the world, Christianity is deliberately falsely 
represented. It is represented as IF faith in God would make 

someone "anti-intellectual" or somehow afraid of ideas or 
thinking. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Many people today do not know that the history of science 
today is edited to leave out the deep Christianity that most of 
the top scientists have held until very recent times. 

Since God created the World and the scientific laws that 
govern it, it makes sense that God is the designer. No one is 
more scientific than God. 

Many of the great scientists in the World are still Active 
Christians, with a consciously DEEP faith in God. Christians 
are not afraid of thinking for themselves. There are many 
secularists today who attempt to suggest that Christianity is for 
those who are feeble. The truth is that many of those are too 
feeble and too intellectually unprepared to answer the 
questions that Christianity asks of each man and each woman. 

Those who do not have faith in Jesus Christ and who are 
secular simply often worship themselves, under the disguise 
of the theory of Evolution. But the chaos of the world today 
leaves most who are secular WITHOUT a guide or a method 
to explain either purpose in life, or the events that are taking 
place across the planet. Christianity with its record of 2000 
years - (and please do not confuse the Vatican with 
Christianity, they are often not the same) - has 
a record of helping people navigate in difficult times. 

Christianity teaches leaders to be humble and accountable, it 
helps merchants to trade honestly, and fathers to love their 
children and their wife. Christianity finds no value in doing 
harm to others for the purpose of self-interest. Usually doing 
harm to others is a method of expressing that ones faith in God 
is insufficient, therefore [the logic goes, that] harm must be 
done to others. 

Behaving in that wrong manner is simply a Lack of faith in 
God, and therefore those who harm others from Other faiths 
and other religions are usually demonstrating a Lack of Faith 
in the God that THEY worship. 

If God is all powerful, and if God can change the minds of 
others, and if God can reveal himself, then WHY harm anyone 
else who does not agree ? During THIS lifetime, it seems that 
each of us has the right to be wrong ,and the right to make up 
his own mind. Is it not up to God to deal with others in the 
afterlife ? 

We provide answers, and help for those who seek truth (yes 
actual truth can be actually found and discovered, which is a 
shocking statement to many people who thought this was not 
genuinely possible). 

God is a loving God. He offers Eternal Life to those who 
repent and believe in his message in the New Testament. But 
God also allows each individual to decide for themselves. This 
does not allow any of us to change or decide the rules. God is 
still God. We all are under his rules every time we are 
breathing, with each pulse that continues to beat in our heart. 

God does not convince people against their Will. That annoys 
some people also, because they would like God to make 
decisions for them. But if people want to be Free, let them 
demonstrate this by exercising their own Freedom of choosing 
whether to follow God or not. (being able to chose to accept or 
reject God is not the same as being able to chose the 
consequences. Only the choice of which direction to Go is up 
to us. The consequences are whatever God has 
Actually declared them to be. Agreeing with Him or not will 
not change this. 

Christianity is a source of internal strength and provides 
answers that almost no other religious system even claims to 
provide or attempts to provide. 

Something usually happens to those who are intellectually 
honest and investigate Christianity. Many times, they find that 
Christianity is the most authentic, accurate and historic 
account of the history of the world. 

It is the genuine answers and the genuine internal peace and 
help that Christians can find through their God which bothers 
those who are afraid to search for God. We only hope that 
each person will embrace their spiritual journey 
And take the challenge upon themselves to ask the question 
about how to find Truth and accurate answers. 

The answers CAN be found. Some of these books are simply 
provided to help people find a few of the pieces that will serve 
as a means to encourage them in thinking and in having their 
inner questions answered. 

We continue to find more answers every day. We have not 
arrived and we certainly are not perfect. But if we have helped 
others to proceed a bit farther on their own journeys, certainly 
the effort will not have been in vain. 

Psalm 50:15 

15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver 

thee, and thou shalt glorify me. 

Psalm 90 

91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High 

shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 

2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: 
my God; in him will I trust. 

3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, 
and from the noisome pestilence. 

4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings 
shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 

5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the 
arrow that flieth by day; 

6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for 
the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 

7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy 
right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 

8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward 
of the wicked. 

9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, 
even the most High, thy habitation; 

10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague 
come nigh thy dwelling. 

1 1 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep 
thee in all thy ways. 

12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy 
foot against a stone. 

13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion 
and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. 

14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I 
deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known 
my name. 

15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be 
with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 

16 With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my 

Psalm 23 

23: 1 A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall 

not want. 

2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth 
me beside the still waters. 

3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of 
righteousness for his name's sake. 

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of 
death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and 
thy staff they comfort me. 

5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine 
enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth 

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days 
of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for 

With My Whole Heart - With 
all my heart 

"with my whole heart" 

If we truly expect God to respond to us, we must be 
willing to make the commitment to Him with our 
whole heart. 

This means making a commitment to Him with our 
ENTIRE, or ALL of our heart. Many people do not 
want to be truly committed to God. They simply want 
God to rescue them at that moment, so that they can 
continue to ignore Him and refuse to do what they 
should. God knows those who ask help sincerely and 
those who do not. God knows each of our thoughts. 
God knows our true intentions, the intentions we 
consciously admit to, and the intentions we may not 
want to admit to. God knows us better than we know 
ourselves. When we are truly and honestly and 
sincerely praying to find God, and wanting Him with all 
of our heart, or with our whole heart, THAT is when 
God DOES respond. 

What should people do if they cannot make this 
commitment to God, or if they are afraid to do this ? 
Pray : 

Lord God, I do not know you well enough, please help 
me to know you better, and please help me to 
understand you. Change my desire to serve you and 
help me to want to be committed to you with my whole 
heart. I pray that you would send into my life those 
who can help me, or places where I can find accurate 
information about You. Please preserve me and help 
me grow so that I can be entirely committed to you. In 
the name of Jesus, Amen. 

Here are some verses in the Bible that demonstrate 
that God responds to those who are committed with 
their whole heart. 

(Psa 9:1 KJV) To the chief Musician upon Muthlabben, 
A Psalm of David. I will praise thee, O LORD with my 
whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvellous works. 

(Psa 111:1 KJV) Praise ye the LORD. I will praise the 
LORD with my whole heart, in the assembly of the 
upright, and in the congregation. 
(Psa 1 19:2 KJV) Blessed are they that keep his 
testimonies, and that seek him with my whole heart. 

(Psa 119:10 KJV) With my whole heart have I sought 
thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. 

(Psa 1 19:34 KJV) Give me understanding, and I shall 
keep thy law; yea, I shall observe with my whole heart. 

(Psa 1 19:58 KJV) I entreated thy favour with my whole 
heart: be merciful unto me according to thy word. 

(Psa 1 19:69 KJV) The proud have forged a lie against 
me: but I will keep thy precepts with my whole heart. 

(Psa 119:145 KJV) KOPH. I cried with my whole heart; 
hear me, O LORD: I will keep thy statutes. 

(Psa 138:1 KJV) A Psalm of David. I will praise thee 
with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise 
unto thee. 

(Isa 1 :5 KJV) Why should ye be stricken any more? ye 
will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and 
the whole heart faint. 

(Jer 3:10 KJV) And yet for all this her treacherous 
sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole 
heart, but feignedly, saith the LORD. 

(Jer 24:7 KJV) And I will give them an heart to know 
me, that I am the LORD: and they shall be my people, 
and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me 
with their whole heart. 

(Jer 32:41 KJV) Yea, I will rejoice over them to do 
them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly 
with my whole heart and with my whole soul. 

I Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: 
and be ready always to give an answer to every man 
that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with 
meekness and fear: 

II Timothy 2: 15 Study to show thyself approved unto 
God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, 
rightly dividing the word of truth. 

Christian Conversions - According to the Bible - 
Can NEVER be forced. 

Any Conversion to Christianity which would be 
"Forced" would NOT be recognized by God. It is in 
His True and KIND nature, that those who come to 

Him and choose to believe in Him, must come to 

Don't Let anyone tell you that Christians support 
Forced Conversions. 

That is False. True Christianity is NEVER forced. 

Core Universal Rights 

The right to believe, to worship and witness 

The right to change one's belief or religion 

The right to join together and express one's 

the Next Few Years. 

What you may need to know 

There is much talk these days in the Islamic world 
about the Time of Jacob, also known as the End 
Times or the End of Days'. 

The records of Christianity and the records of Islam 
both seem to speak about the End Times. But the 
records of the Old and New Testaments have a record 
in the area of prophecy of events that are predicted to 
occur hundreds of years before they happen, and that 
record is 100% accurate. 

According to Christianity, in order for a prophet or a 
writer or an author to truly be a prophet of God, that 
individual must be 1 00% correct 1 00% of the time. 

This standard is applied to the Old and New 
Testaments (the Bible), and the verdict is that the Bible 
is 1 00% accurate, 1 00% of the time. History and 
Archeology confirms this, for those with the patience 
And courage to seek truth and accuracy. 

What has been done sometimes in the name of 
Christianity, is not always good. But true Christians 
and Christian examples remain strong, solid and 
encouraging. True Christians have nothing to regret 

nor be ashamed of. Offereing help to others is not 

There are many perspectives on the return of Jesus 
Christ. The New Testaments seems to predict the 
return of Two Messiahs BOTH of whom both claim to 
be Jesus Christ. 

The first Messiah who returns to help those who 
believe in Him actually does not come to Earth. His 
feet do NOT touch Jerusalem at that point in time. 
That first Messiah calls his followers (Christ-followers) 
to Him, and they are caught up or meet Jesus Christ in 
the air, where their time with God starts at that 

The second Messiah is the one who announces that 
"He" is the one who has returned to Earth to establish 
His Kingdom. He establishes a Temple in the location 
of the Dome of the Rock [Temple Mount] in Jerusalem, 
also re-institutes the Jewish sacrifices of the Old 
Testament, and proclaims that He is going to rule on 
Earth. Only this Messiah who will call himself "Christ" 
will be a false Messiah, in other words the False 
Christ, the Wrong Christ. 

During this time, Christians believe that they are to 
continue to be kind to their friends and neighbors, 
whether those neighbors and friends are Christians or 
Moslems or Hindus or anything else. This remains true 
in the End Times. 

In the End Times according to Christianity, Christians 
are mostly the observers of the greatness of God, 
explaining to those who want to know, what is taking 
place in the world and why these things are 

In every generation of humans, there are many who 
claim that they WANT to live in a world without God. 
For that reason, God is going to give them what they 
want. Those people will have 1) a world without God, 
but where 2) a false Messiah arrives claiming to be 
Christ, and only an understanding of accurate 
Christianity will be able to help and show those people 
how to have Eternal Life. 

The false Messiah comes onto the world stage and 
exercises power and dominion [over the entire world], 
ruling from the geographic location of the Ancient 
Roman Empire. 

The false Messiah (obviously) denies that he is false, 
and institutes a system of global economic domination 
of a global economic system of money. 

That money is a "symbolic" currency. As Christians 
today understand this, the currency of the False 
messiah is not based on Gold or Silver. 

The currency that the False messiah establishes is 
"cashless". It does not require paper currency. In fact, 
the new currency will be global, and it is expected to 
be cashless, without actual currency. 

But it will be based on banking principles in the West, 
and this False Messiah will cause those who are 
Jewish to believe that their Messiah has returned. Like 
much of the rest of the world, many will be deceived by 
the False Messiah who will accomplish many miracles 
and will institute his system of global economic 

The False Messiah will cause that the entire world and 
governmental structure will cause the implementation 
of his false economic system of currency. 

That economic system is a system of global 
dominance and global slavery. The global bankers will 
endorse this plan, believing that they will reap even 
greater profits than they currently do based on their 
system of unjust usury. 

This global currency will depend on computers to 
work, and computers will be used to keep records of 
all economic transactions all over the world. This will 
be a closed economic system, one that can only be 
used by those who have accepted the false currency 
of the False Messiah. 

The False Messiah will cause each person to be 
obligated to accept to use the new currency, and each 
individual will be required to give homage, or attention, 
or reverence or adoration or some kind of worship, or 
allegiance or loyalty to the false messiah, in order to 
be able to use the new cashless currency. 

The new cashless currency will have one feature that 
those "who have wisdom" will recognize: the new 

cashless system in order to be used will require each 
human to have a particular mark or "identifier" or 
system of individual identification for each and every 
single separate person on the planet. 

That may seem impossible. But even now, there are 
millions and billions of computer records that are kept 
on the populations of all nations that are already using 
modern banking. Therefore it is not difficult to 
understand that keeping track of 7 billion humans 
around the world is not anything that is difficult, even 
at this moment. 

This system may seem impossible to establish 
especially for those not familiar with the details of 
power inside the European Union or the West. But 
then if all of this is only fiction, then it should not harm 
anyone to read this, and then prove many years from 
now that all of these concerns were false. 

The new cashless system will incorporate a number 
within itself, as part of its numbering system. That 
number has been identified and predicted for two 
thousand years: it is the number "six hundred and sixty 
six" or 666. 

That may seem impossible, but actually this number is 
already used as a primary tracking number within the 
computer inventory systems of the world, long before 
you have read these few pages. 

The number is already incorporated in almost all 
goods and products that are sold around the world: the 

number is within something called the Bar Code that 
can be found on all products for sale around the world. 

Please remember that in order for all of this to be 
significant, it must be part of an economic system that 
requires each human to receive or accept their own 
numbering on their right hand or their forehead. The 
mark could be visible, but it is likely to be invisible to 
the eyes, but visible to machines, scanners and 

This bar code has a formal name: it is called the UPC 
or Universal Product Code. 

An individual UPC number is assigned to each 
physical product that is sold on this planet. The UPC 
or Universal Product Code already does incorporate 
that number 666 in all products. 

The lines [vertical lines] and the spacing between 
them, and the lines themselves, their own symetry 
determine the numbers and how those lines [the UPC 
bar code] are read or scanned by the computers used 

The UPC has 666 built within it, and it is simply the two 
long lines on the left of the bar code, the two long lines 
on the right of the bar code, and the two long lines in 
the middle of the bar code. The two long lines on the 
left are read by computers and scanners as the 
number "six" [ 6 ], and so are the two long lines in the 
middle and the right side. Together, they form a part of 
the bar code that in fact is 6 - 6 - 6 or six hundred and 
sixty six. 

Well it will not take long for some to dispute this. Even 
some theologians have taken to dispute the disclosure 
of the number 666, suggesting instead that the correct 
number to watch for prophetically is not 666 but 61 6. 

That is simply foolishness and a distraction. When this 
economic system is implemented, one of the signs that 
will accompany this will be the leaders of all faiths and 
all religions who will falsely state that there is no 
problem and no risk in accepting the mark of the slave, 
the mark of those who accept to worship the False 

These events were discussed a long time ago in the 
Old Testament book of Daniel, and in the Final and 
last book of the New Testament which is also called 
the Revelation of the Apostle Saint John, or simply 

The Apostle John was the last living apostle of Jesus 
Christ. He lived until around the year 95 A.D. and he is 
the one who taught the early church and the early 
Christians which books of the Bible were written by his 
fellow Apostles (and remember he wrote five books of 
the New Testament himself, the gospel of John, the 
small Epistles of 1 John, 2 John and 3 John, and the 
book of Revelation), and could be used and trusted. 

The early Christians knew which books were to be 
included in the Bible and which books were not. 

] : 

: [ 

A modern book has explained much of this. It was 
simply called "Jesus is coming" and was written by 
W.E.B Blackstone. 

It is easy to dismiss Christians as Zionists. (Not all 
Christians are Zionists in anycase). [ and obviously, 
being pro-jewish is NOT the same thing as being in 
favor of the official government of israel. And one can 
be a Christian and desire good for both Jews and 
Arabs]. But Christian Zionists are not perceived friends 
of the jews when they are warning the Jews, even 
about their Jewish state, that the Messiah who comes 
to tell them that he is their Messiah, will be the False 

The Ancient Book of Daniel is in the Old Testament. It 
must be read alongside the New Testament book of 
Revelation, in order to give understanding to those 
who want to understand prophecy and the events 
predicted in the End Times or the End of this Age. 

Christians understand that God is the one who is God, 
and He brings about the End Times because the 
planet does not belong to itself. The planet does not 
belong to Humans, or to the false [demonic] beings 
who pretend to come from other planets. 

The planet belongs to God and He is the one who 
causes everyone rich and poor, to understand through 
the events in the End of Days, that God is serious 
about being God, and humans do not have much time 
to get their own life in order, and to give an account to 
God who is going to return and require that account of 
each Human, on a personal and individual basis. 

That task is so impossible to understand that all that 
humans can do is understand and come to God, with 
the understanding that God may or may not require 
their sacrifice, but He does require those who seek 
Him to read and understand and follow the words and 
doctrines of Jesus Christ as explained in the New 
Testament. [The Gospel of John is a good place to 

All those who have come before can do, is leave a few 
things around, for those who will be left to try to 
understand these events in a very short period of time. 

The literal understanding of the Times of the End is 
that they will last seven years, and that much of 
humanity will perish during that time through a variety 
of catastrophes and disasters, all of which God refuses 
to stop for a planet that has been saying that they do 
not need Him anymore. 

If they do not need Him, then they should not complain 
when these events occur. If they Do need God, then 
they should be honest enough to admit this, try to find 
God, pray to find God and that they will not be 
deceived and that God would help them to find Him. 

The economic system that requires a mark may have 
a different formulation for the number 666. It may stay 
the same as it is now, or it may change. But at this 
current time, no one is [yet] required to have this mark 
personally on their mark or forehead, though if the 
dollar dies or is replaced by a new currency, the new 
currency may be the one that is either an interim 

currency, or the new currency of the mark, to be used 
only by those who accepted to be marked 
[electronically branded], so they can then use their 
mark along with the mark of the new economic 

A "beast" is a monster, but one that at the same time is 

usually both 1 ) ferocious and \ 

2) evil in addition to being overpowering and strong. 

The new economic system will be ferocious and 
overpowering. It will be directed by the False Messiah 
and the Beast. (There are 3 Evil guys described in the 
book of Revelation). The economic system using the 
mark, becomes the "mark of the beast", because of 
two factors: 

1) the one who runs and directs the system is a beast 
who is ruled by Evil and by Satan 

2) the economic system of the mark of the beast takes 
on those characteristics of the beast also. 

[the system for those who refuse to go along will not 
be kind nor tolerant, but more likely a combination of 
the worst of the roman empire, the worst of Stalinist 
soviet communist USSR, and the worst of the the time 
under Hitler.] 

It will be impossible to buy anything without the mark 
of the beast. Most likely, it may start out as optional 
and quickly become mandatory. As soon as the 
economic mark will be made mandatory, it will become 
a crime of life or death to try to conduct economic 
transactions without the official government 

permission, from the millions and millions of people 
who have foolishly already decided to consent to 
accept the mark. It will also be a capital crime to help 
or assist anyone who would refuse to accept the mark. 
Therefore the system of the beast will prevent 
neutrality: it will prevent people from having the choice 
of being able to "not make a choice". For that reason, 
all humans will chose, and then God will classify each 
person according to the choice that they have made, 
that choice having Eternal consequences. 

You can be assured that there will be billion dollar 
contracts by public relations firms to convince you that 
accepting your individual mark on your right hand or 
forehead will help you, will save civilization, will help 
mother earth, will help us all work collectively, will 
allow to work, and oh yes, would allow you, 
incidentally to be able to buy food to eat. 

The book of Revelation says those who accept the 
mark undergo a "deception", the implication being that 
those who accept the mark are spiritually deceived into 
acceptance of the upside-down universe: where evil is 
viewed as good, and good is viewed as evil. 
At that point, the new Messiah would be perceived as 
real and genuine by those who have accepted the 
mark, until later on when they will realize that they 
have been deceived, but at that point it will be 
impossible for them to change their mind or their 
commitment to the false Messiah, and this would have 
Eternal Consequences for them. The time to decide 
therefore is before that time. Now would probably be a 
good time, in case these things matter to you, who are 
reading this. 

Did you just laugh ? 

Those sillly bar codes... 

That was pretty funny ... 

But seriously. ..What does your laughter tell you about yourself ? 

Does it tell you that the idea of tracking you is so strange, 
that you have really never thought about it before ? 

Do you think that other people may have thought about it, 
even though you might not ? 

England has more than 2 Million cameras right now. 

Do they track everything because all things are a strong danger ? 

Or. . .do the cameras track people. . just in case ? 

So what do you think would happen if someone 

could track you 1) 100% of the time 2) with 100% certainty 

3) with 100% accuracy 4 ) with 100% of all that you do ? 

If Tracking with a mark on your right-hand or forehead 
becomes mandatory by law, and it will be a crime to not 
have that mark, and it will also be impossible to buy or 
sell without it, do you know how you would respond ? 

What would you do if your eternal destiny largely depended 
on your answer to this question ? 

If you are still here when these questions are valid, you 
should know your eternal destiny (after death. . .for eternity) 
does depend on your answer. 

Satan-worship on a Planetary Scale: When ? 

The Characteristics of the First Beast 
How All humans will be the ones Deceived and 

actually ALL Humans [with one exception] Worship the Beast 

The Power of the Beasi comes from Satan 


Revelation 13:1 
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, 
and his feet were as the feet of a bear, 

and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him 

his power, and his seat, and great authority. 

Oops: Satan-worship is not a good idea 

Revelation 13: 

4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power 
unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, 

saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? 

Revelation 13: The Beast 

6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God^jd blaspheme 
his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in,heaven. 

7 And it was given unto him to make war with the#aints, and 
to overcome them: and power was given him ** 

over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. 

5 minutes of information to change 
your Eternal destination ? 

Revelation 13: 

The Beast 

8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship hinnfr 

whos^iames are not written 

in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 

Evefy single human worships the beast, infess their individual name is written in God's book of life 

Revelation 13: 

9 If any man have an ear, let him hear. 

It tzt&s a special irderstandng to wdastard what is bang sad 

Note: The First Beast is the Anti-C hrist 

666 and YOUR taking the Mark || Q QQ ^ Q f Revelation 

The C haracteristics of the Second Beast and 666 

rhe False Prophet 

Revelation 13: ▼ 

13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth 

and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 

Revelation 13J 

False Prophet 

The Antichrist 

1 2 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, 
and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship 
the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 

Revelation 13: 

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down 

from heavWrvon the earth in the sight of men, 


Revelation 13:14 And cteeeiveth them that dwell on the earth by 
the means of those miraclesNxhich heJjad power to do in the sight 
of the beast; saying to them thsiSdwelTsm the earth, that they should 
make an image to the beast, which nBdtne wound by a sword, 
and did live. 

Revelation 13:15 And he had power y6 give life unto the image 
of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, 
and cause that as many as would/fot worship the image of the beast 
should be killed. 

Image of the beast may be a Robot or computer image,or a hologram. But it 
is an entity thrpuqri which the Beast [Ano-Christl extends power over mankind 

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, 
rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark 
in their right hand , or in their foreheads : 

1 7 And that no man might buy or sell, save [except] he that had the mark, 
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 

"Man" = Mankind, menAND women 

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding 
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; 

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. [OGvj 

The Book of Revelation needs to 

understanding on E 

c alono with the O.T. Book of Daniel in order to make sense, r or 
n R-ive 5:inn s« the hoc T-s "woEicylonsbyH ;l:p 

What is the "Book of Life" ? Is YOUR name in it ? 

(Phil 4:3 KJV) [Saint Paul Knew of the Book of Life:] And I entreat [ask] thee also, 
true yokefellow, [fellow-worker] help those women which laboured 
with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my 
fellow labourers, whose names are in the boo 

(Rev 3:5 KJV) He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in 

white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, 

but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. 

(Rev 13:8 KJV) And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him* 
whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain 
from the foundation of the world. 

(Rev 17:8 KJV) The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; 
and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: 
and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder^zz 

whose names were not written in the book of life 

of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and i 

and the books were opened: and another book was opened, 
which is the book of I ife: and the dead were judged out of those things 
which were written in the books, according to their works. 

(Rev 20:15 KJV) And whosoever was not found written in the 
book of life was cast into the lake of fire. 

(Rev 21 :27 KJV) And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing 
defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: 
but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life 

(Rev 22: 19 KJV) And if any man shall take away from the words 

of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part 
out of the book of I ife, and out of the holy city, and from the things 

Which are Written in thiS bOOk. ™ S w.rnlr<,lnRe,!2:19refer S toln!lU mi orTran ! J.tDni«l» [ )vi»,Bme»Dr«oriheBDIe 
Note:The Lamb slain f:o" jj ; I Fthe I ■ i is I esus Christ lesus Christ was the cre-existen: Creator of the L.r.ive f se (John II 

God claims that He knows each of our hearts. God 
also claims to know everything about us, all of our 
accomplishments and all of our sins also. But God 
sends Jesus Christ to save us through His words in 
the New Testament. Those who ignore them take a 
heavy risk to themselves, especially where this risk is 
one of Eternity. 

As the saying goes, Eternity is a long time to be 
wrong. For that reason, it is important to understand 
who Jesus Christ truly is and who He actually claimed 
to be. 

Here is where all of this connects back to the End of 
Days: Those who accept to take and participate in the 
economic system that incorporates the use of the 
number "six hundred and sixty six" on their right-hand 
or their forehead forfeit [give up] their opportunity for 
Eternal Life and Heaven, and Eternity with God. 

According to the Bible, Satan is not some clever guy 
meant to give people just " a little bit of harmless fun". 
Satan is not your budy. Satan is not your friend, simply 
out to help you have a "good time". 

Satan is a real being, who is one of the most powerful 
and intelligent beings ever created. 

He used to be an Angel, but turned against God. 
Satan is the one who will be in charge of the planet 
during the time of the false Messiah. 

This is standard historic Christian doctrine, and this is 
the doctrines that have been proclaimed since the 
Early Christians. These are NOT innovations, these 
are not anything new. [sources - Free - provided at the 
of this for those who want to know more in PDF 

You may ask: Well, what does this have to do with the 
End of Days and the Economic System ? 

God wants people to worship him Freely, but if they 
want to oppose God, God will allow them to make that 
choice. But making a choice, is not the same thing as 
being able to chose the consequences of that choice. 

There is no one in Christianity who will convince 
anyone against their Will to worship God. God tells 
each person they are responsible. From that point on, 
the burden is on them, they can respond to God or not, 
and their own response determines their own fate and 
consequences, especially for Eternity. 

The nature of a God is that He makes the rules and is 
not required to explain anything to anyone. However 
because God loves each person and wants them to 
chose Him (and not chose to follow Satan), God wrote 
roughly 1500 pages of material in the Old and New 
Testament (the Bible) to help people make their own 

The specific characteristic of accepting to use the 
Economic [most likely cashless] system is that those 
humans who use it must agree to accept the False 
messiah as their own savior. 

The Bible refers to this as worship. Let us not loose 
track of definitions: It does not matter whether the 
person will admit this or not. Worship consists of doing 
the actions that a deity, such as God, would 
understand worship to be. 

God says that those who accept to take the economic 
mark in their right-hand or their forehead will forfeit 
their Life with Him, and will never be able to be saved. 

From that point on, those who have accepted to use 
the economic system by the mark on their right hand 
or forehead have declared themselves - by their action 
- to be the enemy of God. 

But God is the one who deals with those who are His 
enemies. The presumption is also that those who have 
agreed to accept the new economic cashless system 
which uses the mark have undergone an internal 
change. By their action, they have agreed to be under 
the dominion of evil (just like those who accepted 
Sauron in the Lord of the Rings) and this new 
allegiance to the False Messiah, His economic system 
of the mark, and the acceptance of the ruler of the 
False Messiah who will accomplish many false 
miracles (through the power of the fallen angel Satan) 
has consequences: it will change the person who 
takes this mark, even while they will deny that inner 
transformation to the willing acceptance of evil has 
taken place. 

In anycase, it will not be enough to reject the Mark. 
People who decide to reject the mark, and there will be 

millions, are hardly okay or alright. They will have very 
little time to actually decide and accept to believe the 
words of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, if they 
can find New Testaments that are accurate. 

The New Testament that is accurate is that which has 
been used by the Historic Christian Church for 
thousands of years. If it was good enough for the 
Earlier Christians, it remains good enough today. 

This would be the New Testaments that are based on 
the received text of the Koine Greek New Testament. 
This would include the Scrivener Version of 1860 [FHA 
Scrivener] [do not use versions of his, published after 
his death], and the standard Koine Greek version of 
the New Testament published by Cura. P. Wilson, 
such as the version of 1833. 

These two Ancient Koine Greek Testaments are based 
on the {western calendar} 1550-51 greek text of 
Robert Estienne, sometimes called Stephens or 

The False Messiah in the New Testament has another 
name. He is not the true Christ, therefore by falsely 
claiming to be the true one, he reveals himself to be 
the Antichrist. But remember at that point in time 
where He rules, he will not be officially claiming to be 
evil. On the contrary, he will claim to be the true 
Messiah of love, miracles and peace. 

These facts then are what missionaries may share. 
Missionaries do not work for any government of the 
West, as this is prohibited and illegal in the West. 

[Missionaries in Islam often ARE funded by their own 
islamic republic]. 

Christian Missionaries have only one goal which is to 
inform and acquaint you with facts that you may find 
interesting and that may save your Eternal life for you 
and your family. 

Listening to any missionary will not make you a 
Christian. Missionaries are ordinary people. They have 
decided that they will try to help others by presenting 
truth and kindness to others. Those who hear what 
they have to say are free to accept or reject what they 
say. That is all. 

Missionaries are usually very educated and devote 
much time (often many years) to learning about other 
people and about other cultures. They do not try to do 
this in order to gain their Eternal Life. By definition, 
Christians already have accepted and received 
Eternal Life. 

Christians do not need to worry about Salvation by 
doing good works. For the true Christian, there is no 
relationship between good works and obtaining 
salvation. Salvation for each individual on the planet is 
Free, Christians are those who have understood and 
accepted to believe this. They already possess this 
from the instant that they become Christians and 
accept the words of Jesus in the New Testament. 

Missionaries do NOT earn their way to heaven by 
saving or converting other people. 

Missionaries agree to share the good news of 
Christianity, because of the individual and personal 
good that this same message has accomplished for 
them, on the inside of who they are. Missionaries risk 
a lot to communicate the Love of God to others. Most 
people cannot even understand this. Many people 
today have lives that are without hope and without 
purpose. Millions are aimless and without goals on the 
larger scale. But Christians will risk much to share the 
gospel with others, because that is what God 
commands them to do and wants them to do. 

In England the challenge is not that people are 
ignorant of how to be saved and have Eternal life. 
Many are, but the challenge is for those who have 
already heard this to understand that this is really true, 
genuinely accurate. It is easy to hide doubts behind 
the walls of the propaganda that is falsely called 
"science" these days. 

People think they must not admit to being religious, 
since this might not be "sophisticated". But God is the 
most sophisticated one of all. As the saying goes: He 
is no fool to give up that which cannot keep, in 
order to gain that which he cannot loose" [referring 
to Eternal Life offered by God through Christ]. 

As they will admit, Missionaries are sinners also. If you 
do not believe this, ask them. Then ask them what 
they have done about their own sins, and listen to their 
answers. Missionaries do not claim to be better than 
others. They only claim that the mercy of God that has 

been given to them, can be given to everyone else 

Missionaries could be anywhere else in the world. 
They may not have to come to your area of the planet. 
But if God sends them there, maybe you should thank 
God that he cares enough to send those who risk 
hardship and difficulty for being brave enough to try to 
obey God and give you information that may save your 
Eternal life. 

Most missionaries have given up a life of comfort and 
riches that they could have had in their own nations. 
They have made this choice to try to show the love of 
God to others. This example is worthy of kindness and 

Christians usually are there to help, or to establish 
schools or hospitals. Christians do not do these things 
in order to earn or merit their eternal life. They do 
these things as a result of being transformed and 
changed for the betterment [amelioration] of others, by 

Christians are not a witness to themselves, but to the 
God that they serve. Those who worship a mean and 
cruel God will become mean and cruel. Those who 
worship a God of love and help and mercy and 
kindness will demonstrate love, help, mercy and 
kindness to others. People become like the God they 

Some people say that if a person has harmed a 
Christian, that they cannot become a Christian. But 

that is NOT true. Saint Paul, even before he became a 
Christian persecuted Christians. Then God showed 
Him how Paul was acting against God. Paul became a 

Jesus Christ came to save everyone including 
murderers and prostitutes. No one is holy enough to 
be allowed into Heaven with any sins or imperfection 
in their life. God is too Holy to allow this. God can 
regenerate and change anyone if they are sincere 
when they repent, and if they are seeking God with all 
of their heart. Read it for yourself in the New 
Testament gospel of John. 

There is no need to be afraid, or to allow fear to be in 
control. Christianity teaches a life of inner peace, not 
a life ruled by fear. 

No one in true Christianity will ever convert you by 
force, since that would be disrespectful to God, and an 
infringement upon His dominion. There are many 
people in religions that are very rich because they try 
to censor and keep information from reaching those 
who would benefit most by it. 

Many of those same people are rich, and do not want 
their positions to be affected. They would rule by fear 
and the threat of force and violence. Humans who try 
these methods bring great curses upon themselves. 
Questions that have been raised legitimately require 
answers. The events which have been predicted will 
occur. They cannot be stopped by humans (though 
they may be delayed by prayer). 

There are some books listed along with this New 
Testament. We would urge you to consider them so 
that you may find the answers you are seeking: 

Historic Mainstream Books that may be of use: 

Jesus is Coming by W.E.B. Blackstone 

available online for Free [PDF] at 

How to study the Bible by R.A. Torrey 
available online for Free [PDF] 

The Canon of the Old and New Testaments by 
Archibald Alexander - available online for Free [PDF] 

Pilgrim's Progress - An explanation of the life as a 
Christian, in narrative. Very good, Other language 
versions are known to exist in French, German ; Dutch, 
Arabic, and Chinese. Available online for Free Pdf and 
maybe from Google Books. 

an explanation of the number 666 = " Recapitulated 
apostasy the true rationale of the concealed" name of 
the Roman empire by George Stanley Faber - best for 
those Christians and/or for those who know English 

language well Available for Free online at or with 
Google books 

Versions of the Bible that are sound and accurate 

Ethiopic New Testament - 1 857 

Available for Free online [PDF] or with Google books 

Italian Diodati Edition - Original 

Available for Free online at or with Google books 

Spanish - 1 602 Reina Valera Edition - Original 

Available for Free online at or with Google books 

The Arabic Bible - 1869 Cornelius Van Dyke [We 
recommend the original editions of 1 867 and 1 869 
only] - Available for Free online [PDF] or with Google books 

Sanskrit / Sanscrit Bible - Yes, Sanskrit is still used 
today in India. The Sanscrit 3dition that is accurate is 
the version by Wenger. Available forFree online [PDF] 
orwith Google books 

Tamil - (Tamou) 
Edition of 1859 (India) 

Available for Free online [PDF] or with Google books 

Karen - The Karen New Testament (Sgau Karen) 
Available for Free online [PDF] or with Google books 

Burmese - Myanmar - Burma - New Testament 
avaiiabie. Edition of i 650. 

Available for Free online [PDF] or with Google books 

Hindi - The New Testament in Hindi, also called 
Hindustani. Editions preferable before 1881 . 

Available for Free online [PDF] or with Google books 

Le Nouveau Testament - Ostervald - 1 868-72 
(be cautious as many Ostervald and David Martin 
versions in French have been altered). The french 

version of Louis Segond is popular but is actually 
based on the text of Westcott and Hort. 

Accurate Osterval version available for Free online at or 
with Google books 

Hungarian Bible - 1 692 - Original 

Available for Free online at or with Google books 

The Persian New Testament - 1 837 version of Henry 
Martyn - Available for Free online [PDF] or with Google books 

All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible by Lockyer. 

The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by C. Cumbey. 

The Case for Christ - Strobel 

Eines Christen reise nach der seligen ewigkeit : 
welche in unterschiedlichen artigen sinnbildern, den 
gantzen zustand einer bussfertigen und 
gottsuchenden seele vorstellet in englischer sprache 
beschrieben durch Johann Bunjan, lehrer in Betford, 
um seiner furtrefflichkeit willen in die hochteutsche 
sprache ubersetzt 

Le voyage du Chretien vers I'eternite bienheureuse : 
ou Ton voit, sous diverses images, les 
differents etats, les progres et I'heureuse fin d'une ame 
Chretienne qui cherche dieu en Jesus-Christ 

Auteur(s) : Bunyan, John (1 628-1 688). Auteur du 

Le pelerinage d'un nomme Chretien - ecrit sous 
I'allegorie d'un songe / [par John Bunyan] ; trad, de 
I'anglais avec une pref. [par Robert Estienne] 

Available for Free online at or with Google books 

Baxter, Richard Title Die ewige Ruhe der Heiligen. 
Dargestellt von Richard Baxter. 

Pilgerreise zur seligen Ewigkeit. Von Johann Bunyan. 
Aus dem Englischen neu ubersetzt 

Der himlische Wandersmann : oder Eine 
Beschreibung vom Menschen der in Himmel kommt: 
Sammt dem Wege darin er wandelt, den Zeichen und 
der Spure da er durchgehet, und einige Anweisungen 
wie man laufen soil das Kleinod zu ergreifen / 
Beschrieben in Englischer Sprache durch Johannes 

II pellegrinaggio del cristiano / tradotto da.ll' inglese di 
John Bunyan dal Stanislao Bianciardi 
Firenze : Tipografia e. Libr. Claudiana 

Author Bunyan, John, 1 628-1 688 

Title Tian lu li cheng 

[China] : Mei yi mei zong hui, 1857 

El viador, bajo del simil de un sueno por Juan Bunyan 

"Everyone has the right to freedom of 

thought, conscience and religion; this right 

includes freedom to change his religion or 

belief, and freedom, either alone or in 

community with others and in public or 

private, to manifest his religion or belief in 

teaching, practice, worship and observance." 

- Article 18 of the U.N. Universal 
Declaration of Human Rights - 

Christian Conversions - According to the Bible 
Can NEVER be forced. 

Any Conversion to Christianity which would be 
"Forced" would NOT be recognized by God. It is in 
His True and KIND nature, that those who come to 

Him and choose to believe in Him, must come to 

Don't Let anyone tell you that Christians support 
Forced Conversions. 

That is False. True Christianity is NEVER forced. 

Core Universal Rights 

The right to believe, to worship and witness 

The right to change one's belief or religion 

The right to join together and express one's 

The subject of the End Times in the west is called Biblical 
Prophecy. For more information on this topic, feel free to consult 
the standard books on this including: The Late Great Planet Earth 
(Lindsey), and the Charts of Clarence Larkin may give someone a 
quick overview. Things to come by Dwight Pentecost is interesting 
though technical. Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Cumbey will 
offer a quick read to those who are able to obtain a rare copy. The 
Christian in Complete Armor by Gurnall [Free Online] will offer a 
source of spiritual strength to those who have the courage and 
wisdom to read it. 

Some of Larkin's Material is available for Free online. 

Remedy and Help for Occult & Demonic Forces 

We include this short section for those who would like to 
take immediate action, in order to help their life or the life 
of someone that they care about. 

The following covers a topic called the topic of "disembodied 
spirits" or the topic of Spirits in the world around us. 

Christianity teaches that there are 1) spiritual forces that are 
created by Him, and that work with God, and 2) that there are 
spiritual forces that rebelled against God, and try to use their 
influence to harm the good that God accomplishes. 

Christianity does NOT recognize that there are neutral 
spiritual forces. Christianity does not recognize that there are 
spirits that roam the earth with no destination or purpose. 
Christianity teaches that spiritual forces may attempt to 
contact or respond those who seek them, and that those forces 
are evil and will do harm to humans. 

The reason is that Humans can be deceived by spiritual forces 
that would claim to be good, but are not. The Christian 
solution is to simply have nothing to do with forces that are 
not part of the Kingdom of God and of Jesus Christ. 

Those who disagree have the right to chose, but should not 
complain if they find out that the spiritual forces they contact 
truly are evil and deceive them. Most people do NOT find this 
out for many years, until their life is wasted and it is too late to 
do much for God. THAT is exactly the purpose of those 
forces, to cause humans to spend their life and their time 
chasing things which do not matter instead of investing in 
their own spiritual future, in the afterlife. 

Some people think that life is to be lived on Earth, while 
others understand that life here is simply a down-payment. 
Life here is simply time to prepare for the next thousands of 
years, with God and others who serve Him. 

Christianity does NOT recognize the category of spiritual 
entities (spirits) that are full of Mischief, or mischievous. 

Christianity would conclude that those spirits, where they 
actually exist, are causing mischief as a trick to prompt 
humans to become involved with them, in the same manner 
as a human will pull a piece of string in front of a CAT in 
order to watch the cat react. 

There are humans who have ALREADY found out that certain 
spiritual forces are Evil. These people have tried to get rid of 
them but do not know how. There is no solution that exists 
other than to genuinely become a Christian and then take the 
steps that the Bible instructs. 

Incantations and rituals do not "force" any spiritual entity to 
do anything. No ritual by a priest was ever effective 
BECAUSE it was a ritual, or because it contained certain 
words. However, spirits DO respond to those who are truly 
Chrsitians, and THEY can certainly tell those who are 
genuinely Christians (followers of the true Jesus Christ), and 
those who are faking this or are insincere. It is a BAD idea to 
attempt to fool or deceive a Demon. THAT does not work, 
AND humans who try this only end up with much 
ensnarement by those demonic forces. 

There are solutions to these dilemmas. None of them will 
work for those who are not saved or for those who are NOT 
Christian. Try it if you want, but be prepared for the 

Demonic Spirits play by the rules that GOD lays down and 
NOT by the rules that you may have been mis-led into 
believing by some slick occult publishing company. 

Witches have precious little power in fact, and the few that do 
are under such oppression and such personal bondage that they 
have no freedom, but they will not speak this truth to others. 

The price of their freedom (they have been told) is the 
ensnarement or seduction of others. The following prayers are 
provided in case they are of assistance. Those who use them 
must be true Christians, and recognized by God as such. 

Having said that, spiritual warfare and spiritual conflict (since 
this IS that area: the conflict in spiritual realms between 
spiritual forces) is very much like running or any other long 
distance task: it is long term preparation that makes the 

A new Christian is NOT to be dealing with demonic forces, 
and would be well advised to seek advice from those who 
are serious, sober, and committed genuine Christians for many 
years, before dealing with these areas. 

Many books have been written on this topic. Many of them are 
written by those who are occultists who are possessed and 
seeking to mislead others. We will recommend OTHER 
Christian books at the end of this section for those who wish 
to pursue these matters with the seriousness they deserve. 
Most of the books available in these areas for Christians are 
written in English or German. 

Also, it may not be enough to pray these prayers once. It may 
take much time to have the impact desired. In order to have 
personal victory in these areas over demonic spirits: 

1) One must be a Genuine Christian 

2) One must seek to actively follow God 

3) One must spend much TIME reading the Bible, and 

4) One must spend much TIME praying and learning HOW 
to pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ, in accordance 
(agreement) with the information and principles explained 
in the New Testament. 

prayer of renunciation of Demonic Forces 

Prayer to renounce witchcraft and/or any spiritual 
practice contrary to God and His given instructions 

{Whether you have decided to become a Christian 20 years 
ago or five minutes ago, you can still pray this prayer. If you 
are not a Christian believer, or if you are confused about what 
this means, no problem. Just go to the section on how to 
become a Christian, pray that prayer, and then come back and 
pray this one} 

Lord God, I do not come always to talk with you when I 
should Lord, I find this prayer difficult and I pray that you 
would give me the grace, strength and courage that I need to 
pray it and mean it. 

Lord, I come to you because I am a true Christian believer, I 

(your name here) , being under the Blood of Jesus, 

claiming the Mind of Jesus, and the Spirit of Jesus, do hereby 
present my request to you boldly before your Throne of Grace 
(Ephesians 2:3/Hebrews 4:14-16/Philippians 2: 1-1 1). I ask 
that you would neutralize and prevent any force or evil 
presence from acting that might try to keep me from praying 
this prayer, in the name of Jesus and in the power of your 
blood. I pray that you would give me your spiritual strength 
and your spiritual protection. I thank you for what you did for 
me by dying on the cross for me. 

I come before you in prayer today In the name of Jesus Christ 
because I want to renounce any and all practices that are 
contrary to you or to your teachings. I come before you today 
in the name of Jesus Christ. 

I come before you today because I want to renounce any 
contact or seeking of any spirit or spiritual entity other than 

the Christian Triune God or the Son of God, Jesus Christ. I 
want to renounce any and all of my behaviors and practice of 
allowing myself to contact the spiritual world or pray to/ 
through spiritual entities or people, that are not Jesus Christ. 

I recognize that the Bible states that we can only come to God 
through Jesus Christ, and through no other persons or spirits. 

I come before you today because I want to renounce any and 
all of my spiritism, spirit-contact, witchcraft and occult 
practices, as well as any spiritual or other practice which is 
against you or contrary to you, and I ask for your favor and 
help to help me renounce these activities. 

At this moment, I choose by my own will to renounce and 
reprove all works of darkness in my life and the lives of the 
generations of those whom I have joined. I include blood 
relatives as well as adoptive relatives and any mates, or any 
others whom I have joined such as lovers, seducers whether 
these were my (whichever applies to you - if you are not 
sure. ..include them all) wife/wives, husband/husbands, and 
children/grand-children/great-grandchildren. In the name of 
Jesus Christ, I hereby renounce any and every oath, 
commitment, covenant, decision, curse, fetish, decision, 
intention, word or thought, or gesture, and I hereby renounce 
any and every fleshly and immoral intimacies and unions that 
encouraged or brought about iniquity in my own life, or 
anyone meeting the above stated requirements for bringing 
works of darkness to my own life. 

Lord God, in the name of Jesus Christ, I hereby choose to 
renounce all unfruitful works of darkness, and have no further 
fellowship with them from this time forth (Romans 13: 
12/Ephesians 5: 11) 

I do this through the Name of Jesus Christ, my Savior, 

through His Blood that was shed for me, 

through his precious Body given for me, 

through his Mind that suffered beyond anything I could ever 

I do this so that my whole being - body, mind, soul and spirit, 
may be completely set free from every sinful work of the past 
brought about by the sins of those before me. 

I do this so that no Luciferian, Satanic, Spiritually wrong 
promise, or evil covenant, curse, action, word, or deed or 
attitude - from my actions or my past be laid against my 
account - in heaven or in or on the earth. By this action today, 
I hereby serve notice that the handwriting of ordinances 
written against me and my generations are blotted out in my 
life - effective as far back as needs be to the very first though, 
word, deed or gesture. (Ephesians 2: 13-14). 

I do this so that from this day forward, I may go about serving 
You God, in reverence of You and seeking your counsel in 
everything I do. I submit my life unto You as a living sacrifice 
- holy and acceptable in Your sight, which is my reasonable 
service. (Romans 12:1) 

Dear Heavenly Father, and Judge of the Universe, as I present 
this petition before you today, I thank You that You have 
heard me this day, and granted my every expression in 
accordance with Your will. I know that You have done this 
solely because of what Your Son, the true and only Jesus 
Christ, accomplished for me, by dying and paying the price for 
my sins on the cross. 

Thank You from the depth of all of my being, for hearing my 
prayers and granting my petition. Please remind me of your 
grace and love on a daily basis. Please help me to seek to 

serve and follow you, and help me to continue to remember 
that you have forgiven me, and that I can take you at your 
word and trust what you have given to me in your Bible. I 
pray that you would help me to not do wrong, and to decide to 
do what is right, and to take active steps to follow you. I pray 
that you would fill me with joy, comfort and hope and bring 
true Christian friends in my life who will strengthen my walk 
with You and encourage me to grow in the right spiritual path 
with you. You know Lord that I have asked all of these things 
in the name of Jesus, and I thank you that I am now free in 
deed, according to what you have shared with you in the Bible 
(Romans 6:22, Galatians 5:1, Romans 8:1, Romans 7:24, 8:1, 
John 8:36, 1 Corinthians 12:27). 

(Note: take time to look up these verses in the Bible which can 
be found in the Bible. You may want to write them down, and 
memorize them as well. It is good practice and will serve you 

I pray Lord that you would help me to remember that each 
time I am tempted, that I can come back and talk with you, 
and read the Bible for strength and encouragement. 

In the name of Jesus Christ I have asked all of these things, 
and I thank you for giving them to me, Amen. 

The Spiritual Problems caused by Spiritual Explorations 
of Witchcraft & Dark Spirituality - Hereditary Witchcraft 

There is such a thing as occult forces that try to force families 
to serve them, for many decades, and for many generations. 
Some families did not KNOW how to fight the demonic 
spirits. Therefore they gave in to them, and serve those forces, 
and try to force their other family members to do this. 

This needs to be resisted, but true freedom and true resistance 
can only be found in those who truly accept and believe the 
message of Jesus Christ as the New Testament confirms and 
explains. This is only ONE book of many portions of the New 
Testament. The New Testament is comprised of 27 books. 

Prayer to be forgiven for sins committed while exploring 
darkness and/or evil and prayers to be forgiven for sins 
committed in & during witchcraft 

Some people will wrongly tell you that this prayer cannot or 
will not have a good impact on your life. Whether they 
consciously know it or not, those who say that are people who 
are trying to trick you. But if this prayer would really have no 
effect on your life, then it certainly cannot hurt to pray it. 

Lord God, I do not come always to talk with you when I 
should. Lord, I find this prayer difficult and pray that you 
would give me the grace, strength and courage that I need to 
pray it and be totally sincere. Lord, I come to you because I 
am now a true Christian believer, and because I, (your name 
here) . being under the Blood of Jesus, claiming the Mind of 
Jesus, and the Spirit of Jesus, do hereby present my request to 

you boldly before your Throne of Grace (Ephesians 
2:3/Hebrews 4:14-16/Philippians 2: 1-11). 

I ask that you would neutralize and prevent any force or evil 
presence that might try to keep me from praying this prayer, in 
the name of Jesus and in the power of your blood. I pray that 
you would strengthen me as I pray this and that my mind 
would be clear, and that I would be able to concentrate on 
talking with you and on what I would like to pray. I thank you 
for coming to my help as you said you would in the Bible, and 
despite the tricks of any evil forces to convince me of the 
opposite. I thank you that you Love me Lord, even if I do not 
always feel as though you do because I am not perfect. 

I thank you for what you did for me by dying on the cross for 
me. I thank you Lord, because I know that you are more 
powerful than the forces which may have been controlling my 
life, and which were exercising influence in my life that I want 
to be sure is terminated and over. I come to you in prayer 
today Lord, because I want to be delivered from all 
consequences of hereditary involvement in the occult or any 
occult curses which have impacted my life and/or hereditary 
witchcraft and all of the sins and curses which have come 
from those activities. I choose by my own will and I do now 
renounce and reprove all works of darkness in my life and the 
lives of the generations of those past and present whom I have 

Choosing by my own will Lord Jesus Christ, I renounce any 
and all curses or effects of my past actions, habits, thought 
processes and any other activity or intention contrary to your 
character and contrary to your word the Bible, any relatives of 
mine who have been in the occult which you know about 
Lord, and whereby I am or have been affected by any of their 
actions, thoughts, words or deeds. In your name and by my 
will with your help and depending upon you, I renounce all 
occult blessings, all occult heritage and all occult 
consequences, as well as any demonic spirits or inspiration, 

which have a basis for interference or influence in my life, 
either because of my own actions or because of the actions of 
any of my ancestors or relatives which has an effect on me- 
whatever evil effect that might be. 

In this renunciation Lord, I include blood and adoptive 
relatives and any mates, such as lovers, seducers and rapists 
wife/wives, husband/husbands, and children/grand- 
children/great-grandchildren. I hereby renounce any and every 
oath, commitment, covenant, decision, action, curse, fetish, 
gesture, and fleshly and immoral intimacies and unions that 
encouraged or brought about iniquity in my own life, or 
anyone meeting the above stated requirements for bring works 
of darkness to my own life. 

[ you should take time out at this point, recalling to your mind 
any known names or circumstances - especially if there have 
been rapes or seductions that you know about, from or towards 
you, or that you participated in or witnessed. Take each 
situation and person individually and ask the Lord to forgive 
you of your involvement and participation in each of these 
situations. Where the situation applies instead to others, ask 
that they would come to realize the wrongness of their action, 
and that they would be drawn to the Lord and that they would 
repent and be saved ] 

Lord, I hereby choose to renounce all unfruitful works of 
darkness, and have no further fellowship with them from this 
time forth (Romans 13: 12/Ephesians 5: 11) I do this through 
the Name of Jesus Christ, my Savior, through His Blood that 
was shed for me, through his precious Body given for me, 
through his Mind that suffered beyond anything I could ever 
suffer. I do this so that my whole being - body, mind, soul and 
spirit, may be completely set free from every sinful work of 
the past brought about by my sins or the sins of those before 
me. I do this so that no Luciferian, Satanic, or evil covenant, 
curse, or fetish from the past be laid against my account - in 
heaven or in or on the earth. 

By this action right now today, I hereby serve notice that the 
handwriting of ordinances written against me and my 
generations are blotted out - effective as far back as needs be 
to the very first though, word, deed or gesture. (Ephesians 2: 
13-14).I do this so that from this day forward, I may go about 
serving You, Father, in reverence of You and seeking your 
counsel in everything I do. I submit my life unto You here and 
now as a living sacrifice - holy and acceptable in Your sight, 
which is my reasonable service. (Romans 12:1) Dear 
Heavenly Father, and Judge of the Universe, as I present this 
petition before you today, I thank You that You have heard me 
today, and granted my every expression in accordance with 
Your will. 

I know that You have done this solely because of what Your 
Son, the true and only Jesus Christ, accomplished for me, by 
dying and paying the price for my redemption on the cross. 
Thank You from the depth of all of my being, for hearing my 
prayers and granting my petition. Please remind me of your 
grace and love on a daily basis. Please help me to seek to 
serve and follow you, and help me to continue to remember 
that you have forgiven me, and that I can take you at your 
word and trust what you have given to me in your Bible. I 
pray that you would help me to not do wrong, and to decide to 
do what is right, and to take active steps to follow you. 

I pray that you would fill me with joy, comfort and hope and 
bring friends in my life who will strengthen my walk with You 
and encourage me to grow in the right spiritual path with you. 
I ask Lord that you would give me spiritual discernment so 
that I would not be deceived by others, and so that I would 
follow you in the ways that you want me to. I pray that you 
would help me to understand you and know you better and 
that you would help me be an effective messenger of yours to 
communicate the truths of the Gospel and live and stand up for 
You. You know Lord that I have asked all of these things in 
the name of Jesus Christ, and I thank you that I am now free in 

deed, according to what you have shared with me in the Bible 
(Romans 6:22, Galatians 5:1, Romans 8:1, Romans 7:24, 8:1, 
John 8:36, 1 Corinthians 12:27). In the name of Jesus Christ, 

and who sincerely want to know more to help 
themselves, and their family members 

These books are available at a bookstore online at . They MAY be available through 
other places online (on the internet). 

Demonology Past and Present by Kurt Koch- Available 
ALSO in German 

Occult ABC by Kurt Koch - Available ALSO in German 

Other Books by Kurt Koch - Available ALSO in German 

Demons in the World Today: A Study of Occultism in the 
Light of God's Word by Merril Unger 

The Beautiful Side of Evil by J. Michaelsen 

Inside the New Age Nightmare: For the First Time Ever... a 
Former Top New Age Leader Takes You on a Dramatic 
Journey by Baer 

Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey 

Die sanfte Verfiihrung (Cumbey Constance) 
Book Description: 1987. Die Autorin beschreibt in diesem 
Standardwerk Entstehung, Lehren, Ziele und okkulte Wurzeln 
der New-Age-Bewegung. Sie enthiillt beklemmende 

Parallelen zur ....biblischer Endzeitprophezeiungen. 
Hardcover, guter Zustand, Verlag Schulte & Gerth, 
Taschenbuch Neues Zeitalter (Geheimwissen), Religiose 
Zeitfragen S. 300, 

A Planned Deception: The Staging of a New Age Messiah 
(ISBN: 0935897003 / 0-935897-00-3) Cumbey, Constance 
Pointe Publishers 

The Adversary by Marc Bubeck 

Overcoming the Adversary by Marc Bubeck 

Destroying the Works ofWitchcraft Through Fasting & 
Prayer by Ruth Brown 

Orthodoxy & Heresy: A Biblical Guide to Doctrinal 
Discernment by Robert Bowman 

Beyond Seduction: A Return to Biblical Christianity by D. 

Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan - The most widely 
translated Christian book after the Bible. (Yes, an edition in 
German, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, Portugues, and 
Arabic have all been made). Note: Pilgrim's Progress by John 
Bunyan is available for FREE online. 

The Christian in Complete Armour, or, A treatise of the 
Saints by Pastor (Rev.) William GURNALL - in One Volume 
or in Three Volumes - available for FREE online 
(the term "saints" used here simply means Christians). 

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438 ^jjiiLi. s^lJLy^il isJJy-, (j-y!j) 

449 ^uJU, i^LJlj isJJj^ u^JJ 

457 * *»*aJI**>i 5y«LwJ«9 i^Uj«*jj (^j^^i 

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471 ^jaJ\j •'aIL., 5^jLxJj!L-j isuj-i, (j^jijJ. 

475 itf"X/ **^"»i *-<jljy*A> el)j->, (j-j!_>5 

484 , ^Ajlj ■'aIL., 4-jjIjj*1j l£l!j-Jj u"J^JJ 

49 1 -oiJLii iWLJ isUj-^ L^iJyi 

495 juajLj, ii^i-J ("ilJyu, fj»yjl 

496 ^»>a!1-, s^Lji^c isJJj-jj (j-yijj 

521 ^)u«j? ''aIL^ i£l!j-^ tjj"i 

530 jj-Vjl ***•$? *4W> isUj-; (j^u 

539 ,j»^ '*i*>?'*^ dJy-, ,j-^u 

544 ^Vjl -"juo^? 'JU; (iUj-; ^f= 

553 ^^ **J^) ffiUj^ ^ 

534 ^AilU'JU, eUU, ^ss 

555 ^i~»jf- ^JL-, idj^-, \±jV, 

558 ^^-a-j <*l*,jS€ 

1 • ••Evangile selon Matthieu */jj\ ^^i ^^» Jrf^ 

76 ...Evangile selon Marc t/jj^ t&^h ^~L^ J-~?^ 

121.. Evangile selon Luc S^Jjl ^jijU <sMij! J-sM 

904 .. Evangile selon Jean t^\ ^^Jj (Sli^rf* J^l 

266,. les Actes des Apotres, JLfl feKUw, 

345.. Epitreaux Remains ^JU, s^Ujj CsUj.-, (j»j!jj 

377 * . Premiere epitre aux Corinthians . . . ^m^bI a!w». IS J &Lm.u£J . ifi (£tUo>*J, , mojo) 
407. Deuxieme epitre aux Corinthiens. i *ii.*J'J aJLjj. 8 >i r.lwj oil: . «9 £)JewJ, (yjjjj 

428.. Epitreaux Galates -.aILj, s^liJj^c sl)_j^ otjlji 

439.. Epitreaux Ephesiens -jaIU, sJJUj^il (S).!j-^ (_>-y!jJ 

449., Epitre aux Philippiens -.aIU, s^LJU eU>-, (j-jljj 

457. .Epitre aux Colossiens ^>a)Lj_, ^jL^jijii dJ^u, (j-y^J 

464 Premiere epitre aux Thessaloniciens jmJbI ^AJwi. o JaLX.j Ju-*J (ii.*J <?** . , uijd 

471 Deux 'emeepitre-Thessaloniciens, ^A*jlj ^AjL**. oJoLX-JajLwJ (£U«*j, (jrfjJV. 

475 • Premiere epitre a Timothee .^jjql AjLu. Auucba*?.*? tliija^u, juijd 

484. Deuxieme epitre a Timothee ,^*A*JU AJu*ij Am*|ub4W£> (S)j*-J, ^ujaja^ 

49 1 . .Epitre a Tite ^»a!Lu, *-yio eMj-^, (j-y!_ji 

495. .Epitre a Philemon ^.ilLu. AJji-J l£)Jw, <j»>j!jJ 

49e,.L'EpitreauxHebreux ie"^"j l Jj\& ^J-»j (j*jl)i 

52 1 . . Epitre de Jacques ^i^^f- *a1Lj. isijjw, uji« 

530.. Premiere epitre de Pierre.. ^,VjT%*jf *a!L> Uill^-, y-^u 
539. Deuxieme epitre de Pierre. ^aJIj s a~oj£ ■'aILj. isII^-j, u^^ 

544. .Premiere epitre de Jean e-'Xi' **-*_}£ f d\~>j isllvu. ,&3; 

5 53., Deuxieme epitre de Jean ^uajU ^aSLj, eU**>, ,,** 

554.. Troisieme epitre de Jean ^uaxTC *a1Ui, e)JLj, ,£*■• 

555.. Epitre deJude ^^^jf *aJU, isilj-, \jjaj 

558 •• I' nominee parfois Revelations, ,.,,,,,,( .(•..■••••*•••• m*>5>h 1!£aJ . £*£". 

Ncucs Testament / New Testament / Le Nouveau Testament 

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II COS 00 s ) 33l£ cSl & c8l 93 & » 

2d Edition.— 4000. 

Translated by Francis Mason 








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COltl I Deux ^' rB _ 6 f ,ttrB » Timothee , 

qj . Epttre a Tite , m 
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/JQ^((0> Troisieme epitre de Jean • f)OQ 

EpTtre de Jude' • 900 

'ApNatypse. nommae pi rfois Revelations ^30 

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Neues Testament / New Testament / Le Nouveau Testament 







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S£wn«Iatrt into tfje Burmese, torn tljt ©ciginiil ©reefs, 


y Rev. A. JUDSON, D.D. 



r Rev. E. A. STEVENS, D.I). 



:Seeond Edition,-5,000. 

l88 5 . 

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QgooSoqj<5s j \ oq]<5sc£j(fo>«g5$o« 

5l£aoi)3C|goS .... Matthew .... 

5|£odo?sc|SoS .... Marc - 

jSojodoosjEoS .... Luke-- ■■•■ 
5)Eeco3co^3G|So£. . John - .... 


•oow^GOo5ogg| .... Acts of Apostles .... 


GSp«[3olQ©0 .... Romans .... 


Gro3GJ o Sjlgcf]3©0og«G©3£ .... J Corinthians 


efDO^^lSolsso^cStOcnoS . . II Corinthians 
ocdDo8gol38D .... .... Galatians _ . 

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ScS8[oqo1o§)D .... .... Phlippians . 


£O33GCOD0b(oDo)3©0 ' .... Colossians 


0300CDOeCOD§o5[3o r lo©003«£©o£ 1 Thessalonians 

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c8GOOGCcgdl38Drjo9oDGSD£ . . II Timothy 

j c8 

oSojQdloso .... .... Titus . . . 

8gCO(^S(3cOq©0 . . .... Philemon 


GGOg(o5ol38:i .... .... Hebrews. , . 


5|£a50«jiyffiol380 .... James. . 


y|£G0ro<j)[3ol380OgUG8DS .... 1 Peter . . . 


j|£soco^[3cfl3S3qo9oOGe:>S .. II Peter. 

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a£G033coEScn3803c8cOG©o£ " [Epistle-Letterof] Joh 

5|£GO33C0iScn3B0OOo9(X)S8D£ III [Epistle-Letter of] John coa3 

5j£a^3to3dl3BO .... .... Jude .... 

<g03cr$O0]&8 .... . . Revelation .... 


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Depository, 155 Popham's Broadway 

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These texts conforms to the T.R. 
as far as we know. Anyone having questions about this 
text should compare it to the Stephens / Estienne Version 
in Koine (Ancient) Greek of 1 550/1 551 , which is the root 
standard historic Ancient Greek text of the New Testamen t 









One of the Reliable copies of the French New Testament - Une Bible fidele. 
Available sometimes [and Free (gratis) ] 



Evangile selon saint Matthieu . 
EVanfrile selon saint Marc . . . 
Evangile selon saint Luc . . . . 
Evaiigile selon saint Jeaa . . . 

Les Actes des Apotres 

Epitre de saint Paul aux Ho- 


I" Epitre aux Corinthiens . . . 
II* Epitre aux Corinthiens . . . 

Epitre aux Galates 

Epitre aux Ephesiens 

Epitre aux Philippiens 

Epitre aux Colossiens 

I" fipitre aux Thessalonicieus. 



P»6 e » 



























It* Epitre aux Thessaloniciens. 

£ re Epitre a Timothee 

H* Epitre k Timothee 

Epitre a Tite 

Epitre a Philemon 

Epitre aux Hebreux 

Epitre de saint Jacques 

l re Epitre de saint Pierre .... 
II e Emtre de saint Pierre .... 

I rt Epitre de saint Jean 

H e Epitre de saint Jean 

Ill 1 Epitre de saint Jean 

Epitre de saint Jude 

Apoealypse de saint Jean . ... 22 





























Le signe f indique la division du texte en paragraphes. 
La Bible la plus fidele = Texte Recu - Grec Koine - d'Estienne (1550-51) 


Matthew 28 

Mark ... 16 

Luke 24 

John 21 

The Acts 28 

Epistle to the Komans ... 16 

I. Corinthians ... ... ... 16 

II. Corinthians... ... ... 13 

Galatians ... ... ... 6 

Ephesians 6 

Philippians ... ... ... 4 

Colossians 4 

I.'Thessalonians ... ... 5 

II. Thessalonians ... ... 3 

I. Timothy ... 6 

II. Timothy 4 

Titus 3 

Philemon ... ... ... 1 

Hebrews ... 13 

Epistle of James ... ... 5 

I.Peter 5 

II. Peter 3 

I. John ... 5 

II. John 1 

III John 1 

Jude 1 

Kevelation .. 22 








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Chinese Simplified - Request to God 

isgw±ifr, wms&mmj ummnm^^M^^^ 

am ^wMmstg;i;#MMMttM]T*M*ii# 
«at^jf#^#,{nsiHjtt#,{nfgii^ft B as#AR a»f«f, « 

God ST, ff a^^iPJ&H^SMffag'SS&ffift 

mm, M^wsaMmmmm^^m &§ «js&«#±* 
^^#^®*iaip«m«a, ran, 

Chinese Traditional - Talking to the Lord of Heaven 

mm, Mtmrnmi mBimmMi mj.x^& §m«5# 

tm&mi£mmmmtmmmmmMmm^A&, & 
immtmmmmmmmmmmmm^A& mm, t 

God BBT, #«J$^5iBW&M£W^«S*£^*6fe£3fc 

Chinese Traditional - Request to God 

ss«±#, mmmmmmmitmrnm^ 

mm, i&mmtMi ^Rimm^n M_ax#& mwm& 
n mm, Mtimm mmm^m^msLimrm^ 

tm&mismmmmimmmmMmmJkA&, k 
immtm^m^mmmmmmmmm^A& mm, m 

God HT, «SS;?i^Mfil^S^»S^«ljiSft^#f*ftS 





^Jl«;m«*Wi?P»W^«, HP1, 

Korean - Request to God 



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5 ? 















Gebet zum Gott 

Lieber Gott, Danke, daB dieses Evangelium oder dieses neue Testament 
freigegeben worden ist, damit wir in der LageSIND, mehr iiber Sie zu erlernen. 
Helfen Sie bitte den Leuten, die fur das Zur Verfiigung stellen dieses 
elektronischen Buches verantwortlich sind. Sie wissen, daB wem sie sind und 
SieSIND in der Lage, ihnen zu helfen. 

Helfen Sie ihnen bitte, in der Lage zu SEIN, schnell zu arbeiten, und stellen Sie 
elektronischere Biicher zur Verfiigung Helfen Sie ihnen bitte, alle 
Betriebsmittel, das Geld, die Starke und die Zeit zu haben, die sie zwecks sein 
miissen fiir, Sie zu arbeiten zu halten. 

Helfen Sie bitte denen, die ein Teil der Mannschaft sind, das ihnen auf einer 
taglichen Grundlage helfen. Geben Sie ihnen die Starke bitte, um jedem von 
ihnen das geistige Verstandnis fiir die Arbeit fortzusetzen und zu geben, daB 
Sie sie tun wiinschen. Helfen Sie bitte jedem von ihnen, Furcht nicht zu haben 
und daran zu erinnern, daB Sie der Gott sind, der Gebet beantwortet und der 
verantwortlich fiir alles ist. 

Ich bete, daB Sie sie anregen wiirden und daB Sie sie schiitzen und die Arbeit u. 
das Ministerium, daB sie innen engagiert werden. Ich bete, daB Sie sie vor den 
geistigen Kraften oder anderen Hindernissen schiitzen wiirden, die sie 
schadigen oder sie verlangsamen konnten. 

Helfen Sie mir bitte, wenn ich dieses neue Testament benutze, um an die Leute 
auch zu denken, die diese Ausgabe zur Verfiigung gestellt haben, damit ich fiir 
sie und also, sie beten kann kann fortfahren, mehr Leuten zu helfen. 

Ich bete, daB Sie mir eine Liebe Ihres heiligen Wortes (das neue Testament) 
geben wiirden und daB Sie mir geistige Klugheit und Einsicht, um Sie besser zu 
kennen geben wiirden und den Zeitabschnitt zu verstehen, dem wir in leben. 
Helfen Sie mir bitte, zu konnen die Schwierigkeiten beschaftigen, daB ich mit 
jeden Tag konfrontiert werde. 

Lord God, helfen mir Sie besser kennen und zu wiinschen anderen Christen in 
meinem Bereich und um die Welt helfen wiinschen. Ich bete, daB Sie die 
elektronische Buchmannschaft und -die geben wiirden, die ihnen Ihre Klugheit 
helfen. Ich bete, daB Sie den einzelnen Mitgliedern ihrer Familie (und meiner 
Familie) helfen wiirden nicht Angelegenheiten betrogen zu werden, aber, Sie 
zu verstehen und Sie in jeder Weise annehmen und folgen zu wiinschen. Geben 
Sie uns Komfort auch und Anleitung in diesen Zeiten und ich bitten Sie, diese 
Sachen im Namen Jesus zu tun, amen, 

Prayer to God 

Dear God, 

Thank you that this Gospel or this New Testament has been released 
so that we are able to learn more about you. 

Please help the people responsible for making this Electronic book 
available. You know who they are and you are able to help them. 

Please help them to be able to work fast, and make more Electronic 
books available 

Please help them to have all the resources, the money, the strength 
and the time that they need in order to be able to keep working 
for You. 

Please help those that are part of the team that help them on an 
everyday basis. Please give them the strength to continue and give 
each of them the spiritual understanding for the work that you want 
them to do. 

Please help each of them to not have fear and to remember 
that you are the God who answers prayer and who is in charge of 

I pray that you would encourage them, and that you protect them, and 
the work & ministry that they are engaged in. 

I pray that you would protect them from the Spiritual Forces or other 
obstacles that could harm them or slow them down. 

Please help me when I use this New Testament to also think of the 
people who have made this edition available, so that I can pray for 
them and so they can continue to help more people. 

I pray that you would give me a love of your Holy Word (the New 
Testament), and that you would give me spiritual wisdom and 
discernment to know you better and to understand the period of time 
that we are living in. 

Please help me to know how to deal with the difficulties that I am 
confronted with every day. Lord God, Help me to want to know you 
Better and to want to help other Christians in my area and around the 

I pray that you would give the Electronic book team and those who 
help them your wisdom. 

I pray that you would help the individual members of their family 
(and my family) to not be spiritually deceived, but to understand you 
and to want to accept and follow you in every way. 

Also give us comfort and guidance in these times and I ask you to do 
these things in the name of Jesus, Amen, 

Clicking on these links will take you to pages where these 
books can be obtained [downloaded] for Free and without 

Nfiw Testament 


Arabic New Testament - Part #1 


Arabic New Testament - Part #2 


Arabic New Testament - Part #3 






Telecharaez oour en arriver au oaaes IGratuit-evidement) 

Clicking on these links will take you to pages where these 
books can be obtained [downloaded] [telecharaerlforFree and withoutcost 


Nfiw Testament 

Nouveau Testament persan [Perse - Iran] - 
Farsca Yeni Ahit- Nuevo Testamento persa 
Persisch Neuen Testament -Testamento Novo persa 

Persian Farsi New Testament - P art # 1 

Persian Iranian New Testament - Part #2 


Persian Farsi New Testament - Part #3 

I z 

Persian Iranian New Testament - Part #4 
Persian Farsi New Testament - Part #5 
Persian Iranian New Testament - Part #6 

Persian Farsi New Testament - Part #7 

Persian Iranian New Testament - Part #8 

Persian Farsi New Testament - Part #9 


New Testament 

EthiODic Amharic New Testament - Pdlt # 1 

Ethiooic Amharic New Testament - Part #2 

Ethiooic Amharic New Testament - Part #3 

Ethiooic Amharic New Testament - Part #4 

Ethiooic Amharic New Testament - Part #5 

Ethiooic Amharic New Testament - Part #6 

Ethiooic Amharic New Testament - Part #7 

Clicking on these links will take you to pages where these 
books can be obtained [downloaded! for Free and without cost 


Neuen Testaments in turkischer 

Classic Turkish in ARABIC Serin 

New Testament - TURKISH in Arabic Scrip 

Turkish New Testament (Arabic Scrip / Scriptj-Tiirk Yeni Ahit - 
Neuen Testaments in turkischer- Nuevo Testamento en turco- 
Nouveau Testament en turc ■ Nieuwe Testament in het Turks 

Classic Turkish New Testament - 

1 Classic 

Turkish New Testament - 

I Classic 

Turkish New Testament - 


Turkish New Testament - 


Turkish New Testament - 


Turkish New Testament - 


Turkish New Testament - 


Turkish New Testament - 

1 Classic 

Turkish New Testament - 

1 Classic 

Turkish New Testament - 


Turkish New Testament - 

Classic Turkish New Testament - 


Part #2 







Part* 9 

Part* 1 


Part* 11 

Part* 12 


HUNGARIAN NT. Matthew - #1 

Hungarian - II Thes saloiiians - #14 


HUNGARIAN -I Timothy -#15 






HUNGARIAN N.T. Romans -#6 

HUNGARIAN -I Corinthians -#7 

HUNGARIAN -II Corinthians- #8 

HUNGARIAN- Galatians - #9 


HUNGARIAN -Ephesians -#10 


HUNGARIAN -Philippians -#11 

HUNGARIAN -Colossians -#12 

HUNGARIAN - 1 Thessalonians - # 13 

HUNGARIAN -II Timothy -#16 


HUNGARIAN -Philemon- #18 

HUNGARIAN -Hebrews -#19 

HUNGARIAN -James - #20 

HUNGARIAN -I Peter -#21 

HUNGARIAN -II Peter -#22 

HUNGARIAN- 1-3 J ohn -#23 


HUNGARIAN -Revelation -#25 

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Classic Tamil New Testament 

Neues Testament des Tamil -Tamil dilinde yeni vasiyetname 

Nieuwe Testament in het Tamil-taal - 

An accurate & lasting translation 

TAMIL (Tamou) INDIA New Testament 


TAMIL (Tamou) INDIA New Testament 

TAMIL (Tamou) INDIA New Testament 

TAMIL (Tamou) INDIA New Testament 

TAMIL (Tamou) INDIA New Testament 

TAMIL (Tamou) INDIA New Testament 

TAMIL (Tamou) INDIA New Testam 

TAMIL (Tamou) INDIA New Testament 

TAMIL (Tamou) INDIA New Testament 

TAMIL NT -Part#13 

TAMIL NT -Part #15 

TAMIL NT -Part #14 

TAMIL NT -Part #16 

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New Testament 



'ew Testament 

URDU New Testament -P art #1 



URDU New Testament - Pa 

URDU New Testament -Part #3 


URDU New Testament 




TELEGU New Testament 


TAMIL New Testament 

KAREN New Testament 

BURMA MYANMAR New Testament 

ASSAMESE New Testament 

Chinese New Testament 

GUI ARAT NewTestamenl 

Sanscrit Sanskrit New Testament 

AncientGreekNew Testa ment 

Indonesia New Testament 

Arabic New Testament 


| I 

izerbanan Azan Azen NewTestamen 

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BURMA MYANMAR 111 Part#14 


FJ Part* 16 

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Clicking on these links will take you to pages where these 
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20 seconds for Fellow Christians - Dear Lord, 

Thank you that this PDF Ebook 

has been released so that we are able 

to learn more about you and wiser versions. 

Please help it to have wide circulation 

Please help the people responsible for 

making this Ebook available. 

Please help them to be able to have more 

resources available to help others. 

Please help them to have all the resources, 

the funds, the strength and the time that they 

need and ask for in order to be able 

to keep working for You. 

I pray that you would encourage them and 

that you protect them physically and 

spiritually, and the work & ministry that 

they are engaged in. 

I pray that you would protect them from the 
Spiritual or other Forces that could harm them 
or their work and projects, or slow them down. 

Please help them to find Godly friends who 

are able to help. Provide helpful transportation 

for their consistent use. 

Remind me to pray for them often as this 

will help and encourage them. 

Please give them your wisdom and 
understanding so they can better follow you, 
and I ask you to do 
these things in the name of Jesus, Amen,